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Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA)
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) is focused and committed to enhancing social work practices, research, and education. Therefore, the journal addresses current issues, challenges, and responses facing social work practice and education globally. The journal invites debates and the development of innovations in social work practices and their implications for social work research and education. The Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works (DARMA) seeks to publish empirical, conceptual, and theoretical articles that make substantial contributions to the field in all areas of social work including community service practices, community organization, social administration, social policy, planning, and program evaluation. The journal publishes articles 6 times in a year (February, April, June, August, October and December).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 59 Documents
Training Easy Ways to Learn to Build Web with Bootstrap Ahir Yugo Nugroho Harahap; Adnan Buyung Nasution; Heri Gunawan; Ria Eka Sari
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): June 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i3.5482


Web Development Training with Bootstrap is a community service activity aimed at enhancing the technological skills of the community in website development using the Bootstrap framework. The background of this activity is based on the increasing importance of information technology and the internet in daily life. In this digital era, proficiency in building websites has become a fundamental need in various fields of work and business. The training is conducted with a practical and participatory approach, inviting participants from diverse backgrounds and varying levels of technological knowledge. The training material includes an introduction to the basic concepts of Bootstrap, responsive layout, UI components, and the use of pre-defined CSS classes provided by the framework. The training is divided into two stages, consisting of online learning sessions and hands-on practice in building websites using Bootstrap.Although the training faced some challenges, such as limited internet access and participants' adjustment to technical content, these obstacles were overcome through collaborative approaches and effective facilitation. Therefore, this community service activity is expected to be adopted and further developed in various regions to enhance the quality of life in communities through information technology proficiency.
Reforestation by Planting Seeds Around Flood-Prone Areas Muhd. Arief Al Husaini; Berliana; Burhansyah Adrian; Farhan Al Farisy; Friska Ziliwu; Hidayati Syajali; Lathifa Azury; Norsinta Ida Simbolon; Tasya Zuhrah Ramadhani; Tracy Brigita Saragih; Suheil Kashi
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.5587


Greening is one of the efforts to create environmental clarity in flood-prone areas. These activities can support the beauty and environmental sustainability. One of the main factors causing soil damage is the flow of water onto the earth's surface when it rains. Floods are caused by heavy rains that result in excess water. Trees play an important role in flood protection. This is because trees can store water that seeps into the ground. Trees have many benefits in life such as preventing floods, cleaning the air and being a source of food for other organisms. There are flood-prone areas around Sahilan Darussalam Village which have recently been inundated with water such as river banks, village offices and their surroundings. In the Sahilan Darussalam Village area there are areas that lack greenery, especially around schools, so to improve environmental sustainability and prevent flooding, the greening was carried out by KUKERTA students at the University of Riau based on research results obtained so as to create an area around the village that is anti-disaster.
The Importance of Job Training and Motivation in Improving Employee Performance Dimer Merpati Umbing
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): June 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i3.5669


Community Service in improving work performance from Job Training on Employee Performance and to find out whether there is job training can provide work motivation both partially and simultaneously. The research was conducted on all employees of CV. IDO UTAMA Palangka Raya in 2022. The research method used is quantitative using the Multiple Linear Regression analysis technique. The population in this study were all employees of CV. IDO UTAMA Palangka Raya with a total of 30 employees. This study shows the results that job training has and motivation has a significant effect on work performance. So that the results of this PKM provide a basis for management in providing continuous job training to improve performance.
Practical Workshop on How to Build Attendance Applications with jQuery, JavaScript and AJAX Adnan Buyung Nasution; M. Taufiq Rustam
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): June 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i3.5784


This journal discusses the experience of conducting a community service workshop focused on creating an attendance application using modern web technologies such as jQuery, JavaScript, and AJAX. The primary objective of this workshop is to provide comprehensive understanding to participants about the utilization of modern web technologies in developing practical applications for attendance management. The workshop is designed with an emphasis on a hands-on approach, encouraging participants to be actively engaged in the entire process of creating the attendance application, from the planning phase to implementation. In this workshop, participants will be provided with in-depth guidance on the fundamental concepts of jQuery, JavaScript, and AJAX, as well as how to synergistically integrate them in application development. They will learn how to optimize user interface interactions with web elements through the use of jQuery, and how to implement asynchronous aspects with AJAX to enrich user experience with dynamic interactions. The workshop will also underscore the importance of good interface design in ensuring the usability and aesthetics of the application. In addition to gaining theoretical understanding, participants will be actively involved in the practical stages of building the attendance application.
Training on Determining Competitive Selling Prices Towards Digitalization of Marketing in Home Industries in Muara Penimbung Village Sri Maryati; Hendra Prasetyo
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.5806


This dedication is motivated by the rapid flow of globalization making technological developments towards digital increasingly rapid. This is an opportunity that can be exploited by business actors to penetrate the digital marketing market and competitive selling prices. Price is one of the determinants of product selection which will later influence purchasing interest. Apart from that, introducing digital marketing is no less important for Songket UMKM in Muara Penimbung, especially so that their products are widely known to the public at competitive selling prices. Based on the results of the service, it can be concluded that the people of Muara Penimbung Village have the ability to determine competitive selling prices for their songket products and can market them on social media by including product specifications.
Socialization of the Role of Face-Based Communication in the Improvement of Students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin Rina; Risnawati; Nurhasanah; Farida Yulianti
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.5845


Socialization of the Role of Face-Based Communication in Improving Students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin. Effective communication is used by teachers and all existing teaching staff to provide direction to students to obey and implement the system of school regulations so that communication between students and teachers can be carried out through an effective face-based communication method in improving students at North Alalak Elementary School in Banjarmasin Therefore, as a community service team, lecturers from the economics faculty and the teaching and education faculty at Uniska Banjarmasin have carried out school outreach at SDN Alalak Utara 3 in Banjarmasin using several existing methods, namely a persuasive approach method, a comprehensive approach method for the school. and the method of providing motivation to students through behavior-oriented counseling guidance methods through competencies and indicators of competency achievement. The results of community service are: After carrying out community service it can be concluded as follows: The students in the AKM (Minimum Competition Assessment) class have experienced an increase of around 32%, where before socialization of class AKM was 35% and after socialization of class AKM was 37%, it can be concluded that the role of face-based communication is very effective in improving students at SDN Alalak Utara 3 Banjarmasin, especially providing positive things in improving the process of learning and teaching.
Optimizing Digital Marketing at IWAPI (Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association) DPC Depok Rino Subekti; Silvana Syah; Hafizah Rifiyanti; Dwi Sidik Permana; Syamsu Hidayat
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.5903


Digital marketing is a field of marketing that uses digital technology and online platforms to promote products, services or brands to consumers. In this digital era, people have significantly transformed the way they interact with media, information and content as a whole. The implementation of this community service activity focuses on optimizing digital marketing strategies for the DPC Depok Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association (IWAPI), an association of Indonesian women entrepreneurs representing the city of Depok. With the increasing importance of digital platforms in reaching a wider market, this PKM activity aims to introduce and popularize the use and use of digital marketing to increase sales of a product.
Improving the Literacy Skills of Children in Kijang Jaya Village Through Competitions to Commemorate National Children's Day Non Syafriafdi; Alwin Zein Nasution; Muhammad Irfan Ali; Parasian Sitorus; Rudi Hartono Simanjuntak; Dormauli Simanjuntak; Arauna Sipahutar; Cantika Khoiruroh; Yusnia Aprelia; Kharunia; Marsauli Simanullang
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6049


KKN activities carried out by Riau University Students in Kijang Jaya Village carry several themes, one of which is literacy. The choice of theme was motivated by an analysis of the situation and conditions existing at the location where the KKN activities were carried out. This community service activity with a literacy theme aims to improve the literacy skills of children in Kijang Jaya Village. One of the programs included in the literacy theme is competition activities to commemorate National Children's Day on July 23 2023 at the Kijang Jaya Village Multipurpose Building. The competitions held were the Storytelling, Fast Accurate and Ranking 1 competitions. The competition implementation method consisted of two stages, namely the preparation stage and the implementation stage. The results obtained from this competition activity are an increase in children's knowledge and literacy skills.
Training on Making Compost Fertilizer from Organic Kitchen Waste in Liang Banir Village, Siak Kecil District, Bengkalis Regency Desi Rahmadani Siagian; Yunda Septria; Ismuliawati Hendri; Tifani Fadhila; Aulia Putri Yuli; Nur Azwara; Mustika Andrina; Fitria Zuliani; Agnes Sintya Rahayu; Rivo Rivaldi; Ranto Vivaldi Tampubolon
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6054


Compost training activities are carried out in the context of the Real Work Lecture (KUKERTA) work program for building villages or community service. This activity is in partnership with the Village and the Liang Banir Village PKK Group. In this case, we are highlighting a superior disaster mitigation program in nature conservation efforts, namely preventing environmental pollution with the aim of reducing piles of rubbish, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers for yard and horticultural plants, as well as reforesting yard and horticultural plants around the house. The target of this activity is that every household can improve the cleanliness and health of the environment and increase greening using homemade fertilizer. The results of the activity showed that participants acknowledged that this training could increase participants' understanding, improve participants' skills in utilizing organic kitchen waste as compost, and motivate participants in efforts to prevent pollution of the surrounding environment. It is hoped that the output of this activity will be applied by every household at home and in the surrounding environment.
UNRI Kukerta Service in Gunung Sari Village: Geospatial-Based Mapping in Gunung Sari Village Muhd. Arief Al Husaini; Ade Rizka; Dhea Rahmazani; Dian Andarini; Dika Junanda; Khairul Amar; Nico Stefanus Sembiring; Nuraini Meltari; Siti Maysari; Syahdia Maharani; Ummu Salamah Hasibuan
Indonesian Journal of Advanced Social Works Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): August 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/darma.v2i4.6111


Gunung Sari is one of the villages that exist in the sub-district of Gunung Sahilan, Kampar Regency, Riau province, Indonesia. Commodities that can be obtained are the result of plantations in the form of rubber sap and palm fruit. This village is listed in the list of 100 best villages according to Province and Regency in Indonesia in 2018 issued by the Ministry of Village, Development of Left Regions and Transmigration. The distance traveled to the village of Gunung Sari is 120 km from the city of the new week, with two hours using the car. The purpose of community devotion is mapping villages as a basis in the development of the area of Gunung Sari Village, Gunung Sahilan District. Image shown on the map of the village gives an overview of land cover in Gunung Sari Village. Therefore, presentation of the map needs to be done with the passage of time to adjust the latest conditions in Gunung Sari Village. In planning development, the map is used as an analysis material of the region by paying attention to land cover. In addition, the level of plantation density can be used as an analysis material for development planning in the form of public facilities that can be utilized by the community. Gunung Sari village is dominated by palm plantations, only a few settlements are available. Land Diversion for green open space can be planned by utilizing the map.