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Buana Informatika
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Jurnal Buana Informatika adalah jurnal peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk promosi dan diseminasi penelitian ilmiah tentang Teknologi Informasi bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi. Perhatian khusus diberikan pada karya-karya yang berhubungan dengan Teknologi Informasi bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi menggunakan perspektif interdisipliner, terutama dalam Teknologi Informasi bidang Manajemen Informatika dan Komputerisasi Akuntansi, berupa hasil penelitian atau hasil pemikirian maupun studi pustaka,bidang penelitian yang berkaitan dengan ; Manajemen Informasi atau Sistem Informasi. Manajemen umum dan akuntansi.
Articles 60 Documents
Memahami Kompleksitas Manajemen Perguruan Tinggi, Sebuah Tinjauan Teori Organisasi Pendidikan Tinggi Riswanda Priyatna
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.137 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i1.24


University is one of national education sub system. University has very important function as Tri Dharma of University. There are education, research and community development like noted at UU no. 20 at 2003 about National education System. Characteristic of University in Indonesia must have: 1) student need, national priority, and economic development, 2) effective and give contribution to social and state, 3) fund support and innovation to get quality, 4) research for national development, 5) access for development and technology, 6) moral power to social democratic. So, university must have institutional credibility. The system must have accountability, efficiency and quality graduation, and standardization internal management. Key Word: management, university, complexity, higher, education
Pengaruh Pelayanan Pendidikan dan Disiplin Kerja Pegawai terhadap Kepuasan Siswa Di SMPN 2 Gunungguruh Kabupaten Sukabumi Nanang Rahmatika
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.98 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i1.25


Education services by schools are services in the form of educational services provided by teachers assisted by education personnel. In order for educational services to run as expected, discipline is needed, especially employee work discipline among educators and education staff.The formulation in this study: (1)Is there an effect of educational services on student satisfaction at SMPN 2Gunungguruh Sukabumi; ; (2) is there anythe effect of employee discipline on student satisfaction studying at SMPN 2Gunungguruh Sukabumi and; (3) To what extent is the influence of education and discipline servicesemployee work on student satisfaction at SMPN 2 Gunungguruh Sukabumi. While the aim is to obtain information abouteverything related to educational services and the level of work disciplinethe following employees are related to the problem of student satisfaction. The approach in this research is survey and the type of research is descriptivequantitative. Data collection techniques with documentation studies, field observations, researchliterature and distributing questionnaires to89 respondents.From the multiple regression equation, the results are that: (1) Every time it occursimprovement in education services oneunits will be followed by an increase in the rate of change in student satisfaction of 0.550; (2) Every time there is an increase in the work discipline of one unit employee, it will be followed by an increase in the level of change in student satisfaction of 0.252. While the partial hypothesis test with "t test" forX1 with Y obtained t-count = 7.685, significance 0.000 <0.050. That is, reject Ho and accept H1. Because t-count = 3.183 > t-table = 1.667, education services have a significant and positive effect on student satisfaction. While X2 with Y obtained t-count = 1.991, significance 0.000 <0.050. That is, reject Ho and accept H1. Because t-count = 1.991 > t-table = 1.667, then Employee Work Discipline has a significant and positive influence on satisfactionStudent. While the integrative effect with the "F-test" significant 0.000 < 0.050 and F-count = 49.873> F-table = 3.950, then Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that education services and employee work discipline have a positive and significant influence on student satisfaction. The contribution of influence on student satisfaction at SMPN 2 Gunungguruh is carried out simultaneously, namely from education services and employee work discipline by 53.3%. Keywords: Education Services, DisciplineWork, Satisfaction
Pengaruh Pelatihan, Disiplin dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai PT.Bank Mega Tbk Ivan Faizal
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.705 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i1.26


Effect of job training (X1), labor discipline (X2), and motivation (X3) jointly to employee performance (Y) is shown by the value of the regression of X1,X2, and X3 on Y r=0.944, meaning that the effect of the training labor (X1), labor discipline (X2), and motivation (X3)on employee peformance (Y) is very strong, and its influence + (positive) meaning that the higher the job training (X1), labor discipline (X2), and work motivation (X3) then job also increase the performance of an employee (Y) at PT. Bank Mega Tbk. Keywords: Job Training, Labor discipline, Motivation, Ferfomance
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v4i2.28


Darma Guna adalah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa pelayanan service komputer. Kemajuan teknologi mendorong organisasi tidak hanya berfokus pada kebutuhan pada informasi semata, namun sudah mulai mengarah pada kebutuhan pengetahuan (knowledge) bagi mereka. Knowledge dianggap sebagai sebuah resource atau asset bagi orang yang memegang peranan penting disebuah organisasi. Namun knowledge yang jika tidak digunakan dan didokumentasikan dengan baik, maka akan sia-sia dan kemudian bisa hilang. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi yang tentunya berbasis sistem informasi Pengetahuan Knowledge Management System (KMS) agar dapat membantu dalam pengumpulan dan penyebaran knowledge untuk dimanfaatkan secara optimal oleh seluruh karyawan dikantor pusat atau kantor cabang. Penerapan berbasis web pada aplikasi ini, diharapkan memberikan kemudahan dalam penerapannya untuk setiap karyawan yang ingin mengaksesnya. Dalam Analisa dan perancagan sistem ini, untuk pemodelan sistem yang berbasis object oriented menggunakan unified modeling languange (UML) dan untuk pengembangan database yang berbasis web menggunakan bahasa PHP dan HTML, serta untuk pengembangan database menggunakan SQL. Hasil dari bahasan yang diperoleh adalah tersedianya pengembangan layanan knowledge management system (KMS) berbasis web. Kesimpulannya dengan adanya sistem informasi ini memudahkan komunikasi diantara karyawan baik yang di kantor pusat maupun yang di kantor cabang maupun dari luar. Kata-kunci : Knowledge Management System (KMS), Objet Oriented,Unified Modeling Languange (UML), Struktur Query Languange (SQL), PHP
Pengaruh Pengawasan, Disiplin dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Pegawai Toserba Yogya Sukabumi Wikeu Tsnia Fariati
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (377.144 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.31


In general, productivity is defined as the relationship between the real anf physical ( good or services 0 with the actual input. Or in other words, productivity is a measure of produvtive efficiency. A comparison between the output and input or output divided by input, as you well know, there are some important factors that can determine the goals and improve employee productivity, namely supervision, discipline an motivation to work. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of simultaneous delivery of supervision, discipline and motivation to work on the productivity of employees working Toserba Yogya Sukabumi, to determine the effect of partial supervision, discipline and motivation to work on the productivity working in Toserba Yogya Sukabumi. This research method is a quantitative research study that is based on data in this form of numbers – the numbers are processed by statistical analysis for influence between variable and sample use are as many as 77 sample. Testing instrument to test the validity an d realiability. Statistical method of data analysis to help management with the program SPSS ( Statistic Packag for Soail Science ). The result showed that the regression equation is obtained as follow : Y = 0.131 + 0.245X1 + 0.594 X2 + 0.16+2 X3. Effect of control ( X1), the discipline of work (X2), and work motivation (X3) together on the productivity of labor ( Y) is shown by regression of X1, X2 and X3 to Y at r = 0.864. Between the influence of the control (X1), the discipline of the work (X2), and work motivation (X3) on labor productivity ( Y) very strong and its influence + ( positive) meaning that the higher supervision (X1), the discipline of work (X2) and work motivation (X3) it al;so increases labor productivity ( Y ) in Toserba Yogya Sukabumi. Keywords : Supervision, discipline and work motivation on employee productivity
Rancang Bangun Penjualan Online Berbasis Web di Distro Bagas Collection Indra Nanda
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (10366.165 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.33


Distro Bagas Collection yang terletak di Jl. Nagrak – Cinumpang RT 04 RW 02 Nagrak-Selatan merupakan sebuah toko pakaian atau distro yang bergerak di bidang penjualan pakaian siap pakai. Selama ini kegiatan pemasaran produk dari distro ini menjual pakaian seperti kaos, kemeja, dan celana. Permasalahan yang di hadapi distro Bagas Collection adalah kurangnya pengelolaan data yang berhubungan dengan penjualan, serta terbatasnya sarana untuk mempromosikan produknya dan sistem yang digunakan untuk sistem penjualan masih secara manual. Sehingga informasi yang dihasilkan akan terasa kurang cepat (penginputan data, pengolahan data), akurat (data yang tepat atau tidak ada kesalahan) dan efisien. Diperlukan sebuah sebuah website yang dapat membantu penyampaian produk secara detail kepada pelanggan. Rancang Bangun Penjualan Online Berbasis Web sangat penting dalam persaingan penjualalan pakaian saat ini, yang terbukti lebih efektif dan efisien di Bagas Distro Sukabumi. Rancang Bangun ini menggunakan beberapa software yakni PHP dan MYSQL. Kata kunci: rancang bangun, penjualan on line, web, Distro, PHP dan MySQL.
Perancangan Sistem Produksi Lampu dengan Metode Perancangan Berorientasi Objek di PT. Cosmo Technology Indonesia Kabupaten Sukabumi Wawang Adi darma
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2808.709 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.34


The development of information technology (IT) so rapidly, including for the field of ERP (Enterprice Resources Planning). To design and build an ERP system, it is necessary to first analyze the system to be built, especially for the design of Rekayas Software (RPL). The results of this study are expected to find the results of good and correct analysis so as to be able to implement the system into a program using JAVA. This research consists of several parts analysis. The core of this research is to review the problems that exist in the company, in determining user requirements or user needs, then generate design in the form of diagrams used as a system design tool. The point explanation that will be done is Business Overview, Organizational Structure, Department Description, User Requirement. While the design of the system using UML consisting of several diagrams are Activity Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagrams, Entity Diagrams, Communication diagrams, State Machine Diagrams, Component Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams, Composite Structure Diagrams, Interaction Overview Diagrams, Object Diagrams , Package Diagram, Timing Diagram, The author takes the object case that is PT. COSMO TECHNOLOGY which is located at Jl. Raya Segog Km.14 Batununggal Village Kec. Cibadak, Sukabumi-West Java. Is a company engaged in decorative lights and is developing a business in the field of toys. Keywords: ERP, UML
Peranan Perkembangan Karier dan Kompensasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Pegawai PT. BPR Sukabumi Yani Nuraeni
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (258.002 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.35


Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui perkembangan karier dan kompensasi yang dilakukan oleh PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi. Besar peranan perkembangan karier dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai pada PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi di Kota Sukabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitia ini adalah metode deskriptif dan asosiatif. Metode deskriptif adalah suatu penelitian untuk mengetahui nilai variabel mandiri baik satu atau lebih variabel tanpa membuat perbandingan/dihubungkan dengan variabel lainnya, sedangkan metode asosiatif digunakan untuk melihat hubungan antara dua atau lebih variabel. Adapun penelitian ini sendiri dilakukan di PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 42 orang pegawai. Dari hasil perhitungan analisa korelasi Rank Spearman dengan menggunakan program statistic SPSS versi 12.0 diperoleh korelasi yang cukup kuat dan significant sebesar (+) 0,743 antara perkembangan karier dan kompensasi dengan kepuasan kerja. Hal ini berarti bahwa semakin baik kondisi perkembangan karier dan kompensasi maka akan mampu untuk meningkatkan kepuasan kerja pegawai PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi. Adapun besarnya peranan perkembangan karier dan kompensasi terhadap kepuasan kerja adalah sebesar 55.20%, artinya perkembangan karier dan kompensasi hanya mampu berperan sebesar 55.20% terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai tetap PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada variabel lain selain perkembangan karier yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja pegawai tetap PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi yaitu sebesar 44,80%. Adapun variabel lain yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja diantaranya gaya kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi, pelatihan dan variabel lainnya yang dalam penelitian ini tidak penulis teliti. Untuk itu, maka sebaiknya PT. BPR Sukabumi Kota Sukabumi harus terus mengevaluasi segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan faktor perkembangan karier dan kompensasi agar persepsi positif pegawai terhadap perilaku mereka tetap terjaga yang akhirnya meningkatkan kepuasan kerja mereka. Keywords : perkembangan karier, kompensasi & kepuasan kerja
Aplikasi Pembayaran Tanah Lebih Menggunakan Visual Basic 10 dan MySQL di Kantor Pemasaran Perumahan Bumi Raharja PT. Istana Harum Cendana Tia Ernawati
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2784.179 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.36


PT. ISTANA HARUM CENDANA merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang properti berwujud (real property) khususnya yang bergerak dalam penjualan tanah dan bangunan (perumahan). Bisnis perusahaan berkembang pesat seiring dengan meningkatkan minat masyarakat membeli properti berupa tanah, rumah, rumah toko, dan lain-lain. Perkembangan bisnis P ISTANA HARUM CENDANA mengembangkan Perum Bumi Raharja dengan jumlah properti yang berada di berbagai lokasi dengan luas lahan yang cukup besar. Sesuai dengan hasil observasi yang dilaksanakan dikantor pemasaran Perumahan Bumi Raharja aplikasi pembayaran angsuran tanah lebih yang masih komputerisasi biasa dengan aplikasi Ms.Excel, dalam proses data ini dan adanya keterlambatan dalam membuat laporan mengenai pembayaran tanah lebih dikantor pemasaran perum bumi raharja oleh karna itu peneliti sangat tertarik membuat suatu program pembayaran tanah lebih. Keywords: Pembayaran, tanah lebih
Aplikasi Komunikasi Data Menggunakan Instant Messengger Dan SMS Gateway di PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha Sukabumi Ridwan
JURNAL BUANA INFORMATIKA CBI Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Buana Informatika
Publisher : LP2M CBI PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1967.566 KB) | DOI: 10.53918/jbicbi.v5i2.37


Existence of information which quickly and accurate is true very expected by each and everyone which is communicating, not the problem of if us each other dealing with what becoming the source of information. Other but again its problem if the communications blocked with difference of distance or place which not enable us to be able to give or accept information directly and will be more be complicated if beside difference of place, also that information should be able to be kept as reference or requirement of this othera. The trouble happened PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha where each every division or department even with departmental office of branch in this case department Marketing departement need the existence of communications to confirm or advise about existing problems each every its department or ask departmental information of other.Then is intention of this writing is to give application and knowledge about a communications system, conducive of inter department relation or division can intertwin better. As for this writing method for example using field study, where information and also data obtained from result of interview with side of menejer departmental head and or existing division and also passstudy of kepustakaan. Trouble this require to get attention, in order not to happened wrong effect misunderstanding or is late of accepted information him. Thereby pursuant to analysis which have been done in PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha this, its its is existence of internal issue of communication and with existence of network facility which have been woke up will be more add its benefit made of communications system as communications medium. Information quickly will add work productivity and also minimized the happening of misunderstanding, that thing can reach with existence of communications system. This system can be done by exploiting network system, developing application software for the communications of, saving order into database and also evaluate data order if needed. Keywords : Information, knowledge, application, communication, networking