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Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal related to the pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines, as well as pharmaceutical practice. It is the journal of the Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah University of Sumatera Barat, published semi-annually online and in print by the UMSB Press. IJPR publishes reviews, opinion articles, research papers, and communications including: Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Biology Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Pharmaceutical Technology Pharmaeconomy Community Pharmacy Practice Pharmaceutical Care and Clinical Pharmacy Social Pharmacy
Articles 24 Documents
Effect of Extraction Modification on Total Phenolic Compound Levels in Dewa Leaf Rida Rosa; Nurul Widya; Sisri Novrita; Ridha Elvina
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indo J Pharm Res 2022 2(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v1i1.3476


Daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) Merr) berkhasiat untuk radang tenggorokan, kencing manis, darah tinggi, kista, dan tumor. Daun Dewa mengandung berbagai senyawa kimia antara lain alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, minyak atsiri, polifenol, dan tanin. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan batasan penelitian dengan melihat pengaruh cara ekstraksi terhadap kadar fenolat total dan daya antioksidan ekstrak daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) Merr). Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh cara maserasi, blender dan shaker terhadap perolehan kadar senyawa fenolat total dan daya antioksidan daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (Lour.) Merr). Penelitian terdahulu telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh cara ekstraksi terhadap perolehan kadar senyawa fenolat total daun dewa yang dikeringkan (simplisia). Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh kadar senyawa fenolat ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perolehan kadar senyawa fenolat total dengan cara ekstraksi maserasi, blender, dan shaker masing-masing 1,911 mg/g, 0,863 mg/g, 0,767 mg/g.
Optimization of Coating Formula of White Pomegranate Peel Extract (Punica granatum L.) Film Coated Tablet Using Kollicoat Protect Stefani Luke; Martha Ervina; Lannie Hadisoewignyo
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indo J Pharm Res 2021 1(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v1i1.1993


White pomegranate peel has many kinds uses, one of them as antimalaria. The unpleasant appearance and bitter taste of white pomegranate peel tablet can be covered by film coated using Kollicoat Protect. This research aimed to determine the effect of concentration and type of solvent used as a coating on the physical properties of the coated tablets and determine the optimum formula. Tablets were made using direct compression method and then coated using Kollicoat Protect. The optimization of coating formula was performed using a factorial design with design expert software ver 10.0. Responses used were tablet hardness, friability, disintegration time and increasing tablet mass. The results of this study showed that Kollicoat Protect cause increase of weight gain tablets and decrease the tablet friability, but prolong the disintegration time of tablets and decrease the tablet hardness while type of solvent can increase of weight gain tablets, tablet hardness, and decrease the tablet friability but prolong the disintegration time of tablets. The optimum combination formula was Kollicoat Protect at 13.6% and combination of water:alcohol (1:0.863) (w/v) with a theoretical response to weight gain of 2.340%; hardness 7.950 kp; friability 0.022%; and disintegration time 20.938 minutes.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Indo J Pharm Res 2023 3(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v3i1.4366


Body scrubs are cosmetic preparations used for skincare. One of the natural ingredients that can be used as raw material for body scrubs is butterfly pea flowers, butterfly pea flowers also contain chemical compounds, namely flavonoids. Alkaloids, tannins, saponins, the content of butterfly pea flower flavonoids contains natural antioxidants. The purpose of this study was to determine the formulation and physical quality test of butterfly pea flower extract body scrub preparations. This research method is an experiment in making body scrubs by collecting materials to be extracted using the maceration method with 70% ethanol solvent. Performing formulations with extract concentrations of 1% and 3% and evaluating the physical quality test of body scrub preparations. The results of this study were obtained in the phytochemical screening, namely extracts containing flavonoid.Keywords: Butterfly pea flower, Body scrub, Physical quality test
QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE IDENTIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES IN COMMERCIAL YOGHURT PRODUCTS Bagus Nurprialdi; Viesta Olivia Thahuurun Gani; Siti Halda; Peby Ardiani Pratama; Riong Seulina Panjaitan
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Indo J Pharm Res 2022 2(2)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v2i2.4134


Yogurt is a healthy drink that has thick, acidic properties and a high nutritional content. Yogurt is made by adding bacteria to milk, which naturally contains a type of sugar (carbohydrate) called lactose.Qualitative testing methods for carbohydrates are the Molisch test, the iodine test, the Benedict test, the Barfoed test, the Seliwanoff test, and the osazon test. Meanwhile, in quantitative testing using the DNS method. The results of the Molisch carbohydrate qualitative test revealed that all four samples contained glucose. Polysaccharides were discovered in the six samples during the iodine test. The six samples tested negative for glucose in Benedict's test. One out of every six samples tested positive for monosaccharides in the Barfoed test. Both samples tested positive for fructose in the Seliwanoff test. In the osazone test, all yogurt samples contained glucose. Furthermore, the following results were obtained when determining the reducing sugar content of commercial yogurt samples: E (685 mg/mL); D (568.75 mg/mL); F (501.25 mg/mL); A (373.75 mg/mL); B (310 mg/mL); and C (210 mg/mL).
Description of Knowledge Level and Actions of Health Workers on Diabetes Mellitus as Comorbidity Covid-19 Riong Seulina Panjaitan; Dini Budiasih
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indo J Pharm Res 2022 2(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v2i1.3477


Penderita diabetes mellitus harus menjaga kadar gula darahnya agar tidak terjadi komplikasi dan menghindari keparahan Covid-19. Pasien Covid-19 yang memiliki penyakit penyerta diabetes berpotensi mengalami tingkat keparahan yang lebih besar. Hal ini disebabkan karena frekuensi level gula darah dan komplikasi diabetes lainnya. Dalam menghadapi kasus ini pentingnya peranan tenaga kesehatan dalam upaya mencegah dan menangani pasien yang terinfeksi Covid- 19 dengan penyakit penyerta diabetes mellitus. Peranan tenaga kesehatan sangat penting baik dalam mengedukasi, merawat pasien dan membantu dalam pemulihan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai bagaimana pengetahuan dan tindakan tenaga kesehatan (dokter, farmasi, perawat dan juga bidan) dalam menghadapi pasien infeksi Covid-19 dengan penyakit penyerta diabetes mellitus. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan lembar kuesioner kepada subjek penelitian. Pertanyaan kuisioner penelitian terdiri dari 10 butir pertanyaan untuk pengetahuan dan 10 butir pertanyaan untuk tindakan. Kemudian responden melakukan pengisian dengan melalui lembar kuesioner dan dikumpulkan kembali. Rata – rata responden mempunyai gambaran pengetahuan tentang diabetes mellitus sebagai komorbiditas Covid-19 adalah baik yaitu 47,5% dan rata rata 7,5 % adalah kurang baik. Dokter adalah responden yang memiliki nilai tingkat pengetahuan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan farmasi, bidan dan perawat diurutan terakhirnya. Rata - rata responden mempunyai tindakan baik 47,5% , tindakan responden yang kurang terhadap diabetes mellitus sebagai komorbiditas Covid-19 adalah 12,5%. Perawat adalah responden yang memiliki nilai tingkat tindakan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan dokter, farmasi dan bidan dengan urutan terakhirnya.
Activity of Fruit and Leave Juice of Belimbing Wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) against Dandruff-Causing Fungi Budi Setiawan
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Indo J Pharm Res 2021 1(2)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v1i2.2514


Research has been carried out on the activity test of fruit and leave juice of starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L. ) against dandruff-causing fungi. It is found that the average diameter of inhibition for the fruite juice of starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L. ) are 38.26 mm, 35.53 mm, and 32.17 mm, while the leave juice of starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L. ) are 29.01 mm, 27.66 mm, and 25.57 mm for 100%, 75%, and 50% of concentrations respectively. Based on statistical calculations there is no significant difference between the concentrations of 100%, 75%, and 50% where Fcount < Ftable.
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Indo J Pharm Res 2023 3(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v3i1.4572


(1) Latar Belakang: Biji kakao diketahui mengandung flavonoid epicatechin yang bertindak sebagai antidiabetes yang membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah tubuh, namun pembuatan minuman cokelat bubuk kemasan yang telah dicampurkan dengan bahan lain seperti gula dan susu bubuk krim membuat efek farmakologinya menurun. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan identifikasi kandungan karbohidrat dan protein pada minuman cokelat bubuk kemasan yang dijual di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengukur kandungan karbohidrat dan protein yang terdapat dalam enam sampel (sampel A, B, C, D, E, dan F) minuman cokelat bubuk komersial. (2) Metode: Uji identifikasi kualitatif karbohidrat yang dilakukan meliputi uji molisch, iodin, benedict, barfoed, selliwanof dan osazon. Kemudian, untuk uji identifikasi kuantitatif karbohidrat dengan menggunakan metode Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS). Sedangkan untuk uji identifikasi kualitatif protein meliputi uji biuret, ninhidrin, xantoprotein, sulfur dan neuman. Kemudian, untuk uji identifikasi kuantitatif protein dengan menggunakan metode Lowry. (3). Hasil:  Pada uji kualitatif karbohidrat, sampel C,D, dan F menunjukkan hasil positif pada kelima metode uji yaitu uji uji molisch, iodin, benedict, barfoed, dan selliwanof sedangkan negatif pada uji osazon. Untuk uji kualitatif protein, keenam sampel menunjukkan hasil positif untuk uji sulfur dan negatif untuk uji , xantoprotein dan neuman. Sedangkan pada pengujian kuantitatif karbohidrat, Sampel A memiliki kadar gula pereduksi terendah. dengan nilai 1,817 mg/mL sedangkan sampel Sample F memiliki kadar gula pereduksi tertinggi dengan nilai 3,788 mg/mL. Selanjutnya,  pada pengujian kuantitatif protein, Sampel A memiliki kadar protein terendah dengan nilai 0,0018 mg/mL sedangkan kadar protein tertinggi terdapat pada sampel F sebesar 0,024 mg/mL.
The Stability Comparison of Whitening Containing Kojic Acid and Glycolid Acid with The Same Cream Base Siska Ferilda
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Indo J Pharm Res 2021 1(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v1i1.2429


This study is an experimental study of stability of creams containing kojic acid and glycolic at 2% using the same cream base. Cream containing kojic acid and glycolic acid are often used as skin whitening. The cream made is observing changes in organoleptic properties, pH, viscosity and homogeneity in storage for 6 weeks. Observations of organoleptic properties including discoloration and cream odor, pH examination using pH meter, viscosity examination using viscometer Brookfield with a spindle speed of 20 rpm while for homogeneity examination using a metallograph with a magnification of 200x. The results showed that base creams and cream containing kojic acid showed better stability on organoleptic observations compared to cream containing glycolic acid. The pH of the cream containing kojic acid is less stable than the cream containing glycolic acid. Viscosity of cream containing kojic acid is more stable than cream containing glycolic acid. On homogeneity testing each cream looks homogeneous. In this study it can be concluded that cream containing kojic acid has better stability than cream containing glycolic acid.
COMPARISON OF ACID NUMBERS IN BULK AND PACKAGED COOKING OIL SAMPLES Liany Carolina Rambu Lika; Sahda Sabilah Luhtansa; Septiana Berbara Blaon; Riong Seulina Panjaitan
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Indo J Pharm Res 2022 2(2)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v2i2.4155


Palm cooking oil is a food ingredient with a main composition of triglycerides, with or without chemical changes. The amount of free fatty acids determines the quality of cooking oil, which can have bad effects on humans. This study aims to determine the quality of oil in packaged cooking oil and bulk cooking oil with treatments based on acid number, acid content, and degree of acidity. Commercial and bulk packaged cooking oils were used in this study. This research method uses acid-base titration with phenolphthalein (PP) as an indicator. The results of this study indicate that the ingredients of bulk cooking oil and packaged cooking oil, when determining the acid number and free fatty acid content, meet the quality standards of SNI 01-3741-2013, namely each acid number 0.6 mg KOH/g and acid content 0.3%.
Antibacterial Activity of 96% Ethanolic Extract of Ulva reticulata Against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Riong Seulina Panjaitan; Nizam Thalib; Sumantri Sumantri
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Indo J Pharm Res 2022 2(1)
Publisher : Department of Pharmacy, Muhammmadiyah University of Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/ijpr.v2i1.3478


Ulva reticulata (sea lettuce) merupakan salah satu jenis makroalga hijau yang tumbuh di perairan Indonesia. Makroalga ini umumnya digunakan sebagai bahan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan kimia dari ekstrak etanol 96% Ulva reticulata dan menguji aktivitas antibakterinya terhadap tiga bakteri yang umum ditemukan di telapak tangan manusia yaitu Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Ulva reticulata dimaserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96% selama 5 hari, selanjutnya dilakukan skrining fitokimia. Kemudian ekstrak etanol 96% diuji aktivitas antibakterinya dan penentuan konsentrasi hambat minimumnya dengan metode disc diffusion. Kontrol positif menggunakan tetrasiklin dan pelarut etanol 96% sebagai kontrol negatif. Rendemen ekstrak etanol 96% Ulva reticulata diperoleh sebesar 70,11%. Hasil skrining fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 96% Ulva reticulata mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, saponin, sterol, triterpenoid dan fenol. Selanjutnya, ekstrak etanol 96% Ulva reticulata memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap ketiga bakteri (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa) dengan konsentrasi hambat minimum sebesar 12,5%.

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