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JRTP is the official journal from the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah), Banda Aceh-Indonesia. It covers and devotes a complete and interdisciplinary wide range of research and review in engineering applications for agriculture and biosystems: agricultural machinery, soil and water engineering, tillage, precision farming, post-harvest technology, agricultural instrumentation, sensors, bio-robotics, systems automation, processing of agricultural products and foods, quality evaluation and food safety, audit energy, waste treatment and management, environmental control, energy utilization agricultural systems engineering, bio-informatics, computer simulation, farm work systems, mechanized farming and ergonomi.
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Penggunaan Metode Pemupukan Awal Broadcast Incorporated Menggunakan Mesin Tanam Terintegrasi Dan Pengaruhnya Pada Fase Awal Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung Agustami Sitorus
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.13587


Abstract. Aplikasi penggunaan pupuk kimia pada pertanian yang belum tepat takaran, waktu, jenis dan tempat pemberiannya menjadi isu pencemaran lingkungan di dunia akhir dekade ini. Suatu metode pemupukan yang lebih presisi dan efisien terus dicari dan diteliti hingga saat ini. Metode penebaran pupuk di dalam tanah (broadcast incorporated) menjadi hal baru yang terus dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur penyebaran pupuk hasil aplikasi metode pemupukan broadcast incorporated sebagai pupuk awal (starter) untuk budidaya jagung. Aplikasi pemupukan awal menggunakan mesin penanam dan pemupuk jagung terintegrasi yang telah dikembangkan pada penelitian sebelumnya. Untuk mengetahui dampak penggunaan metode pemupukan dan mesin tersebut dilakukan pengamatan terhadap 20 tanaman jagung. Pengamatan dilakukan hingga 14 hari setelah tanam (HST) terhadap tinggi dan jumlah daun yang muncul dari benih jagung hibrida dan jagung manis. Metode tanam yang digunakan adalah jajar legowo dengan 1-3 benih per lubang tanam dan jarak antar tanamannya adalah ± 20 cm. Sebuah kotak persegi berukuran panjang, lebar dan tinggi masing-masing 15 cm, 15 cm, dan 15 cm didesain sebagai peralatan untuk pengambilan sample. Wadah tersebut diberi sekat setiap 5 cm sehingga terdapat 27 ruang dalam kotak tersebut. Jenis pupuk yang digunakan adalah NPK dengan distribusi ukuran butiran 2.36 mm - 4.76 mm sebanyak 81.20%. Dosis pemupukan yang diterapkan adalah 150 kg/ha atau 11.25 g/m alur tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada semua sekat sampel ditemukan pupuk NPK dengan rata-rata 0.071±0.035 g. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pupuk telah tercampur dan tersebar didalam tanah. Nilai coefficient of variation dari sebaran pupuk termasuk dalam klasifikasi sangat teracak atau tercampur. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa parameter tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun pada benih jagung hibrida dan jagung manis (14 HST) masing-masing adalah 11.9±2.6 cm, 3.85±0.4 daun, 10.7±2.3 cm, 3.4±0.5 daun. The Use Of Broadcast Incorporated As A Method Of Starter Fertilizers Using Integrated Corn Transplanter And The Effect On The First Phase Of Corn Growth Abstrak. The application of chemical fertilizers to agriculture that is not precisely measured, not on time, not suitable for the type and not ideal for the place becomes an issue of environmental pollution at the end of this decade. A more precise and efficient fertilization method is continually being search and investigation to date. The method of broadcast incorporated is a new thing that continues to be developed. Therefore, this study aims to measure the broadcast incorporated of fertilizers as a starter fertilizer for corn cultivation. The starter fertilizer application uses integrated corn growers and fertilizers which have been developed in previous studies. A total of 20 corn plants were observed to determine the impact of using the fertilization method and the machine. Observations were made up to 14 days after planting (DAP) on the height and number of leaves that emerged from hybrid corn seeds and sweet corn. The planting method used is jajar legowo with 1-3 seeds per planting hole, and the distance between plants is ± 20 cm. A container of length, width, and height of 15 cm, 15 cm, and 15 cm respectively is designed as equipment for sampling. The container is given an insulation every 5 cm so that there are 27 spaces in the box. The type of fertilizer used is NPK with a grain size distribution of 2.36 mm until 4.76 mm as much as 81.20%. The applied fertilizer dose is 150 kg/ha or 11.25 g / m planting groove. The results showed that in all sample partition NPK fertilizer was found with an average of 0.071±0.035 g. This indicates that the fertilizer has been mixed and spread in the soil. The value of the coefficient of variation from the distribution of fertilizers included in the classification is highly randomized or mixed. The results showed that the parameters of plant height and the number of leaves on hybrid corn seeds and sweet corn (14 DAP) were 11.9±2.6 cm, 3.85±0.4 leaves, 10.7±2.3 cm, 3.4±0.5 leaves, respectively.
Distribusi Enzim Nitrat Reduktase pada Cabai Merah (Capsicum annum) dalam Rangka Mendukung Sistem Agroforestry Berkelanjutan I Gde Adi Suryawan Wangiyana; Wayan Wangiyana
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.12061


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi enzim nitrat reduktase pada tanaman cabai merah (C. annum) yang dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor fisiologis. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan banyak faktor diantaranya: Faktor organ tanaman, umur tanaman, posisi daun dan pemupukan dengan nitrat. Berbagai organ tanaman cabai direndam dalam buffer fosfat pH 7,5 selama 20 menit. Setelah itu dilakukan penambahan susbtrat berupa 0,1M NaNO3 dan diinkubasi selama 60 menit. Sampel selanjutnya direndam dalam larutan Napthylediamine dan Sulfanilamide 1:1. Absorbansi sampel diukur dengan spektrofotometer pada panjang gelombang 540nm. Berdasarkan pengukuran absorbansi diperoleh hasil bahwa tanaman cabai usia dewasa memiliki aktivitas nitrat reduktse lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan usia muda dan tua. Aktivitas nitrat reduktase pada organ daun lebih tinggi dibandingkan organ akar, batang dan buah. Sementara itu daun pada posisi pucuk memiliki aktivitas nitrat reduktase lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daun di posisi pangkal dan tengah. Pemupukan nitrat tidak memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap aktivitas nitrat reduktse pada tanaman cabai. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Capsicum annum usia dewasa memiliki aktivitas nitrat reduktase tertinggi dengan kecenderungan organ daun memiliki aktivitas nitrat reduktase terbesar dibandingkan organ lainnya terutama daun pada posisi pucuk. Penambahan susbtrat NaNO3 tidak memberikan pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap aktivitas nitrat reduktase. Distribution of Nitrate Reductase Enzymes in Red Chili (Capsicum annum) in Order to Support Sustainable Agroforestry Systems Abstract. This study aims to determine the distribution of the enzyme nitrate reductase in red chili plants (C. annum) which are influenced by various physiological factors. This experiment uses a completely randomized design with many factors including: Plant organ factors, plant age, leaf position and fertilization with nitrates. Various organs of chili plants are immersed in phosphate buffer pH 7.5 for 20 minutes. After that the addition of susbtrat in the form of 0.1 M NaNO3 and incubated for 60 minutes. The samples were then immersed in Napthylediamine and Sulfanilamide 1: 1 solutions. Sample absorbance was measured by a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 540 nm. Based on absorbance measurements, the results showed that adult chili plants had higher nitrate reductase activity compared to young and old age. The activity of nitrate reductase in leaf organs is higher than that of root, stem and fruit organs. Meanwhile the leaves in the shoot position have higher nitrate reductase activity compared to the leaves in the base and middle positions. Nitrate fertilization did not have a significant effect on nitrate reductase activity in chili plants. Based on this, it can be concluded that the adult age Capsicum annum has the highest nitrate reductase activity with the tendency of leaf organs to have the greatest nitrate reductase activity compared to other organs, especially leaves in the shoot position. The addition of NaClO3 does not significantly influence the activity of nitrate reductase.
Modeling of Sapodilla Fruit (Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen) Terminal Velocity in Water Andasuryani Andasuryani; Renny Eka Putri
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.13588


Abstract. Terminal velocity is one of the hydrodynamic fruits properties that significant in the development of sorting equipment. The study aimed to determine terminal velocity of sapodilla which could be used while develop a sorter. The terminal velocity of sapodilla fruit was determined experimentally and empirically by considering the theory of KHAT 2. Experimental measurements were made by dropping the fruit into the water column, while the calculations were empirically considering the parameters of physical properties such as differences in density between fruit and water, volume and shape factor. The results showed that the obtained model was vt = 165.370 (ρf -ρw) 0.026 V 0.813 Sh0+ 0.070. The model has maximized the value of R2, minimizing the RMSE value and reducing the chi-square value which were 0.9046, 0.008 and 7.300E-05, respectively. Volume was the most effective parameter while determining terminal velocity of sapodilla fruit. Pemodelan Kecepatan Terminal Buah Sapodilla (Manilkara zapota (L.) van Royen) Pada di Air Abstrak. Kecepatan terminal adalah salah satu sifat buah hidrodinamik yang signifikan dalam pengembangan peralatan penyortiran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kecepatan terminal sapodilla yang dapat digunakan saat mengembangkan penyortir. Kecepatan terminal buah sawo ditentukan secara eksperimen dan empiris dengan mempertimbangkan teori KHAT 2. Pengukuran eksperimental dilakukan dengan menjatuhkan buah ke kolom air, sedangkan perhitungan secara empiris mempertimbangkan parameter sifat fisik seperti perbedaan kepadatan antara buah dan faktor air, volume dan bentuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model yang diperoleh adalah vt = 165.370 (ρf -ρw) 0,026 V 0,813 Sh0 + 0,070. Model ini telah memaksimalkan nilai R2, meminimalkan nilai RMSE dan mengurangi nilai chi-square yang masing-masing adalah 0,9046, 0,008 dan 7,300E-05. Volume adalah parameter yang paling efektif saat menentukan kecepatan terminal buah sawo.
Analisis Kecenderungan Hujan Tahunan di Wilayah UPT PSDA Pasuruan: Aplikasi Metode Sperman’s Rho, Distribution Free Cusum dan Student’s T Test Afro Aransa Sahat; Indarto Indarto; Sri Wahyuningsih
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.11785


Abstrak. Artikel ini memaparkan hasil analisis kecenderungan hujan tahunan di wilayah UPT PSDA di Pasuruan. Data hujan harian dari 69 lokasi digunakan untuk analisis. Periode rekaman data dari tahun 1980 sampai dengan tahun 2015. Analisis statistik dan visualisasi histogram dilakukan untuk menggambarkan variabilitas spasial dan temporal hujan per sub-wilayah. Selanjutnya, analisis kecenderungan menggunakan tiga metode yaitu : spearman’s Rho, distribution free CUSUM, dan student’s t test dilakukan terhadap data hujan tahunan. Visualisasi nilai per stasiun digunakan untuk menggambarkan variabilitas kecenderungan hujan tahunan pada wilayah tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antar stasiun. Sebagian lokasi menunjukkan kecenderungan positif atau negatif yang menggambarkan adanya kecenderungan jumlah hujan tahunan yang meningkat atau menurun selama dua dekade terakhir. Sebagian besar stasiun tidak menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan positif atau negatif. Penelitian juga menghasilkan peta lokasi kecenderungan positif dan negatif. Application of Spearman’s rho, Distribution Free CUSUM, and Student’s t Test for Rainfall Trend Detection: study at the administrative area of UPT PSDA Pasuruan Abstract. This paper describes the results of rainfall trend analysis in UPT PSDA in Pasuruan. Daily rainfall data from 69 rain stations was used for analysis. The data recording period starts from 1980 to 2015. Statistical analysis and histogram visualization were performed to illustrate the spatial and temporal variability of annual rainfall data between sub-districts. Furthermore, trend analysis used three methods: Spearman's Rho, distribution-free CUSUM, and student's were performed on annual rainfall data. Visualization of stationary trend values is used to describe the variability of annual rainfall trends in the region. The results showed that there were differences between stations. A small proportion of the locations show a positive or negative trend that represents a trend of increased or decreasing annual rainfall over the past two decades. Most stations do not show any positive or negative tendencies. The research also produced a map of the location of the train station showing a positive and negative tendency.
Pengaruh Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Karakteristik dan Sifat Organoleptik Biji Kopi Arabika (Coffeae Arabica) Dan Biji Kopi Robusta (Coffeae Cannephora) Dwi Santoso; Saat Egra
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.11726


Abstrak. Pengeringan merupakan faktor penting dari pengolahan kopi, tanpa pengeringan yang tepat baik itu pengeringan mekanis maupun secara tradisional kualitas biji kopi tidak akan memenuhi standar yang disyaratkan. Proses pengeringan yang baik tidak hanya berpengaruh terhadap sifat fisik biji kopi seperti tingkat kadar air, namun juga meningkatkan citarasa dan aroma dari biji kopi tersebut. Karakteristik terbaik yang diperoleh dari biji kopi setelah proses pengeringan akan menentukan kualitas produk kopi di pasaran. penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan terhadap penurunan kadar air dan sifat organoleptik biji kopi arabika dan robusta sehingga didapatkan metode terbaik dalam pengolahan kopi. 50 kg biji kopi Arabica dan robusta dikeringkan di bawah sinar matahari dengan menggunakan alas terpal, sedangkan 50 kg sisanya dikeringkan menggunakan mesin pengering biji-bijian tipe batch. Uji organoleptik (rasa dan aroma) menggunakan metode uji Hedonik dan diolah dengan analisis sidik ragam. Pengeringan biji kopi secara mekanis menunjukkan penurunan kadar air yang lebih cepat (17jam) daripada pengeringan secara tradisional (23 jam). Hasil pengujian rasa dan aroma menunjukkan biji kopi Arabica yang dikeringkan menggunakan mesin pengering mekanis lebih disukai panelis dengan nilai uji hedonik tertinggi (67 dan 63 poin). The Effect of Drying Methods on the Characteristics and Organoleptics of Arabica Coffee Beans (Coffeae Arabica) and Robusta Coffee Beans (Coffeae Cannephora) Abstract. Drying is an important factor in coffee processing, without proper drying, both mechanical drying and traditionally the quality of coffee beans will not meet the required standards. A good drying process not only affects the physical properties of coffee beans such as the level of water content, but also increases the flavor and aroma of the coffee beans. The best characteristics obtained from coffee beans after the drying process will determine the quality of coffee products on the market. This study aims to determine the effect of drying method on decreasing water content and organoleptic properties of arabica and robusta coffee beans so that the best method in coffee processing is obtained. 50 kg of Arabica and robusta coffee beans are dried under the sun by using terpal, while the remaining 50 kg is dried using a batch-type grain drying machine. Organoleptic test (taste and aroma) using Hedonic test method and processed by analysis of variance. Mechanical drying of coffee beans shows a decrease in water content faster (17 hours) than traditional drying (23 hours). The taste and aroma test results showed Arabica coffee beans dried using a mechanical drying machine were preferred by panelists with the highest hedonic test values (67 and 63 points).
Kajian Jenis Media Simpan Terhadap Mutu Pisang Cavendish (Musa parasidiaca ‘Cavendish’) Ifmalinda Ifmalinda; Riska Westri Windasari
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.11273


Abstrak. Pisang Cavendish merupakan salah satu jenis pisang yang cukup potensial dan banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat, baik untuk olahan maupun untuk santapan segar. Pisang merupakan buah klimakterik yang tetap mengalami proses kematangan walaupun telah dipanen dan diikuti dengan proses kerusakan karena buah tetap melangsungkan proses respirasi dan metabolisme (Sumadi, et al., 2004). Hal ini merupakan kendala dalam upaya memperpanjang umur simpan buah pisang Cavendish. Cara mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan melakukan perbaikan penanganan pascapanen, agar kualitasnya dapat dipertahankan setelah panen dilakukan. Pelilinan dan pemilihan media simpan merupakan salah satu teknologi pascapanen dalam mempertahankan mutu produk yang berfungsi mengurangi kerusakan produk pertanian akibat proses respirasi. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh media simpan berupa pasir dan serbuk gergaji terhadap mutu dan umur simpan pisang yang telah dilapisi lilin selama penyimpanan. Pemberian jenis media simpan selama penyimpanan buah pisang berpengaruh terhadap mutu pisang yaitu nilai kerusakan mekanis, susut bobot, TPT, hue, kekerasan dan kadar air buah pisang selama penyimpanan. Umur simpan buah pisang yang terlama terdapat pada perlakuan ada pemberian media simpan serbuk gergaji (A0M1) dengan 15 hari umur simpan. Study Media Types Storage on Cavendish Banana Quality (Musa parasidiaca ‘Cavendish’) Abstract. Cavendish banana is one type of banana is quite potential and widely consumed by the community, both for processing and for fresh cuisine. Banana is a climacteric fruit that continues to experience the process of maturity although it has been harvested and followed by the destruction process because the fruit continues the process of respiration and metabolism (Sumadi, et al., 2004). This is an obstacle in an effort to extend the life of the Cavendish banana shelf. How to overcome these problems is to make improvements postharvest handling, so that quality can be maintained after harvest is done. Pelilinan and the selection of media store is one of the postharvest technology in maintaining product quality that serves to reduce the damage of agricultural products due to respiration process. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of storage media in the form of sand and sawdust on the quality and life of banana shelf that has been coated wax during storage. Giving the type of storage media during the storage of bananas affect the quality of bananas are the value of mechanical damage, weight loss, TPT, hue, hardness and moisture content of bananas during storage. The oldest banana-saving age was found in the treatment of sawdust storage media (A0M1) with 15 days of shelf life. fermentation box to the environment in the outside. The results showed that the ideal temperature of fermentation in wooden boxes was obtained in the fifth day, while the ideal temperature of fermentation in Styrofoam was obtained in the third day. Heat transfer in the wood material is higher than in the Styrofoam material. This was due of the heat in a wooden box go out faster, so that the temperature in the fermentation process may be lower than using a Styrofoam box. The result of cocoa seed fermentation using a wooden box obtained a good cocoa seed on the fifth day of fermentation and while using a Styrofoam box cocoa seed were moldy in the fifth day.
Analisis Perubahan Kapasitas Simpan Air Pada DAS Krueng Meureubo, Aceh Sudirman Sirait; Sri Maryati
Rona Teknik Pertanian Vol 11, No 2 (2018): Volume 11, No. 2, Oktober 2018
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Engineering, Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17969/rtp.v11i2.13041


Abstrak. Perubahan kapasitas simpan air pada suatu DAS dapat mengakibatkan ketidakseimbangan antara ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air untuk kegiatan pertanian maupun non pertanian. Metode analisis neraca air merupakan suatu metode yang dapat mengetahui tingkat daya dukung suatu DAS terutama perubahan kapasitas simpan air untuk pengisian air tanah sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi upaya pengelolaan limpasan dan pengisian air tanah khususnya di wilayah DAS Krueng Meureubo yang terletak pada koordinat geografis 04°06'-04°36' LU dan 95°06'-96°58' BT. Selama periode tahun 2007-2016 proporsi penggunaan lahan hutan di wilayah DAS Krueng Meureubo mengalami penurunan sebesar 3,12% yaitu 55,10% pada tahun 2007 dan 51,97% pada tahun 2016. Adanya perubahan proporsi penggunaan lahan hutan mengakibatnya penurunan kapasitas simpan air dari 182,84 mm pada tahun 2007 menjadi 177,99 mm pada tahun 2016 dan meningkatnya limpasan dari 821,72 mm pada tahun 2007 menjadi 833,71 mm pada tahun 2016.Analysis of Water Storage Capacity at Krueng Meureubo Watershed, AcehAbstract.The water storage capacity in a watershed could lead to an imbalance between the availability and necessity of water for agricultural and non-agricultural activities. The water balance analysis method is a method that can know the level of carrying capacity of a watershed, especially in water storage capacity for groundwater recharge. Thereafter provide the recommendations for the management of run-off and groundwater recharge, especially in the area of Krueng Meureubo watershed located at geographic coordinates 04°06'-04°36' LU and 95°06'-96°58' BT. During the period of 2007-2016, the proportion of forest area in the Krueng Meureubo watershed area decreased by 3.12% ie 55.10% in 2007 and 51.97% in 2016. Changes in the proportion of forest area resulted in a decrease in water storage capacity from 182.84 mm in 2007 to 177.99 mm in 2016 and an increase in runoff from 821.72 mm in 2007 to 833.71 mm by 2016.

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