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Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN : 29620236     EISSN : 2961936X     DOI : 10.58169
Core Subject : Engineering,
pada bidang Teknik Industri, Teknik Pertambangan, Teknik Lingkungan, Sistem Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi, Pendidikan serta Kejuruan dan Rekayasa
Articles 20 Documents
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Panel MCC-300 Sebagai Alat Pengontrol Mesin Pompa Distribusi Air Bersih di Spam Perumdam Tirta Madani Kota Serang Yunita Yunita; Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.123


The Motor Control Center (MCC) Panel is a collection of components that become the control center in the operation of a three-phase electric motor with a larger capacity used as a clean water distribution pump machine. In this study has several objectives, including namely 1). Knowing the process of the Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) in Perumdam Tirta Madani Serang City, 2). Knowing the working system of the MCC-300 Panel as a controller for the distribution machine at Perumdam Tirta Madani, Serang City, 3). Knowing how to maintain the MCC-300 Panel and clean water distribution machines at Perumdam Tirta Madani, Serang City. The methods used are observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. Prumdam Tirta Madani Serang City has several components in the clean water supply system, including raw water components, raw water transmission components, production unit components, and distribution unit components. In the working system the MCC-300 Panel consists of two blocks and there are other components contained in the panel. Then maintenance is carried out on the MCC-300 Panel and Distribution Machine, namely planned maintenance starting from cleaning to carrying out tests on components and machines using an electric meter.
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.124


The demand for higher bandwidth is increasing along with developments in communication technology. To solve this problem, many parties use optical cables as the backbone of communication network cabling, especially in large data centers. Projects such as FTTH (Fiber to the Home) and FTTB (Fiber to the Building) have also been undertaken to provide better service to customers. In recent years, to take advantage of the future benefits of optical cables, Fiber to the Desk (FTTD) has begun to be recommended specifically for enterprises, financial institutions, and federal agencies. This is because FTTD can provide high security and high data transmission speed. This article will provide a more detailed guide on implementing FTTD and its benefits and designing FTTD using the Cisco Packet Tracer application.
SIMULASI JARINGAN METRO ETHERNET DENGAN APLIKASI CIS-CO PACKET TRACER VERSI 6.2.0 Naufal Taufiqul Hakim; Hijroh Tamamil Gina; Apriliano Chandra Diva; Gilang Gemilang; Didik Aribowo
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.130


Metro ethernet is an ethernet-based high-capacity data network solution service that provides flexibility, simplicity and quality of service (qos) to business customers of internet service providers (isp) and other licensed service providers (olo). Ethernet has speeds of up to 10 gbps and with distances of tens or even hundreds of kilometers. The method used in writing this journal is to use the literature review method, namely the method used is the result of an analysis of various previously published scientific article information. Utilization of metro ethernet in its benefits, namely managing risk intelligently, in its management functioning and running independently, namely utilization for each operational, functional and administrative. Reliability, in operation metro ethernet will detect and track discovery to report that it is in a connection failure situation in its performance measurement. Flexibility, support for various services and transportation. Cost-efficiency, simple and highly maintainable metro ethernet network scalability, supports speeds up to 10 gbps. This research was made to find out more about the uses of the metro ethernet network and the configuration on metro ethernet.
Motor Listrik 3 Fasa Sebagai Sistem Penggerak Motor Roll Pada Mesin Case Sealer di Pt. Matahari Megah Muhammad Iqbal Naufal; Irwanto Irwanto
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.132


The electric motor is a system that plays an important role in the operation of production machines in the industrial world. The advantages of a 3 Phase Electric Motor are that it is economical, uses a strong construction and has high efficiency. In order to carry out its functions properly, this drive system is equipped with various other electrical equipment to synergize with each other so that the case sealer machine can function optimally and always prioritize periodic maintenance. The drive system used is a 3-phase electric motor which functions to move the motor roll so that the product to be packaged in the case sealer machine can run.
Pengaturan Kecepatan Motor Induksi 3fasa Dengan Mengatur Frekuensi Menggunakan VSD di PERUMDAM Tirta Madani Serang Ihsan Faturrohman; Mohammad Fatkhurrokhman
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.135


The frequency setting is VSD (variable speed drive) or inverter. In controlling the speed of a 3-phase induction motor using a VSD or inverter, the PWM (pulse width modulation) method is used. PWM is a method of manipulating the signal width, which is described by pulses in one period. In collecting data, the methods used are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies. The data obtained in the observation are the values of frequency, voltage, and current at the output of the VSD, which goes to the source of the 3-phase induction motor. The results obtained from setting the motor speed by setting the frequency at 25 Hz are 1500 rpm, 30 Hz is 1800 rpm, 35 Hz is 2100 rpm, 39.1 Hz is 2346 rpm, and 40 Hz is 2400 rpm. By adjusting the input frequency to a 3-phase induction motor using a VSD or inverter, it can be concluded that the higher the frequency, the faster the rotation speed of the pump motor, and the resulting water discharge in sucking water will also be greater.
Analisis Tingkat Pemborosan Waktu Pelayanan Poli Mata Dengan Value Stream Mapping Dan Value Stream Analysis Pada RSU Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Yupiya Dwi Nur Ariska; Enny Aryanny
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.136


Muhammadiyah Ponorogo General Hospital is one of the private hospitals in Ponorogo Regency. At this time the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo General Hospital has received Plenary accreditation from the Indonesian Hospital Accreditation Institute (LARSI). The problem that is often faced by hospitals is that there is a lot of waste that occurs in the service process at the Eye Polyclinic of RSU Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. The most critical level of waste for eye polyclinic services is waiting with a weighting value of 4.00, waste inventory with a value of 3.16, waste overproduction with a weighting value of 3.00, waste defects with a weighting value of 2.91 , waste inappropriate processing with a weight value of 2.66, waste unnecessary motion with a weight value of 2.58, waste transportation with a weight value of 1.41, and waste underutilized abilities of people with a weight value of 2.25. The initial activity time before the repair was 14,677 seconds or 244 minutes (4 hours) and after the repair was reduced to 6,577 seconds or 109 minutes (1 hour 61 minutes). The highest waste is waiting, namely doctors often do not come on time and there is a lack of nurses or pharmacists in the pharmacy with a Risk Priority Number (RPN) score of 252 and 224. Recommendations for improvement that can be proposed are adding doctors to the eye poly department to reduce doctor delays because there are surgery schedules that often collide with the schedule for opening eye poly services and adding medical personnel to the pharmacy department, to reduce queues you can use a drug delivery application that can be accessed by patients without having to queue again at the hospital.
Analisis Perhitungan Pada Harga Pokok Produksi Seragam Sekolah Dasar Merah Putih Rizki Dwi Rama Setyawan; Setijanen Djoko Harijanto
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.137


CV XYZ is a small and medium company engaged in garment business and headquartered at Jalan Abdurrahman no. 49 RT 15 RW 06, Pabean, Sedati, Sidoarjo. Various types of clothing are produced, such as red and white uniforms as one of its main products. CV XYZ in determining the cost of goods produced is only based on the assumption of the use of materials, tools and wages without considering the details. This situation makes it impossible for the company to know the actual cost of goods produced. This study aims to analyze the determination of production costs that can be used as a basis for effective assessment. The calculation of raw material costs, labor costs, processing costs and electricity costs according to the full cost method shows that production costs have increased compared to the company's provisions. The production cost of the women's red and white uniform is Rp 106,320 and the men's red and white uniform is Rp 108,134. Meanwhile, the price difference obtained for the women's white uniform is Rp 1,320 and the men's red and white uniform is Rp 3,134.
Keputusan Konsumen Yang Dipengaruhi Oleh Faktor-Faktor Dalam Membeli Produk Minuman Secara Online Syaharani Pratiwi Salam; Asmungi Asmungi
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.138


The objective of this research is to determine the factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions to buy beverages online on marketplaces. The variables used are product, price, promotion, location, service quality, marketplace usability, and trust. The sample consists of 150 respondents. The Likert scale is used as the data collection model, and statistical analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression. After analyzing the data, this research has obtained results indicating that product (X1), price (X2), promotion (X3), location (X4), service quality (X5), marketplace usability (X6), and trust (X7) have a significant impact on buyer's decisions with a magnitude of 0.732 (73.2%), which means that all variables contribute and affect consumer purchase decisions by 73.2%, while the remaining 26.8% is attributed to other factors beyond the scope of this study. The results of the F-test analysis show that collectively, all variables significantly impact consumer purchasing decisions. The t-test analysis indicates that the research hypotheses for variables X1, X2, X6, and X7 significantly influence consumer purchase decisions, while variables X3, X4, and X5 do not significantly affect consumer decisions
Detail Desain Saluran Irigasi Di Daerah Kumbung Kecamatan Lunang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Vionadwiuchtia Idrat
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.139


The effect of water is very large on the agricultural sector, because with sufficient water the needs of plants are fulfilled so that plants can grow well and can increase agricultural yields. One way to meet the water needs of plants is to design irrigation canals properly to avoid water shortages. The irrigation system in the Kumbung area already has a technical irrigation system and the channel planned is an open channel with a trapezoidal cross section. The area of ​​the tertiary plot in the kumbung area was 146.53.
Analisa Stabilitas Bendung (Studi Kasus: Bendungan Pacal Kabupaten Bojonegoro) Muhammad Yusuf Firmansyah; Farah Putri Purwahono
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.140


Pacal Dam as one of the infrastructures that has an important role in the life of the people of Bojonegoro Regency. Pacal Dam is one of the providers of water resources in meeting the needs of the surrounding community in irrigation and agriculture aspects. In addition, the Pacal Dam is also a water conservation medium which is one of the efforts to reduce surface runoff originating from the upstream of the river so that flooding does not occur downstream. Therefore, in planning, it is necessary to accurately calculate the stability of the weir. Spiral stability calculations are carried out to determine whether the weir is stable enough to withstand the external forces that occur. Factors that can affect stability include the weight of the weir, active and passive earth pressure forces, and the resulting uplift. In the stability analysis of the Pancal Dam, it was found that under normal conditions the SF (safety factor) result was 1.6082822, while in flood conditions the SF result was 1.55237, where the SF value was > 1.5 so it can be concluded that the weir planning has been able to withstand the overturning moment caused by water pressure, soil, and uplift pressure in flood conditions.

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