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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan, intended as a scientific publication of thoughts and research results on economics and development written in Indonesian or English. Fields of study relevant to the scope of this journal include: Public Economics, Development Economics, Monetary Economics, regional economics, economic plans, tourism economics, urban development, coastal area development, rural development, and others. Submitting an article to JERP is the same as guaranteeing that the writing is original and has never been published and is not being published in another journal. The written manuscript will go through the stages of review by reviewers according to their fields. Article writing must follow the guidelines through a template that can be downloaded in this journal. JERP publishes four editions in one year, namely: January, April, July and October. We invite experts, scientists, practitioners, teachers, scholars, students, and observers of economics and development disciplines to publish their best articles in this journal. Published in Online Journal System (OJS).
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Perilaku Konsumtif Gay di Kota Makassar Ansar Dias Putra; Dyan Paramitha Darmayanti
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine: the factors that cause gays in Makassar City and consumptive behavior as a lifestyle for gays in Makassar city. In this research, qualitative research was used with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation involving 5 (five) individual informants selected through a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display, conclusion and data verification. The results of the study show that: (1) The causes of gays in Makassar City are that they want to look different, they are proud of their appearance, join in and attract the attention of others. (2) gay consumptive behavior as a lifestyle in Makassar City, there are two things: (a) it is more based on desires than needs, (b) gay consumptive behavior in Makassar city is not always related to the world of fashion, but they can also express themselves with gather with the community as an indicator of social status.
Strategi Waria Mencari Nafkah di Kabupaten Sinjai Ati Rukmana; Riri Amandaria
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the form of work, inhibiting factors, and transgender strategies in making a living in Sinjai Regency using descriptive qualitative research. The number of informants is 7 people with the criteria of adult transgender informants in Sinjai Regency who are willing to participate in providing complete and open information. Data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation were then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: (1) The forms of work for transgender women in earning a living in Sinjai Regency are dominated by salon owners and employees, hairdressers, make-up artists (MUA), electron singers, and village consultative officials; (2) Factors inhibiting transgender women in earning a living in Sinjai Regency are: low education, lack of adequate skills and social stigma; and (3) Strategies for transgender people in Sinjai Regency to get a job, namely: (a) an active strategy in the form of taking courses on the work they are going to do, doing their own work activities, extending working hours, and doing more than one job; (b) Passive strategies, namely reducing spending and being indifferent to society's stigma; (c) network strategy in the form of building formal or informal relationships with the social and institutional environment and utilizing social media to get customers.
Strategi Pemberdayaan Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Petani Rumput Laut Ernawati S. Kaseng
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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Poverty caused by income inequality and social inequality that occurs in coastal communities is the main problem that has been of concern to the Government so far, so an empowerment strategy is needed to alleviate it. For this reason, the purpose of the article is to describe empowerment strategies to increase the income of seaweed farmers. The review method uses a literature study method where the data obtained are compiled, analyzed, then make conclusions. Type of data, namely secondary data. Data collection techniques, through the stages of taking data from the library, reading, recording, then processing data. The results of the study show that stakholder's efforts to carry out empowerment aim to increase community independence. Through empowerment approaches and strategies, climate is created, power strengthening, and protection of communities as subjects of development. The coastal community empowerment strategy carried out by the South Sulawesi Provincial Government is based on the principle of sustainability, the principle of consistency, the principle of integration, the principle of legal certainty, the principle of partnership, the principle of equity, the principle of participation, the principle of openness, the principle of accountability, and the principle of justice. Empowerment as non-formal education, the implementation of the seaweed farmer empowerment program is carried out through a learning process to improve knowledge and skills of group strengthening, dissemination of seaweed cultivation technology, and implementation of training and counseling to seaweed farmers at the farmer group level on an ongoing basis.
Relasi Sosial Ekonomi Perempuan Pedagang Ikan di Pasar Mare Kabupaten Bone Masnah binti Mohd. Yusof; St. Junaeda
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the socio-economic relations among women fish traders in Pasar Mare. This study used a qualitative research method which was analyzed and written descriptively. Data collection techniques were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation involving 10 individual informants. The results of the study show that: (1) The reasons for women fish traders in Pasar Mare choosing to trade are economic problems, not having a husband, their own desires, and having supplies to sell; (2) In arranging the time between trading and working women traders here find it not difficult and have arranged their time in such a way, because selling time at the market does not take long so that female traders are able to spend time with their families and do their homework both before and after going to school. market.; (3) The relationship between women fish traders here is going very well, this is due to the attitude of helping each other and the principle that is held that at any time they will need each other. For example, dividing the fish caught in parakka in two, helping to sell fish when traveling for a while or when the merchandise is not sold out and exchanging small amounts of money. Besides that, female fish traders often hold arisan, both among fish traders and other traders.
Pembangunan Pedesaan Berbasis Pertanian di Desa Ganra Kecamatan Ganra Kabupaten Soppeng Wahyuni; St. Junaeda
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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This study aims to determine the process of implementing agricultural modernization in farming communities and its impact on the socio-cultural life of farmers. The method used is qualitative, namely research conducted with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that previously farmers in Ganra Village carried out the process of implementing agricultural modernization starting from cultivating paddy fields to processing paddy into rice, initially the tools used in agriculture were still very traditional until they experienced increasingly sophisticated or modern changes. One of them is the inclusion of a combine car during the rice harvest which immediately removes the grain from the stalks or stems and cleaning the grain no longer needs to work twice and even only requires a few people to implement it. Agricultural modernization has positive and negative impacts. The positive impact is increasing crop production, as well as facilitating work that can save time and energy. While the negative impact is making farmers less creative because farmers depend on modern agricultural technology products, increasing unemployment, and lack of mutual cooperation in the social field as well as losing a sense of mutual need between each other and the collective attitude that is characteristic of society. farmers in Ganra Village who have changed to an individual attitude.
Impossible Space: Socio-Cultural Aspects Behind the Failure of THM Localization in Makassar City Ahmadin
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

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Localization of Nightlife Places or in Indonesian it is called THM was once a hot discourse discussed in public spaces in Makassar City, especially in 2005. This discourse went wild since a daily newspaper in this city published news about the approval of Makassar City DPRD members and several other members of the commission for coming up with this idea. Some of the reasons that support the idea that is still playing out at this level of discourse, are covered by the postulates of urban planning and order. Another reason is related to the development of the Makassar City tourism sector. This paper examines the socio-cultural problems that have caused this localization policy discourse to not be realized. Socio-culturally, the act of localizing THM is seen as an effort to facilitate immoral activities, whereas on the other hand, the local population is a community of adherents and adherents of siri' values. In fact, this discourse coincided with the rise of the movement for the enforcement of Islamic Sharia in South Sulawesi.

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