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Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
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Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal covering multidisciplinary issues. Monthly published by International Journal Labs, the journal serves as a means of relevant discussion that fall within its focus and scopes. This journal publishes research articles covering multidisciplinary sciences, including humanities and social sciences, education, religious sciences, philosophy, economics, engineering sciences, and health sciences.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 55 Documents
Professional commitment as moderating the influence of idealism and experience on ethical decision making of tax consultants at IKPI Malang Branch Dewi Ernawati; Dwi Orbaningsih; Oyong Lisa
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

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This study aims to examine and analyze: 1) the influence of idealism on ethical decisions, 2) the influence of experience on ethical decisions, 3) professional commitment moderates the relationship of idealism to ethical decisions, 4) professional commitment moderates the influence of experience on ethical decisions. This research was conducted at the Malang Branch of the Indonesian Tax Consultant covering 13 regencies/cities in March – July 2022. The population is 110 employees at the Consultant. The sample was determined by convenience sampling, obtained a sample of 91 respondents. Primary data is obtained by sending questionnaires to respondents through goole form. Once the data is collected, it is analyzed by moderation double linear regression. Before analysis, a classical assumption test is carried out. To test the hypothesis used t-test. The results proved that: 1) idealism affects ethical decisions, 2) experience influences ethical decisions, 3) the interaction of professional commitment with idealism is unable to moderate its influence on ethical decisions , 4) the interaction of professional commitment with experience is able to moderate (weaken) its influence on ethical decisions.
Auditor Experience as a Moderation of the Effect of Audit Fees, Audit Tenure, and Task Complexity on Audit Quality Setiyo Hadi Santoso; Umi Muawanah; Oyong Lisa
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i4.47


Audit quality is the ability to obtain good quality or not the examination that has been carried out through the auditor. The study was conducted because there are cases of audit failure related to audit quality which are suspected to be due to audit fees, audit tenure, task complexity and auditor experience due to inconsistency of the influence of previous analysis. The research was conducted to find out the empirical evidence of the auditor's experience as moderating variables of audit fees, audit tenure and task complexity regarding audit quality. The method of analysis is a quantitative approach, applying a survey process through a questionnaire (question list). The population in the analysis, namely auditors as respondents at 70 East Java Regional Public Accounting Firms, has been recorded in the IAPI 2021 Directory. In evaluating the suitability of the method in the analysis, validity, reliability and descriptive statistics are carried out. Statistical research technique using multiple linear analysis using SPPS 26. Auditor experience is able to strengthen the interaction between audit fee factors, audit tenure, and task complexity on audit quality.
The Effectiveness of Situational Language Teaching (SLT) Approach in Teaching Speaking for Islamic Junior High School Hairori Sahrul Hafiz
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i4.48


SLT approach is an approach that involves the systematic principles of selection (the procedure by which lexical and grammatical content were chosen), graduation (principles by which organization and sequencing of contents were determined), and presentation (technique used for presentation and practice of items in a course). The purposes of this research are to know whether situational language teaching approach effective in teaching speaking for the eighth graders of Islamic junior high school, and then the extent of the effectiveness of situational language teaching. The design is pre-experimental research. The sample is randomly selected as the experimental class of the eighth graders. The data are collected by administering pre-test and post-test to the students. t-test is used to analyze whether the alternative hypothesis is accepted or not. The statistical analysis shows mean of the class on pre-test is 16.43 and post-test is 20.47 by using t-test at the level of significance (a) 0.05, gotten r-test = 0.561 and t-test is bigger than t-table that is t-test = 5.691 > t-table = 2.045, meaning that there is a significant difference between the students’ achievement in speaking before and after SLT approach implemented. It then portrays SLT approach significantly effective in teaching speaking and SLT approach has positive correlation with students’ speaking skill at the level of believe 95%. It is suggested that SLT approach in teaching speaking is recommended for the English teachers, but SLT approach is better implemented in small class because teachers are easier in managing the class.
The Difference In Qirâ'ât Al-Qur'an Is Seen From The Rules Of Arabic According To Abduh Al-Rajihi In The Book Al-Lahjât Al-'Arabiyyah Fi Al-Qirâ'ât Al-Qur'âniyyah Ekawati Ekawati; Putra Dian Kharisma Ivada
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 8 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

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The aim of this research is to analyze and describe analitically the difference in " qirâ’ât al-Qur’an" from the point of view of Arabic language structure. The writer applies qualitative method. In discussing the problems of this research, she applies library research by using comprehensive and comparative approaches. The result shows that the difference in "qirâ’ât al-Qur’an" analyzed by " qawâ`id" aspects in Arabic language can be classified into "mustawâ sharfî" (morphological aspects), and " mustawâ nahw" (syntactic aspects).
Product Layout Determination System Using the Association Rules Method Using the Equivalence Class Transformation Algorithm Ahmed Haikal; Yulison Herry Chrisnanto; Gunawan Abdillah
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i6.52


Competition in the business world, specifically in the sales industry, requires companies to analyze the purchases made by customers during transactions in order to find effective business strategies. In the competitive fashion industry, merchants devise marketing strategies to increase sales. One strategy that can attract consumer interest is by organizing and arranging product displays, placing them in perfect layouts that align with customers' buying habits, making it easier for them to find and purchase products. Layout arrangement significantly influences customer satisfaction and purchase intent. The algorithm used in this study is Equivalence Class Transformation (ECLAT). The data used consists of transactional data from Aufco Clothing, specifically fashion products. A total of 1041 transactions were analyzed, using variables such as order number and items sold. The data was processed using JavaScript, with a minimum support of 0.2 and a minimum confidence of 0.7, resulting in 16 rules. The rules ranged from a min. confidence of 70% to a maximum confidence of 100%, forming 6 rules with 9 combinations of items.
Covid-19 Sentiment Analysis Using Random Forest Classification Salsa Safira Nur Syamsi; Asep Id Hadiana; Yulison H. Chrisnanto
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i6.53


The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has reached a significant global scale, changing the dynamics of people's lives around the world. Social media platforms such as Twitter have become important channels for individuals to share experiences, voice opinions, and participate in discussions related to this pandemic. Sentiment analysis emerged as an important approach to reveal changes in people's attitudes and emotions in facing this challenge. This research involves analyzing sentiment during the COVID-19 pandemic to understand the feelings, attitudes, and views of the community after the peak phase of the pandemic. This study refers to previous findings which show that the Random Forest Algorithm provides the highest accuracy in this analysis. Through testing with the Random Forest Algorithm method, model accuracy testing is carried out using a confusion matrix and comparing test data and training data in a ratio of 80:20. Test results show that this model achieves an accuracy rate of 91%, providing a more comprehensive view of changes in public sentiment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Workload Perception and Job Satisfaction of Nurses at COVID-19 National Emergency Hospital Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia Wahyu Setiyowati; Sukma Dewi Yusro Maha; Fajar Sigit Prihantoro; Sucipto Sucipto; Noven Tri Wandasari; Mochamat Helmi; Sumarti Endah; Christanty Effendy
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 7 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

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The COVID-19 pandemic poses a major challenge to healthcare systems around the world. This is due to an imbalance between workload and the number of patients being treated. Nurses have an important role in determining the patient's recovery rate by providing intensive care management to patients, helping to fulfill the basic needs of patients, and collaborating with other health workers. This study aims to describe the workload perception and job satisfaction of nurses encountering the COVID-19 pandemic at the COVID-19 National Emergency Hospital Wisma Atlet Kemayoran (RSDC WAK), Jakarta, Indonesia. This study uses a descriptive study design. The sample of this study has inclusion criteria for nurses who work for the period January – May of 2022. This data collection uses instruments of nursing characteristics, nursing workload perception, and job satisfaction with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. There were 105 samples of nurses chosen by convenience sampling. This study uses univariate (descriptive) statistical tests. The results show that the scale of nurse workload perception was often in the percentage (57.1%) with the most influential indicator being the psychological aspect which not being easy to deal with COVID-19 patients with different characteristics (37.1%) and the physical aspect because of the large amount of work that must be done for patient safety (36.2%). The result of job satisfaction was very satisfactory (57.1%) with the most influential indicator being the attitude of a very good colleague (49.5%) and cooperation between nurses (46.7%). The workload perception and job satisfaction information can be a reference for implementing nursing management strategies that pay attention to health, motivation, and work productivity to maintain the quality of nursing care during a pandemic.
Comperasion Analysis Of Piano Chairs Secondary Packaging At Pt. Chitose International Tbk Tulus Martua Sihombing; Irayanti Adriant; Riga Alviani
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i5.55


PT. Chitose International is an industrial company operating in the furniture sector which is one of the manufacturers of piano chairs. In the distribution of these products to Japan, there were 5% defects in the packaging within a year. However, the company has a defect tolerance standard of only around 4%, this causes the author to want to make suggestions regarding the addition of plastic wrapping packaging to reduce packaging defects. This research uses the Monte Carlo simulation method with the simulation assumption of a reduction in defects of 2%, 5% and 8%. After carrying out a simulation of reducing defects by 2% in 1 year, cardboard damage can be reduced from 1,248 to 1,229 cardboard boxes, thereby saving Rp. 15,797,593. A simulation of reducing defects by 5% in 1 year can reduce cardboard damage from 1,230 to 1,169, thereby saving Rp. 38,758,762. A simulation of reducing defects by 8% in 1 year can reduce cardboard damage from 1,258 to 1,158, thereby saving Rp. 63,419,700.
Sex change in multiple gender sufferers is associated with Islamic law and the Population Administration Law Azalia Rahma Utami; Djanuardi Djanuardi; Linda Rachmainy
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i6.56


The phenomenon of transsexuality and sex change is still something that is considered taboo or should not be done by Indonesian society, the reason is because our country upholds religious values, traditions and eastern values adopted by society. Keep in mind that not everyone is born with normal conditions. There are some people who experience gender ambiguity or in medical terms called ambiguous genetalia or sex ambiguity and Islamic jurisprudence studies, this group of people is referred to as khunsa or double gender. The results of this study show that Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration opens up opportunities for sex change by submitting a sex change application to the court so that the event can be recorded at the relevant agency. Judging from Islamic law, Islamic law also allows sex change if done for someone suffering from multiple gender conditions (khuntsa) as a form of treatment as stipulated in Fatwa No. 03/MUNASVIII/MUI/2010.
Obligations and Responsibilities of Parents of Sexually Disoriented Persons towards Minors as Legal Relations Due to Marriage and Blood Relations Veronica Komalawati; Fatmi Utarie Nasution; Marsya Rindu Amanda
Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Enrichment: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/enrichment.v1i6.57


In Indonesian positive law, the obligations and responsibilities of parents towards children are regulated in Article 45 of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Article 77 paragraph 3 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. The obligations and responsibilities of parents with sexual disorientation towards children tend to be unfulfilled because the sexual disorientation behavior threatens the child's growth and development reasonably. This study aims to know and understand the obligations and responsibilities of parents towards minors in the event of divorce associated with Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection based on the Marriage Law and IHL and find and formulate legal consequences for parental obligations and responsibilities if parents experience sexual disorientation based on the Marriage Law and KHI. This research was conducted using normative juridical methods with analytical descriptive research specifications. The author relates the problem comprehensively based on relevant laws and regulations. The data collection technique used is a literature study. The results showed that the obligations and responsibilities of parents in the form of maintaining and educating children are an attachment that will not be broken even though the marriage of both parents ends. Sexual disorientation suffered by parents can threaten the child's growth and development naturally, resulting in legal consequences, namely the revocation of parental power. However, it does not necessarily eliminate all obligations and responsibilities as parents.