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Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN : 29620236     EISSN : 2961936X     DOI : 10.58169
Core Subject : Engineering,
pada bidang Teknik Industri, Teknik Pertambangan, Teknik Lingkungan, Sistem Informasi, Sains dan Teknologi, Pendidikan serta Kejuruan dan Rekayasa
Articles 43 Documents
Uji Bilangan Peroksida Pada Minyak Curah Bekas Rumah Tangga Di RT 05 Jalan Kedung Mangu Kecamatan Kenjeran Kota Surabaya Agnes Yuliana Icha Mauliddia; Rina Rismaya
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.142


In the past year, the price of bottled oil has soared and its availability has become scarce. So that in its use, people use bulk oil instead of packaged oil and use it repeatedly. Repeated use of cooking oil can increase the value of the peroxide value. Peroxide number value in oil that is not in accordance with SNI 3741-2013 is 10 mek O2/ Kg indicates that the oil is damaged or rancid. This study aims to determine the value of peroxide value in bulk oil that is used repeatedly using the Iodometry method with two experimental repetitions. The results of this study prove that repeated frying can increase the peroxide value significantly. Peroxide number value in sample A1 = 9.82; A2 = 9.416; B1 = 15.95; B2 = 14.455; C1 = 20.41; C2 = 20.904; D1 = 4.969 ; D2 = 5.607 : E1 = 7.001 ; E2 = 7.676. Of the 5 samples tested, it was shown that there were samples B and C whose results exceeded the SNI 3741-2013 Standard, Sample A approached the maximum limit of the SNI 3741-2013 Standard, and Samples D and E were below the SNI 3741-2013 Standard. According to the survey, it was found that samples B and C were the cooking oil samples with the most frequency of frying successively 5 – 7 times. So it can be concluded that the more often the frying is done repeatedly, the higher the peroxide number value in the household used bulk cooking oil.
Analisis Kekuatan Struktur Rangka Brake Lining Rivet Machine Untuk Pemasangan Kampas Rem Dengan Sistem Hidrolik Trio Setiyawan; Timotius Anggit Kristiawan; Tristan Yusuf Annas
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang rangka atau frame dari brake lining rivet machine yang kokoh saat diberikan pembebanan statis sesuai perhitungan dapat dilakukan dengan simulasi. Proses simulasi dilakukan menggunakan software solidworks jenis static structural. Material yang digunakan untuk membuat struktur rangka adalah baja ASTM A36 dengan massa jenis 7.850 kg/m3 dan yield strength 374 N/mm2. Kasus pembebanan pada rangka ini terbagi menjadi 2 bagian, yaitu pembebanan pada dudukan press tool dan dudukan aktuator hidrolik. Pada dudukan aktuator terjadi 2 kasus pembebanan, yaitu F1 dan F2 sebesar 107,8 N dan 2.191 N. Serta pada dudukan press tool terjadi kasus pembebanan F3 yaitu sebesar 234.583 N. Hasil von mises stress pada dudukan aktuator adalah 2,978 N/mm2, dengan nilai factor of safety 125. Sedangkan pada dudukan press tool adalah 303,722 N/mm2 dengan factor of safety 1.2. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, nilai von mises stress yang terjadi masih dibawah dari nilai yield strength material dan angka keamanan atau factor of safety diatas angka 1. Sehingga rancangan struktur pada brake lining rivet machine dikategorikan aman dari pembebanan yang diberikan.
Rancang Bangun Mesin Pemecah Dan Pemisah Kulit Ari Kedelai Kapasitas 300 Kg/Jam Trio Setiyawan; Timotius Anggit Kritiawan; Rizal Ma’ruf
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.144


Proses pengolahan kedelai untuk pembuatan tempe sekala menengah kebawah masih menggunakan cara tradisional untuk mengupas dan memisahkan kulit ari kedelai. Permasalahan yang dihadapi relatif sama yaitu efisiensi, kapasitas, dan tingkat kebersihan yang masih rendah. Tujuan dari penenlitian ini adalah untuk merancang mesin pemecah dan pemisah kulit ari kedelai kapasitas 300kg/jam. Mesin pemecah dan pemisah kulit ari menggunakan mekanisme silinder bergerigi otomatis adalah solusi untuk membantu usaha menengah kebawah. Pembuatan mesin pemecah dan pemisah kulit ari kedelai ini dimulai dengan studi literatur, observasi untuk perencanaan, menentukan mekanisme pemecahan dan pemisahan kulit ari, setelah itu menyiapkan komponen untuk pembuatan dan perakitan mesin. Rancang bangun mesin pemecah dan pemisah kulit ari mempunyai mekanisme pengupasan dengan memanfaatkan celah antara silinder bergerigi dengan penyetel yang dapat di atur sesuai dengan jenis kedelai yang akan di kupas. Pengujian mesin dilakukan dengan beberapa variasi celah dan putaran 420 rpm karena merupakan putaran paling optimal sehingga diperoleh sepesifikasi akhir mesin dengan kapasitas hopper 15 kg dan menggunakan motor listrik 0,5 hp 1400 rpm serta dua buah silinder bergerigi dengan celah masing masing 2 mm dengan slider pengupas yang mampu menghasilkan 330kg/jam kedelai bersih yang siap diproses.
Perhitungan Sumberdaya Batugamping Di Dusun Gudang Garam Arso 4 Distrik Skanto Kabupaten Keerom Djuardrensi Patabang; Bevie M Nahumury
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.146


Keerom Regency is one of the areas that has the potential for Batugamping mineral resources which is quite potential, this is evidenced by the existence of several mining business actors who are carrying out mining activities in the area. Based on the geological map of the Jayapura sheet (Taritatu Sheet) the distribution of limestone potential is quite evenly distributed in the Keerom Regency area. The distribution of limestone potential in Keerom Regency is spread in the Arso 1, Arso 4, Arso 10, Arso 13 areas to Senggi. Based on the results of the initial survey, mining activities in Keerom Regency have not been managed properly, because some mining sites have carried out mining activities but do not yet have legality, namely a mining permit (SIP), do not have a good and correct mine processing plan based on the mining stages, there are still locations where limestone is not yet known distribution, volume and even the amount of resources and reserves. The potential for limestone is a good investment opportunity if it is developed into a community mine that can provide added value to the community. Therefore, it is necessary to have geological mapping activities and also the calculation of resource values. In this case, it concerns the quantity and quality of deposits to be able to provide information as a mineral database for the community as land owners and is also very useful for the Keerom Regency government. This research aims to determine the amount of limestone volume which can later be used as data base information during mining activities. The research also utilized the Surfer 11 application for the creation of topographic maps and to calculate the number of limestone volumes. The research method that will be carried out is the Cross Section Method which is a special Method for types of rock minerals
ANALISIS PEMAKAIAN BBM MOTOR BENSIN YANG TERPASANG PADA MOTOR HONDA SUPRA 100CC Alfi Ferizqo Munawar; Vicky Khoirul Arzaq; Muhammad Utsman Hanif Romadoni; Dedek Arya Pangestu; Trisma Jaya Saputra
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.148


Motor bakar adalah motor yang memanfaatkan prinsip penyesuaian panas untuk diubah menjadi energi mekanik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan bahan bakar motor bakar bensin yang dipasang pada Honda Supra 100cc. statistiknya adalah minus dengan sepeda motor pada rasio gigi dan kecepatan yang berbeda dengan jarak tempuh 3 kilometer. Pengujian dilakukan dengan rasio roda gigi 2, 3 dan 4 dengan kecepatan 20, 25, 30, 35 dan 40 kilometer/jam. Pengamatan dan perhitungan pada tiang pancang membuktikan bahwa penggunaan bahan bakar dengan rasio roda gigi 2 secara berurutan adalah 359.2, 410.9, 439.0, 545.9, dan 648.9 G/Jam. Dengan rasio kecepatan 3, masing-masing 296,9, 295,8, 408,6, 494,4, dan 624,5 G/jam. Dengan rasio rodá gìgì 4 masing-masing 201.9, 249.4, 419.0, 330.8 dan 538.0 G/Jam. Konsul mulai mengamati bahwa semakin besar akselerasi motor, maka semakin besar pula tingkat konsumsi bahan bakarnya. Berawal dari pengamatan tersebut, diketahui bahwa percobaan dilakukan dengan putaran mesin 2136 mencapai 6128 RPM. Reaksi tersebut membuktikan bahwa sebenarnya dengan akselerasi 20 kilometer/jam mencapai 40 kilometer/jam lebih efektif bekerja pada gèar rasio 4.
Pemodelan Matematis Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Provinsi Sumatera Utara Berdasarkan Lapangan Usaha Dengan Regresi Linier Dan Nonlinier Fahmi Kurniawan; Abil Mansyur
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.153


Economic development is one of the important goals to be achieved by a country. Because basically economic development is an effort and policy with the aim of expanding employment opportunities, raising the standard of living of the people, and improving the regional regional economy. Gross Regional Domestic Product is an indicator that can be used to see economic growth in a region. North Sumatra's GRDP growth rate recorded in the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sumatra has fluctuated. One way to find out if GRDP has increased or decreased is to use forecasting. In various fields, forecasting systems are needed that must be accurate to anticipate future events. One of the methods used is regression analysis, including polynomial and exponential regression, the data used is North Sumatra GRDP Growth Rate data from 2011 to 2021 where the X variable is the year and the Y variable is the GRDP growth rate each quarter, and the best method will be determined in this research. From the results obtained using the help of the Matlab application, the best forecasting model is by looking at the MSE which is close to zero where the MSE values are regression, namely: 1st Order Polynomial (MSE: 1.98e-05); Order 2 Polynomial (MSE: 0.0023); Order 3 Polynomial (MSE: 1.85e-04); Order 4 Polynomial (MSE: 12.65); Order 5 polynomial (MSE: 8.66); Exponential (MSE: 0.2447).
Analisis Kekuatan Tarik Pada Material Komposit Fiberglass Dengan Limbah Bulu Ayam Sebagai Serat Pengganti Matt Dan Fiberglass Rahmat Aziz Damar Sogi Zuhuri; Zain Khoirul Ihza; Nisa Bella Ainindia; Savira Laily Hendriatiningsih; Denny Oktavina Radianto
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

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Usaha pemotongan ayam pasti menghasilkan limbah, terutama bulunya.Satu ekor ayam pasti menghasilkan limbah bulu ayam yang terbilang cukup banyak.Oleh karena itu limbah bulu ayam ini perlu dimanfaatkan agar tidak hanya di buang dan mencemari lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini pemanfaatan bulu ayam digunakan sebagai pengganti serat Matt dan WR dalam fiberglass yang tujuannya adalah mengetahui sifat mekanik yakni kekuatan tarik pada fiberglass dengan serat bulu ayam sebagai pengganti serat matt dan fiberglass dengan serat bulu ayam sebagai pengganti serta WR secara eksperimen dan simulasi.material komposit fiberglass dibuat menjadi spesimen uji dengan bentuk dan prosedur metode pengujian mengikuti standard ISO 527-4:2021 yang merupakan standar untuk uji tarik material komposit.Alat uji yang digunakan yaitu UTM HT 2402 dengan beban maksimum 20 kN.Setelah dilakukan pengujian tarik dihasilkan grafik yang kemudian dianalisis.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, untuk serat normal matt-WR-matt-WR-matt memiliki kekuatan uji tarik tertinggi sebesar 15,15 kN.Sedangkan fiberglass dengan serat bulu ayam sebagai pengganti serat matt memiliki nilai uji tarik kekuatan uji tarik tertinggi sebesar 3,51 kN.Sedangkan fiberglass dengan serat bulu ayam sebagai pengganti serat WR memiliki nilai uji tarik tertinggi sebesar 2,29 kN.Berdasarkan hasil uji tarik dan pengamatan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk bulu ayam kurang cocok untuk menggantikan serat matt dan WR sebagai material untuk pembuatan fiberglass.
Perbandingan Peforma Motor Koil Standar Dan Busi Standar Dengan Koil Racing Dan Busi Racing Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Pertamax 98 Swastika Pascal Rafsanjanu; Namariq Masna; Ari Wicaksono; Panca Putra Hasugian; Trisma Jaya Saputra
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.157


A motorbike is one of the secondary needs of society, therefore the performance of the machine must also be considered, especially when choosing one of the components of the machine to be repaired or replaced. To get good motor performance, it must be balanced with a good ignition system too, so that the electricity supply is sufficient to do maximum work on the engine. The purpose of this study was to determine engine performance by comparing the ignition system between the use of standard coils and standard spark plugs with racing coils and racing spark plugs with Pertamax 98 fuel. The research was carried out using experimental methods or testing with the help of a dyno. From a comparative study of standard and racing ignition components on a Yamaha RX King 132cc motorbike, by replacing the spark plugs and coils that have been done, the results show that the highest power and torque values are obtained by replacing the racing coil and spark plugs. This is because the combustion in the cylinder chamber is better by replacing the racing ignition components.
Penerapan Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines pada Laju Produk Domestik Regional Bruto Menurut Lapangan Usaha di Provinsi Sumatera Utara Gunandri F. Panggabean; Abil Mansyur
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i1.160


North Sumatra's economic growth often experiences fluctuationsthere are changes in external and internal conditions. Studyit aims to find the Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines model(MARS) on the GRDP growth rate in North Sumatra according to the fieldbest effort using Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) criteria. Methodquantitative research, where the data used is secondary datataken from the Central Bureau of Statistics of North Sumatra, namely Domestic Product data North Sumatra Regional Gross Regional Gross Domestic Product (GRDP) by business sector. Studyin the form of the best MARS model obtained from the piecewise-cubic model andThe level of importance of the predictor variables to the best modelobtained significantly affect the Growth Rate of Domestic ProductsGross Regional by Business Field in North Sumatra.
Analisis Faktor Yang Mepengaruhi Penggunaan Transportasi Laut Pada Pt. Dharma Lautan Utama Cabang Sampit Hendrik Sugiharto; Dedy Rusmiyanto
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Desember : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Cenderawasih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58169/saintek.v2i2.218


Transport by sea is a commercial shipping business that operates in the field of providing sea cargo transportation services where the business activities are very broad in scope and play an important role in advancing domestic and foreign trade, including in efforts to facilitate the flow of goods from production areas to consumer areas. This research aims to to determine the influence of price, service quality and promotion on the interest of users of sea transportation services. The population in this study were passengers on the Dharma Lautan Utama ship and the sample used in this study was 100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling probability sampling, then the data was analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of (software) Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) Version 26. The regression formulation in this research is as follows: Y = 0.733 + 0.333X1 + 0.203X2 + 0.385X3 + µ From this equation it is known that the most dominant variable influencing the interest of users of sea transportation services is the promotion variable with a regression coefficient of 0.385. The R2 (R Square) test obtained a result of 0.561 or 56.1%, which means that the interest of sea transportation service users (Y) can be explained by independent variables, namely price (X1), service quality (X2) and promotion (X3). ). Meanwhile, the remainder (100%-61.9% = 38.1%) is explained by other variables outside the model which are not explained in this research.