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Flourishing Journal is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing research articles in the field of psychology. Flourishing Journal accepts research articles that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the exploration and development of psychology and behavioral sciences. Articles submitted to this journal must display a well-thought-out study design, appropriate data analysis, and interpretation.
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Hubungan Antara Keterampilan Sosial dan Penyesuaian Diri pada Mahasiswa Baru Pendatang di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya Renny Apriliani; Hetti Rahmawati; Pravissi Shanti
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.341 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p420-424


The study is aimed to investigate the correlation between social skill and self adjustment of newcomer students at Veterinary Faculty University of Brawijaya. The research was conducted with 116 newcomer students of the Faculty of Veterinary University of Brawijaya as the subjects of the study. The Scale of social skills with 0,853 reliability and the scale of self adjustment with 0,844 reliability was used as the instrument of the study. The analysis used in this research was descriptive analysis and analysis of correlational. Based on the data analysis the results stated that; (1) 13,793 percent of the subjects had a higher category on the social skill, 69,827 percent of the subjects had a medium category, and 16,379 percent had a low category , (2) 15,517 percent of the subjects had a higher category on self- adjustment, 68,965 percent of the subjects had a medium category, and 15,517 percent of the subjects had a low category, (3) There is a positive correlation between the social skill and self- adjustment on the subjects of the study which results in correlation coefficient is (rxy) of 0,716 and p value of 0,000 (p less than 0,05). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara keterampilan sosial dan penyesuaian diri pada mahasiswa baru pendatang di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian dilakukan pada 116 mahasiswa baru pendatang di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Brawijaya. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu skala keterampilan sosial dengan reliabilitas 0,853 dan skala penyesuaian diri dengan reliabilitas 0,844. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis korelasional. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil yaitu (1) Subjek yang memiliki keterampilan sosial dalam kategori tinggi sebesar 13,793 persen, subjek dengan kategori sedang sebesar 69,827 persen dan subjek dengan kategori rendah sebesar 16,379 persen, (2) Subjek yang memiliki tingkat penyesuaian diri dalam kategori tinggi sebesar 15,517 persen, subjek dengan kategori sedang sebesar 68,965 persen dan subjek dengan kategori rendah sebesar 15,517 persen, (3) Terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara keterampilan sosial dengan penyesuaian diri pada subjek penelitian yang menghasilkan koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar 0,716 dan p value sebesar 0,000 (p kurang dari 0,05).
Hubungan Konformitas dengan Keterikatan Kerja Pegawai Desa Kecamatan Turen Thoriq Yahya; Fattah Hidayat; Gamma Hakim
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.73 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p434-440


The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between conformity and work engagement Village officials Sub District Turen. This research is quantitative research using descriptive and correlational analysis of sampling technique in this research using cluster sampling technique with the number of research samples of 45 village officials Sub district Turen. The data collection uses a conformity scale with reliability of 0.768 and work engagement scale with reliability of 0.781. The results of this study indicate that as many as 53 percent of village officials in Turen Sub District have high levels of conformity and 51percent of village officials in Sub District Turen have high levels of work engagement. The result of correlation test of conformity with work engagement village officials Sub District Turen showed a correlation coefficient of 0.409. It shows that there is a positive relationship between conformity with work engagement village officials Sub District Turen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara konformitas dengan keterikatan kerja pegawai desa Kecamatan Turen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan korelasional. Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster sampling dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebesar 45 pegawai desa Kecamatan Turen. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala konformitas dengan reliabilitas 0,768 dan skala keterikatan kerja dengan reliabilitas 0,781. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sebanyak 53 persen pegawai desa di Kecamatan Turen memiliki tingkat konformitas yang tinggi dan 51 persen pegawai desa di Kecamatan Turen memiliki tingkat keterikatan kerja yang tinggi. Hasil uji korelasi konformitas dengan keterikatan kerja pegawai desa Kecamatan Turen menunjukan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,409. Hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif antara konformitas dengan keterikatan kerja pegawai desa Kecamatan Turen.
Penyesuaian Sosial Mahasiswa Baru Tahun 2016 dari Daerah Indonesia Bagian Timur Annida Dahrul; Nur Eva; Ike Dwiastuti
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.858 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p441-440


This study aims to understand how aspects, factors, characteristics and impacts social adjustments that occur in new students from the eastern Indonesian region. Social adjustment is seen from how the social adjustment is done and the factors that influence it. Subjects in this study were three new students’ class 2016 who are in the developmental stages of adolescents who are taking courses at the State University of Malang. Data collection tools ware in depth interviews which is related to social adjustment and influencing factors. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data analysis technique was performed using thematic analysis (Themes Analysis), namely: data processing, categorizing data, and interpretation of data. Checking the validity of the data using interpretive. The results showed that the social adjustment of new students from Eastern Indonesia is influenced by several factors both from the old environment of the subject and the methods applied subjects while in the new environment. The three subjects admitted that they still have difficulty in adjusting to new environment in terms of language, culture, customs, and different characters. Therefore, the three subjects are still in the learning stages to better adapt themselves in the new environment. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana aspek-aspek, faktor-faktor, ciri-ciri dan dampak penyesuaian sosial yang terjadi pada mahasiswa baru dari daerah Indonesia bagian timur. Penyesuaian sosial tersebut dilihat dari bagaimana cara penyesuaian sosial dilakukan dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya.Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah tiga mahasiswa baru angkatan 2016 yang berada pada tahapan perkembangan remaja yang sedang menempuh perkuliahan di Universitas Negeri Malang. Cara pengumpul data adalah wawancara mendalam (in depth interview) terkait bagaimana cara penyesuaian sosial dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan (sampling purposive). Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis tematik (Themes Analysis) yaitu : pemrosesan data, mengkategorikan data, dan penafsiran data. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan interpretif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyesuaian sosial mahasiswa baru dari Indonesia bagian Timur dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor baik dari lingkungan lama subjek maupun metode yang diterapkan subjek saat berada di lingkungan baru. Ketiga subjek mengaku masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan baru baik dari segi bahasa, budaya, kebiasaan dan karakter yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu ketiga subjek masih berada dalam tahapan pembelajaran agar dapat menyesuaikan diri secara lebih baik di lingkungan baru.
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.307 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p447-456


Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship between resilience and work engagement of employees at PT KIP. This research hypothesizes that there is a relationship between resilience and work engagement in PT KIP employees. The subjects of this research are 42 employees of PT KIP. The data collection method in this study used a questionnaire consisting of two scales, namely the resilience scale and the work engagement scale. The resilience scale consisting of 56 items was developed by Reivich & Statte (2002) and adapted by the authors, namely the Resilience Quotient (RQ) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) consisting of 17 items were developed by Schaufeli & Bakker (2004) and adapted by the authors. Analysis of research data to test the hypothesis using Pearson's product-moment correlation resulted in a significant correlation coefficient between resilience and work engagement for PT KIP employees, which was 0.668 (p≤0.05), a high and unidirectional category. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between resilience and work engagement for PT KIP employees. Keywords: Employee; Work Engagement; Resilience Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara resiliensi dengan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT KIP. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan antara resiliensi dengan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT KIP. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu 42 orang karyawan PT KIP. Metode pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari dua skala, yaitu skala resiliensi dan skala keterikatan kerja. Skala resiliensi yang terdiri dari 56 butir aitem dikembangkan oleh Reivich & Statte, (2002) dan di adaptasi oleh penulis yaitu Resillience Quotient (RQ) dan skala keterikatan kerja Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) yang terdiri dari 17 aitem dikembangkan oleh Schaufeli & Bakker, (2004) dan diadaptasi oleh penulis. Analisis data penelitian untuk menguji hipotesis menggunakan Pearson’s product moment corellation, menghasilkan koefisien korelasi signifikan antara resiliensi dengan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT KIP adalah 0,668 (p≤0,05) yang masuk dalam kategori tinggi dan searah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara resiliensi dengan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT KIP. Kata kunci: Karyawan; Keterikatan Kerja; Resiliensi
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.707 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p457-463


Abstract: This research aimed to know the perception of the Risk in Driving with the Unsafe Behaviour done by the adolecents. This research is quantitative by using correlation method. The quantitative approach is a research method which the data of the research are in the form of figures and analyzed by using statistical. The results showed a significant correlation in the two variables. In general, based on the results, There was a significant negative correlation between the perception of the risk of accidents by Unsafe Behavior in SMA PGRI 6 Malang students i.e. -0.384 with a significance of p < 0.007. Thus, the hypothesis wss accepted , it means the lower the perceived risk of driving accidents in high school students PGRI 6 Malang the higher Unsafe Behavior on the students Keywords: The Risk of Accident Perception, Unsafe Behaviour in Traffic Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Persepsi Mengenai Risiko Kecelakaan Berkendara Dengan Perilaku Tidak Selamat Berlalu Lintas (Unsafe Behavior) Pada Remaja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional, menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kuantitatif merupakan metode penelitian yang data penelitiannya berupa angka-angka dan analisisnya menggunakan stastistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan dalam dua variabel. Terdapat hubungan negatife yang signifikan antara Persepsi risiko kecelakaan berkendara dengan Perilaku tidak selamat (Unsafe Behavior) pada siswa SMA PGRI 6 Malng sebesar -0,384 dengan Signifikansi p<0,007 Dengan demikian hipotesis diterima, artinya semakin rendah Persepsi risiko kecelakaan berkendara pada siswa SMA PGRI 6 Malng maka akan semakin tinggi Perilaku Tidak Selamat (unsafe behavior) pada siswa tersebut. Kata kunci: Persepsi Risiko Kecelakaan, Perilaku Tidak Selamat Berlalu Lintas
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.39 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p464-473


Abstract: Intimation is an ability to immerse his identity with the identity of others without fear of losing his own identity. This research was conducted to search for the meaning of maturity of intimation that includes sacrifice, commitment, compromise, and equal relations in the book of Riyadushshalihin the work of Imam Nawawi. The purpose of this study is to describe what and how the concept of early adulthood intimation maturity according to the perspective of Imam Nawawi. This study used a qualitative approach with Gadamerian’s hermeneutic type. Gadamerian’s hermeneutic is a method to interpret the meaning of the text by part and whole. The main data source in this study is the work of Riyadushshalihin book of Imam Nawawi. The data collected through documentation from defined text. Data analyzed using part and whole technique. Checking the validity of data is done through triangulation from the expert of sources and the book Sharh (in-depth reviews of a book). The result show that intimation maturity according to Imam Nawawi is a constant awareness of one’s self that he and the whole universe is a servant of Allah who are related to each other with behavior that is entirely based upon the laws that Allah has set over them. The intimation maturity according to him include the values of sacrifice, compromise, commitment, sincerity, and equal relations. Each divided into several aspects, there are 1) sacrifice: dedicated until the end of life, give something good to others, giving priority to others above ourselves, dedicated with earnest, give a loved one to those who need it, and bear the pain of others; 2) compromise: accepting the reason of other people, have the nature of forgiving, understanding differences of other people, to resolve issue with discussion, succumbs to the others, and idealistic; 3) commitment: the clarity of the aggreement on the commitment, have a trusteeship, made an agreemenr in commitment proportionately, have a good prejudice of other people, and the commitment is flexible; 4) equal relations: equality of responsibility for each person, the equality of rights for everyone, and legal equality for everyone; 5) sincerity: present in the presence of Almighty Allah, fear of the Almighty Allah, hoping to the Almighty Allah, and ridho against all decisions from the Almighty Allah. While the implications in psychology comparated with Erikson’s psychosocial theory. Suggestions for psychology scientists can use the result of this research as material identification intimation maturity. Researchers that interested to continue this research should use more source text and use more hermeneutic method variant. Keywords: intimation, early adulthood, Imam Nawawi
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.337 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p474-481


Abstract: This study wants to see examine (1) emotional maturity of teenagers who live with parents, (2) teenagers who live in islamic boarding house, (3) the differences of emotional maturity of both teenagers. The result of 75 teenagers who live with parents is that 8% of them have high emotional maturity, 73% of them have middle emotional maturity, and 19% of them have low emotional maturity. While the result of 75 teenagers who live in the Islamic boarding house is that 21% of them have emotional maturity, 66% of them have middle emotional maturity, and 12% of them have low emotional maturity. Based on hypothesis test, there is a difference of emotional maturity of teenagers who live with their parents and those who live in the Islamic boarding house which can be seen from mean of Islamic boarding house teenagers is higher than the mean of teenagers who live with their parents. Keywords: emotional maturity, teenagers, family, muslim boarding house Abstrak: Penelitian ini ingin melihat (1) kematangan emosi pada remaja yang tinggal dengan orang tua, (2) remaja yang tinggal di pondok pesantren, (3) perbedaan kematangan emosi pada kedua remaja tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan deskriptif komparatif. Hasilnya 75 remaja yang tinggal dengan orang tua yaitu 8% kematangan emosi tinggi, 73% kematangan emosi sedang, 19% kematangan emosi rendah yang tinggal dengan orang tua sedangkan 75 remaja yang tinggal tinggal di pondok pesantren yaitu 21% kematangan emosi tinggi, presentase 66% kematangan emosi sedang. 12% kematangan emosi rendah yang tinggal di pondok pesantren.Uji hipotesis ada perbedaan kematangan emosi pada remaja yang tinggal dengan orang tua dan remaja yang tinggal di pondok yang dapat dilihat dari mean remaja dipondok pesantren lebih tinggi daripada mean remaja yang tinggal dengan orang tua dengan signifikansi 0,002 (p < 0,05). Kata kunci: kematangan emosi, remaja, keluarga, pondok pesantren
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.593 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p482-487


Abstract: This study aims to produce an instrument which is valid and reliable to observe ADHD in children. The steps of this study include: (1) need analysis, (2) design, the form is instrument spesification and writing items (3) design implementation, the form arranging instrument assembly item (4) validation expert, such as an item analysis (5) revision, from field experts validation and individual field test (6) limited trial (7) revision (8) field trials (9) product revision (10) final product. The results of the validation of the contents, done by 3 field experts, 10 items in ADHD observation instrument need to be revised. The result from validation of the contents is validity coefficient Aiken’s V span from 0,56 to 0,89 that means the contents in the instrument is sufficient. After the revision, ADHD identification instrument was tested limited to determine the difference total score between observer (parents and teachers) that handle ADHD children/students and didn’t handle ADHD children/students and there is a significant difference, with signification 0,013. After ADHD identification instrument is tested limited was reised, then a tested field test with the subject of 40 people. Validity calculation was obtained probability value span from 0,00 to 0,014, and reliability calculation was obtained 0,963. Based on the results from validity test and reliability test, it can be concluded that the instrument observation had ADHD as a valid and reliable instrument to observe ADHD in children for teachers and parents, and can be used together with institutions of psychology, education, and health. Keywords: Instrument, ADHD Observation Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Instrumen Observasi ADHD yang valid dan reliabel dalam mengamati adanya ADHD pada anak. Langkah-langkah penelitian ini meliputi: (1) analisis kebutuhan, yang dilakukan di lapangan, (2) perancangan desain, berupa spesifikasi instrumen dan penulisan item (3) implementasi desain, berupa penyusunan item perakitan instrumen (4) validasi ahli, berupa analisis item (5) revisi, perbaikan dari validasi ahli (6) uji coba terbatas (7) revisi (8) uji coba lapangan (9) perbaikan produk (10) produk akhir, berupa kajian produk yang telah direvisi. Hasil dari validasi isi, dilakukan oleh 3 ahli, instrumen observasi ADHD perlu direvisi sebanyak 10 item. Hasil dari validasi isi ini memperoleh koefisien validitas Aiken’s V yang bergerak dari 0,56 hingga 0,89 yang berarti isi dari instrumen memadai. Setelah dilakukan revisi, instrumen observasi ADHD diujicobakan secara terbatas untuk mengetahui perbedaan skor total antara pengamat (orangtua dan guru) yang menangani anak/siswa ADHD dan yang tidak menangani anak/siswa ADHD dan mencerminkan perbedaan yang signifikan, dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,013. Setelah instrumen observasi ADHD yang diujicobakan terbatas telah direvisi, maka dilakukan uji coba lapangan dengan total subjek 40 orang. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis validitas dengan nilai probabilitas bergerak dari 0,00 hingga 0,014, dan analisis reliabilitas dengan nilai 0,963. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas dan reliabilitas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen observasi ADHD telah valid dan reliabel sebagai instrumen untuk mengobservasi ADHD pada anak bagi guru dan orangtua, serta dapat dimanfaatkan bersama lembaga psikologi, pendidikan, dan kesehatan Kata kunci: instrumen, observasi ADHD
Problematika Perilaku Merokok pada Remaja: Perspektif Psikologi Sosial Sheni Oktriacita Nurmawadah; Mochammad Sa’id
Flourishing Journal Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.936 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um070v1i62021p488-497


Abstract: Smoking behaviour is often encountered among the society. Although there have been many warnings about the dangers of smoking, there are still many people who choose to become active smokers. In order to review this issue, the author uses the literature review method. In the perspective of social psychology, there are several causes of smoking behaviour, especially in adolescents, such as motivation and expectations, fears, perceptions, and expectations of self-efficacy. In addition, unhealthy behaviour such as smoking can also be influenced by the concept of initiation and implementation of behaviour. Social psychology can also play a role in reducing smoking behaviour among adolescents. There are 2 ways that can be applied. First is by displaying advertisements and second by framing the messages/advertisements shown. This framing includes positive framing and negative framing. Keywords: smoking behavior; adolescent; psychology Abstrak: Perilaku merokok seringkali kita jumpai di lingkungan sekitar. Meskipun sudah banyak peringatan tentang bahaya merokok, tetapi masih banyak orang yang memilih menjadi perokok aktif. Banyak data yang menunjukkan bahwa perokok terus meningkat di setiap tahunnya. Padahal, dampak negatif merokok sangat besar. Baik bagi perokok itu sendiri, maupun bagi orang di sekitarnya. Mulai dari penyakit ringan hingga penyakit kronis yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penulis menggunakan metode review literatur dalam mengkaji problematika ini. Dalam perspektif psikologi sosial, terdapat beberapa penyebab perilaku merokok, khususnya pada remaja, seperti, motivasi dan harapan, ketakutan, persepsi, serta harapan efikasi diri. Selain itu, perilaku tidak sehat seperti merokok juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh konsep inisiasi dan implementasi perilaku. Psikologi sosial juga dapat berperan untuk membantu mengurangi perilaku merokok pada remaja. Ada 2 cara yang dapat diterapkan. Pertama, dengan menampilkan iklan yang relevan dan yang kedua, dengan melakukan framing terhadap pesan atau iklan yang akan ditampilkan. Framing ini meliputi framing positif dan framing negatif. Kata kunci: perilaku merokok; remaja; psikologi

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