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Fidelis Lejo
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Jl. Pelita Kompleks Wae Palo Ruteng - Manggarai - Flores - NTT
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Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
ISSN : "1411166     EISSN : 29879485     DOI :
Jurnal Alternatif merupakan kumpulan artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan secara cetak dan online oleh Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral St. Sirilus Ruteng. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan juni dan desember. Jurnal Alternatif merupakan kumpulan artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan secara cetak dan online oleh Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral St. Sirilus Ruteng. Jurnal ini dipublikasikan secara online dan open Accses. Fokus dan lingkup jurnal ini adalah muatan ilmu keagamaan Katolik. jenis terbitan jurnal Alternatif STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng adalah Ilmiah. Hak Cipta Jurnal Alternatif ini merupakan Lembaga Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral St. Sirilus Ruteng. Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural terbit pertama kali pada bulan Oktober Tahun 2012 secara Cetak dan mulai diterbitkan online pada edisi Agustus 2020. sedangkan pernyataan privasi untuk nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di jurnal ini hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sudah disebutkan, tidak akan disalahgunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk disebarluaskan ke pihak lain. ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) Jurnal Alternatif 2987-9485 (media online).
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 94 Documents
Perspektif Hukum Gereja Tentang Kepemimpinan Kolegial-Partisipatif Dalam Gereja Partikular Rikardus Jehaut
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (526.965 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.39


This article is primarily focussed on participatory-collegial leadership. The principal objective is to offer a canonical analysis and practical reflections on that kind of leadership within the particular Church. To achieve this objective, the article is developed in four parts. The first, serves as a point of departure, examines the fundamental equality and dignity of the Christian existence of all the members of the People of God, and in their own way share the priestly, prophetic, and kingly office of Christ, and to the best of their ability carry on the mission of the whole Christian people in the Church and in the world. From this essential theological basis, the second part deals with the question of participatory-collegial leadership within the context of relationship between lay people and clergy as well as between diocesan bishop and clergy. The third part is a critical evaluation of the question on the participatory-collegial leadership in daily life with contemporary challenges and what should be thought of in the future as the way forward. The author argues that each member of the lay faithful, together with ordained ministers, shares a responsibility for the Church’s mission by exercising their sharing together in the priestly, prophetic and royal office of Christ towards a dialogical, participatory and co- responsible church. To make this a reality, it is obvious that what so called participatory-collegial leadership must exist in the daily praxis of the church and not top-down, authoritarian, dominative one.
Kepemimpinan Pastoral Bercorak Pastor-Sentris Dalam Perspektif Teologi Silvester Manca
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.116 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.40


Leadership is an important aspect of Church life. In fact, the style of leadership that are carried out in the Church must reflect the teachings of faith and theology as well as the basic principles in the Church. It must not conflict with the basic spirit of the Church. With that, the meaning of Church presence as sacrament of salvation in the middle of the world becomes clear and felt. In this article, it is emphasized that the surviving pastoral-centric style of leadership in the Church is not problematic in the context of pastoral management, but also contradicts the theology and the principle of Church social teaching. At the very least, this leadership contradicts the nature of the Church as communion or fellowship, the principles of participation and subsidiarity and the nature of the ministerial priesthood. Therefore, such leadership must be rejected.
Kepemimpinan Gembala: Mewujudkan Spirit Kepemimpinan Yesus dalam Komunitas Religius Yosef Masan Toron
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.152 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.41


Leadership is always understood as human capability to influence a person or groups to get certain goals. Stoner defines leadership as a process of directing or influencing groups or organizations to realize visions or goals. Being conscious of this importance of leadership, Ruteng Diocese, in the process of implementing the fifth year of the Third Sinode of Ruteng Diocese, invites all the chirstians, the leaders and congregations to reflect the theme of leadership of shepherds. All leaders in different levels, religious or layman, are invited and motivated to implement the leadership of the shepherd. For religious leaders, the theme chosen indicates not only a reality of misleading leadership in religious life but also guiding and motivating the implementation of the leadership in the spirit of Jesus, the Lord in the religious communities life.
Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Katolik Sebagai Gembala Emanuel Haru
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (932.144 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.42


Ruteng Diocese has launched 2020 as a pastoral year. This designation of a pastoral year is closely related to the pastoral focuses of previous years. Previously, a focus on pastoral care has been launched which includes four areas, namely sanctification (2016), proclamation (2017), fellowship (2018) and ministry (2019). These four focuses assume a leadership (shepherd) who is responsible for directing this pastoral care. Of course, the ordained shepherds, the bishop and priests, were responsible first. In addition, the participation of the people is also important. For the success or failure of these pastoral programs is dependent on the commitment and also good cooperation between ordained pastors and baptized pastors throughout the Ruteng Diocese. Catholic Religious Education Teacher is one of the many baptized pastors. He/ She is one of the components that has an important role in carrying out pastoral programs, especially in the field of education. A Catholic Religious Education Teacher is obliged to carry out the role of a shepherd in the sphere of education. The pastoral role of a Catholic Religious Education Teacher is based on the dignity of the sacrament of baptism and also by a special vocation as a pastoral officer who is specially prepared through education with a pastoral or catechetic background. In this article, the author emphasizes the role of a Catholic Religious Education Teacher as a school pastor in his capacity as a teacher/ educator. He/ She plays his/ her pastoral role in schools when teaching, guiding and motivating students and other faith formation activities in the context of implementing pastoral programs launched by the diocese. In carrying out the role of a baptized pastor, a Catholic Religious Education Teacher must have his own spirituality. And the spirituality of the shepherding of a Catholic Religious Education Teacher comes from Jesus himself as the True Shepherd. By being guided by the spirituality of pastoral originating from Jesus the true Shepherd, it is hoped that a Catholic Religious Education Teacher will be able to carry out his/ her pastoral mission well in the school.
Peranan “Yang Lain” dalam Membentuk Karakter Petugas Pastoral Berdasarkan Ensiklik “Fratelli Tutti” Sri Paus Fransiskus Paulus Tolo
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (729.71 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.43


The third encyclic written by Pope Francis is Fratelli Tutti. The title of the encyclic is taken from admonitio of St. Francis of Asisi. Literally Fratelli Tutti means all brothers. As far as the content of the encyclic is concerned, it is considered as a social encyclic. It speaks about the concern of the Pope on social issues especially human relations. In the Pope’s view, there are signs of disruption in human relation especially relation with “others”. So in the first place a summary of the encyclic will be presented. In the second place, the author of this article points out the role of “others” in the context of human development. The other plays an important role for reaching an integral human person. For pastors, the role of “other” in his ministries and services helps him to change his attitude and mentality. This article tries to demonstrate that the most tangible way the “other” can do to pastors is urging them to have a radical conversion. The “other” challenges pastors to make decision to be a neighbour for the “other”.
Teknologi Kinerja Pastoral Vinsensius Nase
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (897.668 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.44


The title of this writing is Pastoral PerformanceTechnology. Technology is all hardware and software things of technology. Technology can be used to facilitate human activities without exception. Performance is achievement, in meaning quality and quantity of human as a personal or organization achievement. Pastoral is all apostolic activities of the catholic Church consist of teaching task, proclaiming task, sanctifying task and leading task for the people of the church. The main question of this writing is what is the main contribution of Pastoral Performance Technology to pastoral activities. That is why, the purpose of this writing is to describe and explain pastoral performance technology and its contribution in apostolic activities of the Church. Pastoral Performance technology gives contribution to facilitate a systematic planning in pastoral activities and systemic results. The Second Concilium of the Vatican advised the church to use technology in apostolic/pastoral activities. Contribution of pastoral performance technology is all pastoral activities must be started of planning, development, using, management and evaluation of pastoral activity. Pastoral pattern in spirit of pastoral performance technology is holistic integrative pastoral.
Beragama dan Berakal Sehat Fidelis Den
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (591.654 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.45


Religion (God) has been the inspiration for irrational acts, violence, and cruelty to fellow human beings. For God’s sake, religious people easily sacrifice themselves and others and thus they do not respect the dignity of human beings. These things according to Feuerbach are nonsense. According to him, God, religion and humans must be understood in one unified whole. Human dignity must be respected in the context of a very intimate relationship with God and with others. That’s what makes sense. Common sense is actually a very important part of living a religious life. Only common sense can relive brutality in the name of God and religion and return religion to its spirit as an inspiration for peace by giving priority to respect for human dignity.
Islamisasi dan Kristenisasi di Manggarai: Mengendus Jejak Monisme Moral Pada Muslim & Katolik di Manggarai Hironimus Bandur
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1187.228 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.46


Reading the socio-historical phenomenon of moral monism in Manggarai, must be started from the expansion of Islamization and Christianization. Islamization and Christianization had an effect on the growth of Islamism and Catholicism. The main character of Islamization and Catholicism is the claim of the exclusive truth. Each of them claimed that their religion only is the most true and logic, therefore it must be adhered, then the other one is wrong and ilogic, therefore it must be left. This preaching reinforced the concept of moral monism to each individual. In this paper, the author found that the history of Islamization and Christianization in Manggarai had formed the monism moral in religious life, however, moral monism in Islamism is different from moral monism in Catholicism. The phenomenon of moral monism in religious teaching can disrupt Muslim and Catholic relations, including the Manggaraian. Prevention efforts must be made by various social elements such as the local government, the religious teachers, and Moslim-Catholic community in Manggarai. The response of the great Catholic and Moslem figures: Pope Francis and Grand Shaykh Ahmad Thayyip in the UAE, that is included, Abu Dhabi Document would be implemented in religious life.
Gaya Kepemimpinan Kelembagaan di Era Disrupsi (Tinjauan dari Perspektif Manajemen) Keristian Dahurandi
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Alternatif - Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1556.702 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i1.47


The Disruption era is part of the context of today’s society. This era was born from revolution 4.0. The era of revolution 4.0 is one stage of the industrial revolution that adopts the idea of a computerized system in management. By doing so, various virtual information technology products have emerged that lead to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) system. The flood of technological innovations certainly brings various dilemma situations in various dimensions of human life. This situation arises when something common becomes unusual or vice versa thanks to the ability of digital technology. One of the permanent life systems and functions which regulates human efforts to meet their daily needs is institutions both local institutions such as families and indigenous peoples and new institutions (such as modern organizations). One of the important institutional actors is leadership. In short, leadership is defined as a leader’s efforts to influence its members to achieve goals. Therefore, it requires at least three fundamental institutional leadership styles to face the disruption era, namely situational leadership, transformational leadership and servant leadership. Situational leadership helps leaders to strengthen internally human resource commitment of staff or institutional members in accordance with the institutional context. Transformational leadership encourages the creation of institutional innovation according to its vision and mission. Institutional innovation begins with a leader’s efforts to constantly renew himself (on going formation) so that he/she is able to become agents of change for the institution and its members. Finally, servant leadership tries to encourage institutional functions to remain human-oriented since human beings are the image of God/Creator. These three leadership styles should become standard leadership styles which should be applied in institutions to ward off the dilemma of innovation in the disruption era.
Kenopak Lamaholot: Menemukan Makna Religius-Etis dan Didaktis Ungkapan Bijak Masyarakat Tanalein Yosef Masan Toron
Jurnal Alternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal ALternatif Wacana Ilmiah Interkultural
Publisher : STIPAS St. Sirilus Ruteng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (246.263 KB) | DOI: 10.60130/ja.v10i2.57


Kenopak, in the literary perspective can be compared with the “wisdomgenre”, found among the Lamaholot people, who live in the easternpart of Flores. Most people use the “Lamaholot” language as the spokenlanguage. Lamaholot language can be used in different ways, eitherordinary or extraordinary. Kenopak is always used in extraordinarytimes, for ritual needs or different cultural events. Using “kenopak”,the Lamaholot people try to describe the history and the role of theclan in certain social contexts, the existence of the High Being, andmany different values in different fields of life. Being conscious of theimportant values of kenopak, this study is trying to find different valuesof kenopak among the people in Tanalein, West Solor, Larantuka, andcomparing them with the values of wisdom in the Bible Tradition.Kenopak as the wisdom expression among the Lamaholot people isnot only a range of words and sentences without meaning, inheritedfrom the old generations. After doing a long research and analyzing itscontents, kenopak actually have different important values for life. Ethic,religious and didactics are the basic and fundamental values that can’tbe separated from different kenopak, that are known and acknowledgedamong the Lamaholot people. Those values have a close relation withthe basic christian values found in the Bible. Facing the changes and thedevelopment of times, those values might be useful for the formation ofyoung generations, preparing them as the generation for future.

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