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Nusantara Education
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
The scope of Nusantara Education are Education Studies; Teaching and learning, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Reading comprehension, Philosophies of education, Vocational education, Higher education, Multicultural Education studies, Educational approaches, Formal and Informal Education.
Articles 6 Documents
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Upaya Guru Madrasah Dalam Membentuk Kedisiplinan Pelajar Di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Amaliyah Tanjung Tiga Baihaqi
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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This study describes the efforts of madrasa teachers in shaping student discipline at the private private madrasah aliyah, Tanjung Tiga. The purpose of this research is to provide information and education to readers that formal educational institutions, namely madrasas, have the ability to shape the character of being a disciplined student. This type of research is a qualitative research that seeks to explain social phenomena that are developing in the present mass. The data collection techniques used were observation and unstructured interviews and then the data were analyzed objectively and described scientifically by following the procedures for writing scientific papers. The results of the study were found as follows: First, private madrasah aliyah teachers in Tanjung Tiga on various occasions always educate students to always comply with the rules and regulations that apply in the madrasa environment. Second, the private madrasah aliyah teacher at Tanjung Tiga always provides an example of discipline for students to be a role model for him. Third, private madrasah aliyah teachers at tanjung three always carry out internal monitoring of student character and student discipline, if there are still students who are not disciplined, madrasa teachers do early identification of triggers for these students to become undisciplined Fourth, the head of private madrasa aliyah amaliyah tanjung three conducts evaluations periodically to all madrasah residents who aim to improve things that must be improved for the better the next day. Fifth, efforts to establish student discipline are carried out in persuasive ways.    
Madrasah Effort In Improving The Quality Of Teacher Work On Covid 19 Pandemic At Madrasah Aliyah Of Besitang Wahyu Ziaulhaq
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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This study describes the efforts of the head of the madrasa in maintaining the quality of teacher work during the covid-19 pandemic at the private preparatory madrasah aliyah in Besitang. The purpose of this research is to educate teachers always to evaluate the quality of teacher work so that the quality of work remains optimal in the mass of the covid 19 outbreak. This type of qualitative research seeks to explain social phenomena developing in the current mass. The data collection techniques he did were observation and unstructured interviews, then the data were analyzed objectively and then described scientifically by following the procedures for writing scientific papers using digital technology; give the task to the teacher to deliver material to students following the government's instructions. The principal of the madrasa conducts periodic supervision by monitoring learning activities online and the list of student assessments following student competence. The head of the madrasa seeks to improve coordination with parents of students related to the implementation of student learning activities while at home. The head of the madrasa continues to conduct Training for madrasa teachers so that madrasa teachers understand the procedures for making lesson plans and learning models by utilizing digital technology  
Permainan Tradisional Indonesia Sebagai Media Penanaman Nilai Moral Pada Siswa: Sebuah Studi Literatur Arif Samsurrijal
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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Anak adalah pewaris masa depan bangsa. Oleh karena itu anak perlu dibekali dengan Pendidikan, termasuk di dalamnya Pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karakter dapat menjadi tameng bagi anak agar terhindar dari hal hal negative di tengah gempuran teknologi saat ini. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana permainan tradisional Indonesia dapat menjadi media untuk menanamkan nilai nilai karakter bagi siswa atau anak. Hal ini karena Indonesia yang kaya akan suku dan budaya menyimpan banyak sekali permainan tradisional yang sarat akan nilai nilai luhur warisan nenek moyang. Artikel ini adalah studi literatur (library research) yang menggunakan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah indektif deskriptiv. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki banyak permaian tradisional dari berbagai daerah. Di samping itu, terdapat nilai nilai yang diajarkan dari bermain tersebut, dimana cocok dengan dunia anak yang merupakan dunia bermain.  
Social Dimension of Taboo Language as Knowledge Power Analysis for Identifying Transferable Saying English Taboo in Internet Sinarman Jaya; Ferri Susanto
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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The research tries to describe how is the deepest knowledge about taboo, especially for social dimensions on the Internet; of course, it is as knowledge power Analysis for identifying transferable saying English Taboo in the internet and attempts to identify categories of  English taboo words and to know them which the most dominant used by tweeps on their twitter. This research used an analysis of the document method systems. The populations of this research were 48 people. The samples of the research were 12 people. This research used simple random for sampling techniques. This research instrument was cheklist, which consists of five categories of taboo words based on Eschholz...The data were collected and analyzed by observing the time line of the twitter, copied or printed screen status that containt taboo words, classified taboo words based on Eschholz theory and categorized the functions of taboo words based on Lancker (1987). The research results showed that tweeps used 34 taboo words on their twitter in 105 statuses. The frequency of  taboo words on the twitter were 178 times. The taboo words that tweeps used the most dominant on their twitter was “fuck”. In this research, there were five categories of taboo words used by tweeps on their twitter based on Eschholz sex and anatomy was the most dominant categories of taboo words. The tweeps used taboo words to show their anger, frustation, joy, and surprise.  
The Effectiveness of the Discussion Method to Increase Students' Understanding and Activeness in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Yusi Tasika; Giyarsi
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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This study aims to determine whether the discussion method is effective in increasing students' understanding and activeness in PAI learning at SMP Negeri 39 Bengkulu Utara by looking at the learning outcomes and the results of the students' answers to questionnaires. The type of research used is a quantitative research method using a quasi-experimental design (quasi-experimental). Data collection techniques that researchers use are observation, tests, questionnaires and documentation. And data analysis was carried out with normality test and homogeneity test, as well as hypothesis testing. The results of the research conducted by researchers can be concluded that: 1) The discussion method is effective for improving students' understanding in PAI learning, judging from the comparison of the final grade results from the class using the discussion method (experimental) with the class using conventional methods as evidenced by the t-value of 4,467. and the significance level of p = 0.000. These results show p < 0.05, meaning it can be taken a decision that there are differences in students' understanding in PAI learning using the discussion method with the conventional method the average value of the final test (post-test) learning outcomes using the discussion method are higher than the results of the final test using the discussion method. conventional method. This means that there is a significant increase in learning outcomes to measure students' understanding of PAI learning. 2) The discussion method is effective to increase student activity in PAI learning. This is evidenced by the obtained t value of -2.154 and a significance level of p = 0.036. These results show p < 0.05, meaning that a decision can be made that there is a significant difference in student activity in PAI learning using the discussion method with the conventional method.
Students’ Perception Of Application In Writing Of Peer-Assessment: Before And After Revision Fera Zasrianita; Syukri Hamza; Hadi Winata
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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Peer-assessment has attracted more attention an effective assessment tool in recent years. Peer-assessment refers to the arrangement for peers to consider the quality of learning outcomes of others of similar status; it received attention of various studies due to the growing interest in the student-centered approach as learners need to be involved in the learning process even in the assessment. This research was purposed at elaborating students’ perception of application in writing of peer assessment either before or after revision. Writing skills are the skills you use to write effectively and succinctly. A good writer is someone who can communicate their point to their audience without using too much fluff and in a way that the other person can understand. Writing skills don't just include the physical act. If used effectively, peer assessment – a formative assessment strategy that encourages students to comment on the work of their peers – can improve students’ understanding of success criteria, help them to become more engaged in learning and develop their interpersonal skills, as well as potentially even reducing teacher workload. Conversely, however, peer assessment can hinder students’ learning if poor-quality, insensitive or unhelpful peer feedback is exchanged, and may strain relationships between learners. The subject of this research was students in third semester of the English Department of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Tadris Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu. The total number was 32 students. The research design used was qualitative research which measured students’ perceptions of the implementation of peer assessment in writing: before and after revision. The result showed that before revision, students had negative perception toward their own writing. After revision, they had positive perceptions toward peer assessment strategy. Those included usefulness and meaningfulness, nature of feedback, reality of feedback, precision, validity, fairness, and personal goal-setting. Besides that, the score after revision (7.9) was higher than the score before revision (6.62). It meant that the result showed the increasing of students’ score after revision.

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