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Journal of Creative Student Research
ISSN : 29635942     EISSN : 29634776     DOI : 10.55606
Ilmu Sosial,Ilmu Ekonomi,Akuntansi,Manajemen,Kebudayaan,Pendidikan,Sejarah,Pariwisata,Gender,Humaniora,Seni Budaya Linguistik,Sastra,Filsafat,Studi Agama,Studi Media dan Komunikasi,Berbagai bidang penelitian yang relevan
Articles 36 Documents
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Edukasi Harga Konstan Rokok Djarum 76: Kajian Idealitas Psikologi Tasawuf Seorang Muslim Robingun Suyud El Syam; A. Adibudin Al-Halim
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1584


PT Djarum is a large cigarette company with a worldwide market share. It is interesting to study why one of Djarum 76's products can have a constant price under any circumstances. Through qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, the research shows: that the Djarum company is the producer of Djarum 76, it can achieve success because it is always consistent in its business so that it can lead its owner to become the richest person in Indonesia. Humans must cultivate the quality of their faith and piety consistently, then their life will be constant. God's help will come in a reciprocal relationship with the needs of a servant. Research implications, narrative experiences bring thought and faith to be consistent in life in various circumstances. Research is expected to contribute to the science of the psychology of Sufism
Esensi Kesalehan Sosial dalam Tradisi Halalbihalal di Indonesia Salis Irvan Fuadi; Robingun Suyud El Syam
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1585


This article attempts to reveal the essence of social piety in the halalbihalal tradition in Indonesia, by focusing on tracing what is done in that tradition so that it can be mapped where the form of social piety is. The article is a finding from qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. The results of the study show: that the halalbihalal tradition is an implementation of social piety, which functions as a complement to individual piety that has been forged before for one full month in the month of Ramadan. This refers to the hadith of the Prophet that sins against Allah can be forgiven directly by him, but sins related to other people must be lived by establishing direct communication with those concerned. Social piety in halal bihalal manifests in the act of apologizing, asking for halal, praying, and giving alms. The research implication, narrative understanding brings a bond of individual piety, and social piety is synergized in the personality of a Muslim so that he becomes a kaaffah Muslim. This research is expected to contribute to the conceptual of Islamic education.
Penanaman Mangrove Guna Mengurangi Resiko Banjir Di Sine Kecamatan Kalidawir Tulungagung Anandra Al Ahmad Rizqi; Arina Widia Ningtias; Rizqa Nadhifah; Dian Eliza Aquarista; Hany Nurpratiwi
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1678


The characteristics of coastal plants in the form of river estuaries, estuaries, and deltas in protected areas in the sub-tropics and tropics are the notions of mangrove plants. It can be concluded that mangrove plants are ecosystems that exist between sea and land with conditions in the form of productive and extensive forests. Mangrove plants are also often called coastal forests, mangrove forests, brackish forests, tidal forests because mangrove plants live near the coast and have an important role in their ecological value to support coastal development activities and marine conservation. This research aims to find out the benefits and functions of mangroves, the types of mangroves, the meaning of mangroves, their role in overcoming some of the existing problems, as well as the differences before and after the planting of mangroves on the coast of Sine Tulungagung. This research method uses qualitative data which is a method for collecting and conducting observations, interviews, documentation, and analysis of various documents such as written documents, namely various journal reference sources and others in a descriptive way.
Analisis Jumlah UMKM Dan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Kota Langsa Yusrizal Yusrizal; Nurjannah Nurjannah; Salman Salman
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1681


This study intends to discuss the effect of the number of micro, small and medium enterprises and the level of labor absorption on economic growth in Langsa city. as objectives among others to determine the effect of the number of MSMEs on economic growth in Langsa City, and to determine the effect of the level of employment on economic growth in Langsa City. This thesis uses quantitative data with the Multiple Linear Regression data collection method. Based on the research conducted, the following results and conclusions were obtained: the number of micro, small and medium enterprises and the amount of employment did not simultaneously affect economic growth in Langsa City.
Analisis Pada Force Majeure Dalam Akad Murabahah Dan Dampak Implementasi Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah An Nisaa' Anggun Febriana; Dhika Afnan Rolina; Indah Ayu Sukmawati; Agus Eko Sujianto
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1684


This study aims to determine and analyze the position of force majeure in murabahah contracts and how the implementation of force majeure in murabahah contracts in Sharia Financial Institutions. This study uses normative legal research supported by empirical data. Data collection techniques used by the author is the study of literature documents that are examined from books, literature, journals, and legislation. The conclusion of this research is first, the position of force majeure in the murabahah contract is a necessity to anticipate unwanted and dangerous circumstances, which are beyond the authority of the parties in the murabahah contract. In addition, Islamic law also regulates positions related to force majeure that is known as dharurah, which means damaging or giving harm. Second, the implementation of force majeure in the murabahah contract at the Sharia Financial Institution has already been applied in the contract or agreement by the parties. Force majeure clause becomes a reason not to charge the parties for losses arising from force majeure events that occur. Something that is allowed due to dharurah conditions, must be completed according to the required size restrictions.
Optimalisasi Penerapan Online Check In Pada Maskapai Citilink Di Bandar Udara Internasional Husein Sastranegara Bandung Luxyantri Oktamiraz; Gallis Nawang Ginusti
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1689


Online check in is an online service check in for passengers by their personal smartphone that can be done anywhere within a maximum of 30 minutes before flight. In its implementation, passengers of Citilink Airlines at Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport still have several problems when using this service that leads to the implementation of online check in is not optimal. The purposes of this study are to examine: 1) The constraints experienced by passengers when traveling online check in, 2) Efforts to optimize implementation of online check in. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out through observation techniques, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. To prove the validity of the research data, source and method triangulation tests were carried out. The results showed that the common problems experienced by Citilink Airlines passengers at Bandung Husein Sastranegara International Airport when using online check in are unstable signal, error on website, fault input of booking code and the passenger's last name, as well as the passenger's lack of understanding and enthusiasm for the online check in itself. Based on these problems, the optimization efforts undertaken include the provision of wifi at airports, diversion from online check in to check in counter, as well as more active education from officers to passengers about online check in.
Strategi Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Industri Kecil Bonggolan Kecamatan Sidayu Kabupaten Gresik Muhammad Akbar Perdana; Alviolita Tri Amanda; Muhammad Yasin
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1692


Bonggolan Small Industry is one of the leading products of Sidayu District, Gresik Regency which still requires further product development. The purpose of this study is to determine the Leading Product Development Strategy of Small Industry Bonggolan Sidayu District, Gresik Regency to increase its competitiveness so that it is known by the wider community. This study used descriptive analysis method through the results of Observation and Interview. The data analysis used is a SWOT analysis carried out to analyze internal and external factors of entrepreneurs in industrial estates. The results of this study show that there are 4 strength factors, 4 weakness factors, 5 opportunity factors and 4 threat factors so that 8 strategies can be formulated in developing superior products of the Bonggolan Small Industry, Sidayu District, Gresik Regency so that it can compete with other products and be known by the wider community.
Implementasi Sirkulasi Penyimpanan pada Gudang Obat Distribusi Farmasi PT. Bharadah Sakti Erissa Asrindita; Moeljono Moeljono
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1693


Storage is an activity of storing and maintaining by placing drugs received in a place that is considered safe from theft and physical disturbances that can damage the quality of drugs. Pharmaceutical Wholesalers are companies in the form of legal entities that have permits for the procurement, storage, distribution of drugs or materials in large quantities in accordance with statutory provisions (Permenkes, 2011). Using primary data sources and secondary data. This study aims to determine the implementation of storage circulation in drug warehouses in pharmaceutical distribution companies at PT. Bharadah Sakti Semarang. The data collection method was carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation at the PT. Bharadah Sakti Semarang. The observation results obtained indicate that the management of drug supplies in warehouses uses the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method.
Analisis Potret Pertanian di Kota Tuban Meliputi Tanaman Palawija, Perkebunan, Peternakan, Kehutanan, Perikanan Ery Chusnul Aldi; Safira Aprilia Lukita; Muhammad Yasin
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1699


Agriculture plays an important role in food sustainability and security in Indonesia, including in the City of Tuban. The city has wide potential for the development of the agricultural sector, including crops, plantations, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheries. However, the limited information regarding the current situation of these sectors raises the need for in-depth analysis. This study aims to analyze the portrait of agriculture in the city of Malang with a focus on crops, plantations, animal husbandry, forestry, and fisheries. This analysis will provide insight into the current status, development potential, challenges and opportunities within these sectors. This research uses a qualitative approach by conducting field surveys, interviews with farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and other relevant stakeholders. The collected qualitative data were analyzed thematically to describe an overall picture of each agricultural sector. The results of the analysis show that the secondary crops sector has experienced positive growth, but still faces challenges in terms of access to markets and technology. Plantations have great potential in the development of superior commodities, but need to improve infrastructure and environmental sustainability. Livestock is experiencing rapid development, but faces problems in waste management and animal health. Forestry is faced with land expansion and forest restoration, while fisheries require steps to maintain the sustainability of fish resources. These findings provide important input for the local government and related stakeholders to develop a strategy for sustainable agricultural development in the City of Tuban. Efforts are needed to improve market access, strengthen infrastructure, improve waste management, improve animal health, and maintain the sustainability of fish resources. This analysis can also be the basis for further research and more effective policy planning in the agricultural sector in Tuban City.
Analisis Menyusun Anggaran Untuk Menentukan Penerimaan Dan Pengeluaran Kota Malang Inggrid Debby Ekza Veronica; Reza Akbar Mauliza; Muhammad Yasin
Journal of Creative Student Research Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Juni : Journal of Creative Student Research
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jcsrpolitama.v1i3.1700


APBD is one of the tools to improve public services and welfare in the community according to the broad and real goals of regional autonomy. This study aims to find out whether the preparation of the APBD in Malang City is in accordance with Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 concerning Regional Financial Management, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 90 of 2019 and Malang Mayor Regulation Number 24 of 2020 concerning the 2021 Kola Malang Regional Government Work Plan. The research method used is descriptive method, each data collected is analyzed and a conclusion is drawn. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The research results obtained are that the process of preparing the Malang City APBD in accordance with Government Regulation Number 12 of 2019 Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 90 of 2019 has been carried out properly.

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