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The Students’ Perspective of Animated Learning Videos for Speaking Materials: English for Vocational Purposes Astuti Pratiwi Rahmadhani; Fithratul Miladiyenti
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Powtoon online application. The analysis on the study is using qualitative methods with a case studyapproach This study reports an analysis of the participants’ perspective on the effectiveness of animated learning videoswhich was created by using. Respondents in this study involved participants from the English Department of StatePolytechnic of Padang. The result shows that the animation learning videos help the participants to understand thelearning material. The participants feel excited with the video and help them to learn the material by themselves orself-study. It indicates that animated learning videos assist students in comprehending the learning materials. The videogains the students' interest and encourages them to learn the material on their own or through self-study. Furthermore,it teaches students how to practice the expressions in a conversation for the purpose of improving their speaking skills.
Perceptions of Trust Digital Payments as A Reduction of Corruption and Use of Fake Money on User Satisfaction of Non-Bank (Digital Payment Applications in Kota Pekanbaru) Halim Dwi Putra; A.Malik; Tengku Kespandiar
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This research is a research on the use of digital payments in non-bank digital payment applications such asOVO, Gopay and DANA which is viewed from the perspective of users in the city of Pekanbaru. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the level of public trust and satisfaction with non-bank private applications for digital paymentsin the city of Pekanbaru, to find out the success of the Indonesian government's program in promoting the NationalNon-Cash Movement (GNNT) in the city of Pekanbaru, to determine the level of public understanding of digitalpayments. From non-bank applications in the city of Pekanbaru, Knowing the spread of digital payments in the city ofPekanbaru. GNNT can reduce the use of counterfeit money and OTT Actions (Operation Catch Hands) Theimplementation of hand arrest operations (OTT) is one of the strategies used by the Corruption EradicationCommission (KPK) to crack down on corruption cases in Indonesia. The contribution of this research to thedevelopment of the marketing concept of digital payments made by non-bank publishers who allegedly received publictrust in using the National Non-Cash Movement (GNNT) to succeed even though it is not from a bank whose data baseof incoming and outgoing money can be tracked digitally. The results of the research carried out are through the resultsof data analysis using linear regression analysis it can be seen that Perceived Value and Trust have an effect onConsumer Satisfaction, where the effect is significant. The results of the analysis show that the effect is partiallyPerceived Value (X1) on Consumer Satisfaction (Y1) is 0.263 or 26.3%, and the effect is partially Trust (X2) onConsumer Satisfaction (Y1) is 0.246 or 24.6%, thus the hypothesis which states that Perceived Value and Trust havea significant effect on Consumer Satisfaction proven or acceptable. This research is in line with the research beforewhich states that Perceived Value and Trust has a positive relationship with Customer Satisfaction. This result is alsosupported which states that the perception of quality, and, trust, through commitment affect customer loyalty whichpreviously met customer satisfaction.
Student Motivation and Literacy about Start Up Business (Case Study in Business Administration Department of Bengkalis State Polytechnic) Rini Arvika Sari; Supriati
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This study aims to determine Student Motivation and Literacy Regarding Start Up Business in the Department of Business Administration, Bengkalis State Polytechnic. This research is categorized as a quantitative descriptive study with a population of students majoring in business. Determination of the sample using the technique of Snowball Sampling and obtained as many as 100 students. The data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires with a Likert scale. The analytical technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that 52% of student literacy in start-up businesses was in the high category, 42% in the medium category and 35% in the low category. As for the motivation in the high category as much as 73%, in the medium category as much as 55%, and in the low category as much as 53%.
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Compatibility on the Intention to Use the Samsat Digital National (SIGNAL) Application in Padang Alifian Riza Ahmad; Reno Fithri Meuthia; Ferdawati
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the intention to use of application named Samsat DigitalNasional (SIGNAL) in Padang. The theory used in this research is the Technology Acceptance Model andDiffusion of Innovation within the variable of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, compatibility asindependent variables, and intention to use as dependent variables. The population of this study was motor vehicletaxpayers in Padang. The sampling method used was convenience sampling with a total sample are 98respondents. Data was collected by distributing the questionnaires via social media platforms and printed. Theresult of this study indicates that the perceived ease of use and compatibility significantly affects the intention touse the SIGNAL application in Padang. Otherwise, the perception of usefulness did not affect the intention to usethe SIGNAL application in Padang. Furthermore, this study can be a reference for Samsat Padang and KorlantasPolri to socialize more regarding the use of the SIGNAL application to the vehicle taxpayer in Padang
Development of Tourism Attractiveness of Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh Canduang District, Agam Regency Sarmiadi; Yosi Suryani; Elni Sumiarti
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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One form of tourism development is the establishment of many tourist villages, including those in Nagari Canduang Koto Laweh, Canduang District, Agam Regency. This study aims to identify tourist attractions in Canduang Koto Laweh Tourism Village, Agam Regency and their development strategies. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using primary data obtained through observation and interviews with relevant stakeholders. Secondary data is collected through supporting sources and references and data analysis using an interactive model method. The results of this study indicate that Nagari Canduang, City of Laweh has a lot of tourism potential both from the aspect of natural tourism, cultural tourism and artificial tourism. However, this potential has not been developed properly so that the number of tourist visits has not increased. For this reason, it is recommended that a massive promotion be carried out to stakeholders.
English Students' Preference for Making Digital Media to Promote Local Tourism Risda Asfina; Diah Paramita Sari
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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Vocational education provides practical education in order to develop students’ specific industry skills. Specifically for English study program, it deals with the industries of hospitality, translation, tourism, etc. To accomplish study in English study program in a vocational college, every student is demanded to make a final project related to a certain industry. Based on the database of English students’ final project proposal titles in academic year 2022/2023 at Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, the topic related to tourism industry―making digital media to promote local tourism had been chosen most by the students. They had proposed to make a particular digital medium to promote tourism in a particular place. Considering this fact, within a descriptive qualitative method, this study aimed to describe the students’ preference for making digital media to promote local tourism, elucidate the digital media they would make, and elaborate their rationales behind planning to make the media. The research subjects were 9 fifth semester English students at Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis whose final project proposal titles were about making digital media to promote local tourism. The sources of data were the students’ final project proposals and interview. This study revealed that the students preferred making digital media to traditional media since digital media were considered more effective to promote local tourism. The digital media they would make were e-guidebook, tourism card, Instagram account, cinematic video, e-profile book, e-book, and website. They chose to make these media because these media would provide interesting display and content, and could be easily accessed by many people. All in all, people today, including students, have adapted to the changing world where things in every aspect of life have shifted to digital forms.
Taram Rural Tourism Development Post Covid-19 Pandemic Iis Ismawati; Nurul Fauzi; Ranti Komala Dewi; Andrik Marta; Ermiati
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an enormous impact on the tourism industry not only at the global level but also at the local level. The result of this pandemic turned out to be worse than the effects of previous crises such as the SARS pandemic in 2003 and the shock of the 2009 economic crisis. Presently the tourism sector is trying to recover and revive from adversity. Several studies show that successful companies and communities in the pandemic era are those who can transform into the mega-shifts of the new tourism industry landscape. Characterized by four characteristics namely Hygiene, Low-Touch, Less-Crowd, and Low Mobility Based on these characteristics, the rural tourism industry is a kind of tourism that is considered suitable for it. Because in general, rural areas have many natural tourist destinations. Where natural tourism has become a trend for post-Covid-19 pandemic tourist destinations. The sudden pandemic Covid-19 has fostered new habits, making health and safety a top priority for visitors. Nature tourism is a popular trend that is favored by the public in new normal conditions. In the future, the types of destinations and attractions that offer the concept of nature, eco, wellness, and adventure (NEWA) will be more in demand and become the new mainstream in the tourism industry. In the future, NEWA's innovations will evolve rapidly to capture this shift in traveler preferences. This Assistance's purpose to explore the potential of rural Taram in developing the tourism sector which had slumped due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism is a strategic sector for rural Taram because it can become the largest contributor to Original Local Government Revenue. Assistance implementation methods include potential surveys, Focus Group Discussions, and mentoring. The results confirm that the village of Taram has potential assets in the form of a diversity of natural resources, especially forestry and agriculture, the strength of human resources that are open to change, economic assets, social capital, physical assets, and historical, cultural, and spiritual assets. Local government should determine priority potential assets to be developed as tourist destinations. Natural and cultural tourism based on local potential has the opportunity to be further developed in the future. The Development of rural tourism could enable destinations to manage unpredictable crises, apply the sustainable tourism and resilience concepts
The Impact of Accounting Clinics on Student Competence in Processing Journal Entry Suharyono
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This study compares the test results before and after the accounting clinic was carried out. This study will prove whether the accounting clinic that has been attended by students can improve student competence in facing the certification exam. The population in this study were all first semester students of the D4 Public Finance Accounting Study Program Bengkalis State Polytechnic. The number of first semester students is 62 people. The entire population will be the object of this study. Based on the results of the clinical evaluation of accounting for group A, the average score showed a significant increase from the previous 85 to 92 or an increase of 7%. However, despite the increase in average scores, the pass rate has shown encouraging results. Of the 31 students in group A who attended the accounting clinic, only 4 failed. Whereas before attending the accounting clinic there were 8 students who failed. For the evaluation of the implementation of accounting clinics in group B, the average score increased from 83 to 91 or an increase of 8.7%. Meanwhile, the graduation rate achieved shows encouraging results. Of the 31 students who took the test, 24 people passed or were competent. While the number of students who failed as many as 7 people, decreased from the previous 12 students.
Students’ Perspectives of Social Media As Medium of Learning English Fanalisa Elfa; Rindilla Antika
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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This major aim of this study is to seek for better understanding of students’ perceptions towards using social media for learning English. This study also attempts to identify the most frequently used social media in English learning. The participants of this study were 78 students of State Polytechnic of Bengkalis who had used social media as English learning medium. The data were collected through questionnaire distributed by using google forms. The results of this study showed that the students had positive attitudes towards the utilization of social media for learning English. The finding of the study also revealed that the most frequent social media used for learning English is YouTube and WhatsApp as the most frequent media used for general purposes. It can be concluded that using social media in English learning has positive impact for students.
A Sketch of Fintech Implementation in Waqf Management (The Case of Badan Pengelola Wakaf Ar Risalah West Sumatra) Sania Putri Alisya; Hidayatul Ihsan; Eliyanora
International ABEC Vol. 2 (2022): Proceeding International Applied Business and Engineering Conference 2022
Publisher : International ABEC

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The purpose of this research is to see as to how fintech is implemented in waqf management using a qualitative approach. The design of this research is a case study at one of nazhirs (waqf manager) in West Sumatra, that is Badan Pengelola Wakaf (BPW) Ar Risalah. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with some informants, document analysis, and website analysis. While the triangulation techniques were occupied to validate the data, the interactive model analysis techniques were used in data analysis. The results of this research show that nazhir supports the technological developments in waqf practice by creating innovative waqf portals to raise waqf funds. However, support from the waqif (donors) is still low because potential waqifs (mostly guardians of foundation students) are still reluctant to adopt the innovation of the waqf portal. Meanwhile, the waqf portal has attracted the millennial waqif although the waqf collection has not improved significantly. This is an opportunity for nazhir to more intensively promote waqf portal to the millennial generation. In terms of accountability, nazhir uses the waqf portal to disseminate the report of waqf administration.