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Digital Business Tren Bisnis Masa Depan
ISSN : 20866321     EISSN : 29857848     DOI : 10.35335/dibus
Core Subject : Economy,
Digital Business Tren Bisnis Masa Depan is a journal that is generally integrated in the fields of economics, management and business. This journal encourages writers or lecturers and students engaged in economics, management and business to be able to submit their manuscripts for publication. The aspects collected include: Management, Economics, Business, Banking, Accounting, Actuarial, Sharia Economics, Development Economics, Digital Business, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Advertising, Human Resource Management, Natural Resource Management, Marketing Management, Sharia Accounting, Islamic Banking, Secretary, Culinary Business, Fiscal Administration, Commerce, Business Management, Accounting Computerization, International Business and Syahriah Business Management.
Articles 53 Documents
Analysis of the role of the pineapple agribusiness subsector in increasing people's income in Blitar district Ida Rohmah Susiani
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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This research is descriptive in nature, namely providing an overview and analysis of the current condition of the company's environment both internal and external to the company. This company faces various problems that must be resolved where fast environmental changes require companies to be more responsive in developing products to deal with the increasingly rapid growth of the insurance industry. This study aims to determine the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities owned and faced by PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Malang Regional Office and determine the right strategy for the company in an effort to develop its business and achieve company goals. So from this research it is hoped that the company can take the right strategic steps in the company's operational activities. The analytical tool used in this study consists of three stages, namely the input stage, matching stage, and decision stage. At the input stage the analysis tools used include Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) analysis and External factor Evaluation (EFE) analysis. At the matching stage, analysis tools are used in the form of Treath-Opportunity-Weakness-Strength (TOWS) analysis and Internal External (IE) analysis and by using the Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) at the decision stage, various alternative strategies are analyzed and one strategy is prioritized for implementation. Based on the results of environmental analysis and company position , the strategy chosen is the market penetration strategy. The functional strategy in the field of operations or production includes sales promotions, product presentations, and product outreach. In the field of finance, it covers cost effectiveness and efficiency, simplification of bookkeeping procedures, and the proper use of budgets. In the field of marketing includes market penetration, sales of products that provide large profits, as well as payment of commissions and marketers' rights. And in the field of human resources includes implementing training and providing knowledge about new products.
Influence of skippable, non-skippable and product knowledge advertisements on consumer responses in purchasing products that appear in advertisements Sinaga, Savrina Oktaviana; Leonardo, Austin; Anisa, Nurul; Diana, Febi Nur
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59651/digital.v14i2.95


The purpose of this study is to find out how skippable, non-skippable advertising and product knowledge affect customer response. The theory of advertising value (informativeness, credibility, entertainment, irritation) and consumer response theory (awareness, knowledge, likes, preferences, beliefs, purchases) are used. This study uses a quantitative approach and uses a survey as a type of explanatory research. fifty people answered using the Slovin formula. Closed-ended questionnaires, observations, literature, and literature studies are data collection methods. Data analysis was carried out through the data processing stage using SPSS, and statistical formulas were used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that there is an insignificant effect between YouTube advertisements and customer responses.
Influence of social media influencers and testimonials on consumer attitudes and purchase decisions for Scarlett Whitening products Vhiona Mayari Tandela; Rahmad Rahmad; Irvan Adi Girsang; Crisda Emeliana Girsang; Aldini Syahputri
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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Product marketing through influencers on social media is a new phenomenon in the marketing industry. Therefore, marketing through social media is carried out by a company to reach a certain target market through people who have great influence on social media or are called influencers. These influencers are adjusted to the values of the product to be marketed in order to find suitable potential customers. Influencers will also provide new information and demonstrate their skills to influence consumer attitudes or behavior in making purchasing decisions. Apart from influencers, there are also testimonials that are used to attract customers to make a decision before making a purchase. These testimonials are real evidence shared by consumers who have felt satisfied or disappointed with the products or services they bought on social media. The method used in this study is data collection in the form of a questionnaire given to 56 respondents by providing structured questions, and using variable data, namely data on the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X). The results of data processing obtained from 56 respondents who are USI economics students who use social media, it can be concluded that social media influencers and testimonials of a beauty product called Scarlett Whitening are quite significant in influencing consumer behavior and determining consumer satisfaction. Because the results of the percentage of answer scores that each indicator have are in the strong category, namely 3.24% for the influencer variable, 2.98% for the testimonial variable, and 3.23% for the consumer behavior variable.
Influence of product quality and price on the decision to purchase eyesglass at Optic Naufal Serpong Muhammad Arif Ramdani; Novia Susanti
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59651/digital.v14i2.108


This study aims to examine the effect of Product Quality and Price on Purchasing Decisions at Naufal Optics in Serpong. Types of quantitative research methods with an associative approach, with a population of 990 consumers and with a sample of 91 respondents and with analysis using analytical tests, namely validity tests, reality tests, linear regression tests, correlation coefficient tests, determination tests, t tests and f tests also use classical tests normality tests, multicollinearity tests, autocorrelation tests and heteroscedasticity tests. The results of the research conducted. the effect of Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions obtained the value of the regression equation Y = 1.048 + 0.613 X1. The hypothesis test obtained a calculated value of ttable > (21,328>1,987). Thus, Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted, this shows that there is a positive and partially significant influence between Product Quality and Purchasing Decisions at Naufal Optics in Serpong. While the Price against the Purchase Decision obtained the value of the regression equation 2.235 + 0.923 X1. Test the hypothesis obtained tcalculate ttable value or (23,253> 1,987). Thus Ho was rejected and H2 was accepted, this shows that there is a partial positive and significant influence between Price and Purchase Decision at Naufal Optics in Serpong. then, the effect of Product Quality and Price on Purchasing Decisions obtained regression equation Y = 0.318 + 0.273 X1 + 0.551 X2. The hypothesis test obtained the value of Fcalculate > Ftable or (339,260 > 3.10). Thus, Ho is rejected and H3 is accepted, meaning that there is a simultaneous positive and significant influence between Product Quality and Price on Purchasing Decisions at Naufal Optics in Serpong.
Influence of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions for ABC Ground coffee products in South Tangerang Wita Andriyani
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59651/digital.v14i2.109


This research aims to examine the influence of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions for ABC ground coffee in South Tangerang. Type of associative research method with a quantitative approach, with a sample of 97 respondents and with analysis using analytical tests, namely validity test, reality test, linear regression test, correlation coefficient test, determination test, t test and f test also using the classic test, normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test and heteroscedasticity test. Results of research carried out. Influence Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions obtained by the regression equation value Y = 12.666 + 0.683X1. hypothesis testing obtained tcount> table (8.856> 1.986). Thus ho is rejected and accepted, this shows that there is a partially positive and significant influence between Product Quality on Purchasing Decisions on ABC Ground Coffee in South Tangerang. Meanwhile, brand image on purchasing decisions obtained a regression equation value of Y = 49.423 + 0.253X2. Hypothesis testing obtained a tabet t value or ((-2.065 < 1.986). Thus Ho was rejected and H2 was accepted, this shows that there is a partially positive and significant influence between Brand Image on Purchase Decisions for ABC Ground Coffee in South Tangerang. then, the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions is obtained by the regression equation Y = 24.298 + 0.693 Simultaneous positive and significant influence between Product Quality and Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions on ABC Ground Coffee in South Tangerang.
Influence of price and promotion on purchasing decisions at Cafe Obrol Coffee in Haji Nawi South Jakarta Putri Jasmine; Novia Susanti
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): September: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59651/digital.v14i2.110


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price and promotion on purchasing decisions at Cafe Obrol Kopi in Haji Nawi, South Jakarta. This type of research is quantitative. The sampling technique used the slovin formula and obtained a sample of 98 respondents. Analysis of this data using validity test, reliability test, classic assumption test, regression analysis, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that price has a significant effect on purchasing decisions with a coefficient of determination of 45.1% and the hypothesis test is obtained tcount > ttable or (7.323 > 1.985). Promotion has a significant effect on purchasing decisions with a coefficient of determination of 45.1% and hypothesis testing obtained tcount > ttable or (7.323 > 1.985). Price and promotion simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions with the regression equation Y = 10.800 + 0.333X1 + 0.430X2. The coefficient of determination is 45.1% while the remaining 54.9% is influenced by other variable factors and hypothesis testing is obtained by calculating Fcount > Ftable or (38.960 > 3.09).
Control curiosity issues maintaining consumers active on sustainability Gunawan, Lieptiono; Prayitno, Prayitno
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): March: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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Active consumers play a dual role in one marketing chain, their existence as consumers and as passive marketers outside the company. Dependence on the latest products released by the company arouses consumers' great curiosity so that they automatically look for information about the latest products that will be released and form a community. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with an inductive approach , using a conceptual theory model, and a constant comparison method. The research results of the concept of novelty integrate theory and explain the concept of novelty in detail as well as the formation of an active consumer process.
Faktor penentu kepatuhan wajib pajak Chairul, Muhammad; Kadarisman, Fachrie Ramadhan; Japutra, Antony; Imron, Muhammad Iqbal; Pradana, Muhammad Wahyu
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): March: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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Penelitian ini berfokus pada faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan wajib pajak di Indonesia. Melalui penggunaan analisis faktor eksploratori dan konfirmatori, studi ini mengumpulkan data dari berbagai wajib pajak untuk mengidentifikasi dimensi yang berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan pajak. Faktor-faktor seperti persepsi terhadap efektivitas sistem perpajakan, tingkat pemahaman dan pengetahuan pajak, kualitas interaksi dengan otoritas pajak, dan persepsi terhadap keadilan dan sanksi pajak dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kepatuhan pajak dapat dicapai melalui perbaikan di berbagai aspek, termasuk pendidikan pajak, layanan kepada wajib pajak, dan penegakan hukum yang lebih efektif. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembuat kebijakan dalam merancang strategi yang lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan pajak, dengan mengakomodasi kebutuhan dan persepsi wajib pajak.
The effects of transformational leadership and motivation on teacher performance at yayasan rabiatul adawiyah medan Sinaga, Ira; Hidayat, Ferry; Hoki, Leony
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): March: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership and motivation on the performance of teachers in Yayasan Rabiatul Adawiyah Medan. Data collection techniques involved the distribution of questionnaires to a sample of 35 people. The data analysis model used was multiple linear regression. The coefficient of determination (r2) was obtained at 72.8%, indicating that the independent variables of transformational leadership and motivation can explain their effect on teacher performance by 72.8%, while the rest of the variables are not revealed. The results of the study, at a 95% confidence level and a 5% significance level, showed that leadership has a significant effect on teacher performance, and motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. Simultaneously, it is known that transformational leadership and motivation together have a significant effect on teacher performance. Transformational leadership carried out by the principal should also involve consideration of the opinions or suggestions of teachers when making decisions and giving certain appreciation when teachers achieve an accomplishment. The role of teachers as the main pillar in the world of education can be a source of pride if the work done is appreciated
Formation of a creative hub and channeling patterns for creative economy actors in the city of South Tangerang using SWOT Susanto, Sugeng
Digital Business: Tren Bisnis Masa Depan Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): March: Bussines, IT, Finance
Publisher : Central Research Institute for Agriculture (CeRIA)

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The formation of a Creative Hub and Channeling Pattern for Creative Economy Actors in South Tangerang City is to formulate a form of creative hub and channeling pattern for creative economy actors as a forum for collaboration in a joint commitment effort from both the Government, Stakeholders and Creative Economy Actors to improve the economy in the people of South Tangerang City. This research was carried out using SWOT analysis, namely a strategic planning method used to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a project or business speculation. In the results of the SWOT analysis of the Culinary Sub-Sector SWOT, the Interior Design Sub-Sector SWOT and the Music Sub-Sector SWOT provide several recommendations for the formation of a Creative Hub and Channeling Patterns for Creative Economy Actors, including establishing a culinary core community as a channel for creative hub information, establishing a management training program in design. interior, Establishing a training program for the development of the music sub sector by supporting music promotion in the creative hub.