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Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi
ISSN : 29637678     EISSN : 29626153     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Social,
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Ilmu Al-Quran dan Tafsir, yang didedikasikan untuk mempublikasikan studi ilmiah Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi dari berbagai perspektif, seperti ilmu Tafsir dan Hadits, Living Quran dan Hadits, Studi Al-Quran dan Hadits di berbagai wilayah di dunia seperti Timur Tengah, Barat, Nusantara dan daerah lainnya, Metodologi Tafsir, Metodologi Kajian Hadits, syarah hadits dan teks-teks kuno yang berkaitan dengan Al-Quran dan hadits.
Articles 20 Documents
Penafsiran Ulang Konsep “Kontekstualisasi” dalam Hadis: Kajian atas Hadis Tentang Kepemimpinan Perempuan Wendi Parwanto
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i2.7808


Claims that women are weak, not authoritative, and tend to use their feelings, make women discriminated against in the public sphere. Even in Islamic history, women are considered worthless so when a baby girl is born, it is considered a disgrace, and many are buried alive. Thus, in accordance with the times and knowledge, this paper will review the roles and gait of women, especially in their capacity as leaders. This paper will examine the text of the prophet's hadith about women's leadership and try to contextualize it with Indonesian reality. The conclusion of this article is that women are given things and obligations to become leaders as long as they have the capacity, capability, and quality to carry out their duties and responsibilities. So, in the context of 'worldly' leadership, it is not seen from gender, but from the qualifications, capabilities, and qualities possessed by a person.
Pakaian Muslim: Keseimbangan Antara Syariah dan Mode (Interpretasi QS. Al-A’raf [9]: 26 Dengan Pendekatan Semiotika Saussure) Satria Tenun Syahputra
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i2.7612


Muslim clothing is not only about covering the aurat, but there is one more important essence behind clothing, namely to beautify the appearance or in contemporary language also called fashion. This research is a library research that is analytical-critical by analyzing QS. Al-A'râf [9]: 26. The surgical instrument used in this study is Ferdinand D Saussure's semiotic approach which is also known as binary opposition, but only one pair of binary oppositions is used, namely langue and parole. From this research, it is stated that maintaining a balance between the main purpose of clothing as an aurat cover with secondary purposes as decoration, fashion and appearance support is the guidance of the Quran. This approach needs to be developed to gain an understanding that is in accordance with the development of the times and science and is in line with the cosnep Universality of the Quran which carries the concept of "al-Qur'ân shalih li kulli az-zamân wa al-makân".
Tradisi Pembacaan Qulhu Tiga Malam Selepas Kepergian Mayit Tinjauan Studi Living Qur’an Devi Yanti Rambe; Hafizzullah Hafizzullah
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 2 (2022): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i2.6919


There are verses of the Qur'an that live in the community of Kotapinang District, South Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra Province, this tradition has been carried out by the community for generations, where the tradition is in the form of a tradition of reading qulhu three nights after the departure of the dead in a death ritual. The aims of this study are: To describe the practice of reciting qulhu three nights after the death of the deceased. The type of research used is field research or (field research). with a phenomenological approach. Then the data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation. The results show that, the practice of carrying out the tradition of reading qulhu three nights after the departure of the deceased has variations, basically for the verses / surahs that are read the same as well as additional readings in addition to the verses that are read, it's just that the placement of the readings is different every night.
Kajian Tafsir Berbahasa Gayo: Introduksi Atas Tafsir Al-Gayo Karya Abdurrahim Daudy Zuhriyandi Zuhriyandi
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v2i1.9428


Tema kajian ini mengeksplorasi tugas berkelanjutan untuk menemukan penafsiran al-Qur’an dalam sejarah keilmuan Muslim, dengan mempertimbangkan semua aspek historisitas. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji al-Ga>yo, tafsir berbahasa Gayo karya Abdurahim Daudy, salah satu permata tafsir bahasa non-Arab modern pra kemerdekaan. Meskipun penafsirnya tidak begitu dikenal dalam komunitas eksegetis, penafsiran ini berbeda dari penafsiran Indonesia lainnya dalam beberapa hal penting. Penulis berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana cara kerja metode analisis teks penafsiran berbahasa Gayo. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa struktur model tafsir bahasa Gayo yang mengutip beberapa ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dan ditafsirkan dalam bahasa Gayo. Hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh penafsir lain sebelumnya. Karena tafsir-tafsir tersebut diciptakan oleh para aktivis Muhammadiyah pada masa pembaharuan keagamaan, maka nash-nash yang ditafsirkannya termasuk ajaran-ajaran dasar teologi Islam. Penafsiran yang ditulis oleh ulama dataran tinggi Gayo ini disebut-sebut sebagai orang pertama yang mengutip ayat al-Qur’an lalau ditafsirkan ke dalam bahasa Gayo. 
Studi Living Qur`An: Tradisi Khatam Al-Qur`An Pada Kematian Di Desa Lebuh Lurus Kecamatan Inuman Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau Junita Junita; Yusrizal Efendi
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v2i1.9151


The people of Lebuh Lurus Village, Inuman District, Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Province have a habit of performing khatam al-Qur`an at death. The focus of this research is: (1) what is the history of the khatam al-Qur`an tradition at death, (2) how is the practice of the khatam al-Qur`an tradition at death, and (3) what is the meaning of the khatam al-Qur`an tradition and in death for the local community. This type of research is field research with the Living Qur'an approach and is descriptive in nature. While the data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation. The research results that have been obtained are (1) The tradition of khatam al-Qur`an at death in Lebuh Lurus Village is a tradition of the Syattariyah Order, whose history dates back to the time of Abdul Ra'uf Singkel (1615-1693 AD). One of his students was Sheikh Imam Saleh (1848-1933 AD) who spread this tradition in Inuman District. However, finally arriving in Lebuh Lurus Village, it was brought and developed by Ustadz Muhammad Thohir (1928-1991). recited 30 chapters of the Qur'an together for six consecutive nights. (3) This tradition is a form of action that is seen as good, so that it has a reciprocal effect of kindness on readers and people who have died, because they will get a reward from what is read.
Konsep Tabayun Perspektif Hasbi Ash Shiddieqy dan Relevansinya Pada Zaman sekarang Zia Tohri
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v2i1.9425


Pada artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana konsep Tabayun Perspektif Hasbi asih shiddieqy dalam tafsirnya An Nur dan Relevansinya pada zaman sekarang, dan penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perhatian penulis terhadap konsep  tabayyun dari setiap mufassir, terdapat dua ayat yang fokus membahas tabayyun yakni pada surah an-Nisa’ ayat 94 dan surah al-Hujurat ayat 6. Para ulama berbeda pendapat mengenai kata tabayyun, imam asy-Syaukani mengatakan, tabayyun adalah mencari tahu dan memeriksa, seangkan menurut al-Qurthubi dalam tafsirnya tabayyun ialah mencari kepastian pada peneriman suatu berita. Dan tabayyun menurut Tengku Muhammad Hasbi ash-Shiddeqy adalah meneliti dan mencari kepastian suatu berita. Setiap mufassir memiliki perbedaan atau persamaan dalam menafsirkan suatu ayat, tentunya tidak terlepas dari histori-biografi setiap mufassir, dari segi corak, metode yang digunakan dalam menafsirkan al Qur'an dan kondisi masyarakat ketika menyusun tafsirnya Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian library research atau penelitian pustaka. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan yang digunakan adalah metode dokumentasi, sedangkan metode analisis yang digunakan adalah gabungan dari metode maudhu’i dan teori double movement (analisis hermeneutika)Konsep tabayyun menurut Tengku Muhammad Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy dibaca dari teori double movement Fazlur Rahman dilihat dari larat belakang historisnya adalah mencari tahu tentang kebenaran dan berhati-hati atau tidak gegabah dalam bertindak atas suatu yang belum jelas kebenarannya. tentunya dengan mengedepankan sikap kehati-hatian, croschek atau klarifikasi sehingga tidak menimbulkan berbagai macam kerugian atau kekacauan pada diri sendiri dan orang lain. Relevansi konsep tabayyun TengkuMuhammad Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy pada masa kini, denganmeng-kontekstualisasikan sesuai dengan problematika pada masyarakat Indonesiamasa kini, yaitu propaganda media yang bersifat propokatif. Berita bohong (hoax) khususnya di Indonesia berjumlah relative banyak. Tabayyun hadir sebagai urgensi penting sebagai langkah menemukan kebenaran juga sebagai tindakan preventif untuk menguatkan Indonesia sehingga mampu menciptakan kedamaian dan kerukunan
Taubat Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Rinalpi Rinalpi; Inong Satriadi
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Lathaif
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v2i1.9150


The main problem in this thesis is repentance in the perspective of the Qur'an (study of thematic interpretation). As for the purpose of this study based on the formulation of the problem above, namely To describe and analyze how the Qur'an views the commands of repentance, the reward for repentance, the conditions for receiving repentance, and the causes for repentance. Thematic or maudhu'i interpretation and analysis methods are used in this type of library research. Data processing is done by clarifying verses about repentance from the perspective of the Qur'an, studying thematic interpretations, then processing and exploring the interpretation by referring to the book of Tafsir Muyassar and presenting it in effective sentences. The results of research related to repentance are fourfold: first, the command to repent is in the plural form, which means that it must be done by all humans and the law becomes mandatory. Second, there are seven replies to repentance. Third, the conditions for acceptance of repentance are seven and must be met. Fourth, there are nine reasons why a person repents.
Keluarga Sakinah Mawaddah Wa Rahmah Menurut Al-Qur’an Perspektif Wahbah Az-Zuhaili Ririn Andriani; Hasan Zaini
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i1.5768


Based on a vast social phenomenon that craves and praises perfect, perfect families. Yet many do not know what the perfect family represents, what its purpose is, what its criteria are and how to do it. The purpose of this research is: (1) to describe and analyze what the purpose and criteria of the family sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah according to the al-qur'an wahbah az-zuhaili perspective. (2) to describe and analyze how to realize the family of sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah according to the al-qur'an wahbah az-zuhaili perspective. The study included research for literature (library research) by means of thematic or maudhu 'i interpretation analysis.
Amtsal Kiamat Menurut Penafsiran Al-Zamakhsyari Sufri Fahmi; Risman Bustamam
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i1.5747


Al-Zamakshyari interprets the verses of the apocalypse verses using the tahlili method, which is indicated by language analysis indicators or balaghah which are quite focused and detailed when explaining the editorial of certain verses. In terms of the style of interpretation, there is no visible Mu'tazila theological element when Al-Zamakhsyari interprets the verses of the apocalypse. In detail, this study shows that: (a) The interpretation of the doomsday proverbs in Surah Al-Ma'arij verses 8-9 by Al-Zamakhsyari shows the proverbs in the verse to explain the awesomeness of the Day of Judgment, the proverbs in this verse compare the sky with something melting, and comparing the mountains with cotton or feathers blown by the wind, (b) The interpretation of the doomsday proverb in Al-Qari'ah verses 4-5 according to Al-Zamakhsyari shows the proverb in the verse to give an overview of the conditions when the Day of Judgment occurs, the proverb in this verse compares humans with weak animals, and compares the mountains with feathers that are blown by the wind, (c) The interpretation of the doomsday proverb in Al-Qamar verse 7 according to Al-Zamakhsyari shows that the proverb in this verse is a description of the number of people, from the first to the last created, all will be gathered on the day he rises from the grave.
Manusia Sebagai Makhluk Sosial Fadhillah Iffah; Yuni Fitri Yasni
Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Lathaif: Literasi Tafsir, Hadis dan Filologi
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/lathaif.v1i1.5926


Humans are said to be social creatures, who always want to be in touch with others, want to know the surrounding environment and want to know what is going on within themselves, that feeling forces someone to need to communicate. As social beings and living in groups in everyday life, of course, there is no such thing as interaction and mutual communication. In relation to being social beings, humans always live together with others. Humans need each other and must interact with other humans. This is because humans cannot fulfill their daily needs alone. Humans will join with other humans to form groups to fulfill their needs and life goals, which in this case will always be in contact with other social creatures because they cannot live alone. In this case, humans are always in touch with each other whether they realize it or not to always meet the needs in their lives.

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