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Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA)
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) is focused and committed to enhancing social work practices, research, and education. Therefore, the journal addresses current issues, challenges, and responses facing social work practice and education globally. The journal invites debates and the development of innovations in social work practices and their implications for social work research and education. The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) seeks to publish empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social work including community service practices, community organization, social administration, social policy, planning, and program evaluation. The journal publishes articles 6 times in a year (February, April, June, August, October and December).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 59 Documents
Riau University Community KKN Service in Parit I/II Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency Nurlita; Ahmad Zaldi; Indah Purnama Sari; Sahkina Purba; Tiara Amanda; Qeysha Alea Febrinani; Hayatul Sarah; Rahmayunita Syahputri Siregar; Rifqi Maulana; Reza Luvvi Mahendra; Fikri Ahmadi Pasaribu
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6133


The aim of the Riau University KKN program is to increase knowledge and attitudes in the education sector and environmental cleanliness among the aged in Parit I/II Village. The special target in the Riau University KKN program is children who will become the nation's successors. Providing prepared materials to be delivered to children and then creating a reading corner to increase awareness of the importance of reading culture. Building a waste bank is also an important activity to raise awareness of the importance of disposing of waste in its proper place. Apart from that, supporting activities were also carried out in the form of a torchlight parade to welcome the Hijriah New Year and also an STQ competition to select qori candidates to advance to the sub-district level and finally, in celebrating Independence Day, a competition was also held on August 17 to increase social values ​​in the community.
Optimizing Village Potential Through Kukerta Building Villages to Improve the Quality of Education, Health and Economy in Laksamana Village Leli Deswita; Hazirah Febrina; Aulia Mawaddah; Zakaria Avandi; Alfiryani; Anugerah Permata Sari; Fathia Hanin Nabila; Sekar Puspita Ningrum; Eka Kurniawati; David Seand Rafael; Barzevan Limbong
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6162


Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Kukerta) is one of the activities that must be carried out to apply the knowledge gained during lectures as well as a concrete form of community service. Kelurahan Laksamana is one of the Kelurahan in Kecamatan Dumai Kota, Dumai City. Kelurahan Laksamana which is the target Kelurahan in the 2023 Riau University kukerta activities. To help Laksamana develop more and create quality Human Resources, Riau University kukerta students try to help by holding literacy-themed activity programs and other work programs with socialization, training and teaching methods . In carrying out the service, the village and Laksamana community are very supportive and actively participate in all activities held by Kukerta students so that the objectives of the program are achieved.
Utilization of School Facilities for Literacy and Numeracy Displays Aidil Fitriansyah; Sherly Marselina; Dina Putriani; Immanuel Pieterson; M. Ikhwanul Fiqri; Reivo Leon Ryadhie; Risky Atikah Tanjung; Rahmilia Syahdilla; Nurul Faoziyah; Nofia Septiani
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6170


The Sorek Dua Village KKN student activity program with a qualitative descriptive method was carried out at SDN 006 Sorek Dua. The literacy level of Indonesian students is relatively low. On this basis, reading and writing activities are needed. Students know the unit of length and unit of weight. This certainly increases student learning motivation. Therefore, suggestions for the future are that it is hoped that there will be more recent improvements so that students can know the units of length and units of weight. From the activities carried out at SDN 006 Sorek Dua, it can be concluded that students' ability to understand the concepts of reading, writing and arithmetic lies not only in the school environment but also in the surrounding environment. seem more eager to learn. This certainly increases student learning motivation.
Regional Mapping in Potential Development of the Koto Benai Tourism Village Eni Sumiarsih; Kevin Jonatan Siboro; Salma Hassya; Martina Apriani Sinaga; Kathleen Julietta Tri Lude; Caesare Zafanya; Enjelina Br Sihombing; Mutiara; Siti Aisyah; Rafael Purvance Hasnan Cannavaro; Ika Rosen Hutagalung
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6187


Koto Benai village is one of villages in Benai sub district, Kuantan Singingi district. Koto Benai village has the potential to become a tourist village starting from the available natural resources, reservoirs and local food. The Potention needs to be developed as one of the efforts to keep the culture, environmental lives and as alternative to increase economic society. In this way, the true character can be known Koto Benai village in the tourism village development strategy as an alternative improving the community’s economy. To introduce tourist destinations in Koto Benai Village, the integrated KKN Team created a Tourist Map for Koto Benai Village which not only contains tourist locations but also increases accessibility for tourists to get there.
Counseling on Making Economical Dishwashing Soap to Educate the Rimba Sekampung Community Nurul Hidayah; Nora Julianti; Muhammad Hafiz Tanjung; Jhon Bona Saragih; Anisya Larasaty; Yoga Hafiz Irawan; Isnaini Putri; Asrifah Lubis; Gena Naila Antoni; Inez Putri Nabila; Leli Deswita
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6215


Community Service Program (CSP) is an activity that must be carried out by all students at the University of Riau as a form of dedication and implementation of the knowledge gained during lectures to the community. Students will determine the work programs to be carried out during the KKN activities, one of which is the Socialization of Dishwashing Soap Making. Soap is a product of the chemical industry that is needed by the people of Indonesia. Soap has many variants and can be obtained easily in the market, such as bath soap, washing soap for clothes and household utensils, to soap used in industry. The counseling program for making dishwashing soap was held in Rimba Sekampung Village, Dumai Kota District, Dumai City, Riau Province which was carried out using demonstration methods and direct practice with the community, especially PKK women. The purpose of holding this socialization is to provide MSME business ideas to the community and can also save monthly expenses from PKK mothers. The results of this activity were understanding and inspiration on how to make dish soap and providing business ideas with enormous opportunities, considering that in the Rimba Sekampung area there are many businesses or UMKM engaged in the food sector.
Efforts to Utilize Organic Waste Through Compost Making Training in Batang Duku Village Dadang Mashur; Meizatul Lidiana Azmi; Susi Hanasty; Mikael Louis Simbolon; Retno Putri Wigatiningrum; Harun; M. Irvan Repal; Mery Fitriani; Riena Asni Artia. S; Nanda Oktavia; Liya Tri Wahyuni
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6220


Compost plays a role in improving soil structure which is useful for increasing plant growth. The purpose of conducting training on making compost is to educate and conduct training for farmer groups in the Batang Duku Village community which is useful in implementing it for the gardens of each farmer group, so that community needs can be met with the presence of compost. The method used in this community service activity is in the form of a question and answer lecture discussion for farmer groups by conducting training. The results of the activity evaluation obtained an increase in the participants' knowledge of the activities before and after the training, resulting in increased public interest in using compost compared to using chemical fertilizers.
The Influence of Implementing Contextual Learning in Science Subjects Through an Outdoor Learning Approach on the Learning Motivation of Class V Students at SD Negeri 009 Teluk Pauh Zariul Antosa; Alief Rachmat Wardhana; Alvy Nurhidayah Putri; Annisa Fitri; Dilla Kurnia Putri; Melly Sartika; Muhammad Fahturi Zidane; Muhammad Ridho; Nurul Annisa; Wulan Dwinata Bustami
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6233


Contextual learning through Outdoor Learning is a learning approach that can enable students to gain knowledge through real objects directly. The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of implementing contextual learning in class V science subjects at SD Negeri 009 Teluk Pauh through Outdoor Learning on student learning motivation. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach, with the research subjects being class V students at SD Negeri 009 Teluk Pauh, totaling 11 boys and 4 girls. The results of this research show that the application of contextual learning in science subjects has an effect on students' learning motivation, and can help improve the critical thinking skills of class V students at SD Negeri 009 Teluk Pauh.
Implementation of Disaster Mitigation in Titian Modang Kopah Village Didi Kurniawan; Kurnia Rahman Misrayadi; Ristafarida Saulina Hutajulu; Putri Kholillah; Lilis Kurniati; Tania Napisa Bilqis; Asih Wahyuni Sutomo; Sri Gusti Andini; Resfi Syahputri; Annisa Nurul Khairani; Ananda Apriyanto Hasibuan
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6245


Real Work Lectures (KKN) are a form of community service activities by students in the form of democratic knowledge. The aim of this service is to provide understanding to the local community about the importance of protecting the environment and greening the Titian Modang Kopah village. Community service activities are carried out through reforestation and waste processing. This activity is carried out because of the change in green land into development land in Titian Modang Kopah village and the increase in plastic waste production. The UNRI KKN Team, collaborated with the Village Head, Mr. Babinsa, as well as the Titian Modang Kopah Village Apparatus. Disaster mitigation implementation activities in Titian Modang Kopah village invite the local community to take care and attention to the surrounding environment. This tree seed planting activity was successfully carried out by UNRI KKN students in Titian Modang Kopah village and received a positive response from the local community.
Education on the Importance of Waste Sorting at SDN 009 Simpang Kubu as an Effort to Control Waste Nur Asiah; Rani Rahmadini; Ahmad Fauzan; Fani Mustiana; Ganis N M Habeahan; Ilham Imanda; Lestari Handayani; Lestari Lature; Nur Atika Dewi; Yossy Juliana Gultom; Yanda Wilfidandi
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6252


Simpang Kubu Village is one of the villages in Kampar District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. In one of the elementary schools in Simpang Kubu Village, we Real Work Study Students conduct education at elementary schools in the village, namely at SDN 009 Simpang Kubu. The education delivered is related to waste sorting. Waste is a material that is wasted or disposed of from sources of human and natural activities that do not yet have economic value. The lack of concern of the Indonesian people regarding good waste sorting encourages us to conduct this education. This study aims to increase students' knowledge and awareness regarding how to sort waste properly and correctly according to existing waste categories.
Monday's Flag Ceremony Activities as a Representation of Love For the Homeland and Improving Character Education for All Students in Village Pulau Cawan Chairul Mukiyat; Jaiman; M. Erizman Hirdi Prayogo; Norma Yanti; Lu’lu’atul Latifah; Norita Dwi Anggari Aruan; Illya Sepridiana; Herma Ria sari; Viola Yolanda Fausanah; Safira
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6253


The flag ceremony on Monday at the Pulau Cawan Village school has an important role in shaping students' character and fostering love of the country. Through this activity, students learn values ​​such as discipline, responsibility and national spirit. The flag ceremony also builds a sense of togetherness in the community, reminds the importance of the country, and respects national symbols. However, the flag ceremony has not been fully successful in forming students' character because there are still violations of the rules and regulations. The research results show that the flag ceremony shapes students' character in terms of discipline, responsibility, national spirit and self-confidence. However, some students still do not fully have self-awareness in following the applicable rules. Factors such as the implementation of ceremonies that have not been optimal and the lack of role models from teachers also influence the effectiveness of flag ceremonies in shaping student character. Nevertheless, the flag ceremony remains an important effort in educating students' character and fostering love for their country. With improved implementation and a better role for teachers, flag ceremonies can be more effective in shaping students' character and making them responsible citizens who love their homeland.