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Jurnal Mediasas : Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah
ISSN : 26551497     EISSN : 28082303     DOI : 10.58824
Focus Mediasas Journal Media Ilmu Syariah and Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyah provides scientific articles developed in attending to the publication of articles, original research reports, reviews, and scientific commentary on Sharia. Coverage The Mediasas Journal includes research from researchers, academics, and practitioners. In particular, papers considering the following general topics were promulgated family law in the Islamic world, Islamic law, Constitutional law (Siyasah), Sharia economic law, civil law, criminal law, Regulations invitation, law knowledge.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 44 Documents
Parental Obligations Towards Hadhanah Mumayyiz After Divorce Islamic Family Law Perspective Asman Asman; Ahmed Ahmed
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v6i1.599


This study examines parental neglect and child neglect by parents after divorce. This problem is common in society, but on the contrary, child struggles between divorced parents often occur as if they were common property. It is divided, the parental bond is broken, and custody is not granted. In Islamic law, the issue of parenting is called hadhanah and is defined as caring for a child who does not know to meet his needs and cannot yet be independent. The custody of minors due to parental divorce is regulated in Article 105 Copy of Islamic Law. However, although Article 105 of the Compilation of Islamic Law explains that a child who has not been mumayyiz is the right of his mother, in this case it does not mean that the father is not entitled to regulate the growth and development of children. This research method uses qualitative research methods while the approach in this study uses two approaches, namely: the legislative approach and the empirical juridical approach. After divorce according to Islamic law, the responsibility of parents over minors to support their children is the duty of male parents, as stipulated in Article 49 letter d and Article 156 of the Compilation of Islamic LawPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang kelalaian orang tua dan penelantaran anak oleh orang tua pasca perceraian. Masalah ini biasa terjadi di masyarakat, tetapi sebaliknya, perebutan anak antara orang tua yang bercerai sering terjadi seolah-olah mereka adalah milik bersama. Itu dibagi, ikatan orang tua rusak, dan hak asuh tidak diberikan. Dalam hukum Islam, masalah pengasuhan disebut hadhanah dan didefinisikan sebagai merawat anak yang tidak tahu untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya dan belum bisa mandiri. Hak asuh anak di bawah umur akibat perceraian orang tua diatur dalam Pasal 105 Kopilasi Hukum Islam. Namun, walaupun di dalam Pasal 105 Kompilasi Hukum Islam dijelaskan bahwa anak yang belum mumayyiz adalah hak ibunya, dalam hal ini bukan berarti ayah tidak berhak dalam mengatur tumbuh dan kembang anak. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Jenis penelitian metode kualitatif sedangkan pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan, yaitu: pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan yurudis empiris. Hasil dari penelitia ini adalah Setelah perceraian menurut hukum Islam, tanggung jawab orang tua atas anak di bawah umur untuk menghidupi anak-anaknya adalah kewajiban orang tua laki-laki, hal ini sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 49 huruf d dan Pasal 156 Kompilasi Hukum Islam.
Concept of Divorce Preventive Actions During Pandemic Herlina Herlina
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v6i1.581


Humans crave a happy family or sakinah and harmony. The welfare of the nation and state will be formed from a prosperous community group, which is reflected in a healthy and harmonious family. In reality, there are still many couples who cannot maintain their families and end up in divorce, especially during this pandemic. Family disharmony is an important factor causing divorce. The research contained in this article is based on the object of study, the findings of the respondents and includes a qualitative approach. Collecting respondent data and information by examining references, written sources from scientific journals, literature, encyclopedias and other reliable sources in written form. This research is a library research and semi field research. The main support is the Family Law and Sharia Consulting Institute which is managed by researchers and reveals many problems or marriage problems. The results of the research describe problems that are often faced in families and discover the concept of divorce preventive measures, especially during difficult times such as a pandemic. The concept of family resilience is achieved by maintaining harmony, peace and carrying out multiple roles in the householdManusia mendambakan keluarga yang bahagia atau sakinah dan harmonis. Kesejahteraan bangsa dan negara akan terbentuk dari kelompok masyarakat sejahtera, yang tercermin dari keluarga yang sehat dan harmonis. Dalam kenyataannya, masih banyak pasangan yang tidak dapat mempertahankan keluarganya dan berakhir dengan perceraian, terutama pada masa pandemi ini. Ketidak harmonisan keluarga menjadi faktor penting penyebab perceraian. Penelitian yang tertuang dalam artikel ini berdasarkan obyek kajian, temuan responden dan termasuk pendekatan kualitatif.   Pengumpulan data responden dan informasi dengan cara menelaah referensi, sumber tertulis dari jurnal ilmiah, literatur, ensiklopedia dan sumber-sumber terpercaya lainnya dalam bentuk tulisan. Penelitian ini bersifat library research dan semi field research. Pendukung utama adalah lembaga Konsultan Hukum Keluarga dan Syariah yang dikelola peneliti dan banyak mengungkapkan berbagai persoalan atau problem pernikahan Hasil penelitian menguraikan permasalahan yang sering dihadapi dalam keluarga dan menemukan konsep tindakan preventif perceraian terutama pada masa sulit seperti pandemi. Konsep ketahanan keluarga tercapai dengan memelihara keharmonisan, kedamaian dan melakukan multi peran dalam rumah tangga.
Journeying with Muslims: The Ignatian Way Fachrizal A. Halim
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v6i1.611


In an era marked by a growing trend towards secularism, increasing geopolitical conflicts, ecological grievances, and high socio-economic inequality, renewing commitments to promote peace among religious communities is increasingly important. The book under discussion features a joint initiative of the Jesuit Among Muslims in Asia Network (JAMIA) members to promote peace and brotherhood between Muslims and Christians, two of the largest religious communities in the world. The book highlights the importance of promoting mutual understanding and respect between the two faith traditions, following the signing of the Human Fraternity document between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb in 2019. The book provides a valuable source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims and Christians seeking to build bridges between different religious traditions and developed humanitarian da'wah in a contemporary context. Dalam konteks kuatnya arus sekularisme, meningkatnya konflik geopolitik dan degradasi alam, serta tingginya ketimpangan sosial ekonomi, kebutuhan untuk memperbaharui komitment terhadapt kemanusiaan dan perdamaian antar sesame umat beragama dirasakan semakin penting. Buku ini menampilkan inisiatif bersama aktifis antar iman dan pekerja sosial yang bernaung dibawah Jaringan Jesuit Bersama Umat Islam di Asia (Jesuits Among Muslims in Asia Network) untuk mengejawantahkan pesan-pesan kemanusiaan dan perdamaian antara umat Islam dan umat Kristiani yang merupakan dua umat beragama terbesar di dunia. Inisiatif ini juga merupakan komitmen berkelanjutan umat Katholik, terutama di Asia Pasifik, untuk mengembangkan tali persaudaraan dan pemahaman antar umat beragama, setelah inisiatif awal dicetuskan dalam Nostra Aetate dan penandatanganan dokumen Persaudaraan Antar Umat Manusia (Human Fraternity) antara Paus Fransiskus dan Imam Besar al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb pada tahun 2019 lalu. Buku ini adalah sumber referensi berharga bagi umat Islam yang ingin bercermin bagaimana umat Katholik dalam bendera Jesuit mengembangkan dakwah kemanusiaan dalam konteks kekinian
Religious Jurisdiction System: A Comparison In Brunei Darussalam And The Philippines Ego Syaputra; Asasriwarni Asasriwarni; Zulfan Zulfan
Jurnal Mediasas Media Ilmu Syari'ah dan Ahwal Syakhsiyyah Vol 6, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58824/mediasas.v6i1.508


Brunei Darussalam is a country that has an absolute monarchy style of government based on Islamic law with the Sultan serving as Head of State and Head of Government, concurrently serving as Prime Minister and Minister of Defense assisted by the Advisory Council of the Sultanate and several Ministers. Brunei or also called the Malay Islamic Kingdom (MIB) made Islam its national ideology. The method used in this study uses Library Research which is a data collection technique by examining various literature including journals, books, magazines, and other data sources, to link the results obtained from these various sources. Brunei's legal system is based on English common law, with an independent judiciary, judicial bodies, written common law statutes, and statutes passed by the Sultan. Courts have different jurisdictions, so the sentences imposed are different. The courts at that time were: (1) Resident Court, (2) First Instance Court, (3) Second Instance Court, and (4) Indigenous and Kathis Magistrates Court. Meanwhile, the Philippine Legal System is a blend of the Roman Civil Law System and the Anglo-American Common Law System. The Civil Law system operates in areas such as family relations, property, succession, contracts, and criminal law while the statutes and basic principles of Common Law are evident in areas such as constitutional law, procedure, corporate law, negotiating instruments, taxation, insurance, labor partner work, and banking law. Islamic law prevails and is recognized in parts of Mindanao with the establishment of Shari'ah courts. This research aims to find out how the religious justice system is in Brunei Darussalam and the Philippines