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Alur : Jurnal Arsitektur
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ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan berisi artikel-artikel ilmiah yang meliputi kajian di bidang Teknik khususnya Teknik Arsitektur seperti biidang ilmu perancangan arsitektur dan bidang ilmu lain yang sangat erat kaitannya seperti perencanaan kota dan daerah, desain interior, perancangan lansekap, dan sebagainya , serta penelitian-penelitian lain yang terkait dengan bidang-bidang tersebut.
Articles 67 Documents
KAJIAN ORNAMEN GORGA DI RUMAH ADAT BATAK TOBA (Studi Kasus : Di Kawasan Desa Wisata Tomok, Huta Siallagan dan Huta Bolon Di Kabupaten Samosir) Dearma A Saragih; Yulianto Yulianto; Raimundus Pakpahan
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1020.182 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.368


One of the interesting cultural potentials to be studied is traditional houses. This traditional house has its own uniqueness in every area. One of the uniqueness can be seen from the many ornaments in it. Diversity has its own meaning and function. Ornaments is one of the historical heritage of Indonesia where almost all the tribes in Indonesia can be found various kinds of ornaments that reflect the techniques of each region in Indonesia. Ornament Batak Toba is one of the many ornaments that exist in this country Indonesia. Toba Batak ornament can be found in North Sumatera Province precisely in Samosir regency which always apply Toba Batak ornament as decoration or as identity in important building for Batak Toba, for example in traditional house building in Huta Siallagan, Tomok Village and Huta Bolon.This research is classified in research using descriptive-comparative research method, doing the study by comparing the existing ornaments in these three villages with theories about Ornaments Gorga Rumah Adat Batak Toba, then do the analysis of the condition in accordance with the theory used as a reference
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.473 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.369


Affordable houses bloom in Medan due to high demand. Although labeled affordable, there is some contradiction. The primary task of this paper is to compile the various conditions and issues that related to affordable houses in suburban of Medan and to develop its conceptual framework of housing mismatch through literature review gathered. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. The study found that price factor is the most influencing factor (pull factor) for people to buy the house, followed by affordable installment and attractive building facades.It concluded that there are mismatches between the type of housing unit offered and the group desired by low and middle-income people, location and unhealthy physical conditions.
PEMODELAN KAWASAN PASAR SOUVENIR DI DESA TOMOK (Objek Kasus : Desa Wisata Tomok, Kabupaten Samosir, Sumatera Utara) Ida Nova Sitohang; Raimundus Pakpahan; Shanty Silitonga
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.554 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.370


The tourist market or souvenir shop is a place of sale and purchase transactions in the tourist area that sells merchandise. The tourism market can be classified into traditional markets according to the physical, time, area of activities and goods traded. The tourism market can also be classified as a traditional market according to its function as culture, a market that has multi roles, not only acts as a meeting place between sellers and buyers but the market also has a function as a meeting place for each of those who use the market. Trading is one of the economic activities of the Tomok tourism village. The souvenir shop shows a lot of variants in terms of size / area, shape and ownership of the shop. It is importance to provide the right model in the souvenir market area in Tomok village. The research is using Modelling methodology. The benefit of this study is to find a model of the souvenir market area in Tomok tourism village that meets the souvenir market criteria.
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.422 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.371


The purpose of this study was to find out the visitor's perception of the convenience of activities related to the presence of street vendors on Merdeka Square in Medan. The researcher collected data through the distribution of questionnaires consisting of three parts, namely in the first section containing Respondent Data, the second part contained eight Closed Questions, and in the third section contained four Open questions. This questionnaire was given to visitors to Merdeka Square as many as 45 respondents. The results of the Respondent's Answer are then tabulated, where each answer has an assessment weight. The first stage of processing the results of this assessment is to find the average analyzed based on Quartile on eight indicator variables, and test the validity of the questionnaire variables. Validity test is used to compare the correlation index r product moment Pearson with a significance level of 5%. which tells the assessment of all visitors to the presence of Street Vendors at Merdeka Square in Medan. The results of respondents' evaluations based on quartile analysis showed that the assessment score was at 958, which means that it was known that visitor perceptions of the presence of street vendors in Merdeka Square were quite negative. This is related to the convenience of Visitors in carrying out activities at Merdeka Square.
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (880.448 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.372


It is true that Merdeka Square is accessible to everyone, can be used for various activities. In the context of behavior, space is said to be open if it allows people to act freely, can be visited and left freely and does not have the relationships needed for ownership, size, type of use, or landscape character. But City Public Open Space is not only based on that, but also there are qualitative values that must be maintained, namely access (achievement), compatibility (compatibility), views (views), identity (identity), sense (impression), and livability (convenience). This research produced a model for Merdeka Walk located in Merdeka Square, Medan.
RUMAH SEHAT DAN RAMAH GEMPA DI KABUPATEN SAMOSIR Dwi Putri Damayanti; Shanty Silitonga; Raimundus Pakpahan
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.542 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i1.373


Samosir Regency does not yet have a habitable residence because of limited income, so many of the people live in the villages. In addition, the Samosir region is also an earthquake prone area. Researchers aim is to create livable houses that are able to meet the health requirements and meets the need of resident in Samosir Regency. The design also requires special research on healthy and earthquake-friendly house. The method that will be used in this design are 6 (six) steps, namely ideas / ideas, information, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and action. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the use of red brick with a continuous foundation of river stone is the choice of a good structure for earthquake-friendly homes in Samosir district. This residential modeling also included the social elements of Batak Toba culture into it so that this housing could only be applied in the Samosir Regency area.
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.396 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i2.528


The society of Batak Toba in Huta Siallagan has customs inherited by their ancestors, where there are customs and cultural patterns in the outer space including cultural ceremonies, customs and traditions. Based on the phenomenon found in the tourist village of Huta Siallagan, the researcher examines a culture pattern that has been formed and has its own attraction in the form of cultural tourism that makes it as one of tourism assets based on the potential of rural areas. Qualitative descriptive research strategy is where qualitative research is rooted in the natural setting as a whole, relying on human as a research tool, utilizing qualitative methods and conducting inductive data analysis. Qualitative research is concerned with the process rather than results. Desiring the limits of the research on the basis of the focus that arises as a problem, has a set of criteria for measuring the validity of data through agreement between the researcher and the subjects studied and descriptive studies trying to describe and interpret what is and can be about the conditions or relationships that exist, , ongoing processes, effects, or growing trends. Descriptive studies are primarily concerned with the present, although it is not uncommon to take into account past events and their effects on current conditions on the pattern of outer space on cultural activities occurring in Huta Siallagan
TIPOLOGI FASAD RUMAH ADAT BATAK TOBA Koriana M. Sihotang; Polin DR Naibaho; Emmy Ria Aritonang
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.297 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i2.529


Batak Toba’s traditional houses is one of the relics of batak tribe tradition that up to now still many abandon the values of philosophy and beauty and create a natural picture that is considered to have soul. Batak traditional house is a building that characterizes the house or typical of the tribe of Batak which symbolizes the culture and characteristics of the  batak community. Discussion in this research about typology facade of traditional Batak Toba house building in Tomok Village, Huta Bolon and Huta Siallagan. Facade typology discussed in this research is the front view, the use of materials, dimensions, the use of color, the placement of doors and windows of traditional houses of Batak Toba in Samosir. The research method usedin this research is qualitative, that is describing the existing condition data of facade design from some custom house of Batak Toba which is located from three different villages namely Tomok Village, Huta Siallagan and Huta Bolon. Data analysis in this qualitative research is to search and arrange systematically data obtained from the results of field notes and documentationby organizing into categories, describing in units, synthesizing, arranging into patterns and making conclusions.
PEMODELAN KAWASAN PASAR SOUVENIR DI DESA TOMOK (Objek Kasus : Desa Wisata Tomok, Kabupaten Samosir, Sumatera Utara) Ida Nova Sitohang; Raimundus Pakpahan; Shanty Silitonga
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.378 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i2.530


The tourist market or souvenir shop is a place of sale and purchase transactions in tourist areas that sell merchandise typical of the tourist attraction. The tourist market can be classified into the traditional market according to the physical, time, area of activities and goods traded. The tourist market can also be classified as a traditional market according to its function as a culture that is a market that has multiple roles, not only acting as a meeting place between sellers and buyers but the market also has a function as a meeting place for cultures brought by each of them who utilize the market. Trading is one of the economic activities of the Tomok tourism village community to meet the needs of the community. Based on the condition of the souvenir shop building, there are many variations in terms of size, shape and ownership of the shop. One type of merchandise is souvenir as one of the facilities in Tomok village tourist attraction. For this reason the importance of providing the right model in the souvenir market area in the village of Tomok in order to increase the high tourist arrivals of tourist taxis. Simulation and modeling research strategies are a research that using imitation models of a particular process or system that will be examined / tested through a simulation process, both scientific and man-made phenomena. The benefit of this research is to find a model of the souvenir market area in the Tomok tourism village that meets the criteria of market structuring.
ALUR :Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 2 No 2 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Unika Santo Thomas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (568.022 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/alur.v2i2.531


The Batak are the majority in North Sumatra. The Batak tribe even has another sub-tribe, namely Toba  Batak, Karo Batak, Simalungun Batak, Mandailing Batak and Angkola Batak. Every Batak tribe has its own  distinctive culture and identity. Batak tribes have traditional buildings which are traditional Batak  architectural identities. The diversity of the Batak tribe caused the phenomenon of visual aspect equality in  traditional buildings because of the effects of secession and cultural integration. The Toba Batak  architecture has the concept of a stilt house and pointed gable construction in both directions and a peg and pen structure system is evidence of similarities with Angkola Batak architecture. Angkola Bataks are part of the Batak tribe. Angkola Batak is a tribe in the area of South Tapanuli. The Toba Batak is the center of the Batak culture. The Toba Batak has one of the traditional Sopo buildings, namely Sopo. Sopo functions as a barn, but also an art venue and meeting place. Angkola Batak has one traditional building that represents the traditional architecture of the Angkola Batak namely Sopo Godang. Serves as a meeting place for the king and the people. It is a place where tradition is based on Dalihan Na Tolu which produces consensus and mutual agreement (The King and People). Sopo Godang is a part of traditional Batak architecture that needs to be preserved. The benefit of this study is to collect data on traditional Angkola Batak architecture and data on structures that are characteristic of the Angkola Batak