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Theologia Insani: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif
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Fokus dan skup jurnal ini adalah pada kajian integratif atau penelitian theologia, pendidikan, dan misiologia yang terintegrasi dengan fakta kehidupan dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat yang bermartabat, adil, dan toleran serta menghargai keragaman dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia maupun masyarakat global, tanpa menghilangkan identitas Kristiani.
Articles 38 Documents
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i1.68


The reasons why Christians find it difficult to mature spiritually include: 1) slowness to listen, 2) feeling that they already know, 3) hardening their hearts against God's words, 4) believing because they only want to get blessings, and 5) their first love for God has faded. The purpose of this research is to study and understand the efforts made by Christians in improving their spiritual life and the benefits are to provide better insight and understanding of effective practices in improving the spiritual life of Christians. Furthermore, the research method used by this author is a descriptive qualitative research method through library research related to "How Believers Improve Spirituality". In addition, the focus of discussion in this study is to provide understanding to believers in improving spirituality through prayer, reading the Bible, worship, and participating in church services. This research can also provide valuable input for churches and spiritual leaders in providing more effective mentoring and teaching for the spiritual growth of the congregation.
PERAN ORANG TUA DAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KRISTEN DALAM MENANGGULANGI FOBIA SEKOLAH Wirda Febrianti Tatubeket; Martina Novalina; Anwar Three Millenium Waruwu; Ampinia Rahap Wanyi Rohy
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i1.69


Artikel ini mengulas masalah fobia sekolah yang merupakan kecemasan yang berlebihan dan tidak rasional terhadap lingkungan sekolah. Fobia sekolah dapat mengakibatkan dampak psikologis dan fisik yang signifikan pada anak. Penyebabnya meliputi pengalaman negatif di lingkungan sekolah, seperti kasus bullying, kesulitan belajar, konflik keluarga, serta kurangnya dukungan dari orang tua atau guru. Artikel ini bertujuan memberikan panduan bagi orang tua dan guru dengan strategi konkret untuk mengatasi fobia sekolah pada anak-anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan studi pustaka, melalui identifikasi sumber literatur yang relevan tentang dampak fobia sekolah, penyebabnya, peran guru pendidikan agama Kristen, dan strategi yang berguna bagi orang tua dalam menangani fobia sekolah. Hasil penelitian menyoroti pentingnya peran orang tua dan guru dalam membantu anak mengatasi fobia sekolah, serta memberikan strategi sensitif dan konsisten dalam menangani masalah ini. Diharapkan artikel ini dapat memberikan wawasan dan panduan yang bermanfaat bagi mereka yang berkepentingan dalam mengatasi fobia sekolah pada anak-anak. Kata Kunci: Sekolah; Fobia Sekolah; Peran Orang Tua; Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this article is to provide an explanation of the implementation of church services in the digital era with the religious concepts and values of the early congregation. The author uses descriptive qualitative methods through hermeneutic studies and collects various data from library books, Bible data, and various journal references to support the discussion. In conclusion, church services can be carried out in a hybrid manner which includes the concepts of baptism, teaching, communion, banquets, prayer, miracle services and missions. All of services must be consistently carried out by upholding the values of perseverance, sincere sharing, social sensitivity and unity. Digital church services that can be carried out include: livestreaming worship, quiet time reels, online visits, online Bible study, evangelism via social media status, carrying out podcast activities, prayer meetings via various digital platforms.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Aktif dalam Konteks Pendidikan Agama Kristen: Suatu Kajian Terhadap Efektivitasnya dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman dan Spiritualitas Siswa Apriana Haelitik; Alviana Maria Tanggu Dendo
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i2.73


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementing the active learning model in increasing students' understanding of PAK material and its impact on aspects of students' spirituality. The research method used is qualitative with a library study approach, collecting data from books, journals and the Bible. Implementing an active learning model offers advantages, such as involving students in discussions and physical activities, creating a dynamic learning atmosphere. The focus on active engagement also enhances understanding of theological concepts, creating immersive hands-on experiences. The research results provide insight into the potential of active learning models in the context of PAK, contributing to the development of effective learning strategies. PAK teachers play a crucial role in guiding students not only in academic aspects, but also in character and spiritual development. It is hoped that the findings of this research can become the basis for planning learning that has a positive impact on the development of student character and spirituality in Christian religious educational institutions.
Prinsip-prinsip Rohani Keyakinan Kepada Kristus:: BERDASARKAN ROMA 14: 3-5 Iwan Setiawan; Yohanes Sianipar; Stephen Laoli; Ester Nanda Putri Murcasari; Anik Ernawati
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i2.74


This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of belief in Christ based on Romans 14: 3-5 so that today's believers have an understanding of their belief in Christ. The research method used is a literature review, attempting to explain it in a hermeneutic way by interpreting the biblical text contained in Romans 14: 3-5 using reference books, and scientific articles relating to the topic of belief in Christ. The research results obtained are: First, belief in Christ makes believers live without judging each other. Second, believing that humans are accepted by God. Third, believe that there is God's presence or protection. Fourth, believers must have faith in their hearts. Belief in Christ is the only guarantee of eternal life that believers in Christ can have, belief is true belief, without the slightest doubt in it.
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i2.76


This research aims to examine how God's sovereignty described in the book of Micah relates to church and government leaders who are God's tools or representatives to eradicate the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua whose actions are explicitly opposed by God. This research is based on library research. In addition, a content analysis will be conducted which includes an in-depth discussion of information written or printed in various media. The researcher summarizes the pattern of God's Theocracy in the form of a diagram to make it easier for readers to understand the pattern of God's Theocracy through the prophet Micah and also the pattern of God's Theocracy through church and government leaders. In the book of Micah, the Theocracy of God is seen from the role of the Prophet Micah in his time who was angry at the problems that occurred in the Israeli and Judah nation.
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i2.81


The saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross is a central pillar in Christianity, affirming that human salvation can only be obtained through faith in Him. So the purpose of writing this article is to criticise the progressive Christian understanding of salvation, this research uses a qualitative approach with content analysis, which is concerned with the progressive Christian understanding, the doctrine of salvation. When paying attention to the correct doctrine of salvation, it can be concluded that the progressive Christian understanding of salvation is inclusive, so researchers can say that this movement is not in accordance with biblical truth and even contradicts the truth of God's word. The conclusion of this article is that salvation in Christ is exclusive, this cannot be changed by humans, because exclusive salvation is a great gift for every believer..
Reformasi dan Theologi Reformed: Reformasi dan Theology Reformed Arthur Aritonang
THEOLOGIA INSANI: Jurnal Theologia, Pendidikan, dan Misiologia Integratif Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : STAK Reformed Remnant Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58700/theologiainsani.v3i2.82


The book by Rev. Stephen Tong discusses Reformation History and Reformed theology. The questions presented in this book are as follows: Why did Martin Luther need to reform? What is the uniqueness of Reformed theology? What is Augustine's contribution to the thought of Luther and Calvin? Fourth, how is the relevance of Reformed theology for the Church and Society? The results of this study are first, the Roman Catholic churches at that time had deviated or were no longer by the Bible such as increasing corruption in the church and the sale of letters of absolution. According to Martin Luther, these changes can only be corrected if the doctrine is returned to the Bible. Secondly, the concept of predestination is that only God's chosen will be saved; the next is church discipline. The Reformed Church is disciplined when congregation members commit acts against the gospel. Third, Augustinus' influence on Luther's thinking is that we are justified by faith, while for Calvin it is the sovereignty of God and His Grace. Fourth, for the Church, the concept of the Trinity, Christ is the only mediator, the Holy Spirit is Himself God and the Bible is the revealed Word of God. 

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