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Journal of Language Education
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JOLADU: Journal of Language and Education (E-ISSN 2963-2773) is a high-quality, open-access peer-reviewed international journal published three times a year (April, August, December) by Asian Publisher. JOLADU: Journal of Language and Education provides a platform for academics, practitioners, professionals and researchers to convey and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers and pilot studies in all areas of linguistic theory, linguistic practice, language and education.
Articles 8 Documents
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The Effect of Intensive Reading Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension Meikardo Samuel Prayuda
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.144


This research was purposed to find out whether intensive reading strategy could give significance effect to the students’ reading comprehension. The location of this research was at SMA Negeri 1 Sei.Balai. The time that was alocated in this research was one month. This study was conducted in Experimental study. The method in taking the sample was random sampling. The population of this research was all of grade XI students that consisted of four classes. There were  IPA1 that consisted of 35 students, X IPA2 that consisted of 35 students, and X IPS1 that consisted of 35 students. Because of this study used experimental, the researcher chose X IPA2 as experiment class and X IPS1 as control class based on the random sampling. The instruments that used in this study was test. The test was divided into two, there were pre-test and post test. Both tests consisted of 10 items. In this study, the the study applied the pre-test in both control and experiment groups. After that, the study applied the teaching process by using intensive reading strategy in experiment class and conventional way in control class. From the data, it could be concluded that teaching reading by using intensive reading strategy could give significance effect to the students’ reading comprehension. For that conclusion, the hypotheses Ha which is There is an effect of intensive reading on students’ reading comprehension at grade X IPA2 students of SMA Negeri 1 Sei.Balai in academic year of 2022/2023”, was accepted.
Hate Speech on Students of Al Muhajirin Boarding Schoolkutai Kartanegara Muhammad Henry Gunawan; Muhammad Zainuddin
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.168


The purpose of this study is to describe hate speech in the speech of students of the Al Muhajirin Islamic boarding school. While language is essential for communication between speakers, a person uses polite, polite words and sometimes uses words in the form of swear words. This study's object of observation was the participants' speech at Al Muhajirin Islamic Boarding School. In this study, researchers used a qualitative description approach with conversational listening techniques using Dell Hymes's 1972 SPEAKING theory (Setting/Sense, Participants, Ends, Act sequence, Key, Instrumentalities, Norms, Genres). From the results of this study, we can conclude what participants often use hateful words and what meanings are contained in these hateful words. With this, positive and negative tendencies will be seen and can be assessed in participants' speech in their daily lives.
Joko Widodo’s English Pronunciation: Phonological Review Suhardianto; Diand Mardiana; Susi Oktafiani
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.198


ABSTRACT Verbal communication can not be separated from the sound (pronunciation) process of the language. This research aims to find the problem of vowel and consonant sounds pronounced by Mr. Joko Widodo in his speech. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. In collection of data, the researchers use observation method or refer to the technique of simak bebas libat cakap where the process of collecting data is done by listening to the pronunciation of the words and researchers are not involved directly. In analyzing data, the researchers used the method of identity with articulation phonetic techniques. The process of presenting the research results used formal and informal methods by words (descriptively) and tables. From the process of analyzing data results, can be found 1. Mr Jokowi difficulties in pronouncing diphthong /eɪ/, /aʊ/ and /əʊ/ 2. Mr Jokowi difficulties in saying consonant /θ/, /ð/, /v/, /z/, /ʃ/ 3. Mr Jokowi can not say some consonant in the end of the word 4. Mr. Jokowi changes the consonant -y sound at the end of the word become /e/ 5. Mr Jokowi changes vowel /ə/ becomes /o/.  
Comic Strip: a Media to Teach English Rizky Vita Losi; Sri Wahyuni; Sisi Rosida; Putri Zahra
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.202


When students are asked to write or read any English stories, then they need to learn about vocabulary as well. Writing skill challenges foreign students to be creative to create stories, while reading skill invites students to be good at comprehending the text. Recent studies have claimed in preference for the use of comic strips in language learning. The current study will go into detail about the use of comic strips as a learning medium, its advantages, and the effect to English learning at class. This literature review used George's (2008) model as a research method. The information was gathered from research articles about the use of comic strips in learning languages that were published in trustworthy international journals and recognized national journals. According to the review, prior research has shown that using comic strips in language learning can benefit students with their vocabulary, writing, and reading skills.
Students’ Perception on the Use of English Through Guessing Games in the Classroom YUNI ELISDAWATI
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.224


The aim of this research is to find out the students’ perception on the use of English through guessing game in the classroom. Klippel stated that the basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple; one person knows something that another one wants to find out. If an English teacher interest to apply guessing games in teaching learning process in the classroom, she/he needs to know about student’s perception to make sure the strategy that applied is beneficial or not for students. If most of students like to apply guessing games in teaching learning process in the classroom, they will effort to get achievement such as can  improve their abilities in English, or practice English language in their communication. In this research, the researcher applied a descriptive qualitative method. The population of this research was all students in the first semester of Psychology Islam program study in AcehTamiang Islamic High School. As the sample of this research selected 30 students. The findings of this research showed that the students perception on the use of English through guessing game in the classroom was categorized strong agree based on the interval scale.    
Model of Implementing Teacher Certification Policy Using The Edward III Approach In Aceh Tamiang District Nurbaiti
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.245


This study describes the implementation of teacher certification regulations in Kuala Simpang, Aceh Tamiang District. This analysis uses several factors found by Edward III in the form of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The purpose of this research is to educate the reader so that the reader is intellectually and morally intelligent. A qualitative descriptive approach is used in this paper. The results found indicate that the process of implementing certification at the Aceh Tamiang education office has not been effective, requiring several obstacles such as a lack of facilities and infrastructure, as well as inconsistent regulations that make it difficult for teachers. This causes teachers to be incapable and do not meet the requirements in completing lesson plans, there are still some teachers who are found to lack discipline and bad attitudes and certification is only considered for personal welfare and gain. Thus it can be said that the certification program has not played an important role in teacher professionalism.
Character Education In The Common People Novels By Andrea Hirata Joko Widodo
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.307


Character education is a crucial aspect of all circles of society, especially for children. This study aims to describe the form and impact of character education, hard work, and social care in the Common people novels by Andrea Hirata. The research was studied using a literary sociology approach. The source of data in this study is the Common people novels by Andrea Hirata, paying attention to the unit of story, sentences, actions, thoughts, and narratives in the novel. The data found is processed through several steps: determining the source, collecting data, grouping data, and assigning a code number to the research instrument table. Data analysis techniques are carried out in several stages: simplification, data checking, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study show that various forms of character education were found. The forms of character education are hard work, practice seriously, full of confidence, passion, and never giving up. The form of social care character education is to assist others and respect others. This research shows that literary works can be a means of learning character education for readers. This is because literary works are a mirror of the reality of life.
Cultural Significance of the Tradition of "Mandi Ke Aek" in Mersam Village, Mersam District, Batanghari District: Ethnolingusitic Study Mahdi Bahar; Julisah Izar; Hartati; Fatonah; Dini Meidiyanti Putri
JOLADU: Journal of Language Education Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): JOLADU: Journal of Language Education, April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58738/joladu.v1i3.474


In Ethnolinguistic science, we are invited to see how the process of forming a culture and we are also invited to understand the cultural meanings contained in that culture or tradition. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing how the cultural procession contained in the tradition of "Mandi ke Aek" in Mersam Village, Mersam District, as well as to find out the cultural meanings contained in the icons, activities, and languages contained in the tradition. The research method used is a qualitative ethnographic approach with 4 stages, namely: (1) development of basic recognition of objects, (2) grouping and defining the types of activities to be studied, (3) focusing on culture in search, (4) moving backwards to look back at the general theory of culture that is researched and studied with specific cases. As for data collection techniques by means of interviews and field observations. Which after the data has been collected, researchers define, group, and explain the meanings contained. So that the results of the study were obtained as many as 46 data that have cultural meaning. The 46 data, consisting of 21 Icons, 16 activities, and 9 languages. And of the 46 data, it is known to have each function and purpose to be achieved from the implementation of the tradition.

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