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International Journal of Educational Narratives
ISSN : 29881579     EISSN : 29880092     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
International Journal of Educational Narratives is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal dedicated to interchange for the results of high-quality research in all aspect of Learning and Education. The scope of International Journal of Educational Narratives is not only in the form of study, research, or development, but also book review on Learning and Education. But also focused on: Educational Philosophy, Citizenship Education, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Educational Guidance and Counseling, Educational Methodologies, Education Management, Science and Technology Education, Cross-cultural Education and the results of other studies on Discipline Education. The journal publishes state-of-art papers in fundamental theory, experiments, and simulation, as well as applications, with a systematic proposed method, sufficient review on previous works, expanded discussion, and concise conclusion. As our commitment to the advancement of science and technology, the International Journal of Educational Narratives follows the open access policy that allows the published articles freely available online without any subscription. Submitted papers must be written in English for initial review stage by editors and further review process by minimum two international reviewers.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)" : 7 Documents clear
Implementation of Pancasila Values among Students in Implementing Government Policies in the Education Sector during the COVID-19 Pandemic Amelia Amanda; Uwe Barroso; Matteson Niva
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.290


Background. The outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia has prompted the government to issue many new policies related to various fields of community life. One of them is a policy in the field of education, namely through the establishment of the LFH (Learning from Home) policy for all levels of education. The problem that arises is the demand for changes in student behavior from traditional learning methods to independent learning patterns. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine how students apply Pancasila values in implementing learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic era in line with government policies. Method. The research was conducted with a quantitative approach, which began with a literature study to find out aspects related to Pancasila values, LFH learning methods and health policies in the Covid-19 Pandemic era. Based on the results of the literature study, a questionnaire was developed to collect data from students. The questionnaire was made an online version using google form so that it was easily filled in by respondents, namely 30 new Tadris English students. Results. The research findings are interesting to note, namely the majority of respondents (85%) argue that government policies in the field of education in the current Covid-19 Pandemic era have not been carried out effectively. In fact (67.5%) students stated that there was a decrease in learning motivation among students. This finding needs to be immediately anticipated by decision-makers in higher education. Conclusion. The values of Pancasila that are applied at this time are Fair and Civilized Humanity and Indonesian Unity.  
Democracy in the Indonesian Perspective: Government System Lusiana Rahmadani Putri; Wang Joshua; Kailie Maharjan
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.302


Background. This article is made so what we know that the western democracy that was born by the french Revolution did not bring true people’s independence,but gave rise to the power of capitalism,therefore political democracy alone is not enough to achieve true democracy ,namely people’s  soveregeighnty Purpose. There must also be economic sovereignty,which uses the basis ,that all income which recognizes the livelihood of the people must also be under the responsibility of the people. Method. The study involved 288 university students from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean TFL settings, and the data from questionnaires were analysed using appropriate statistical methods. Results. Why is democracy always a theme and a moral choice in political  struggles?because humans realize that they have a moral weakness in the form of a tendency to rule and dominate others. Conclusion. If this tendency is attached to someone who happens to be holding power and there is no control mechanism that can warn and control it,then it is usually the people who will become.  
Disintegration: Dynamics and Polemics of Umayyad and Abbasid Leadership Santi Nirmala Dewi; Siti Sofiah Al-Adawiyah; Imam Tabroni; Elladdadi Mark; Amina Intes
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.341


Background. The Umayyad dynasty was the beginning of absolute monarchy in the Islamic concept of government. Muawiyah as the founder of the dynasty actually adopted from the two previous great empires of Byzatium and Persia. Purpose. The aim of the Umayyad rule was to develop science. At the end of the Umayyad rule, around the seventh century, there were a number of revolts throughout the country. Method. The writing of this article uses the manuscript review method, in this writing is the Disintegration of the Umayyad Dynasty and the Abbasid Dynasty in the Years 1000 - 1250 AD. the source used is secondary data where the author uses literature obtained from literature studies to several journals, books, and trusted articles. Writing with a study of several sources of books or journals is intended to get more complex data to make one complete writing. Results. In the first period, the Abbasid dynasty faced many challenges and disturbances. Several political movements that undermined the government and destabilized it appeared everywhere, both internal movements of the Abbas family itself and from outside. Conclusion. The situation of the Abbasid dynasty before the disintegration was relatively stable, the situation was seen that all the problems faced in the early period could be resolved properly. It is even famous in history that the first period of the Abbasid dynasty was a period of progress, where all lines of life experienced rapid progress.
The Struggle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Building the ummah of Islam: A Story of Sacrifice and Courage Ilah Nursolihah Nugraha; Salshabila Aulia; Imam Tabroni; Yuanyuan Wang; Guijiao Zou
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.342


Background. Based on his life journey, the prophet Muhammad has always been a hot topic of conversation among the world's intellectuals (Ondeng, 2004). Da'wah is the main pillar in the teachings of Islam, because it has woven every story of the Prophet Muhammad's life. Purpose. In the midst of this difficult situation, the prophet Muhammad and his companions did everything they could to maintain the security and safety of Muslims. The emergence of these various problems shows that the truth of Islam is challenged to provide the right solution. Method. This research uses a literature study that collects and analyzes data related to the Prophet Muhammad's struggle in building Muslims. Results. Before Islam came through the prophet Muhammad, the Arabs believed in the existence of gods through the worship of idols and these were made of stone. During his childhood, Prophet Muhammad always contemplated the lives of the Jahiliyyah people and regularly visited the cave of Hira. On the 27th of Rajab in 610 AD prophet Muhammad was sent as an apostle. The Quran is a sacred revelation delivered directly by God to Prophet Muhammad. Conclusion. So based on the description above, the author will explain the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad to free Muslims from the grasp of the hands of the infidels. So compelling is the life of the Prophet Muhammad, a story colored by divine light and unwavering glory.
Development of Arabic Teaching Materials Based on Google Classroom Adam Mudinillah; Xie Guilin; Deng Jiao
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.386


Background. Based on the problems obtained by researchers about the problem of Arabic language in Indonesia at this time is very minimal, because there are elements that inhibit the implementation of Arabic language learning. Among them, namely, kitabah, kalam, istima', thus the process of learning Arabic in school development is very lacking. Purpose. Thus, researchers have a goal of learning Arabic through google clasrooom to make it easier for students to carry out Arabic language learning more effectively and efficiently. And how influential is Arabic language learning using google meet media when used for student learning activities, and the subject of researchers conducted at the madrasa ibtidaiyah teluk kuantan to find out the Arabic language learning process using google meet media to what extent the effectiveness of learning media google meet application. Method. And this type of research uses quantitative data, the object of which is carried out by researchers there are students from madrasah ibtidaiyah teluk kuantan. And the data collection technique used is interviews. The results of the study aim to help students and teachers at madrasah ibtidaiyah teluk kuantan be able to apply Arabic language learning using the google classrom application media and can motivate students to learn in using the google meet application media. Results. The result of the study aims to help students and teachers at the madrasa ibtidaiyah teluk kuantan be able to apply Arabic language learning by using the google classrom application media and can motivate students to learn in using the google meet application media. Then the results of the questionnaire data obtained by researchers know the use of google meet media and what Arabic language learning is used by teachers and students at madrasah ibtidaiyah teluk kuantan. Conclusion. And researchers hope that with the use of the google meet application media for Arabic language learning and other learning can be applied by teachers and students so that there is an effective and efficient learning process.
Exploratory Factor Analysis as a Tool for Determining Indicators of a Research Variable: Literature Review Baso Intang Sappaile; Andi Tenri Abeng; Nuridayanti Nuridayanti
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.387


Background. Exploratory factor analysis can be used as a guideline for constructing instrument homogeneity. Purpose. Factor analysis is the queen of analytical methods because of its strength, flexibility and closeness to the nature of scientific aims and objectives. Method. Roughly speaking, an instrument whose items measure only one trait in general and can determine the indicators of a research variable. To determine the number of indicators based on eigenvalues greater than or equal to one, both in the initial factor analysis and in further analysis. Results. A statement item is declared eligible for inclusion in a factor if the item has a factor load greater than or equal to 0.30 on only one factor. Similarly, an indicator is declared feasible if its factor load is greater than or equal to 0.30. Conclusion. The item that has the highest factor load on a factor contributes the most to that factor, so that item is used as the basis for guidance in naming a factor as the name of the indicator.
The Influence of Islamic Bank Customer Experience and Perception on Brand Equity and Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Prasetyo Harisandi; Ratih Hurriyati; Puspo Dirgantari; Engga Jalaludin
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.608


Background. This paper offers novelty in addressing the digitization trend and competitive challenges faced by banking service providers in achieving customer satisfaction in the digital economy ecosystem. It specifically focuses on customers of Bank Sya-riah Indonesia the leading Islamic banking company in Indonesia. The value of this paper lies in its insights for banking professionals, researchers, and policy makers in navigating the digital landscape and enhancing customer-centric digital banking services. Purpose. The population of this study consists of customers aged 18 years and over who use mobile banking services provided by Bank Syariah Indonesia, one of the largest Islamic banking companies in Indonesia in terms of market capitalization. Purposive sampling was used to obtain a sample of 160 respondents who met the research criteria. Method. This study uses quantitative methods with the type of experimental research that aims to examine the effect of using the Kinemaster application on the learning outcomes of Natural Science students in class VII UPT SMP Negeri 3 Pitu Riase. Results. The results of this study indicate that offline experience has no positive effect on brand image, other results online experience has a positive effect on brand im-age, and brand experience affects customer satisfaction, In addition, online experience is found to have a significant positive effect on offline experience. Conclusion. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights into the influence of offline and online experiences on brand equity and customer satisfaction with e-services in the Indonesian banking industry. This provides banks with a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and the important satisfaction factors that drive long-term decision-making in banking services.

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