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Maria Magdalena Wahyuni Inderawati
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Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Kampus 3 Cisauk, Jalan Raya Cisauk Lapan No. 70, Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten Banten, 15345
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Metris: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN : 14113287     EISSN : 28084810     DOI :
Jurnal Metris is published 2 (twice) a year. Since Volume 14 in 2013, Jurnal Metris has been published in June and December. The contents of the journal discuss research results in the field of industrial engineering. Jurnal Metris provides a place of publishing for sharing the new findings from research results of researchers, academics, scientists, and practitioners who related to the scope (but not limited) of: 1) Smart Production; 2) Lean Manufacturing; 3) Product Design & Development; 4) Human Factors Engineering; 5) Management Science and Operation Research; 6) Logistics and Supply Chain Management; 7) Decision Science in Business and Management; 8) Quality Engineering.
Articles 8 Documents
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Exploring Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the Taiwan Mobile Telecommunication Danang Kisworo
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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The launch of nationwide Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in October 2005 has taken the Taiwanmobile telecommunication industry one step forward . The implementation of MNP has given anotherchallenge for the mobile service providers to maintain their loyalty of existing customer as customers areallowed to retain their existing telephone number when switching from one mobile service provider toanother. Under such circumstances, the pursuit of customer loyalty appears to be an essential goal of thecompanies' sustainable competitive advantage and growth. In response to the challenges, mobile serviceproviders are aggressively launching various innovative and attractive marketing campaigns and promotionswith the aim to retain customer loyalty. The objectives to carry out this research are to investigate therelationship between service quality and customer satisfaction and to investigate the relationshipbetween customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the Taiwan mobile telecommunication market.This study adopts five dimensions of SERVQUAL instrument to measure service quality in the mobiletelecommunication industry, such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. A seriesof Questionnaire provide and distribute to explore the mobile service providers’ customer. The five-pointLikert scale that ranged from 1=strongly disagree to 5= strongly agree. Hypotheses testing are needed toobtain the objective of this research by using Regression analysis. Result shows that the dimensions ofservice quality such as tangibles, responsiveness, assurance and empathy have significant effect tocustomer satisfaction. Furthermore, customer satisfaction was found to have significant positive effecton customer loyalty in the Taiwan mobile telecommunication industry.
Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Lantai Produksi Menggunakan Algoritma CRAFT dalam Meminimumkan Ongkos Material Handling dan Total Momen Jarak Perpindahan (Studi Kasus PT. Grand Kartect Jakarta) Daniel Bunga Paillin
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki tata letak lantai produksi pada PT. Grand Kartech Jakarta – PuloGadung yang akan dikhususkan untuk produksi boiler. Adanya aliran bolak-balik material dengan frekuensiyang tinggi mengakibatkan tingginya momen jarak perpindahan material yang liniear dengan tingginyaongkos material handling. Metode CRAFT sebagai salah satu algoritma perbaikan layout digunakan padapenelitian ini yang memberikan solusi terbaik dalam penataan ulang layout perusahaan. Hasil analisismenunjukan bahwa total momen jarak perpindahan layout awal yaitu sebesar 4.683 meter, setelah dilakukanperbaikan dan penyesuaian menggunakan algoritma CRAFT maka total momen jarak perpindahan sebesar3.748,6 meter atau terjadi penghematan sebesar 19,95% dari layout awal. Total OMH layout awal yaitusebesar Rp. 1.896.375, setelah dilakukan perbaikan dan penyesuaian menggunakan algoritma CRAFT makatotal OMH sebesar 1.451.343 atau terjadi penghematan sebesar 23,46% dari layout awal
Analisis Performansi Sistem Produksi Genteng (Studi Kasus: PT. XYZ , Cikokol) Trifenaus Prabu Hidayat; Indra Kusno
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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This research discusses the proposed implementation of lean manufacturing system at PT. MONIER. PT.MONIER is a manufacturing company engaged in the production of tiles with 3 types of product that is Exeltile, Centurion tile and Elabana tile. PT. MONIER is using push system as their production system methodat the moment. Current state value stream mapping is made to see shop floor as a big picture. Calculationshows that current state Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) is very low with only 4,51%. The company still farfrom “lean” because minimum requirement of a company called lean when the value of PCE more than30%. Meanwhile, current state Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is 79,98%. From the observation, itcan be found that there are many non-value added activity (waste) at PT. MONIER factory. From theidentification of waste using check sheet and cost calculation resulted by wastes, it was found that inventorywaste post the biggest cost with 92,8% of the total cost of existing waste. With further analyze, it is knownthat the root cause from inventory waste is due to the company allow overproduction and there is wrongphilosophy against inventory. Those root causes which has found before is to be eliminated with leanmanufacturing system approach. There are several methods that will be applied in PT. MONIER such as 5Simplementation and standarized work, then future state value stream mapping is made to see all proposedmethods in a big picture. In addition, this future state condition will be simulated to give a betterperspective. With the implementation of lean manufacturing system, future condition is as same as currentstate value condition. Future state Process Cycle Efficiency (PCE) is 4,51% and future state OverallEquipment Effectiveness (OEE) is 79,98%. This happens because the theory and methods of lean from leanmanufacturing system can only be applied on the assembly line and one piece flow.
Rumusan Strategi Pengembangan Ekspor UKM Sepatu di Surabaya dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan ANP Muhammad Jaharnsyah; Trisita Novianti; Ernaning W.
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Surabaya has been developing a small and medium enterprises which one of them is village shoe. Small andmediums enterprises shoe has 140 units. However conditions of small and medium enterprises are nothingexport yet. This study wanted SMEs can be export product. This research use a method Delphi for choose acriterion what affects the development of export SMEs and then continued with modeling of using the methodANP and finally get the ranking of highest weight is linkage the material. Strategy that use is mappingsupplier what could give credit material. Strategic used is (1 ) give facility and increase quality SDM andthen taken worker by government and UKM, (2) mapping supplier who can giving credit material, (3) followinternational event or national event and add referensi shoe model with folowing trend.
Pemanfaatan Instrumen IWA 2 untuk MenentukanArea For Improvement dalam Rangka Peningkatan Mutu Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Fakultas Teknik Unika Atma Jaya) MM. Wahyuni Inderawati; Christine Natalia; Feliks Prasepta S.Surbakti
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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The philosophy of quality management system ISO 9001:2008 is continuous improvement. To achieve thequalilty objective, an organization must develop a systematic and consistent continuous improvementprogram. The Faculty of Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University (FT UAJ) has adopted the ISO9001:2008 quality management system since 2010, however, they still have discrepancy in theimplementation. IWA 2 guide can be a reference for developing a continuous improvement of this system. Theresults of this study showed that the FT UAJ still need to do some aspects of continuous improvement that isa weakness in providing motivation to students, the lack of monitoring of process improvement competency,integrated data management including data derived from outside the institution, customer satisfactionmeasurement, actions to meet the needs of community members ( faculty, staff education, student), and aclear organizational goal. The results confirmed the findings of the internal audit report, there isconcordance between the results of the survey with the findings of the internal audit report. This study is apart of multi –year research, and this paper is the result of the first year of research that aims to providerecommendations on Areas for Improvement / AFI in FT UAJ .
Perancangan Instrumen Kematangan Integrasi Sistem Manufaktur (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Flow Line Production) Yudha Prasetyawan; Novita Anggraini Wibowo; Siti Cholifah
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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The purpose of this research is to design maturity instrument for manufacturing systems integration usingself assessment questionnaire. The model design has 10 criteria based on six key performance indicators and15 combined indicators from CIM Wheel and Critical Success Factor Framework of CIM. Indicators havedesigned by reasoning process in component model combination. The model was applied into PT CharoenPokphand Poultry Feed Krian and PT. Petrokimia Gresik Plant I.Results of this assessment showed that PT Charoen Pokphand Krian was at VI maturity level with 86.15%showing the highest achievement of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) criteria, whole information wasdeployed, improvement and innovation as a primary key, effective integration and automation has almostreached the enterprise level. PT. Petrokimia Gresik was at V maturity level with 79.03% which shows agood achievement for the KPI criteria, well information deployed, improvement has been made, integrationand automation in plant level.
Perbandingan Algoritma Bee Colony dengan Algoritma Bee Colony Tabu List dalam Penjadwalan Flow Shop Andre Sugioko
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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This paper discusses the performance of Bee Colony algorithm integrated with the swap method and tabu listwith Bee Colony algorithm. This research was based on the results of research by Chong in 2006, whichdeclared that the Bee Colony algorithm integrated with the swap method has a good performance, but cannotcompete with the performance of Tabu Search, so the researchers will test whether integrating Bee Colonyalgorithm with swap method and tabu list will give better performance than Bee Colony algorithm or not.This research will use two study case flow shop scheduling problem, with objective function is minimummakespan to compare both algorithm’s performance. The results Bee Colony-Tabu provide superior resultsat makespan values than Bee Colony algorithm, but not at computational time.
Dampak Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik Terhadap Institusi Rumah Tangga di Indonesia dengan Model Computable General Equilibrium Yuki Tiara Wiharja; Christine Natalia
Jurnal METRIS Vol. 14 No. 02 (2013): 2013
Publisher : Prodi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

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Electricity price has risen for 10% every year in average . The reason for making the price rising is to reducethe electricity subsidy that been given by PLN as the main distributor of electricity in Indonesia. The aim ofreducing the subsidy is increase the process of electricity equalization among other remote regions inIndonesia. In 2008, Indonesian Bureau of Statistics (BPS) noted that household institutions absorbed around50% of national electricity consumption. For that reason, household institutions were in the first place as thehighest user of electricity, while industrial sectors were in the second place. Computable GeneralEquilibrium (CGE) is a mathematical model that formulates the general equilibrium problems. CGE modelwas started from the economy theory, economic mathematic, and computation theory. Formulation of CGEmodel will be further analyzed by the aid of software called GAMS. GAMS is a software developed by GAMSDevelopment Corporation. GAMS is the first software that using an algebraic modeling language for itsinput. By using a CGE method. It is expected to give a picture of the impact in implementing a new policyrelated to the rising price of electricity. After the simulation process, the result showed that the rising ofelectricity price affect other commodities price.

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