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Conference on Community Engagement Project (Concept)
ISSN : -     EISSN : 2776565     DOI :
Conference on Community Engagement Project -Community service is one of pillars in Three Pillars of Higher Education. Community service is the implementation of practice of science, technology, and arts to the society institutionally through research methodology as the implementation of Three Pillars of Higher Education and responsibility to improve the ability of society. Therefore, it can accelerate the growth rate of the national development goals. To support the practice of community service, UIB Research and Community Service Center organize a Conference on Community Engagement Project (ConCEPt) that is attended by lecturers and students from both domestic and overseas universities. This conference is expected to significantly spread impact the results of community service that are directly implemented to society and spread information about science, technology, and arts to society.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 508 Documents
Design Of Accounting Recording System At Bimbingan Belajar Rumah Cerdas Natasha Antonia Wisely; Ria Karina
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Bimble Rumah Cerdas is a business engaged in the service sector which located at Kavling Sagulung Lama Gang Salak Blok A No 4 Batam. Bimble Rumah Cerdas is facing problems in financial recording which is only done manually, and does not present a financial report. Based on these problems, the solution to help the business owner is to design a simple accounting system and produce a reliable financial report. This system is designed using Microsoft Access according to business needs. The resulting financial statements are in the form of income report, expense report, changes on equity statements, income statements, financial position reports. The accounting system is also able to produce accounting information that helps owner to make the right decisions so that the business can develop for the better business. The system designed by the author is still relatively simple and can still be improved, so recommendations for future researchers are expected to be able to update the accounting system in accordance with the times that will occur in the future.
Implementasi Strategi Promotion Mix Pada Usaha Emping Kedelai Marem Isnaini Nuzula Agustin; Muhamad Fajar Ronansyah
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Emping Kedelai Marem merupakan salah satu Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang bergerak di bidang makanan (cemilan), yang berlokasi di Jambi. Saat ini UKM tersebut belum memiliki sistem pemasaran online yang mampu menjangkau masyarakat luas. Keterbatasan ini berdampak pada hasil penjualan UKM yang sulit terus meningkat. Dalam situasi pandemi ini, UKM menghadapi masalah yang dialami oleh sebagian besar usaha lain, yaitu penurunan pendapatan penjualan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah menerapkan strategi bauran promosi berupa periklanan online dan promosi penjualan melalui pemanfaatan media sosial. Identifikasi masalah dilakukan melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan pemilik usaha, dilanjutkan dengan perancangan sistem pemasaran, implementasi, edukasi, sosialisasi dan evaluasi. Output dari proyek ini berupa akun media sosial, facebook dan instagram, dilengkapi dengan materi pemasaran berupa video, e-catalog dan program diskon untuk menarik minat konsumen. Setelah dua bulan implementasi, kedua media sosial tersebut mampu menambah pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Kedelai Emping Marem, dan meningkatkan penjualan melalui hasil penjualan online. Kedepannya, strategi pemasaran ini diharapkan dapat dilanjutkan oleh para pemilik usaha melalui postingan yang teratur, video inovatif, kreatif dan konsisten. Lebih lanjut, semoga UMKM dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya dan terus berkembang.
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Intellectual property is the result of human thought in which there are moral rights and economic rights that are specifically attached to the creator and are protected by the state as part of human rights. Intellectual property registration is a process carried out to obtain a creation registration letter as part of the legal protection effort for the rights of the creator. However, this intellectual property registration process is a separate problem for the creators because in its implementation it is considered to still cause various obstacles. This community service program aims to provide facilities and educational facilities for the community in the intellectual property registration process for their work. The method of implementing this community service activity is to use the partner data collection method, discuss the details of the copyright registration fee with partners, and register the copyright for the partner's song.
Pendampingan Prosedur Pendaftaran Pengurusan Perpanjangan Hak Atas Tanah Dengan Menggunakan Land Management System (Lms) Bp Batam Pada Kantor Notaris Dan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (Ppat) Anly Cenggana, S.H. Febri Jaya; Chintya Bella
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Pengurusan hak atas tanah di Kota Batam memiliki keunikan dalam proses pengurusannya, pengurusan hak atas tanah di Kota Batam dilaksanakan oleh dua instansi yang berwenang yaitu pihak Badan Pengusahaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Batam yang lebih dikenal dengan BP Batam dan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Batam. Dalam proses pengurusan hak atas tanah yang masa berlakunya telah habis diperlukannya pengajuan perpanjangan ke instansi BP Batam melalui sistem yang diluncurkan oleh BP Batam yaitu Land Management System (LMS) dengan syarat telah dilengkapinya persyaratan yang telah ditentukan oleh BP Batam. Tidak sedikit masyarakat yang mengetahui persyaratan tersebut dan dokumen-dokumen lahan yang harus dilengkapi dan hal ini menjadi kendala bagi Kantor Notaris dan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) ANLY CENGGANA, S.H. dalam mengajukan perpanjangan hak atas tanah ke sistem BP Batam memakan waktu yang lama. Sehingga penulis menyusun proyek ini untuk member solusi untuk memecahkan permasalahan dengan membentuk table list data yang dapat memudahkan pengurusan bagi Kantor dan calon klien. Dalam proses penulisan ini digunakan metode penelitian hokum empiris dengan dilalui proses wawancara dan juga observasi langsung di Kantor dengan melihat situasi dan kondisi lapangan. Dari hasil penulisan ini terdapat kemudahan bagi Kantor Notaris dan PPAT ANLY CENGGANA, S.H. dan calon klien dalam memudahkan pengurusan perpanjangan hak atas tanah di BP Batam dengan menggunakan sistem terpadu Land Management System (LMS).
Social Media Promotion Design On Master Bakery Instagram Platform Dessy Aliandrina; Yeni Wulandari
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The growth of internet users can assist a business in conducting online marketing which is useful for business owners to interact and quickly provide the latest promotional information to consumers. One form of online marketing through social media is Instagram. Instagram is used for business owners to introduce their products. One business that uses Instagram as online marketing is a bakery. Instagram can be a place for a baker to show his product and increase awareness among his consumers and can be used for business development, thereby facilitating the development of MSMEs in this digitalization era.
Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Praktikum Akuntansi Lembaga/Instansi Pemerintah Pada SMKS Maitreyawira Tanjungpinang Muhammad Taufik; Silvyani Silvyani
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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This community service (PKM) activity is carried out with the aim of helping one of the schools in Tanjung Pinang in compiling digital teaching materials that are in accordance with school needs so that they can be applied in online learning activities. The partner of this activity is SMK Maitreyawira Tanjung Pinang. Previously, SMK Maitreyawira Tanjung Pinang did not yet have digital teaching materials. This makes the learning process ineffective because it does not have digital teaching materials to make it easier for teachers to deliver learning materials online. This activity is designed to help with the school's problems. This PKM activity is carried out by means of observation and online interviews. Digital teaching materials compiled using Microsoft Power Point. The output produced from this digital teaching material is in the form of digital teaching materials per basic competency along with modules with learning materials and practice questions. The implementation stage consists of three stages, namely the introductory stage of the preparation of digital teaching materials, the provision of digital teaching materials, and the feedback process from the school. Digital teaching materials have been implemented well and can provide improvements in digital teaching materials for schools.
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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CV Badai Arta Permata’s accounting bookkeeping activities still apply manual recording which can cause the project report and financial report not to provide relevant information such as cost by project, profit or loss statement by the project. This community service aims to generate bookkeeping software as per transactions that have occurred at CV Badai Arta Permata. In collecting information, the author uses the method of observation and interview. We use evidence of transactions based on the business operations as our reference to generate bookkeeping software that uses Microsoft Access. The output of bookkeeping software includes an account list, supplier list, customer list, and ledger. Moreover, transactions output includes general journal form, adjusting journal form, purchase form, sales form, receipt form, payment form. After bookkeeping, we generate a system around financial reports such as a statement of profit or loss, statement of financial position, purchase report, sales report. We contribute to providing the information of cost by project, profit or loss by the project.
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Representatives from members of DPR RI Cen Sui Lan who is located at the Orchid Business Center are important to assist Ms. Cen Sui Lan in introducing her work projects, one of which is KOTAKU. KOTAKU program has several outcomes to be achieved and one of them is the construction of an Open Public Area (OPA) in Batam. The lack of 3D animation as a medium is the main problem in the introduction of the output because it is still in the form of a 3D model. The method that will be used is applied research starting from problem identification, content design, content development, content testing to content evaluation. The results of this study are in the form of a video file that briefly describes the KOTAKU project using motion graphics and the OPA architectural 3D animation that will be sent using the (.mp4) format. With the development of this video, the recipient can use the video as a medium for delivering information which is expected to introduce the KOTAKU project, especially in the construction of the OPA in Batam.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada UMKM Toko 168 Serly Serly; Mery Susanti
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The activity was intended to give the solution for accounting problems experienced by client. Toko 168 was a kind of business sold items that Chinese ethnic needs in prayer ritual. So far, Toko 168 has only recorded the cash transaction and has not been done the stock opname for a long time. It’s caused the owner couldn’t find out the profit or loss of business. Furthermore, without the stock opname action potentially raised the risk of stock loss and damage. Methods used in this activity were simulation and user training with the accounting information system created by Microsoft Access. Writer collected the business information through interviews, observation, and historical documents. The outputs from activity were a computerized accounting system, financial statements at the end of period, and user manual. After implementation, the results obtained were client get the profit or loss of business clearly and easily. Besides as for checking the loss and damage stock, stock opname routine also reminded client to fill stock before it runs out. The system currently designed only supports use on Windows. Following the technology development, the next PkM recommended to improve the system to the application version and can be operated on android. In the future, it is also expected to add a tax system function.
Perancangan Program Promotion Mix pada UMKM Kedai Kelontong Wisnu Yuwono; Tresia Putri
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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The purpose of this program is to design a system promotion mix at the Kong Ye Grocery Store, which is located at Jalan Sudirman, Hutan Ayu, Pulau Rupert, Riau, through social media, so that consumers increase the number of consumers and expand customers, increase revenue and provide opportunities for customers to order a product using social media. The methods used in this activity are direct observation and interviews, system design and implementation, and evaluation. This community service program will take place in August 2020-January 2021. The results of the activity show that the existence of social media and the promotion mix carried out can help increase sales, increase marketing to the wider community, make it easier for customers to shop, and save time for customers.

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