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Al-Mu'arrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28093186     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Al-Mu’arrib: Journal of Arabic Education is a multilingual (bahasa, arabic, english), peer-reviewed and specialized in arabic education and arabic studies. It’s published twice in a year since 2020 by Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education, Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Islamic State Institute Bangka Belitung. This jounal’s aim is to publish articles to all aspect of Arabic education and literature. The journal encompasses original research articles and review articles, including arabic teaching as a foreign language, arabic linguistic and literature, arabic history, history of arabic education, arabic islamic culture, strategy of arabic language teaching and learning, media of arabic language teaching and learning and technology of arabic teaching and learning, arabic second language acquisition, evaluation of arabic teaching.
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الطباق وأنواعه في سورة النجم Fitri Setyo Rini; Hajjah Siti Nur Khadijah binti Haji Abu Salamah; Mu'fiah Fuaidah
AL-MU'ARRIB: JOURNAL OF ARABIC EDUCATION Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Al-Mu'arrib:Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : PBA IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/al-muarrib.v3i1.2760


Al qur’an adalah kalam Allah yang mengandung mukjizat (sesuatu yang luar biasa yang melemahkan lawan), diturunkan kepada penutup nabi dan rosul (yaitu nabi Muhammad SAW), melalui malaikat jibril, tertulis pada mushaf, diriwayatkan kepada kita secara mutawatir, membacanya dinilai ibadah, dimulai dari surat al- Fatihah dan diakhiri surat An-Nas. Al-Qur’an adalah sebagai mukjizat yang harus disampaikan kepada umatnya, dan memiliki banyak keistimewaan disetiap surat-suratnya, baik itu dari sisi lafadznya, keindahan maknanya, kandungan isinya, serta pemilihan kata disetiap kalimatnya. Termasuk pada surat An-Najm yang merupakan bagian dari keindahan isi Al-Qur’an Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti akan mengkaji tentang ilmu badi’ yang terdapat dalam studi ilmu balaghoh. Penelitian ini membahas tentang ilmu badi’ khususnya mengenai at-Thibaq dan macam-macamnya. Thibaq terbagi menjadi 2 yakni: Thibaq Ijabi dan Thibaq Salbi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, untuk mengumpulkan datanya menggunakan metode library research (kajian perpustakaan) Adapun hasil dari penelitian, bahwa dalam surat An-Najm yang mengandung At-Thibaq Ijabi ada 7 ayat. Adapun Bentuk thibaq yang terdapat dalam surat An-Najm ada 2 macam yaitu dalam bentuk fi’il terdapat 2 kata, dam bentuk isim terdapat 12 kata
AL-MU'ARRIB: JOURNAL OF ARABIC EDUCATION Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Al-Mu'arrib:Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : PBA IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/al-muarrib.v3i1.2919


Al-Ashwat (الأصوات) comes from arabic, which is the plural form of the word shaout (صوت) which means sound or sound. Al-Ashwat became a term for the study of Arabic language science, which is an Arabic discipline that recites sound or sound systems. This science examines the sounds and various sounds that are produced by human speech tools. In the teaching of al-ashwat there are at least two learning methods that pay attention to the teaching of language sounds the two methods are the Phonetic Method and the Mim-mem Method. The al-ashwat method that can improve listening skills (maharatul istima') is the Phonetic Method. The application of the al-ashwat method, namely the Phonetic Method, to learn listening skills (maharatul istima') Istima' 1 Course, Department of Arabic Language Education, Mataram State Islamic University. This research uses qualitative methods, data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses data reduction and data verification techniques. The results of this study provide information that istima'1 learning using the phonetic method in the Arabic Language Education Department of Mataram State Islamic University has been well arranged. However, in its application there are still obstacles, both internal and external constraints. The application of this method in order to obtain maximum results as expected, namely students are able to understand the sounds or sounds they hear, are able to recite what they hear, and can pour the results they hear into a piece of writing. So that this method is appropriate to be used in learning Istima' Skills in the Department of Arabic Language Education, Mataram State Islamic University.
عملية تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة العالية الإسلامية الأهليّة بادنج غنتينج Ardila Iswanda; Devy Aisyah
AL-MU'ARRIB: JOURNAL OF ARABIC EDUCATION Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Al-Mu'arrib:Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : PBA IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/al-muarrib.v3i1.3189


مستخلص البحث: الغرض من هذا البحث لوصفية عن مادة تعليم، وطريقة تعليم، ووسيلة تعليم، وتقويم تعليم، ومشكلة تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة العالية الإسلامية الأهليّة بادنج غنتينج. هذا البحث يستعمل المدخل الكيفي بمنهج دراسة حالة. وأما طريقة جمع البيانات هي الملاحظة والمقابلة والوثائق. و أما تصحيح البيانات بتثليث طريقة. نتائج هذا البحث فيما يأتي: مادة تعليم اللغة العربية مأخوذة من كتاب اللغة العربية على قرار وزارة الشؤون الدينية رقم 183 لعام 2019 والتي تتكون من مهارة الاستماع، والكلام، والقراءة، والكتابة وقواعد. طريقة تعليم هي طريقة القواعد والترجمة، وطريقة القراءة، وطريقة المباشرة، وطريقة الإملاء. وأما وسيلة تعليم سبورات، وأقلام الحبر، وكتب اللغة العربية، وممسحة، وصورات، والأشياء المحيط. تقويم تعليم اختبار الإملاء، واختبار قراءة النص وترجمته، والحوار أو التحدث مباشرة إلى المدرس باللغة العربية، واختبار القواعد هو تحديد موضع كلمة من الجملة أو إعطاء حركات في الجملة. مشكلات تعليم اللغة العربية يعني بعضهم عدم إتقان المفردات للطلاب، بعضهم لا يقرأ الطلاب النص العربي بشكل صحيح لأنهم لا يجيدون قراءة القرآن، وأحيانا مادة تعليم اللغة العربية صعوبة على الطلاب، ونقص الكتب العربية ووسائل التعليم الأخرى لمساعدة عملية تعليم اللغة العربية. Abstract The purpose of this study was to describe learning materials, learning methods, learning media, learning evaluations, and obstacles to learning Arabic at MAS Plus Padang Ganting. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection methods are observation, interviews and documentation. The technique of guaranteeing the validity of the data is by using source triangulation, method triangulation, and discussion . The Arabic language teaching material is taken from the Arabic language book on the decision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs No. 183 of 2019, which consists of the skill of listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar. The learning methods used are grammar and translation methods, reading methods, directness methods, and dictation methods. The learning media are blackboards, ink pens, Arabic books, erasers, pictures, and objects around them. The evaluation of Arabic learning is a dictation test, a text reading and translation test, dialogue or speaking directly with a teacher in Arabic, and a grammar test by determining the position of words in sentences or giving lines in sentences. Obstacles in teaching Arabic, namely some students lack vocabulary mastery, some students do not read Arabic texts properly because they are not good at reading the Qur'an, and sometimes Arabic material is difficult for students to understand, and the lack of Arabic books and other learning media to assist the process of teaching Arabic.
رؤيا مستقبلية لوعي الإنسان التاريخي الكائن و الممكن قراءة فلسفية لخطاب رواية ساعة الصفر لعبد المجيد سباطة Imad Lazrak; Iskandi IAIN SAS
AL-MU'ARRIB: JOURNAL OF ARABIC EDUCATION Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Al-Mu'arrib:Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : PBA IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/al-muarrib.v3i1.3248


إن الوعي بالقراءة المركبة للتاريخ البشري ضرورة ملحة لبناء وعي الإنسان بالماضي والحاضر والمستقبل ورؤياه للعالم، لذلك نعتمد على -الرؤية المركبة-لإدغار موران قصد تفكيك بنية خطاب روائي فلسفي ينطلق من التساؤل حول الحرب التي جمعت بين مسلمي البوسنة والهرسك، ومسيحيي صربيا، هذه الحرب التي جعلت من الدين غاية في افتعالها فحين ممكن أن يكون مجرد وسيلة، كما أن العلاقة الرابطة بين الأزمنة الثلاثة مصيرية في بناء التاريخ وتشكيل وعي الإنسان بذاته، فلا يمكن الحديث عن حاضر ومستقبل قويين ورؤيا واعية للعالم، دون الرؤيا المركبة للتاريخ البشري.
Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Karya Rachmad Faisal Suci Khaliza
AL-MU'ARRIB: JOURNAL OF ARABIC EDUCATION Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Al-Mu'arrib:Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Publisher : PBA IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32923/al-muarrib.v3i1.3258


Buku ajar berperan penting dalam menunjang keberhasilan proses pendidikan, untuk itu perlu memperhatikan kualitas buku ajar tersebut sebelum di berikan kepada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui kualitas kelayakan buku ajar bahasa Arab terbitan Tiga Serangkai sesuai kriteria BSNP dilihat dari kelayakan isi, kelayakan penyajian, kelayakan bahasa, dan kelayakan grafik. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan jenis penelitian studi kepustakaan. Hasil penilaian per aspek yaitu kelayakan isi mendapatkan nilai 93,3 % kategori sangat layak, kelayakan penyajian mendapatkan nilai 67,3 % kategori layak, kelayakan bahasa mendapatkan nilai 91,4 % kategori sangat layak, kelayakan grafik mendapatkan nilai 97,7 % kategori sangat layak. Adapun hasil total keseluruhan penilaian kalayakan buku ajar bahasa Arab kelas VIII karya Rachmat Faisal mendapatkan nilai 85,26 dengan kategori sangat layak. Textbooks play an important role in supporting the success of the educational process, for that it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the textbooks before they are given to students. This study intends to determine the quality of the feasibility of Arabic textbooks published by the Triad according to the BSNP criteria in terms of content feasibility, presentation feasibility, language feasibility, and graphic feasibility. The method carried out in this study uses qualitative research, using a type of literature study research. The results of the assessment per aspect are the feasibility of the content getting a score of 93.3% of the category is very feasible, the feasibility of presentation gets a score of 67.3% of the category is feasible, the feasibility of the language gets a score of 91.4% of the category is very decent, the feasibility of the chart gets a score of 97.7% of the category is very feasible. The total result of the overall assessment of the class VIII Arabic textbook by Rachmat Faisal received a score of 85.26 with a very decent category.

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