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Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan
Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 27231011     EISSN : 27231011     DOI : 10.19184/JIK
Core Subject : Humanities, Social,
JURNAL ILMU KENOTARIATAN merupakan Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Jember yang bertemakan Ilmu Hukum berkaitan dengan Kenotariatan, dengan manfaat dan tujuan bagi perkembangan Ilmu Hukum, khususnya Hukum Kenotariatan. Tujuan dari publikasi Jurnal ini adalah untuk memberikan ruang kepada penulis untuk mempublikasikan pemikiran hasil penelitian orisinalnya, baik para akademisi yaitu mahasiswa maupun dosen, ataupun para praktisi hukum. Fokus dan Lingkup penulisan dalam Jurnal ini memfokuskan diri mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah hukum yang berkaitan dengan bidang kenotariatan dengan topik-topik sebagai berikut: Hukum Kenotariatan. Hukum Pertanahan. Cyber Notary. Hukum Perdata. Hukum Bisnis. Hukum Administrasi. Hukum Internasional. Hukum Acara. Hukum Dan Masyarakat. Hukum Informasi Teknologi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia. Hukum Kontemporer.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 50 Documents
Batas Pertanggungjawaban Notaris atas Pembuatan Akta Otentik Ahmad Farich Sultoni
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 2 No 1: May 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4148.419 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v2i1.20961


Notary profession is a profession that provides legal protection and certainty for justice seekers. This profession is inherent in various people's lives in several sectors, such as business, banking, property and others. therefore, the importance of notary competence in the making of deed must be further enhanced given the complexity of the demands of his position in providing solutions to the community regarding the needs arising from alliances, especially in the making of deeds that become very vital. Because, notary public must be responsible for the authentic deed to the parties. So the principle of prudence must be properly applied by a notary public. Many notaries must be responsible for their errors or omissions caused by the making of authentic deed that is problematic, defective or not in accordance with the laws and regulations.
Kedudukan Hukum Kekayaan BUMN Persero dalam Pelaksanaan Sita Umum Akibat Kepailitan Afida Ainur Rokfa; Iswi Hariyani; Dodik Prihatin AN
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 1 No 1: May 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.611 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v1i1.18229


BUMN Persero sebagai badan hukum yang didirikan oleh negara untuk dapat mengelola potensi kekayaan alam dan cabang-cabang usaha strategis yang tidak dikuasai oleh pihak swasta dengan tujuan utama mengejar keuntungan dalam hal modalnya berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan dari APBN masih dianggap sebagai kekayaan negara, sehingga menyebabkan kerancuan mengenai konsep kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan pada BUMN Persero apabila dalam kegiatan usahanya mengalami permasalahan hingga dititik tidak dapat melunasi hutang-hutang yang telah jatuh waktu dan dapat ditagih yang menimbulkan pelaksanaan sita umum sebagai akibat terjadinya kepailitan dan menimbulkan konflik norma pada Pasal 2 huruf g UU Nomor 17 Tahun 2003 tentang Keuangan Negara dan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2004 tentang Perbendaharaan Negara dengan Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU.
Keabsahan Akta Yang Dibuat Oleh Calon Notaris Yang Sedang Magang Di Kantor Notaris Milinia Mutiara Yusshinta Dewi; Bayu Indra Permana
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 3 No 2: November 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (141.775 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v3i2.36437


Notary is a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds, who is appointed and dismissed by the government, namely by the Minister of Law and Human Rights and the Notary at the time of appointment by the Minister was not holding another position. Notaries in carrying out their state duties make a deed, namely in the form of a minuta deed (original deed). UUJN not only regulates the duties of a Notary, but also regulates authority, obligations and other matters within the scope of notary law. The law does not only regulate notaries but also regulates prospective notaries who are currently apprenticing at a notary's office. This research uses legal research methodology, normative juridical which uses statutory approaches, conceptual approaches, and historical approaches. The result of this study is from the provisions in Article 15 paragraph (1) of the UUJN it is explained that a Notary has the authority to make authentic deeds, in this case causing problems with the provisions of Article 16A paragraph (2) of the UUJN that a notary candidate who is currently an apprentice at a notary's office and has the obligation to keep confidential matters matters in the process of making the deed he made. The discrepancy between these articles causes problems in the form of unclear norms regarding the meaning of the deed drawn up by a notary candidate who is currently an apprentice at the notary apprentice's office in Article 16A paragraph (2) of the Law on the position of notary public. KEYWORDS: Authentic Deed, Prospective Notary, Apprenticeship, Notary.
Notaris Dalam Pembuatan Akta Kontrak Yang Berlandaskan Prinsip Kehati-hatian Khafid Setiawan; Bhim Prakoso; Moh. Ali
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 2 No 2: November 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.337 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v2i2.20919


The development of the business world is always increasing to support development. The position of a notary as a functionary in society is considered an official place where advice can be obtained. Everything that is written and determined is correct and official producer officials are legally binding documents, especially documents related to contracts that occur in the community. The number of transactions carried out by business actors requires legal certainty in contracts or agreements made by the parties business-related. Thus, contracts play an important role in doing business in Indonesia. This condition is the background of this research in order to determine the position of the notary in making contract deeds.
Peran Notaris Dalam Restrukturisasi Perusahaan Non Badan Hukum Dhifa Nadhira Syadzwina; Esti Setyowati
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 1 No 2: November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.051 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v1i2.23330


Companies are divided into companies with legal status, namely PT and Cooperative, as well as non – legal companies such as UD, CV, Firm, and Maatschap. Managing a company is not easy so that if there is a decline in business prospects, PT can be restructured by the MKAPP in the Company Law, while the restructuring regulations for Non – Legal Entities are given alternatives through the Partnership in the MSME Law and changes in establishment stipulated by the GMS in the Job Creation Law. This causes the legal vacuum related to whether they can implement the Restructuring of Non – Legal Entities or not, and the Role of Notaries in the obligation to make deeds according to the wishes of the parties. The regulations on the MSME Law and the Job Creation Law have not been able to provide legal certainty regarding the restructuring of Non – Legal Entity Companies even though options have been given in the MSME Law and the Job Creation Law. Therefore, special legislation or implementing regulations are required in Government Regulations related to Restructuring of Non – Legal Entity Companies, and Notaries must always be careful of their authority as public officials.
Proporsionalitas Hak Kepemilikan Barang dan Peralatan Dalam Kontrak Kerja Sama Minyak dan Gas Bumi Bhim Prakoso; Misbahul Ilham
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 1 No 1: May 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.645 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v1i1.18228


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang kedudukan hak yang tidak seimbang atas pengaturan kepemilikan barang dan peralatan dalam kontrak kerjasama migas. Mengingat bahwa pengusahaan hasil bumi berupa migas merupakan cabang produksi vital bagi negara karena memiliki ketergantungan bagi hajat hidup orang banyak. Tujuan dibentuknya Undang-Undang Migas salah satunya untuk merespon adanya perkembangan pengelolaan migas berupa kerjasama yang dilakukan oleh negara dengan penanam modal (kontraktor). Hubungan negara dan penanam modal diperkuat secara hukum dengan kontrak kerjasama bagi hasil produksi yang juga mengatur kedudukan hak kepemilikan barang dan peralatan dalam operasi migas, kedudukan penanam modal dalam kontrak tersebut cenderung tidak berimbang karena negara secara absolut mengatur bahwa kedudukan atas barang tersebut menjadi barang milik negara tanpa adanya ganti rugi atau kompensasi. Disamping itu, kedudukan kontrak kerjasama juga merugikan penanam modal dengan intervensi berbagai peraturan yang dapat merubah ketentuan dalam kontrak yang telah disepakati. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk diketahui secara mendalam dengan mendasarkan pada landasan asas hukum kontrak untuk melihat daya kerja asas-asas dalam Undang-Undang Migas telah sesuai dengan asas keseimbangan dan proporsionalitas.
Ratio Legis Pendirian Perseroan Perorangan Ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja Murni Safitri; Iswi Hariyani
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 3 No 1: May 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.37 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v3i1.34915


Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation was prepared using the omnibus law concept. The Job Creation Law provides ease of doing business for MSE actors by presenting a new legal entity concept, namely an individual legal entity, in changing the regulatory provisions regarding Limited Liability Companies, namely Individual Companies. But of course, this is not following the limited principle that should be done by two people. This study aims to examine the legal ratio for the establishment of an individual company with the criteria for micro and small businesses and to examine the responsibilities of the founder of an individual company based on the job creation law. This research is a normative juridical law research using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. This study found several articles, namely Article 153C and Article 15G in the Job Creation Act which is not in line with Article 7 paragraph (2) letter g of PP Number 8 of 2021. The responsibility of the founder of an individual company with the MSE criteria is limited to the paid-up capital as regulated in Article 153J of the Job Creation Act. Contrary to the principle of separate legal entity and limited liability. The government immediately makes adjustments to the norms of the individual company regulations. Improvements are also made to the Government Regulation (PP) regarding Individual Companies with the Law above it, or it is necessary to make a new provision in the laws and regulations that specifically regulate the organs of Individual Companies. The executive and legislature should be able to make clearer regulations and there is a need for additional regulations regarding matters that have not been specifically regulated in the Job Creation Act. KEYWORDS: Ratio Legis, Establishment of Individual Companies, Job Creation Law
Prinsip Pembacaan Akta Oleh Notaris Dihadapan Penghadap dan Saksi Maya Puspita Dewi; Herowati Poesoko; Aries Harianto
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 2 No 1: May 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4534.652 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v2i1.19349


Pembacaan akta oleh notaris merupakan hal yang penting karena banyak kepentingan yang terkait didalamnya. Pembacaan akta dimaksudkan untuk memastikan bahwa akta otentik yang dibuat oleh Notaris sesuai dengan keinginan atau kehendak para penghadap yang membuat akta. Adanya pengecualian dalam pengaturan mengenai pembacaan akta dalam UUJN , dapat dijadikan tameng untuk tidak melakukan pembacaan akta seperti yang diamanatkan dalam Pasal 16 ayat 1 huruf m UUJN. Hal ini tentu saja akan berdampak pada besarnya kemungkinan terjadi konflik hukum diwaktu yang akan datang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) pendekatan yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan sejarah. Hasil dari penelitian adalah bahwa Ratio Legis dari pengaturan mengenai Kewajiban Pembacaan Akta yang mewajibkan Notaris untuk membacakan akta didasari pada landasan filosofis dari pembentukan Undang-Undang tersebut, yang secara eksplisit dinyatakan dalam Pasal 3 UUD NRI 1945, bahwa Negara menjamin kepastian dan perlindungan hukum yang berintikan kebenaran dan keadilan terwujud didalam masyarakat. Akan tetapi beragam kepentingan yang melatarbelakangi pembentukan undang-undang mengenai pengaturan kewajiban pembacaan Akta tersebut, menjadikan peraturan ini tidak konsististen yang berakibat tidak adanya kepastian hukum didalamnya.
Penandatanganan Akta Notariil Diluar Kantor Notaris Yang Masuk Dalam Lingkup Wilayah Jabatannya Andika Putra Eskanugraha
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 1 No 2: November 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.219 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v1i2.23721


The notary has a domicile, namely the regency / city where the office is located covering area within a province from his domicile. This authority is limited by the prohibition of a notary to conduct their duties outside of the covering area. The signing of a notarial deed outside of the office is not prohibited by the Notary Law as long as it is within the scope of the domicile and the territory of the office (covering areas). The notarial code of ethics requires notaries to perform the notarial position in their offices, except for certain reasons. These reasons are not further elaborated in the code of ethics and there is no normalization of articles in the Notary Law which regulates this specific matter. Therefore, because of this, it is necessary to normalize articles in the laws and regulations to regulate the procedures for signing notarial deeds in order to maintain the values and dignity of the notary profession. This is due to notaries are officials who support the business climate by providing fast services in term of the deed preparation, providing legal certainty and signing notarial deeds that can be performed outside of their offices but still maintaining the values of the notary as an official not a deed trader.
Kepastian Hukum Pensertipikatan Tanah Secara Massal Melalui Proyek Operasi Nasional Agraria Dinda Suryo Febyanti
Jurnal Ilmu Kenotariatan Vol 3 No 2: November 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Law, University of Jember, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.641 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jik.v3i2.36440


Regarding the issue of land registration, the government is carrying out the operationalization of national agrarian (prona) land certification on a mass scale and is strategic land. The land registration program through Prona is a land registration program intended for low-income households. In this case, prona process the certificate and cultivation in a very short time, but must not forget the high level of care and accuracy in submitting it. Because if there is a mistake or negligence it will cause the goal to be achieved, namely certainty regarding this matter, to be canceled. This writing uses a normative juridical type, with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of the discussion regarding understanding of this matter, which failed, especially regarding aspects of registration administration and that. The aims and functions of this project are Prona 1) carrying out mass prona, land word programs throughout Indonesia, 2) holistically resolving strategic land disputes. Conclusion Legal certainty regarding mass land certification through the national agrarian operations project, the author can conclude that to ensure legal certainty the Government is holding land registration throughout the territory of Indonesia according to the provisions regulated by Government Regulations. . As well as regulating the fees related to registration as referred to in paragraph (1) above, with the provision that people who cannot afford it are exempted from paying these fees. So that it has fulfilled the legal certainty that applies in positive law in Indonesia. KEYWORDS: Legal Certainty, Land Certificates, PRONA