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Conference on Community Engagement Project (Concept)
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Conference on Community Engagement Project -Community service is one of pillars in Three Pillars of Higher Education. Community service is the implementation of practice of science, technology, and arts to the society institutionally through research methodology as the implementation of Three Pillars of Higher Education and responsibility to improve the ability of society. Therefore, it can accelerate the growth rate of the national development goals. To support the practice of community service, UIB Research and Community Service Center organize a Conference on Community Engagement Project (ConCEPt) that is attended by lecturers and students from both domestic and overseas universities. This conference is expected to significantly spread impact the results of community service that are directly implemented to society and spread information about science, technology, and arts to society.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 508 Documents
Prosedur Lelang Agunan Dalam Menyelesaikan Kredit Bermasalah Di Pt Bpr Dana Nagoya Neisdy Lee; David Tan
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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BPR Dana Nagoya merupakan lembaga perbankan yang berdiri selama tiga belas tahun lamanya, sebagai lembaga perbankan yang menyalurkan kredit kepada masyarakat, peristiwa kredit bermasalah merupakan hal yang lazim ditemukan dalam praktik perbankan. Terdapat beberapa cara dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah, salah satu diantaranya adalah lelang. Namun, saat ini BPR Dana Nagoya belum memiliki prosedur lelang yang aplikatif dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah. Dalam proses penyusunan laporan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, penulis telah melakukan survey lokasi dan mengumpulkan data dan bahan yang diperlukan dalam penyusunan laporan, Penyusunan prosedur lelang merupakan tahap pelaksanaan dalam laporan ini, laporan disusun dengan metode yuridis empiris yang mana data yang diperoleh penulis adalah melalui wawancara dan observasi dilapangan dengan didukung peraturan perundang-undangan dan karya ilmiah. Dalam laporan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, penulis diperkenankan untuk memberikan luaran proyek berupa diagram alir yang menjelaskan tentang prosedur lelang bagi BPR dan diharapkan luaran yang dihasilkan dapat bermanfaat bagi perusahaan dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah.
Designing Accounting Software Based On Microsoft Access At Toko Bangunan Jaya Indah Celina Tan; Muhammad Taufik
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Toko Bangunan Jaya Indah has been operating for approximately 27 years. However, their accounting bookkeeping activities still apply manual recording, which can cause the business owners to be unable to know the business's financial condition. This community service aims to generate an accounting bookkeeping software system through Microsoft Office Access to provide accurate financial reports. In collecting information, we use the method of observation and interview. In addition, we use evidence of transactions based on business operations as our reference to generate bookkeeping software. The output of this accounting software system included a purchase form, sales form, profit and loss report, and balance sheet. The output would guide SMEs to make a better decision making in monitoring their sales and expenses
Perancangan Dan Penyusunan Sistem Akuntansi Pada Tps Persero Batam Widijaya Widijaya; Rusdi Noverianto
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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TPS Persero Batam adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyimpanan dan handling cargo udara. Perusahaan ini berdiri di akhir tahun 2019 hingga sampai saat ini dan bertempat di Tunas Bizpark blok D no.10. TPS Persero Batam saat ini belum mempunyai sistem akuntansi yang akurat dan efektif. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem pencatatan akuntansi menggunakan Microsoft Access. Perancangan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan usaha dan dirancang sederhana mungkin agar pengguna lebih mudah dalam memahaminya. Proses perancangan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dalam memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan. Sistem yang dirancang mampu menghasilkan luaran berupa laporan pendapatan, sisa piutang, posisi keuangan, laba rugi, perubahan ekuitas, neraca saldo dan buku besar.
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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This activity aims to design an accounting system to record transactions and prepare financial reporting that will make it easier for business owners to make good financial statements. Previously transactions were only recorded manually with Microsoft Excel so that human errors are vulnerable in recording. As a solution, a simple and easy accounting recording system is designed to produce correct and accurate records from September 2021 to December 2021. The object of this activity is PT Permai Solusi Ekspress which is engaged in the installation and repair of heavy equipment/freight equipment such as elevators, escalators, and travelators. The method used is to make observations to obtain the necessary information and discuss with business owners about the system needed. The output of this activity is an accounting recording system designed with Microsoft Access and should be implemented to make it easier to make financial statements. After the accounting recording system is implemented, the process of recording becomes more practical, receipts and expenses are recorded accurately, and helps with decision making regarding financial information. Next community services are suggested to create a website based application so that recording transcation and financial information can be access anytime.
Explorative Research On The Connotative Development Of Undergraduate Volunteer Teaching Assistance Services ; A Case Study Of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University Shen Ping; Wang Jing
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Volunteer teaching support services have become an essential form of social practice activities for college students in China and have a positive and far-reaching impact on volunteers, recipients, and society as a whole. This article mainly focuses on the college student volunteer service of Nanjing XiaoZhuang University and uses Tao Xingzhi's educational philosophy to illustrate the fundamental characteristics of the connotative development of college student volunteer service. To propose the realization path of the connotative development of college students' voluntary service for supporting education: four-in-one long-term mechanism for supporting education practice and education of "university + local government + supporting education school + enterprise" have been constructed. The concept of four in one approach comprehensively improves the information database of supporting education volunteer service. It also integrates and optimizes the allocation of supporting educational resources to meet the needs of education support services. Besides that, it innovates the "cloud" education support system and performs communication, resource sharing, skills training, publicity, incentives, and evaluation
Budgeting Raw Material And Internal Control At Espotam Moex Estina Sativa; Hesniati Hesniati
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 3 No 1 (2023): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Internal planning and management are essential for MSMEs. Internal management problems at Espotam Moex are in the form of the absence of budget planning for raw materials for each month. The implementation of business running activities has not been carried out properly; in this case, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is not written to be known by employees, and sales records still use record keeping in the pocketbook, so it is not easy to know the sales every day or every month. This condition was known when visiting Espotam Moex by observing, interviewing store owners and supervisors, and carrying out a series of documentation as information in the design. The results of these activities are in the form of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in PDF and hardcopy form, raw material budget planning using Google Sheets, and sales recording forms in Microsoft Excel and hardcopy forms. Other than those, it is necessary to consistently update SOPs in quality improvement, and Espotam Moex can develop its business along with recording sales using the system in the future.
Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Digital Perpajakan pada SMAS Ananda Batam Kennardi Tanujaya; Feeny Feeny
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Keterbatasan guru-guru dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar secara daring di era Covid-19 ini memicu pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat Penyusunan Bahan Ajar Digital pada SMAS Ananda Batam ini. Kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk membantu tenaga pendidik dalam menyediakan bahan ajar digital agar kegiatan belajar-mengajar secara daring dapat terlaksana secara lancar. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode wawancara narasumber dari pihak mitra untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi mitra dan mencari dokumen bahan ajar untuk menyusun bahan ajar digital yang diperlukan oleh pihak sekolah. Hasil atau luaran yang didapat dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa bahan ajar digital dalam bentuk powerpoint dan video animasi yang berisi informasi-informasi mengenai bab perpajakan. Dikarenakan pembelajaran telah berlangsung sebelum pembuatan bahan ajar diselesaikan, maka bahan ajar digital yang telah disusun akan digunakan di semester depan. Pihak SMAS Ananda Batam merasa terbantu dengan adanya bahan ajar digital yang telah sesuai dengan kurikulum sekolah tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan bahan ajar tersebut dapat membuat pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar-mengajar secara daring lebih efisien dan siswa-siswi dapat lebih mudah memahami materi yang disampaikan.
Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Kedai Kopi Mitra Bersama Calvina Hartanto
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) do not require high skills and are easily outperformed by competitors, as is the case with Kedai Kopi Mitra Bersama. Kopi Mitra Bersama doesn’t have an accounting recording system. Financial transaction was recorded manually on cash receipts and disbursements on a daily basis without any data on inventories used, what makes the entity’s profit or loss can’t be known with certainty. After conducting observation and interview method, writer has designed a simple accounting information system that can produce financial reports in accordance to SAK EMKM on the basis of Microsoft Office Access to solve problems with business financial recording and reporting. The designed system has been implemented and can assist the owner in knowing business conditions and financial information. In addition, the recommendation for the next writer is to add cash flow statements feature so that the owner can know directly the cash inflow and outflow that occur in a certain period.
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 2 No 1 (2022): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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In Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), the brand is a symbol in the form of a logo, name, and even color as a differentiator and identification mark in the world of trade in goods and services. The role of the brand, in this case, is to maintain healthy trade competition. Therefore the brand is important for trade protection. Protection of a brand will be obtained if a trademark has been registered at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI). So with that, it is necessary to have legal protection for marks where this arrangement is based on Law No. 20 of 2016 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications. With the issuance of regulations on trademarks, it is expected to provide legal protection for registered trademarks. Sate Asih Restaurant is the pioneer of the first Sate and Goat Curry in Batam, which was founded in 1994. However, it is known that Sate Asih has not registered its brand with DJKI. So, through this scientific research, the author seeks to assist in the registration of Sate Asih's trademark. The purpose of this research is to help Sate Asih to avoid the emergence of brand disputes. The research methods used in this study are methodology empirical legal research, in which the authors use primary data such as observation and direct interviews, assisted by secondary data in the form of library research. The result of registering a mark belonging to Sate Asih is in the form of a receipt for a trademark registration application.
Pendampingan Analisis Implementasi Perjanjian Kerjasama Sewa Menyewa Mobil Perusahaan: Studi Pada Pt Universal Yasa Solutions Sukma Dewi; Robert Garry Hawidi
ConCEPt - Conference on Community Engagement Project Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Conference on Community Engagement Project
Publisher : Universitas Internasional Batam

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Perusahaan PT Universal Yasa Solutions yang bergerak pada bidang jasa menjadi suatu kewajiban untuk dapat memfasilitasi para karyawannya dengan beberapa fasilitas, salah satunya adalah fasilitas kendaraan operasional, namun dalam menyediakan fasilitas tersebut perusahaan melakukan kegiatan sewa-menyewa kepada pihak lain tanpa menggunakan surat perjanjian sewa-menyewa yang sah dikarenakan kegiatan tersebut dilakukan melalui perorangan bukan melalui antar perusahaan, sehingga kegiatan sewa-menyewa tersebut tidak memiliki perlindungan hukum yang kuat, sehingga penulis memiliki tujuan utuk dapat membantu kedua belah pihak dalam merealisasikan surat perjanjian sewa-menyewa tersebut sehingga kedua belah pihak tidak ada yang dirugikan. Pada penulisan ini mengguanakan metode pengumpulan data lapangan juga data primer seperti wawancara dan observasi yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang berguna dalam penulisan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan tersebut yaitu terealisasikan surat perjanjian sewa-menyewa berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku dan ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak.

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