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Asian Journal of Applied Education
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Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal published by Formosa Publisher that provides a platform for unpublished articles on contemporary educational issues. It encourages debate, both theoretical and practical, on a wide range of topics representing various interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and trans-disciplinary interests. AJAE is interested in attracting submissions that exhibit innovative diverse research paradigms, methods, and approaches. The Journal seeks to arouse readers’ interest and stimulate debate on education and transformation with respect to education in its broadest sense, and to be accessible to the wide readership of the education community. AJAE publishes articles quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
Articles 21 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023" : 21 Documents clear
Essential Skills Challenges for the 21st Century Graduates: Creating A Generation of High-Level Competence in The Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era M. Bambang Purwanto; Rudi Hartono; Sri Wahyuni
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.3972


This research discusses the challenges and opportunities for Islamic basic education in the post-Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. Strengthening new literacy for Islamic basic education teachers is a key to change, revitalizing literacy-based curricula, and strengthening the role of teachers who have digital competence. The teacher's role is to build a generation with competence, character, new literacy skills, and higher-order thinking skills. Islamic basic education, as a basis for determining intellectual, spiritual, and emotional intelligence in children, must strengthen 21st-century literacy skills. Starting from the creative aspects, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Islamic basic education urgently strengthens new literacy and digital-based curriculum revitalization. Curriculum revitalization refers to the five basic values ​​of good students, namely resilience, adaptability, integrity, competence, and continuous improvement. Islamic basic education educators must be digital teachers, computer savvy, and free from academic ills. The goal is to create a generation of high-level competence, character, and literacy to answer the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era.
Academic Success in the Oral Presentation Course and Overall Self-Confidence Ferri Hidayad; Dewi Lestari; Adieli Laoli; Samsul Anam; Despita
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4189


The investigation of the relationship between overall self-confidence and academic success in the oral presentation course was a special focus of the study. 53 female undergraduate English majors from PGRI University of Palembang participated in the study. The General Self-Confidence Questionnaire (GSCQ) and final evaluation scores for the Oral Presentation course were used to gather data. Data analysis was done using SPSS. The findings showed a significant, positive association between general self-confidence and academic success. High GSCQ scorers also performed well on the oral achievement test. In order to improve their students' achievement in oral performance, language instructors were advised to increase the development of their students' self-confidence.
Massive Open Online Course in Elementary Statistics: A Tool in Empowering Data Analysis for Philippine Pre – Service Educators Joel I. Alvarez
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4260


This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Massive Open Online Course in Elementary Statistics (MOOC – ES) in the performance of students in Statistics under the Bachelor of Secondary Education program. Using true experimental research design, this study described the performance of two groups of students in Statistics before and after a series of instruction using pre-test and post-test design and test whether there is significant difference between the post-test scores of the two groups of subjects. This study was conducted in Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology and selected 1st Year BSE students (50) for A.Y 2020-2021 served as subjects. The subjects were statistically divided into the controlled and experimental group based on their problem-solving skills in General Mathematics. The experimental group used the MOOC while the controlled group used a series of module. Significant differences within and between groups were analyzed using T-test for dependent and independent sample respectively. After applying these statistical treatments, the following conclusions were drawn: a) There is no significant difference in the problem-solving skills of subjects under the Controlled group in the pre – test and post-test, and b) There is a significant difference in the problem-solving skills of subjects under the Experimental group in the pre – test and post-test. Also, There is a significant difference in the problem-solving skills of the students between the two groups after instruction. Furthermore, a specific and concrete format and guidelines of MOOCs to be developed by the College was crafted.
Development of a Business Framework for the Enhancement of the Business Performance of Selected Small-Scale Businesses Maria Gisela H. Calambas
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4408


This research study developed a business framework or model for the enhancement of the business performance of small-scale businesses in Ragay, Camarines Sur which were assisted through micro- financing specifically the following were looked into first, the description of  small-scale businesses in terms of line of business, capitalization and micro- financing availment. Second, the impact of microfinancing on these businesses along the aspects of liquidity, inventory turnover and return on investments. Both qualitative and quantitative technique were used in the study. In using qualitative method an interview guide was utilized and a focused group discussion was conducted among the 10 respondents and survey questionnaire for quantitative approach in determining the acceptance of the model. After careful analysis of the study, it was revealed that 10 of the respondents said that the source of their capital to put up the business was from MFIs and 1 had said from personal saving. Majority of the respondents about 60 percent had availed from Card Bank Incorporated. 40 percent  had availed from ARDCI. 4 of the respondents had availed the amount of 30 000-40 000php with the term of 9 months and with 12 percent interest rate. With regards to the impact of Microfinancing it showed that in terms of liquidity the sari-sari store, meat shop and buy and sell of rice and palay were moderately liquid while majority of the rest were not much liquid. In inventory turnover, the demand lead time and the number of days replenish showed a very highly efficient among sari- sari store, meat shop and fishmonger while the buy and sell of nipa had a very low efficiency. Majority of the respondents had a very low efficient return on investment. It can be concluded from the study that respondents were highly benefited by MFIS in giving leeway to them with regards to their starting capital however they didn’t realize the burden of high interest being charged causing them a hard time paying their weekly dues which led to difficulties in operating their business in its day-to-day operation.
The Implementation of School Literacy Movement: A Literature Review Herry Augustinus Simarmata; Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4652


The aim of the study is to describe a literature review on the implementation of the School Literacy Movement throughout the country. The article searches were conducted using databases: Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Springer, and the keywords 'School Literacy Movement' and 'Gerakan Literasi Sekolah'. The authors establish inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria and obtained 8 relevant articles. The study was conducted in 5 stages: article collection, article reduction, display, discussion, and conclusions. The implementation of the School Literacy Movement in Indonesian schools follows the theories used as references. The School Literacy Movement is being implemented successfully, and it has the potential to increase student literacy while also meeting one of the government programs outlined in the 2013 National Curriculum.
Application of the Role Playing Learning Model in Improving Verbal Communication Skills of Early Childhood at RA Al-Mustaqim in Air Meles Atas Village Larasi Watia; Dewi Purnama; Aida Rahmi Nasution
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4901


This study aims to apply the role playing learning model in improving verbal communication skills of early childhood at RA AL-Mustaqim in Air Meles Atas Village. Role playing is a learning tool that develops skills and understanding of human relations by living situations that are parallel to those that occur in real life. Sources of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. to analyze the data obtained is done with the principle of descriptive. Activities in data analysis in this study consisted of four interacting components, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion/verification. The results of the study showed that the role-playing learning model could improve the verbal communication skills of early childhood at RA Al-Mustaqim in Air Meles Atas Village.
Development of Animated Video-Based Learning Media Using the Animaker Application on Theme 7 Sub-theme 1 Class V SDN 101765 Bandar Setia Robenhart Tamba; Vinka Nova Tutiona Simanjuntak
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4975


The purpose of this study was to prove the effectiveness of Animaker-based animation video learning media products on theme 7 sub-themes 1 learning 1, 2 and 3 Class V SDN 101765 Bandar Setia. The type of research used in this research is research and development or Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model. This research and development was carried out at SDN 101765 Bandar Setia which is located on Jln.Perjuangan Bandar Klippa, Kec.Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. The subjects of this research and development were 24 students of class V at SDN 101765 Bandar Setia and also teachers of class V (Five). The object of this research is the development of animation-based video-based media on theme 7 sub-themes 1 of learning 1,2, and 3. The results of the study show that proving that animation-based video learning media using animakers has succeeded in increasing student learning outcomes and increasing student learning interest, as well as video education with animation is positive enough to be used in learning and meets the criteria of "Very effective".
Factor Analysis of Student Discipline Implementing School Regulations at SD Negeri 101824 Durin Simbelang Sri Destisa Ria Ginting
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.4999


This study aims to determine the factors causing the indiscipline of fifth grade students towards school regulations at SD Negeri 101824 Durin Simbelang. This research is a type of qualitative research. The research subjects consisted of 7 people including 5 students who had undisciplined characteristics, 1 homeroom teacher for class V, and 1 principal of SD Negeri 101824 Durin Simbelang. Collecting data using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the research data used a qualitative descriptive method, namely the presentation of data in writing and describing it in accordance with the facts and data obtained from the research results. Checking the validity of the data in this study used a triangulation technique. The results of this study indicate that there are several factors that influence student indiscipline including family factors and school factors. Family factors, especially from the lack of attention from parents, families that do not get along well, low family economy and parents' education. School factors related to human rights include giving punishments that are still light in accordance with the current law which must give punishments to educate not through physical violence.
Development of Learning Media Using the KineMaster Application for Learning English Class V SDN 065853 Tegal Sari Mandala II Kec. Denai Medan Michael Yobel Halomoan Siburian
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.5001


The research aims to determine the feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness of learning media using the Kine Master application in learning English for class V SDN 065853 Tegal Sari Mandala II T.A. 2022/2023. This type of research is R&D (Research and Development) using the 4D (Four-D) model which consists of Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The subjects in the study were fifth grade students at SDN 065853 Tegal Sari Mandala II, Kec. Medan Denai, T.A 2022/2023. The object in this study is a learning medium using the Kine Master application. The results of this study indicate that learning media using the KineMaster application for learning English is very feasible. Validation results by media experts obtained a percentage score of 93.33% with very feasible criteria, then material validation by material experts obtained a score percentage of 93.84% with very feasible criteria, practicality validation was carried out by practical experts obtained a score percentage of 100% with very practical criteria , in field trials by carrying out learning outcomes tests obtained an average effectiveness of 88.6 with effective criteria. So it can be concluded that the learning media uses the KineMaster application in learning English for class V SDN 065853 Tegal Sari Mandala II, Kec. Medan Denai, very feasible, very practical, and effective for use in the learning process.
Introduction to Citrus Fruit Ripens Using the Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Learning Method Josua Christian; Said Iskandar Al Idrus
Asian Journal of Applied Education (AJAE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ajae.v2i3.5003


The export value of Indonesian fruits in 2023 will increase compared to 2021. For this reason, a program is needed to introduce fruit maturity, in this case, citrus fruits. Currently, the fruit maturity recognition system is still done manually which takes a long time and requires a lot of human resources. Thus, the purpose of this research is to use Machine Learning and the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model in the classification of citrus fruit maturity. The computer image recognition method used is CNN, which has advantages in computer vision applications, face recognition, object detection, image recognition, and visual recognition. Datasets in the form of orange images are collected to be applied to the Machine Learning method. The test results showed that training accuracy reached 100% and validation accuracy reached 86.59% after 40 epochs using the CNN method on local varieties of orange images. Training loss reaches 0.7 and validation loss reaches 0.69 after 40 epochs.

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