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Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA)
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) is focused and committed to enhancing social work practices, research, and education. Therefore, the journal addresses current issues, challenges, and responses facing social work practice and education globally. The journal invites debates and the development of innovations in social work practices and their implications for social work research and education. The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) seeks to publish empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social work including community service practices, community organization, social administration, social policy, planning, and program evaluation. The journal publishes articles 6 times in a year (February, April, June, August, October and December).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 48 Documents
Village Community Creativity Through IT (Case Study of SMP Plus Bina Terampil Desa Sukasari Kecamatan Rumpin Bogor) Edison Hotaguan Manurung; Herbert Hasudungan Siahaan; Kasimir Sawito; Bantu Hotsan Simanullang; Rizki Abdullah; Ikbal Iskandar; Fatimah Marthaliza; Safrianus Hardi Farno; Ilham Laia; Agus Sulaeman
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): December, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.74 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v1i1.2828


Technological developments in the 4.0 era have shot up. Almost all activities are carried out digitally. Some things that used to be done manually are now being done with a computer, such as drawing which used to be done using a pencil, now drawing can be done using a computer. Through this KKN program, we want to teach students of SMP Plus Bina Skilled, Sukasari Village, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency, how to draw/design posters through the Canva application. This poster design can not only be for business, but used in other fields such as invitation posters or event posters.
Technology Based Village (Case Study of Engineering Students at Mpu Tantular University KKN 2022) Sukasari Village/Subdistrict, Rumpin District, Bogor District/City, West Java Province Edison Hotaguan Manurung; Hansen Louister; Alif Prajoko; Agus Purba; Ary Rafindo Sianturi; Cladino T M Ngabut; Fatur Rizki Hidayat; Michael Oloan Silaen; Shaumi Hayati Radinda; William Y P Simanjuntak
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): December, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.512 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v1i1.2829


The classroom building has an important role in the growth and development of early childhood. For this reason, it is very important to ensure that children are within the scope of the classroom as they should be. The state of technology that is developing rapidly should be able to educate educators in PAUD about how children's classrooms should be used. Based on the results of observations on PAUD in Sukasari Village, Kab. Bogor West Java found classrooms that were quite unsupportive. For this reason, a Community Service Program (KKN) was designed to be carried out by students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mpu Tantular through community service methods such as rejuvenating the building at PAUD Al-Husaeni to create safe, comfortable, and attractive classrooms for children studying at there.
Implementation Strategy for Village Development Through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Education in Lame Village Sri Prasetyo Widodo; Edison Hatoguan Manurung; Sitti Wardiningsih; Bambang Rismadi; Dhea Jessica Lonteng; Eka Putri Sari; Michael Daniel Simanjuntak; Kiki H H Karatahi; Wahyu Ardian; Alwi Sugeng Perdana
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): December, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.463 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v1i1.2831


The presence of the internet and technology can now be utilized as a means of human development, one of which is village development. With the use of information and communication technology, existing obstacles such as knowledge distribution barriers, community participation barriers, and socio-economic barriers can be overcome. This study aims to answer how the strategy for implementing village development through ICT education in Kampung Lame. This research is included in the qualitative research with the case study method. The result of implementing the strategy is that the community is able to recognize and operate the application so that it can be used as a support in carrying out business administration and product design. However, in carrying out these strategies there are challenges, namely the facilities and infrastructure of the village are inadequate so that the human resources in Lame Village are still many who are unfamiliar with technology.
The Role of Real Work Lectures to Build Villages Towards Dignified Destinations (Case study of Engineering Students at Mpu Tantular University KKN 2022) RT 02, RW 04, Kampung Lame Village, Sukasari Village, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province Edison Hotaguan Manurung; ML. Saragih; Abdul Mubarok; Andri Waskito; Kerlima Hutagaol; Agung Setyawan; Siti Retno Fatmawati; Ahmad Fajar Maulana; Fandi Dwi Hermawan; Imron Natalius Panjaitan; Muhammad Nasheer Amri
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): December, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.832 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v1i1.2832


Community empowerment is defined as an activity to increase the contribution of the community in meeting the necessities of life and solving problems that exist in society. Activities are carried out through the KKN program which is an activity based on community service to develop student empathy for the condition of society and the environment. The KKN was carried out in Rumpin, Bogor Regency, West Java Province with service methods such as education, training for Bina Trampil Plus Middle School students and the surrounding community. The results show that there is a positive response from the community by carrying out teaching activities at Bina Trampil Plus Middle School, namely the introduction of basic computers such as introduction to computer hardware, knowledge of Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel), and basic web programming (HTML and CSS).
The Role of KKN Students in the Rejuvenation of the Nurul Ulum Al-Husaeni Early Childhood Education Building as a Step to Support a Healthy Environment in Early Childhood (Case Study of Engineering Students at Mpu Tantular University KKN Year 2022, Al-Husaeni PAUD Sukasari Village/Subdistrict, Rumpin District, Bogor Regency/City, West Java Province) Edison Hotaguan Manurung; Retno Indriyani Kusuma; Franka Hendra; Pahala Sinambela; Iqlima Tasya giana; Rony Alandry Davidson; Aldi Pratama Alya Saputra; Samotuho Ndruru; Agung Maulana Hidayat; Amarson Felix Silalahi
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (480.037 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i1.2833


Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is the first and foremost foundation in the personal development of children, whether related to character, physical abilities, cognitive, language, arts, social, emotional, spiritual, self-discipline, self-concept, as well as independence and five senses. A child who has entered PAUD needs to be introduced to the concept of clean and healthy living behavior. Children need a sense of freedom, security, comfort, and stimulation to carry out activities in space. Activities carried out through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program conducted by students of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Mpu Tantular with service methods such as educating early school children, as well as rejuvenating buildings at PAUD Al-Husaeni to create a safe, beautiful, and healthy for children
Training on the Importance of Making Financial Reports for MSME in Ujung Rambe Village Novien Rialdy; Sultan Farid Fauzi Hasibuan
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): December, 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (647.653 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v1i1.2887


This community service is carried out with the aim of being able to assist the community in financial reporting mechanisms, especially for MSMEs in Ujung Rambe Village. Financial reports serve as a tool for analyzing financial performance which can provide information about financial position so that it can be used as a basis for making decisions. MSMEs are productive businesses owned by individuals or business entities that meet the criteria of being a micro business. Financial reports are a form of MSME accountability. Even though in villages, village communities cannot be left behind regarding financial reports, financial reports are made to present information regarding the performance of MSMEs. The result of this service is to increase understanding of the importance of MSME financial reports. The method in this service uses descriptive because the service obtained is based on the results of interviews with village heads, village officials and the community. The media used is in the form of documents. The importance of financial reports to MSMEs with the hope that MSMEs in Ujung Rambe Village are able to know the performance of the business being run and can be used for decision making. By holding student services to Ujung Rambe Village, it can overcome problems that do not yet know about financial reports. Hopefully with this training the problems in Ujung Rambe Village can be overcome.
Community Empowerment In Gedangan Ngawi Village In Improving Health, Education And Economic Aspects Desi Dwi Maheningsih; Abid Nurhuda
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (372.861 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i1.2907


The existence of the corona virus in people's lives so that it has such a big impact in Indonesia, especially in the aspects of health, education, and the economy. These three aspects are very vulnerable for the community to experience various obstacles and constraints that need to be improved. So the purpose of this research is to describe Community Empowerment in Gedangan Ngawi Hamlet in Improving Health, Education and Economic Aspects.The method used isqualitative descriptive, with interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results showed that community empowerment in Gedangan Ngawi hamlet in improving health, education and economic aspects included the active participation of children in learning activities tutoring and in the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA), the people of Gedangan hamlet began to open businesses from home. , the adherence of the people of Gedangan Hamlet to health protocols and the healthier condition of the community from illness.
Communication Management in Creating Ideal Interactions in Greend Spaces Sri Prasetyo Widodo; Dwi Purwanto; Herwin Siregar; Parulian Naibaho; Ardhien Rafa; Sindi Sagita; Siti Nurjannah; Fitria Nonita; Risna winarti; Ejar Fadilah; Muji Indarwanto
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (563.909 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i1.2911


The aims of this study are: 1. To describe the reasons for the need for communication skills when implementing KKN. 2. Describe the obstacles related to communication experienced by KKN participants at Mpu Tantular University, Jakarta while participating in the KKN program. 3. Describe student impressions of the KKN program. This research is a type of qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The object of this study was the communication skills of FIKOM and Engineering students, the subjects were KKN participants at Mpu Tantular University, Jakarta. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of KKN communication skills are very useful in the process of adaptation to the community, the process of approaching the community, to create good relations with the community, organizing residents to participate in the implementation of KKN and cultivating a friendly attitude. There were several obstacles experienced by participants related to communication, namely difficulties in explaining the work program to be carried out at the KKN location, organizing students who were passive to participate in activities and sometimes misunderstandings occurred between participants. This KKN program is a program that can provide experience and make students more aware of cleanliness and create a greedy workspace.
Architectural Psychology and Communication in Designing Spatial Layouts Sri Prasetyo Widodo; Edison Hatoguan Manurung; Mira Nurul Huda; Oskar Royke Muntu; Penanga Octavianews; Siti Sa’Ani; Wisnu Pamungkas; Wiwin Wandri; Muji Indarwanto; Suripto
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.377 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i1.2912


Each individual's intellectual, physical, and psychological personality is influenced and formed by the arrangement of their workstation. A pleasant work environment may enhance the psychological and communicative performance of employees, hence increasing productivity. The psychological aspect of a person's mental health is caused by an environment with an acceptable and relaxing arrangement, so as to contribute to the psychological serenity of communication. This study was undertaken at Mpu Tantular University through Community Service Program (KKN) activities conducted by college students using the devotion approach via renovation of the engineering and communication science faculties room. In this study, the secondary data sources consist of scientific journal articles and previously completed research results. This is accomplished through Google search and Emerald Publishing as well as national and international journals.
Communication Industry in Exploring Brilliant Ideas in an Organized Room Sri Prasetyo Widodo; Edison Hatogaon Manurung; Reinhard Manurung; Muchamad Mukhlis; Noval Apriansa; Stephanie Putri Deasy Chandrayani Jachnis; Khairani Aisyah Rasyad; Muhamad Wahyudi; Aldinda Firda Nisa Sena Putri
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.006 KB) | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i1.2914


Real Work Lecture (KKN) is an intra-curricular form which is an implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education to provide students with work and learning experiences in community empowerment. The KKN activities carried out in the workspaces of the Faculty of Engineering Lecturers and the Laboratory of the Faculty of Communication are dedicated to the development of the communications industry, is expected to create brilliant ideas at work and facilitate the practice of communication science in a room that has been arranged and tidied up during the KKN activities which lasted for approximately three weeks. This activity was a challenge in itself for the KKN group by renovating the Engineering Faculty office space and Fikom Laboratory in order to create a space that can inspire its users and can work or be a creatif in a more inspiring, innovative and educative in a well-organized room.