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Indonesia Demographic Potential to Developing Productive Young Entrepreneur for Reinforcement the Digital Economy Tipri Rose Kartika; Handika Dany Rahmayanti; Adryans; Trifajar Yurmama Supiyanti
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Indonesia is currently experiencing a demographic bonus. Indonesia's current demographic potential is very large for strengthening and developing productive and quality young entrepreneurs. Universities have abundant quality young human resources so that they deserve to be a priority for strengthening and developing productive and quality young entrepreneurs. Environmental conditions are getting worse, making environmentally friendly technology-based businesses start to emerge as a solution. The complicated polemic of plastic waste management is now a promising business potential, for example from plastic products from seaweed, cassava, and others. Environmentally friendly business is now one of the trends because the level of awareness of environmental conservation is increasing
Ijarah Muntahiah Bittamlik (IMBT): Capital Strategy, Participation Opportunities, and Implementation of Close Loop Economy in The Hospital Fadjar Setiyo Anggraeni
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This paper aims to uncover and provide solutions to capital problems that often occur in organizations, especially small and medium-sized (and private) hospitals. Limited financial resources have become a major problem for many hospitals that are developing to increase the utility of services. Using qualitative methods with the type of case study research, this paper provides a comprehensive description of the sources of capital, governance, and rental value as well as the profit sharing of a simulated investment. The results of this study reveal that IMBT can be a capital strategy for service development plans in hospitals.
Android-Based Maritime English Application to Support the Learning of Nautical Cadets At Maritime Department Aprizawati; Bobi Satria; Zusniati
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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The purpose of this research is to create a basic application of Maritime English that is useful in supporting learning and improving the skills of Maritime English cadets at Maritime Department especially for nautical program. Maritime English is one of the English language learning with a special purpose that is indispensable in communicating, maintaining safety and activities at sea both nationally and especially internationally. The research problem is many seafarers do not understand maritime terms, either in their daily conversations at sea, from ship to ship or ship to shore station, whether it's about health, safety, or security issues in the shipping industry. In this millennial era, it is very rare for sailors to read books to increase their knowledge because they tend to be boring and unpleasant. Therefore, as a basic step in the maritime department, researchers created an android-based application consisting of vocabulary and pictures about maritime English to increase interest in learning Maritime English. There are lots of English apps but not much about sailing. Therefore, with the proliferation of android-based gadgets, as the result, the researcher was successful find an application as a solution to support students or cadets as a basic learning in Maritime English.
Purity of Islamic Bank: Literature Review Maya Permata Sari; Mega Dwi Septivani; Rifdatul Husna
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Islamic banking is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world today. The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of syariah law in Islamic banking based on previous research. Syariah law is the policy that Islamic banks must follow in their operation and value. It can be an alternative for Muslim population to avoid riba or usury in their financial activity. Many scholars have been finding that Islamic banking is not pure using syariah law. They just clone the products, systems, and even working culture from conventional banks. Our literature review found that most Islamic banking is still trapped in the wrong environment and their human resource did not get adequate knowledge about syariah.
Tourism Hospitality in Mandeh Tourism Development in Pesisir Selatan Regency, WestSumatra Rifdatul Husna; Maya Permata Sari; Mega Dwi Septivani
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This study aims to analyze tourism services in developing Mandeh Tourism in Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province. Data were collected from 5 interviewed data sources and 93 respondents using a questionnaire. The research method uses qualitative methods as the main method and is supported by quantitative data. Based on this research, an analysis of tourism services in developing tourism is seen from the elements of Hospitality: Community hospitality, communication style, community culture, and events formedby Disparbud. By doing a SWOT analysis to find out what has the potential for tourism services in developing Mandeh Tourism objects in Pesisir Selatan Regency.
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Students’ reading comprehension quality is highly influenced by some salient features such as method of instruction, media/technology used, class size, students’ prior ability, teaching materials, etc. This experimental study explores the influence of technology in teaching reading through the use of computer screen as opposed to conventional mean, i.e., the use of textbook in teaching reading comprehension for TOEFL test. While some argues that paper-based reading text is still relevant today, the use of technology like screen-based text is believed to help students to understand and comprehend reading text better due to some important reasons. The design of the study is experimental research which includes 117 students from some departments in Riau University. There are two groups of students involved in this study namely control (54 students) and experimental (63 students) group which receive different treatment in the process of teaching and learning within 7 meetings. Based on the result of the study, the students’ reading comprehension score in TOEFL after they were given the treatment shows that 36.320 mean score for the control group and 40.310 mean score for the experimental group. The value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.001 and it is smaller than the value of Alpha 0.05. Thus, it implies that H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted. In other words, it can be said that there is a significance difference between students’ reading comprehension in experimental and control groups. Based on the statistical analysis of the data, it is found that students who are treated with screen-based text have better reading comprehension than those who used paper-based text. It can be concluded that screen-based text is effective enough to improve students’ reading comprehension in TOEFL prediction test.
Design of Web-Based Point of Sale Information System at Inti Peraga Mandiri Faisal Amir; Riyanto; Fadhilah Oriyasmi; Fadli Fadilillah; Hafif Saputra
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Inti Peraga Mandiri is a business engaged in the sale of school teaching aids starting from kindergarten to high school levels. In carrying out its business, it is necessary to collect data, so that all types of transactions that occur can be monitored and checked by cashiers and business owners. The manual data collection process can be done, but the manual process has many shortcomings that can later cause losses for business owners. Based on these problems, this research focuses on building an automated Point of Sale (POS) system so that it can reduce misinformation and can help business owners in managing the flow of their business. POS is an application system applied to shops or supermarkets to handle the processing of data on purchase transactions, retail sales transactions, purchase return transactions, and transaction reporting which is generally important in making strategic decisions by self-service businesses, organizations, or small and medium-sized companies. The POS system is built on a web-based using the Waterfall model development method and system design using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The results of this study get a POS system that has been developed and can carry out the transactions process, management of goods category, management of goods, manager of purchases, user management, and sales reports. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the point-of-sale system is running well and to the needs of business owners so that it can help develop their business.
Investigating The Risk of Glove Punctures in Aseptic Processing Barrier Technology Systems: A Case Study Kemlall Ramsaroop Ramdass; Phumzile Mabaso; Bongumenzi Mncwango
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Aseptic processing is a method of production that is free of microbiological, pyrogen, and particulates and thus it is perceived as one of the most complex manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to the significant risks associated with aseptic processing a quality risk management (QRM) program is necessary to protect the patient from injury. This study aims to investigate the process followed when glove punctures are detected on glove sleeves of barrier technology systems in a sterile manufacturing facility. Further, this paper utilizes an example of a risk assessment method to illustrate how a risk assessment can be useful in aseptic processing operations. The specific activity being investigated involves glove punctures during aseptic filling operations. The risk assessment approach adopted is in the form of a Fishbone diagram. The findings of the study will provide insights that will aid developing organizations to overcome challenges associated with aseptic processing
Hand Gesture Recognition using Leap Motion Controller for Recognition of Javanese Script Muhamad Nasir; Tengku Musri; Eva Kurniawaty
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Javanese Script is The cultural heritage of ancient Javanese people used to write in the manufacture of books, manuscripts, song Java, inscriptions, or correspondence. It is important to maintain and preserve this heritage, so that the Indonesian people can understand the cultural values and art writing. The development of technology is currently increasing rapid, making some researchers use Leap Motion as a translator device. In this study, a hand gesture recognition system using a leap motion controller is proposed for the recognition of Javanese Script. By using a leap motion controller, every bone coordinate point on the hand will be detected, so that these coordinate points can be used as input features. The use of the feature of the distance between the palm position and distal phalanges measured using the Euclidean distance. These features will then be classified using the k-nearest neighbor classification method. System testing was carried out using 20 Javanese characters consisting of /ha/, /na/, /ca/, /ra/, /ka/, /da/, /ta/, /sa/, /wa/, /la/ , /pa/, /dha/, /ja/, /ya/, /nya/, /ma/, /ga/, /ba/, /tha/, /nga/. This research was successful with an average accuracy rate of 95% in Javanese script.
Study of Characteristic MPX5700AP Sensor For Pressure System Monitoring Based Various Units Abdul Hadi; Zainal Abidin; Tri Dewantoro
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Implementation of MPX5700AP sensor is very much among practitioners and academics to measure pressure. However, the sensor accuracy obtained is always far from the measurement due to reading errors. This study calculates the accuracy of the MPX5700AP sensor in reading measurements. The reading of this pressure measurement is measured by a standard measurement of environmental pressure, which is atmosphere pressure. From the research obtained, the MPX5700AP sensor has a voltage output with an accuracy of 98.81%. The reading accuracy for each measurement conversion is 96.08%, 95.95%, and 95.94% between kPa, Psi, and mmHg respectively.