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ISSN : -     EISSN : 28305655     DOI : 10.37301
ELECT focuses on original scholarly works that discuss trends in English teaching and learning. Through our publication, we are willing to make contribution to the development of English language teaching and learning. We encourage submission that could give constructive impact to our readers either English educators or English learners. Topic covered in this journal (but not limited to) are : 1. second language teaching and learning 2. second language acquisition 3. language and cognition 4. language assessment 5. curriculum and course design 6. teacher training and others area of English teaching and learning.
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English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 1 No 2, October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v1i2.55


This article presents the result of a descriptive research on the students’ ability in writing a narrative paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The research sample comprises 37 sophomores and they were selected by using total sampling technique. The data were collected by administering a paragraph writing testand analysed by using a descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis show that most students had very high ability to express the content and to apply mechanics in writing a narrative paragraph, but less than half students had very high ability to use vocabulary and to apply correct grammar. Moreover, the majority of students had moderate ability to organize a narrative paragraph. Based on the accumulative result of data analysis, it can be concluded that the students had a high ability in writing a narrative paragraph, and further research is needed to find out why their ability to organize the paragraph is not high.   REFERENCES Andayani, T &Arono. (2016). Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text by Using Picture Series for the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature.2 (2),1-10. Anker, S. 2010. Real Writing with Readings: Paragraphs and Essays for College, Work, and Everyday Life. Boston: Bedford. Aulia, M. D.(2017). Students’ error analysis of cohesive devices in writing narrative paragraph (a case study of the seventh semester students of English Education Department at FKIP UMSU).Jurnal UMSU-Jurnal Online UniversitasMuhammadiyah Sumatera Utara.Retrieved December 6, 2020, from Brown, H. Douglas &Abeywickrama, Priyanvada. (2010). Language Assessment: Pronciples and Classroom Practices (Second Edition). New York: Pearson Education, Inc. Checkett, G. F., &Checkett, L. (2010).The Write Start: Sentences to Paragraphs with Professional and Student Readings. Fourth Edition.Boston: Wadsworth. Evans, V. (2000).Successful Writing Proficiency.Berkshire: Express Publishing. Frestisia, S. (2017).An Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Difficulties in Writing Argumentative Paragraph at English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Gay, L.R., Mills, G. E., &Airasian, P. W. (2012).Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (10thed.) New Jersey: Parson Education, Inc. Heard, J., Tucker, T. (2016).Advanced Writing: An Accelerated Method for University Students.(E-book Available Online) Jayanti, I. D. (2017). An Analysis of the Second Year Students; Ability to Write a Descriptive Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Murthofi?ah, A. (2019). An analysis of grammatical errors in students’ narrative paragraph of the fourth semester students of English Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year 2019/2020.Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies.Retrieved March 5, 2021, from Oktawati, H. (2020). Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Paragraph at Third Semester of English Education Program of STKIP YPM Academic Year 2020/2021.Inovish Journal, 5 (2).Retrieved March, 15, 2021 from Pardiyono. (2016). Genre: Mastering English Through Context. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset. Refnaldi., Al-Hafizh, M., &Ardi, H. (2016). Writing: From Paragraphs to Esssays. Padang: UniversitasNegeri Padang. Refnita, L. (2016). Writing: From Sentence to Paragraph. Padang: Bung Hatta University Press. Refnita, L. (2018). Educational Research: A Guide for Beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta. Refnita, L. (2020). Writing: From Paragraph to Paragraph. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta. Savage, A., &Shafiei, M. (2007).Effective Academic Writing 1: The Paragraph. New York: Oxford University Press. Sonanda, S. N. (2018). Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Problem in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University. Sunarwan, A. (2016). Increasing Students’ Narrative Paragraph Writing Ability through the Use of Picture Sequence.Pedagogy: Journal of English Language Teaching. 4 (1), 29-39. Yuliani, R. (2018). The First Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Education Topic at English Department of Bung Hatta University.(Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University.
English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 1 No 2, October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v1i2.56


The purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between the second-year students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The design of this research was correlational research. The population of this study was the second-year students who registered in the academic year of 2020/2021. Due to the limited number of population members, the researcher used total sampling technique. The number of the sample as respondents in this research was 30 students. The instruments used to get the data were questionnaire and speaking tests. It was found that the reliability index of the questionnaire was 0.82 and the reliability index of the speaking test was 0.72. The result of the data analysis showed that the value of rcalculated of this research was 0.74, while the value of rtable with the level of significance 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df= n-2) was 0.374. It means that the rcalculated was higher than rtable (0.74 > 0.374). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis of this research stating that there is a significant correlation between the second-year students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skillat the English Department of Bung Hatta University was accepted. Based on the result of the data above, it can be interpreted the students’ habit of watching English YouTube channelcan increase their speaking skill University.   REFERENCES Albahlal, S. F. (2019). The Impact of YouTube on Improving Secondary School Students’ Speaking Skills: English Language Teachers’ Perspectives. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, 6(2), 1–17. Almutairi, M. A. (2021). Underachievement in English Speaking Skills among Kuwaiti EFL Students at the College of Basic Education: Possible Causes and Possible Solutions. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(1), 206. Arikunto, S (2012). Dasar-DasarEvaluasiPendidikan. 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English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 1 No 2, October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v1i2.60


The purpose of this research was to describe the second-year students’ speaking ability in the debate. The descriptive method was used as the design of this research. The population of this research was the second-year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University who registered in the academic year 2020/2021. The researcher used the total sampling technique to select the sample, and the number of sample members was 37 students. The instrument for collecting the data in this research was a speaking test in the form of debate. To identify if the test is reliable, the researcher used the inter-rater method that two scorers checked the students’ speaking performance. The result of the analysis showed that the test was reliable. It was supported by the fact that the coefficient correlation is 0.89. It was categorized as a very high correlation. Then the last was valid in terms of contents because it had covered all materials that students had learned. Generally, the  result  of  this  research  showed  that  the  students’  speaking ability in debate at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very high. In general, the students’ speaking ability in the debate was classified as very high ability.  This research concludes that  the  second-year students’ speaking ability in debate at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very high.   REFERENCES Atchison, J. (2017). The Art of Debate. Virginia: The Great Courses. Bailey,  K.  (2016).  Practical  English  Language  Teaching  Speaking.  New  York:  The  Mc.  Graw  Hill Companies. Chania, S., & Amri, Z. (2019). An Analysis of Students’ Grammatical Errors on Speaking at SEA Debate at English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang. Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. 8, No. 4. Claudia, A. (2017). An Analysis of The Second Year Students’ Speech Ability at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. Unpublished Thesis.  Padang: Bung Hatta University. Fauzan,  U.  (2014).  The  Use  of  Improvisations  Technique  to  Improve  the  Speaking  Ability  of  EFL Students. Dinamika Ilmu, Vol. 14, No. 2. Lestari, L. F. (2018). Debate Technique as Teacher’s Strategies in Improving Students’ Higher Education English Speaking Skill. Musfirah. (2017). The Effectiveness Of Debate Method To Improve Students’ Speaking Skill. Didaktika Jurnal Kependidikan, Vol. 11, No. 2. Rasyid, A.R., Perdana, I., & Dayu, A.T. (2020). Students’ Speaking Achievement: The Application of Debate Technique For Teaching. Proceedings of Shepo 2020. Refnita, L. (2018). Educational research: A guide for Beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung Hatta. Rubiati,  R.  (2010).  Improving  Students’  Speaking  Skill  Through  Debate  Technique.  IAIN  Walisongo Semarang.
English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 1 No 2, October 2022
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v1i2.61


Indonesian EFL students faced online teaching and learning in such a rapid process. Therefore, this research was carried out to search for EFL students in Indonesia about their responses on teaching and learning online. This research applied the action research method with the paradigm of quantitative descriptive approach. Data for this research was collected via an online questionnaire, distributed to one class size sample consisting of 32 students in the even semester of the 2019/2020 academic year at one of the private colleges in the West Sumatra province of Indonesia. The data were analysed by descriptive statistics, especially the percentage of each item available in the questionnaire. Findings of this research show that the respondents, or the students, had their evaluation toward the online teaching and learning. 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English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 2 No 1, April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v2i1.72


This research aimsto analyse the needs of English course curriculum implemented in Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh (henceforth: Politani) as a step to design the new English Course curriculum. Curriculum for vocational study is emphasizing on the mastering of skills rather than mastering the theory of field of studies. Needs analysis regarded as the key point to a successful designing and implementation of certain subject. This study applies two kinds of instruments. The first one is questionnaire distributed to the newly enrolled students asthe respondents to discover their wants. Also, TOEFL Prediction Test was conducted to some new students to check their English competence known as their lacks. There were 237 respondents given the questionnaire sheets as the representative of new students in Politani in 2019. The result of needs analysis showed that respondents wanted to focus the material of English course more on reading and speaking skill as they were aware of both skills were important for their study. In addition, TOEFL Prediction Test result showed that respondents gained the lowest score on reading comprehension section. Meanwhile they achieved higher scores on the listening section. It means that what respondents wants met their lacks in English competence. Researchers then would be able to design the effective and efficient English course curriculum for vocational students in Politani.   REFERENCES Abrar-ul-Hassan, S. (2012). State-of-the-art review: Revisiting the ins and outs of ESP practice. Professional and Academic English, 39, 4-11. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education (6th ed.). London: Routledge. Freebody, P. (2003). Qualitative research in education: Interaction and practice. London: Sage. Hutchinson & Waters. (2008). English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-centered Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Irianto, Agus. (2012). Statistik:Konsep Dasar, Aplikasi, dan Pengembangannya. Jakarta: Kencana. Kaewpet, C. (2009). A framework for investigating learner needs: Needs analysis extended to curriculum development. Electronic journal of foreign language teaching, 6(2), 209-220 Lie, A. (2009). Education policy and efl curriculum in indonesia: between the commitment to competence and the quest for higher test scores. TEFLIN Journal: A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 18(1).
Exploring Students’ Motivation in Learning English at English Laboratory of UBL Eka Sari Ayu; Yanuar Dwi Prastyo
English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 2 No 1, April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v2i1.74


Motivation is essential when learning a language, even English. Without motivation, a person will lack the will or excitement to learn, which can jeopardize his academic achievement. The purpose of this study is to measure the amount of motivation of students in learning English and the prevailing motivation, whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. The study was carried out at the University of Bandar Lampung's language laboratory in the 2022/2023 academic year. The descriptive qualitative method was utilized by the researchers in this study. A questionnaire was utilized as the research tool, and interviews were conducted. 192 third semester students from the University of Bandar Lampung's language laboratory took part in this study. The findings of this study are that the average student has a high level of motivation based on the interpretation of the total score (4.26). The dominant student motivation in learning English is intrinsic motivation, with a total score of 4.26. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is a score of 3.94, which is defined as a moderate level of motivation. It can be concluded that students who study at the language laboratory at the University of Bandar Lampung have high motivation in learning English and are more dominant in having intrinsic motivation which means they learn English because of a desire from within themselves.   REFERENCES Alizadeh, M. (2016). The impact of motivation on English language learning. International Journal of Research in English Education, 1(1), 11-15. Anjomshoa, L., & Sadighi, F. (2015). The importance of motivation in second language acquisition. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSEL), 3(2), 126-137. Arikunto,S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Buku.Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. 431 hlm. Aydogan, H. (2016). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for English learning scale (IEM-ELS): A psycholinguistics study of reliability and validity. 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The Third Year-Students' Ability in Answering Synonymous Word Questions in Reading Comprehension of TOEFL-Like Tests at the English Department of Bung Hatta University Lisa Tavriyanti; Laila Sakinah
English Language Education and Current Trends (ELECT) Vol 2 No 1, April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bung Hatta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37301/elect.v2i1.78


The purpose of this research was to describe the third-year students’ ability in answering synonymous word questions in reading comprehension of the TOEFL Like test at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The design of this research was descriptive research. The population of this research was third-year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. A total sampling technique was used, and the number of samples was 35 students. The instrument for collecting the data was reading comprehension of the TOEFL test. Based on the result analysis, the result of this research showed that the third-year students had low ability in answering synonymous word questions in reading comprehension of the TOEFL Like in the form of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. So, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in answering synonymous word questions in reading comprehension of the TOEFL Like was low.   REFERENCES Arikunto, S. (2015). Dasar-dasar evaluasi pendidikan (2nd ed.). Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. Birsch, J. R. (2011). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Third Edition. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company. Destiyanti, C., Amin, M., & Putera, L. J. (2021). Gender- based analysis of students ’ ability in answering factual and vocabulary-in-context questions of the toefl-like reading comprehension test. 9, 1–17. Elfiondri, Kasim, U., Mustafa, F., & Putra, T. M. (2020). Reading comprehension in the TOEFL PBT: Which sub-skill deserves more intensive training? TESOL International Journal, 15(1), 54–64. ETS. (2000). TOEFL program and service department computer-based TOEFL score user guide. New Jersey: Educational Testing Service. Fitria, T. N. (2021). Students ’ Ability in the Structure and Written Expression Section in Toefl. 8(2), 152–163. Gilakjani, A. P., & Sabouri, N. B. (2016). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners ’ Reading Comprehension Skill and the Strategies for Improvement. 6(5), 180–187. Hot Courses. (2016, October 17). Persyaratan Nilai Bahasa Inggris Untuk Kuliah S2 di Luar Negeri? applications/persyaratan nilai-bahasa-inggris-untuk-kuliah-s2-di-luar-negeri Kampung Inggris. (2021, September 1). Standar Nilai TOEFL Untuk Melamar Kerja. Matthiesen, S. J. (2017). Essential words for the TOEFL test of English as a foreign language (7th ed.) New York: BARRON'S. Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Synonymous. In dictionary. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Question. In dictionary. Retrieved January 11, 2022, from Oyetunji, C. O. (2011). The effects of reading strategy instruction on L2 teacher trainees’ performance. University of South Africa. (Unpublished Master's Thesis) Retrieved from Pressley, M. (2000). Comprehension Instruction: What Makes Sense Now, What Might Make Sense Soon? In M. L. Kamil, P. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, & R. Barr (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research: Volume III. New York: Longman. Retrieved from Putri, T. M. (2020). Reading Comprehension in the TOEFL PBT?: Which Sub-Skill deserves more Intensive Training?? 15(1). Samad, I. A., Jannah, M., & Fitriani, S. S., (2017). EFL students’ strategies dealing with common difficulties in TOEFL reading comprehension section. International Journal of Language Education, 1 (1). 29—36. Setyowaty, M et al., “Students’ Vocabulary Mastery on TOEFL Test: Does It Correlate with Reading Comprehension” International Conference on English Language Teaching, vol 434. Retrieved June 13, 2021 (3.58 pm) from's_Vocabulary_ Mastery_on_TOEFL_Test_Does_It_Correlate_with_Reading_Comprehension Wahyuni, Z., Ratmanida, & Marlina, L., (2018). The Relationship Of Students’ Metacognitive Reading Strategies Awareness And Reading Comprehension: The Case Of The Sixth Semester Student Of English Department Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). Journal of English Language Teaching Volume 7 No. 3 Wardani, S. I. (2015). Improving Students ’ Vocabulary Mastery. Okara, 1, 132. Woolley, G. (2011). Reading comprehension: Assisting children with learning difficulties. New York: Springer. Yao, D. (2020). A comparative study of test takers’ performance on computer-based test and paper-based test across different CEFR levels. Canadian Centre of Science and Education. 13(1), 124-133.

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