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International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
ISSN : 27764303     EISSN : 27764303     DOI :
The mission of International Journal of Community Engagament Payungi is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement . This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service. International Journal of Community Engagament Payungi aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied Society Development and Engagement to publish the original articles. The scope of International Journal of Community Engagament Payungi are Society Development and Engagement. This journal contains research-based community service results such as PAR (Participatory Action Research), ABCD (Asset Based Community Development), CBR (Community-Based Research), Service Learning, Community Development, and other methodologies.
Articles 5 Documents
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The Community Empowerment in Improving Children's Potential and Mentality through Al-Quran Learning Center Competition at Mataram Udik Village Suhono; Diah Ratna Paramita; Riyan Erwin Hidayat; Ericca Putri Alvinata; Choirul Anwar; Danang Saputra; Riski Aji Gumelar; Umi Latifah; Nur Hidayatul Padila; Amirotun Nisfah; Adelia Permata Sari; Lailatul Mukaromah; Wiwied Pratiwi; Yeasy Agustina Sari; Haikal
International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
Publisher : Yayasan Payungi Smart Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58879/ijcep.v4i1.32


This article aims to increase community empowerment by exploring the potential and mentality of children can be trained in instilling religious values and train children's mentality in communicating in public through competitions Al-Quran Learning Center (TPQ). The method used ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method. It is as a model approach in which it contains community empowerment and development. The ABCD approach is made to invite the community to recognize and explore the potential possessed by a community. The retrieval of these informants is done by interviews, observation and documentation. The data used research directly accommodated by Mataram Udik and taken from several articles from the scientific publication database Publish or Perish. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there are great children who have mastered the competition materials. From these results, it can be seen that public awareness to improve human resources is still very lacking. The lack of mental training of children makes children hesitate to show their talents in public. From the competition activities, it is hoped that the people of Mataram Udik Village will start paying more attention to the importance of mental training and developing children's potential to shape children's behavior and character for the better.
An Assistance Processing Waste into Crafts to Increase the Creativity of TPQ Al Ikhlas Students at Tanjung Harapan Village M. Aali Mustahfidzil M; Reno Tegar Pangestu; Malik Abdul Aziz; Refi Fadilah Oktavia; Habibi Fajri; Febri Ilham Nurcholis; Firman Adi Adam; Rafiqha Mufti; Rela Amalia; Nurliza Masroatul M; Siti Logaya; Yunita Sari; Isnaini Nur Azizah
International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
Publisher : Yayasan Payungi Smart Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58879/ijcep.v4i1.33


The service activity of UMALA Metro lecturers and students in Tanjung Harapan Village is "Internalization of Ahlusunnah Wal Jama'ah Values in Forming Community Character and Empowering Creative Economy Based on Local Potential", while producing work that will be useful and memorable for the community in Tanjung Harapan Village, Seputih Banyak District. The aim of this activity is to provide an alternative to the waste problem that exists in society, especially inorganic waste so that it has economic value and usefulness, as well as to increase the creativity of children in the village, especially students at TPQ Al Ikhlas in making handicrafts from water bottle caps. mineral. The community service program carried out is intended to reduce waste scattered everywhere, which is then processed into handicrafts. Method: PAR (Participatory Action Research), namely service based on problems that are discovered and then provide alternative solutions. Results: The use of this waste makes a craft to increase creativity for students at TPQ Al Ikhlas, using the recycling method to produce a work of artistic and economic value. Conclusion: The introduction of the PAR method using the 5T method (To Know, To Understand, To Plan, To Action, To Reflection) to find alternative solutions to a waste problem makes crafting a form of student creativity
Environmental Empowerment through the use of Plastic Waste in Growing the Creative and Innovative Soul of Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) of Women Ahmad Fauzi; Ahmad Hisam Bintoro; Ahmad Bustomi; Arif Hidayat; Erwin Setiawan; Elza Fauziah Shihab; Anggeta Purnama; Fadhilah Nur S; Evita Dwi Lestari; Lutviatun Nikmah; Ani Nour Azizah; Mardliyana Ifadah; Muhammad Nur Amin
International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
Publisher : Yayasan Payungi Smart Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58879/ijcep.v4i1.38


Plastic waste management is the main focus of community service in Tanjung Harapan village, Seputih Banyak sub-district, Central Lampung. Plastic waste is identified as a crucial problem with significant negative impacts on the environment. The aim of this service is to gain an understanding of the concept of plastic waste management, creating a clean environment and providing a positive impact on local residents. Through the 3R concept (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle), this service aims to reduce plastic waste in the village. Using the CBPR (Community Based Participatory Research) method which is a mixed method for researching community aspirations and needs. Participants in this activity were 15 PKK women from Tanjung Harapan village. This activity was held at the Tanjung Harapan Seputih Banyak Village Meeting Hall. The results of this service show that PKK women as activity participants increasingly understand how to manage plastic waste. The conclusion of this activity had a positive impact on PKK women because they were given strengthened insight into how to manage plastic waste.
Growing Developing Talents and Increasing Self-Confidence in Children at TPQ An-Nuriyah through Mc and Dai Training Arif Rifa’i; Ahmad Najmudin; Riki Radinata; Khoiru Rohmah; Suryani Dwi Rahayu; Siti Maimunah; Ike Saputri; Bella Alfifah; Hernisawati
International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
Publisher : Yayasan Payungi Smart Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58879/ijcep.v4i1.44


Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPQ) is an Islamic non-formal education institution which aims to teach reading the Koran and the basics of religion to young children. The students at TPQ An Nuriyah are very active and show positive energy, so their memorization skills and self-confidence need to be improved. Lack of proper channels to channel their positive energy, which can lead to less productive behavior. In an effort to overcome this problem and develop talents and increase children's self-confidence, Master of Ceremony (Mc) and Dai training is considered an effective way. Mc trains public speaking and mental skills, while Dai delivers  skills to convey goodness and understand Islamic teachings. It is hoped that this training can help TPQ An Nuriyah children become more confident, develop abilities and build better character. In In this assistance, we use the "Service-Learning Approach" (SLA) method. This approach is an approach that attempts to fulfill the practical needs of the assisted community through practical learning or training activities. The result showed that this assistance ;mc and dai training can develop talents and train the students' self-confidence and increase their character to be even better. Keywords:  Developing Talents, Increasing Self-Confidence, Mc and Dai Training  
The Strengthening Religious Moderation for IPNU IPPNU Students through Interpretation Wasathiyah Efforts to Prevent Radicalism at Metro Eka Prasetiawati; Muhammad Irsad; M. Rizal Ma'ruf Baharudin
International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Community Engagement Payungi
Publisher : Yayasan Payungi Smart Madani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58879/ijcep.v4i1.45


The phenomenon of intolerance that occurs among teenagers, especially in the school environment, outside school and even in universities. This country needs to be aware of the potential for radicalism and address how to overcome it. Today's young generation, especially Muslims who are still laymen, are easily influenced by Ustad's lectures on YouTube media (da'wah) which are quite viral and whose scientific knowledge is not yet clear. Therefore, this activity aims to provide theoretical and practical assistance to strengthen the understanding of moderation through Tafsir Wasathiyah for Metro City IPNU and IPPNU students.  This activity adopts the Asset Based Community Development method, an approach that makes potential a strength in developing a community. Participants in this activity were 20 IPNU and IPPNU Metro city students. This activity was carried out in the Madrasah Aliyah Roudhotut Tholibin Metro Utara Hall. The results of this activity show that 1] IPNU and IPPNU MA Ma'arif Roudhotut Thalibin students are potential human resource assets for developing their abilities; 2] Strengthening the understanding of moderation through wasathiyah interpretation for Metro City IPNU and IPPNU students is very useful in order to avoid radicalism; 3] Helping students to have a spirit of nationalism through the practice of Aswaja practice because students at this age are very vulnerable to being infiltrated by intolerant ideas. Keywords:  Strengthening Religious Moderation, Prevent Radicalism

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