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Meldi T.M. Sinolungan
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Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
Kota manado,
Sulawesi utara
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27150070     DOI : 10.35791
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal ini memuat materi yang berkaitan dengan Pertanian. Menyangkut Tanah, Budidaya Pertanian, Proteksi Tanaman, Teknologi Pertanian dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Articles 10 Documents
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TINGKAT KEPUASAN KONSUMEN “SOP BUAH ICA” DI BOULEVARD MANADO Chichi S.T. Kansil; Grace A.J Rumagit; Charles R. Ngangi; Ellen G. Tangkere
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6770


SUMMARYChichi Srijayanti Tamaweol Kansil. Level of Costumer Satisfaction Ica Fruit Soup in Boulevard Manado (Guidance of Grace A. J. Rumagit as chairman, Charles R. Ngangi and Ellen G. Tangkere, as members).The objectives of this research is to analyze the level of costumer satisfaction based on aspects of product, price, place and services in Ica Fruit Soup, and to know the effort that will take to maintain and to improve those four aspects in face the dynamic of this business competition.The research is conducted over three months from November 2014 until February 2015, started from preparation until undergraduation exams. The data used in the form of primary data and secondary data. The used Sampling is accidental technique sampling that is sample based on chance, anyone by chance met with researchers can be used as a sampel. Samples were taken for one week and obtained a total sample of 93 people .The analysis is done using a likert scale and followed by analysis of costumer satisfaction index.The result showed that consumer satisfy about the aspect of product by average score of 79.60 percent, consumers satisfy about the aspect of price by average score of 75.70 percent, consumers satisfy enough about the aspect of place by average score of 64.5 percent, while the aspect of service is consumer satisfy by average score of 68.4 percent.Keywords : Consumer Satisfaction, Product, Price, Place and Service
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6773


ABSRACTThe objective of this research is to identify the effect ofgovernment expenditure to GRDP of agriculture sector in North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted from October to November 2014 by using secondary data in form of tim series data in 2005-2013 period obtained from North Sulawesi Central Bureau of Statistics and North Sulawesi Province Agriculture and Livestock Department. Analysis of data uses simple linear regression method using Minitab Statistics program version 16.Research result showed that 80,3 percent of GRDP Agriculture sector was significantly affected by Government expenditureat 30 percent significance level, therefore it can be concluded that the increasing of government expenditure of agriculture sectorincrease GRDP of agriculture sector in North Sulawesi Province.
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN JENIS GULA AREN (Arenga pinnata Merr) TERHADAP MUTU SENSORIS HALUA KACANG TANAH (Arachis hypogeae L.) Linda E. Ulaan; Maya M. Ludong; Dekie Rawung; Tineke M. Langi
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6775


ABSTRACTPalm sugar is a sweetener that has been used in Indonesian for long time. Palm sugar is made from the sap of palm trees (Arenga pinnata Merr) and includes plants of the palm family and contains sucrose and reducing sugars (glucose and fructose). In North Sulawesi, palm sugar is largely produced in South Minahasa regency. There are 2 types of sugar that is processed and marketed by the local term minahasa called balemantah palm sugar (dry sugar) and batali palm sugar (Sugar Wet). One of the products processed from palm sugar is peanuts halua.This study aims to determine the right formulas of type of palm sugar in the manufacture halua traditionally based on the results of sensory tests to taste, color, aroma and texture. The experiment was averanged in completely randomized design (CRD) with three repetitions.The results showed that the best product was obtained from the ratio of 85% palm sugar balemantah: 15% batali palm sugar. Halua peanuts has a water content; 4.9% sugar; 72.48% color 3.7 (like); taste 3.6 (like); aroma 3.6 (like); texture 3.7 (like).Keywords: Balemantah palm sugar, batali palm sugar, peanuts halua
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6777


ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to identify this study is what factors influence the use of paddy rice production in the Tompasobaru Dua Village District. The data collected in this research was primary data. Primary data obtained from interviews with farmers using a questionnaire. The sampling method is simple random sampling, the number of farmers as much as 60 samples .The analysis used in this research is to use multiple linear regression analysis. The dependent variable is the production of rice and the independent variable is the land area , the use of urea, fertilizer use ponska, and labor. The research result showed that the factors of production that significantly affect rice production Tompasobaru Dua Village, Tompasobaru Sub District were land area, fertilizer use of ponska, and labor
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6793


ABSTRACTTHE CHARACTERISTIC CATCHMENT AREA OF MALALAYANG RIVER NORTH SULAWESIThis research aim to identify the characteristics catchment area of Malalayang river. This research was done from february until march 2012 at catchment area of Malalayang river. The methods in this research is doing by observations to the area to verification and collect the data in some sample representative area. Sample point observable are in Air Panas catchment area, Warembungan catchment area and Tomohon catchment area. This research show the closure of the land in sub watershed Malalayang is dominated by estate mixed with broad area 2941.95ha, settlement population 583.11ha, forest area 534.18ha, grass area 306.3ha, field area 190.92ha and free area 71.55ha. the speed of water in Air Panas catchment area 234.0 m3/hour, the speed of water in Warembungan catchment area 831.6 m3/hour and the speed of water in Tomohon catchment area 882.0 m3/hour. The result of the regression equivalen is y = 0.217x + 339.59 with r2= 0.5107.Key words; water catchment area, land over, water discharge
FORMULASI GRANUL EFFERVESCENT SARI BUAH PALA (Myristica fragrans H.) Ribka Mandagi; Gregoria S.S. Djarkasi; Erny Nurali; Lucia Mandey
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6795


ABSTRACTNorth Sulawesi is one of nutmeg producer in Indonesia. Nutmeg can be separated in 4 parts which is flesh, seed, mace and skin. However, nutmeg flesh became a waste because it has a lower selling price than the seed and mace. Therefore it needs to develop to more innovative and creative form like effervescent. Effervescent defined as a form that produced gas bubbles (CO2) as a result of chemical reaction. The reaction of effervescent is between the citric acid and Na-bicarbonate. The aim of this research is to determine some physical, chemical and sensory characteristic in variation of citric acid and na-bicarbonate of nutmeg flesh effervescent formula. The formulas are separated to 4, with the variation concentration of citric acid and Na-bicarbonate. The results of this research show that the variation of citric acid and na-bicarbonate gave a significant differentiation to dissolving time, moisture content, total acid and taste of nutmeg flesh effervescent. Dissolving time is about 1 minutes 36 seconds to 2 minutes 2 seconds. Moisture content is about 7,15% to 8,13%. Total acid is about 0.0031% to 0.0120%. The organoleptic test of nutmeg flesh effervescent gave the result that formula C has the highest score and parallel as almost delight.
Kajian Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Di Wilayah Kerja Balai Penyuluh Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP3K) Kecamatan Amurang Timur. Nova S. Sumual; Olvie L.S. Benu; Gene Kapantow; Melisa L.G. Tarore
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6802


ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine The Performance of Agricultural Extension in The Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Extension Work Area Center (BP3K) District Of East Amurang. The research held for 3 (three) months starting from May to July 2011, located in the East Amurang BP3K surrogate. The data obtained in this study analyzed descriptively and presented in tabular form. Determination of categories obtained by assessment or score. The results showed that internal factors identified to support the performance of Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K extension is the age factor and the level of formal education. Most of Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K less than 30 years old, highly productive age to support performance. Level of formal education in the Agricultural Extension Amurang BP3K East, mostly educated S1, this shows quite good human resource extension. External factors that support the Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K is availability of facilities, infrastructure, information and Intensity Extension. Availability of facilities, infrastructure and sufficient information on the performance consequences for extension in terms of ease of delivery of technology and innovation. While meeting with the farmers who will intensely affect the relations of cooperation, thereby building trust. Performance Agricultural Extension in East Amurang BP3K showed excellent results. The indicators that produce excellent performance is the completion of agricultural extension programs according to farmers needs, agricultural extension action draft in their respective work areas, the availability of the area map data for the development of specific technologies in accordance with teritorial leading commodity, and dissemination information agricultural technology evenly and according to the farmers needs. The performance of the agricultural extension that should be improved is to create a mutually beneficial business partnership between farmers and entrepreneurs.
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6803


ABSTRACTJuwita Walewangko. Organic Vegetables Farming Development Strategy in Kakaskasen Two village, District of North Tomohon in Tomohon (under Guidance Juliana Mandei as Chairman, Lyndon Pangemananan and Ellen G.Tangkere as Members).The purpose of this study is to identify the internal conditions: strengths, weaknesses, and external: opportunities, threats in the development of organic farming of vegetables in Kakaskasen Two village of North Tomohon district in Tomohon city and to formulate the development strategies of organic farming of vegetables in the village.Data collection was conducted over three months, since november 2014 until the month of February 2015. The data collection method is a survey method. The data obtained are primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and interviews directly to the department of Agriculture, Head of Kakaskasen Two village, farmer groups, farmers and consumers. Next the secondary data obtained through Badan Penyuluhan Pertanian Perikanan dan Kehutanan (BP3K) of North Tomohon in Tomohon. The sample were 30 respondents of organic vegetable farmers in which consist of 5 people tomato farmers, 15 farmers cauliflower and cabbage 10 farmers. SWOT analysis were used in this research to analyse the data.The results of this study indicate that a force for the development of organic farming vegetable farmers have experienced and mastered the technology, has a cooperation agreement with the Department of Agriculture, Head Kakaskasen two, and BP3K, organic production facilities are available and that the weakness is the future land conversion requires considerable time that is 2-3 years old, organic productivity is low, there is no labeling of organic products so the price is the same as the inorganic. Organic agriculture has the opportunity to be developed in the Village Kakaskasen two is the support of the government, increasing the public keasadaran to consume organic vegetables but face a threat that is the competition with other local farmers and reduced consumer confidence in the market because it is generally not 100 percent organic. Agricultural development strategy of organic vegetables in the Village Kakaskasen two are improving the ability and skills possessed by farmers, organic vegetables and quality assurance in cooperation with the Department of agriculture, and the labeling BP3K colored according to the levels of organic vegetables, to socialize constantly, and expand organic vegetable farming to benefit from access to capital as well as increased public awareness to consume organic products. Keywords: Organic Vegetables, Factor Internal, External Factors and Strategies.
Peranan Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya (P4S) “Sahabat Tani” Dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas dan Pendapatan Petani Bunga Potong Krisan di Kelurahan Kakaskasen Satu dan Dua Brainhard M. Kereh; Welson M. Wangke; Tommy F. Lolowang; Juliana R. Mandei
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6807


ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to determine differences in productivity and farmers income cut flower chrysanthemum training and who do not follow P4S training. The results showed the productivity and income of chrysanthemum cut flower growers who follow P4S greater than the chrysanthemum cut flower growers who do not follow P4S, is the average productivity of cut flower growers who follow P4S amounted to 43.44 stalk while farmers who do not follow P4S at 37.51 stalk and the average income of farming chrysanthemums at the farmers who follow P4S with a land area of 1000m2 Rp. 85.676.071.37 while farmers who do not follow P4S Rp. 67.913.685.99.From the results obtained, this training center P4S succeeded in giving instruction to farmers. Evident from the productivity and income of farmers cut chrysanthemum flowers that follow P4S greater than chrysanthemum cut flower growers who do not follow the P4S.
Kontribusi Harga Komoditi Pertanian Terhadap Inflasi di Kota Manado Amelia E. Rotulung; Charles R. Ngangi; Esry O.H. Laoh; Melisa L.G. Tarore
COCOS Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35791/cocos.v6i2.6813


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to show whether or not the contribution of agricultural commodity prices to inflation in the city of Manado .The experiment is conducted from September 2013 to February 2014. This research uses secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sulawesi Province . The data is taken in the form of a time series of the year 2004-2013 from the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sulawesi Province . Data is analyzed by multiple linear regression using SPSS Statistics version 20 .The results showed that the coefficient of determination ( R2 ) of the regression 0,860 or 86 percent and adjusted coefficient of determination ( Radj ) is 0.684 or 68.4 percent . The coefficient of determination of 86 percent means that the inflation of grains , vegetables inflation , inflation nuts , fruits inflation and inflation spices can explain inflation in the Manado, at 86 percent and the rest of 14 percent is explained by the others variables that are not included in the model . The highest contribution is other commodity of Nuts commodity is 0.289 percent and the lowest commodity is -0.438 percent .Keywords : Contribution, Inflation, Commodity of Agriculture

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