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Jurnal Keamanan Nasional
ISSN : 24427985     EISSN : 25797727     DOI :
Jurnal Keamanan Nasional is a scientific and open-access journal managed and published by Puskamnas, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal that aims and focuses to publish new work of the highest caliber across the full range of legal scholars, which includes but is not limited to works in security studies, terrorism, political killings, riots, mass riots, rebellions, security disturbances, maritime security, food security, economic security, and others. However, articles are not included in the area of security studies, national security, human security, or any dimension as long as it is in a security perspective, both traditional and non-traditional security.
Articles 18 Documents
Tinjauan Rancangan Undang-Undang Keamanan Nasional Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Menghadapi Ancaman Masa Depan (pp. 155-180) Wempy Pasaribu; M. Mossadeq Bahri; Margaretha Hanita; Hanief Ghafur
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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A large country like Indonesia should have a law on national security, as a basis for law enforcement and national security stability. Conflicts regarding the authority to take action against threats and enforce the law by the military and/or civilians should have been eliminated by formulating a comprehensive and firm terminology for National Security as a whole. The separation of laws and MPR Decrees regarding the TNI and POLRI clearly describes the duties and powers of each, including the handling and types of threats faced. The problem of "fear" of the takeover of authority by the military if the escalation of threats threatens state sovereignty, should be eliminated by clearly and firmly formulating the clauses of involvement and enforcement powers in the law, to eliminate these concerns. Every potential threat, both from outside and from within the country, should be seen as a serious threat and handled together for the sake of the integrity and stability of the country's security. For this reason, it is time to have the courage to stipulate rules of engagement in every escalation of threats, and the authorities of the agencies involved, as well as government officials who have the right to determine the escalation and involvement of agencies.
Pelibatan Personel Intelijen dan Peralatan Khusus Berteknologi Tinggi dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Jaringan Terorisme di Sulawesi Tengah (pp. 115-138) Joseph Ananta Pinora; Sudarsono Hardjosoekarto; Rachma Fitriati; Muhamad Syauqillah; Chairul Muriman Setyabudi
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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The problem raised in this study is about the role of human intelligence and techno intelligence when facing the dynamics of the movement of terrorist networks in the middle of the wilderness in Central Sulawesi Province. Meanwhile, the purpose of this study is to determine the role and implementation of information gathering in special intelligence operations. A number of theories used by researchers are intelligence theory, technology utilization theory, strategy theory and cooperation theory. Where the approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, with a descriptive type that utilizes case study models in certain areas. The researcher used the technique of observation, interview, discussion and document study. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using an interactive analysis model and then validated. There are three roles described in this intelligence operation, namely the role of investigation, security and intelligence gathering, where the three activities are carried out by human intelligence and techno intelligence simultaneously.
Analisis Korelasi antara Konten Radikal di Media Sosial dan Aksi Teror Lone Wolf di Indonesia (pp. 75-114) Stanislaus Riyanta
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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Abstrak Dalam kurun waktu 2006 – 2013 terjadi 13 aksi teror lone-wolf di Indonesia. Tercatat 7 dari 13 kasus menunjukkan pelaku aksi teror lone wolf terpapar paham radikal melalui konten di media sosial. Tidak dapat dipungkiri media sosial sangat efektif sebagai sarana propaganda karena sifatnya yang fleksibel, dapat diakses di mana saja dan kapan saja, dan dengan biaya yang relatif murah. Pengguna media sosial yang tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk menyaring informasi dan tidak memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis akan mudah terpengaruh oleh konten yang ada. Peluang tersebut yang dimanfaatkan oleh kelompok transnasional dengan paham radikal untuk beralih menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana propaganda. Berbagai aksi teror lone wolf di Indonesia membuktikan bahwa konten radikal yang tersebar di sosial media bisa mendorong seseorang melakukan aksi teror. Aksi tersebut direncanakan dan dilakukan sendiri hanya dengan inspirasi dan panduan yang tersedia di internet. Pelaku tunggal tersebut, atau yang dikenal dengan lone-wolf, melakukan serangan teror tanpa koordinasi atau afiliasi dengan pihak lain. Fenomena penyebaran konten radikal di media sosial sehingga memicu aksi teror lone wolf ini sangat berbahaya sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian yang mendalam untuk mengetahui akar permasalahan dan upaya pencegahannya. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji fenomena aksi teror lone wolf yang dipicu oleh paparan paham radikal yang tersebar di sosial media. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori radikalisasi, media sosial, teror lone-wolf, broadcasting intent, deteksi dini, dan kontra narasi radikal. Akhir dari penelitian ini adalah usulan strategi pencegahan penyebaran konten paham radikal di media sosial yang melibatkan kerjasama antara state actor dengan non-state actor. Abstract Indonesia recorded 13 lone-wolf-related terrorist attacks from 2006 to 2013, of which 7 showed that the perpetrators were exposed to radical ideas through content on social media. One of the most effective means of propaganda is through social media because it is easily accessible by anyone, irrespective of the place and time, and at a relatively low price. Generally, without the capacity to filter information and critical thinking, users are easily influenced by content posted on social media platforms, causing the transnational groups with a radical understanding utilize it as a means of propaganda. Several lone wolf terror acts in Indonesia have proven that radical content spread on social media can inspire and guide someone to plan and carry out terror acts without coordination or affiliation with any other party. Therefore, this study aims to examine the phenomenon of the lone wolf terror acts triggered by exposure to radical ideas spread on social media and determine the cause and prevention. The analysis was conducted using social media theory, lone wolf terror acts, broadcasting intent, early detection, and counter radical narratives. The result proposed a strategy to prevent the spread of radical content on social media with collaboration between state and non-state actors.
Teori Perang vs Teori Perang yang Adil: Sebuah Studi Perbandingan (pp. 139-154) Syasya Yuania Fadila Mas'udi
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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This study aims to see whether just war does exist, or whether the existence of the theory is only to satisfy moral principles by those who are concerned with the ethics of war. As we know that war is destructive for whatever the reason. Although states do not wage war anymore, it does not mean that the world is safe from war. Therefore, just war theory is intended to make war justifiable, that there are justifiable reasons for a state to declare war. In answering the research question whether just war exists, the researcher compared the just war theory with the theory of war. The research method that used is qualitative, comparative study, while the type of research used in this research is descriptive research and data collection techniques are carried out using literature study method. The results showed that basically the theory of war and the just war theory are basically contradictory to each other so that in practice war will never be just. Keywords: ethics of war, just war theory, theory of war
Analisis Intelijen Terhadap Manfaat Penginderaan Jauh dalam Memahami Aksi Kelompok Separatis di Indonesia Guna Mendukung Sistem Pertahanan Negara (pp. 55-74) M_Yusuf Samad
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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Kelompok separatis di wilayah Provinsi Papua dan Provinsi Papua Barat hingga saat ini masih terus melakukan aksinya mulai dari kontak tembak dengan arapat keamanan hingga penyerangan terhadap warga sipil. Aparat keamanan sulit menangani aksi kelompok separatis tersebut karena perbedaan kemampuan penguasaan medan atau wilayah, dalam hal ini kelompok separatis lebih menguasai medan jika dibandingkan dengan aparat keamanan. Penelitian ini akan menjawab permasalahan tersebut dengan memberikan alternatif solusi berupa pemanfaatan penginderaan jau dalam perspektif intelijen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan data berupa foto udara dan hasil pengolahan aplikasi Google Earth. Hasil analisis intelijen terhadap manfaat penginderaan jauh untuk memahami aksi kelompok separatis di wilayah Papua dan Papua Barat menunjukkan bahwa pentingnya penggunan penginderaan jauh untuk memahami fenomena atau peristiwa yang terjadi di wilayah Papua dan Papua Barat khususnya di wilayah pegunungan.
“Let’s Walk My Journey”: Securitization of Refugee Issues in Indonesia through Works of Art (pp. 17-54) Alessandro Kurniawan Ulung; Clemontin Cornelia Monica Jannah
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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This study aims to research securitization carried out by RDI Urban Refugee Research Group (RDI UREF) through art exhibition Let’s Walk My Journey in 2022. The group used works of art to securitize human security issues faced by refugees in transit in Indonesia. The issues ranged from uncertain resettlement in a third country to the lack of human rights access to get legal employment and education in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method, with the theory of securitization by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver in place. The author found that UREF’s securitization sought to draw the attention of the Indonesian public in a bid to make them aware of refugee issues. The group expected the bigger public awareness to become a stronger force in urging the government to ensure refugees’ rights. Let’s Walk My Journey allowed UREF to become a securitization actor, with refugees in transit as a referent object and the Indonesian people and government as a targeted audience. In the exhibition, the group used artworks as speech acts to make the public and government realize that refugee issues were an existential threat that they need to address and solve together for the sake of humanity.
Utilization of AIS Satellite Data as Behavior Information Towards Interruption Violations in the Makassar Straits (pp. 1-16) James Julian; Tri Hadinata; Lukman Yudho Prakoso; Kasih Prihantoro; Demo Putra
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country, with a coastline of 81,000 km. Indonesia's beaches and seas are rich in natural resources, especially marine commodities in the form of fish. The abundance of fish in the Indonesian seas has led to crimes committed by domestic ships not equipped with documents and foreign vessels. In this study, the authors will analyze the causes of criminality in the Makassar Strait, then the process of monitoring maritime security using an AIS Satellite. Enforcement carried out by stakeholders related to the sea and maritime security. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach to describe data from AIS satellites in the Makassar Strait. Then it is used to determine which ships are initially identified as committing a violation. This information is used to act effectively, efficiently, and appropriately on sea breaches. This method is expected realization that institutions and stakeholders can work together to patrol at sea and promptly act against violations at sea. The discussion location is in the Makassar Strait because the area borders other countries and is one of the locations for abundant fish resources and international shipping lanes. The data for identifying ships suspected of committing crimes in the Makassar Strait was processed from 2019 to 2022. The violations include 22 smuggling ships, 13 drug smuggling ships, and 12 offending crime ships. From the data, it is a significant violation. Thus, from the analysis results, it is better to need the right timing in implementing patrols and the appropriate momentum for enforcement. Therefore, using AIS Satellite is expected to help and improve law enforcement in that location.
Kerja Sama Trilateral Indonesia-Malaysia-Filipina di Perairan Sulu sebagai Alternatif Kerja Sama Keamanan Kawasan Maritim (pp. 181-202) Wishnu Mahendra Wiswayana
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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Trilateral cooperation between Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines in the Sulu Waters is a unique phenomenon in the context of contemporary security studies. The cooperation leads to a regional security architecture that makes relations between the three countries even more intensive. The relationship became close because of the common security threats experienced by the three countries. These threats vary from the threat of terrorism, smuggling, piracy and other transnational crimes. The three countries then formed a joint system to be able to handle these problems, this situation is hereinafter referred to as cooperative security. This research further identifies cooperative security carried out by Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines which can be an alternative security architecture in the maritime area. Based on the cooperative security idea put forward by Richard Cohen that there are four rings that are important elements, namely (1) individual security, (2) maintaining peace, (3) mutual protection and (4) actively promoting stability. The four rings are then used to explain the pattern of relations in the context of cooperative security involving Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. This research then uses a qualitative method, with a descriptive approach to explain the whole process that occurs.
Ketahanan Ekonomi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ditinjau dari Aspek Modal Sosial dan Motivasi Masyarakat Manggarai Barat, Labuan Bajo, Nusa Tenggara Timu (pp. 203-224) Mohamad Axel Putra Hadiningrat; Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri; Chotib Chotib; Beti Nurbaiti
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 1, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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This study aims to analyze aspects of social capital and motivation of the people of West Manggarai in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara related to achieving prosperity during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted from July 24 to August 2, 2022, on a total of 300 respondents in that location, using a structured questionnaire and equipped with in-depth interviews. The data was further processed to produce descriptive statistical analysis and the results of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using Lisrel software. The results of the study conclude that there is a positive correlation between social capital and motivation partially with economic resilience.
Etika Autopsi: Pertanggungjawaban Dokter Forensik dalam Kasus Pembunuhan Lusia Sulastri
JURNAL KEAMANAN NASIONAL Vol 9 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Keamanan Nasional, Volume IX, No. 2, Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

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Forensic autopsy serves as the cornerstone for drawing conclusions in the Visum et Repertum concerning deceased bodies. The critical issue lies in whether a second autopsy can unveil further facts about the victim’s demise, particularly when post-mortem alterations, such as stitching and gluing, have occurred. This research aims to examine the role of autopsies in uncovering the criminal act of the murder of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat. Additionally, it scrutinizes the accountability of forensic doctors conducting autopsies with the intent of manipulating homicide cases. The study employs a normative research approach, encompassing legal perspectives and case analysis. The findings indicate that autopsy plays a crucial role in determining the exact cause of death. Only through forensic autopsy can the precise cause of death be unveiled. The autopsy revealed that the primary cause of death was gunshot wounds to the back left side of the head and an entry gunshot wound to the right chest, tearing the lungs and causing severe bleeding. The accountability of a forensic doctor conducting an autopsy with the intention of manipulating a murder case implies a violation of the Medical Code of Ethics and the Doctor’s Code of Ethics, specifically Article 3 paragraphs (1) and (2) letter r of the Indonesian Medical Council Regulation Number 4 of 2011 concerning Professional Discipline for Doctors and Dentists. Furthermore, it constitutes a criminal offense of obstruction of justice under Article 221 paragraph (1) numeral 1 of the Indonesian Penal Code.

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