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Al-Tafani: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30308852     DOI : -
Al-Tafani: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (eISSN: 3030-8852) has been published in Vol. 1 No. 1, December 2023. Our hope with the publication of this journal can help readers to provide insight, ideas, and references, in the development of educational innovations.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 7 Documents
Implementation Of Madrasah-Based Management At MTs Darul Wustho Jerowaru Muhamad Zaril Gapari
Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Education is a need that is very important in human life. Proceed nope something The nation is very dependent on education something the nation. That is, with quality education a nation can produce quality humans. Through quality education, a nation becomes advanced and level with other nations within all fields. On the contrary, If education is something a nation has No progress or No quality so the nation will be retarded in all fields. This study was done with the purpose: 1) to know How to implement madrasa management based; 2) to know What just factors support and inhibit implementing management-based madrasa. Study This uses a qualitative study with take location at MTs Darul Wow Jerowaru. Data collection using observation, interview, and documentation methods. Subject researcher in study This is the head of the madrasah, deputy head of curriculum, deputy head of student affairs, and deputy head of public relations and administration. Data analysis techniques were carried out in a manner interactive and ongoing in a manner Keep going continuously until complete so that gets to the point of data saturation. Inspection data validation is carried out with data triangulation. Result of study This has applied management Where is the madrasa based? head of the madrasa was given wide authority in developing the madrasa, however in implementation Not yet walked with Good looks from facilities and infrastructure that have not been adequate, so Lots of madrasa facilities circumstances are not quite okay. As for Management based on Madrasas implemented by MTs Darul Wustho Jerowaru namely: Plan madrasa development, management curriculum, learning process management teaching, studentship management, management educators and staff education, management facilities and infrastructure. Factor supporters in the implementation of madrasa-based management are that there exists good relationships and cooperation between teachers, principals, parent participants, society and government student centers or areas, adequate teachers, and facilities and infrastructure that can support learning process activities. The inhibiting factor is the lack of attention and participation in society, government centers, or areas in madrasa development and the lack of madrasah finance.
Human Resource Management In Improving The Economy And Supporting Community Education Through Msme Activities In Tanjung Luar Village Abdurrahim; Saprudin Efendi; Abdul Kohar
Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Source Power man is often called a human resource, energy or strength human (energy or power). Humans are also mentioned as a source of energy, ability, strength, and expertise possessed humans, are also possessed by creatures, such as animals, and plants, and even also owned by elements. Study This aims to know from support government to business group society and how impact business programs on the sector economy and education for the community Type of research used is study descriptive qualitative, data obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. Validity of researcher data uses technique triangulation. Data analysis was carried out with four stages namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. Research results show: that there is support government with methods to protect and facilitate form tool production and deliver training for development capacity member group Bujamatas, so impact on addition from facet sector economics and education for group.
The Use Of Problem-Based Learning To Improve Students’ Speaking Skills In MA Daarulmasaakin Rijnan
Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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Senior high school students are expected to have good speaking skills, meanwhile, their ability to speak English is very low, especially in terms of fluency. Therefore, teachers need an alternative method to teach speaking skills which is called Problem-based Learning. The objective of this study is to know the application of problem-based learning as a teaching method in improving students’ speaking ability and students’ achievement in speaking English. The action research was carried out in some steps. Those steps were a pre-elimination test, conducting the cycles starting with planning, acting, observing, reflecting, and post-test. As data collection instruments, I used observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, and self and peer assessments of the students. The implementation of this method was reflected in the classroom activity, students' self and peer assessment, questionnaire, interview, and observation sheets. The result of the study showed that there were significant improvements in students’ speaking ability after being taught by problem-based learning. They also enjoyed the activities in class by having a discussion, sharing, and cooperation with their friends. In addition, the students gave positive opinions, responses, and interest in the implementation of the problem-based learning method. Therefore, the students’ speaking ability was increased. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that this method made a positive contribution to the improvement of the student’s speaking ability. This method is beneficial to help the students learn to speak English in a more enjoyable way
Management Strategy of the East Lombok Tourism Service in Increasing Interest in Visiting Tourists in Tete Batu Village Irwan Yon Hadi; Lalu A. Hery Qusyairi; Lalu Wira Bhakti
Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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A tour is an activity carried out by someone or a group somebody with visit a place for objective recreation. development private, or learn uniqueness Power pull visited tours in period time Meanwhile, tourism is also a whole related activity with tourism and nature multidimensional. Study This aims to know the service strategy of tourism to increase interest in visiting tourists in Tete Batu Village, East Lombok. Service strategy Tourism Lombok East plays a big role as a motivator, facilitator, and dynamist in realizing the enhancement of visiting tourists as well as the welfare of the community in Tete Batu village. So from Thus the department's strategy for tourism is immediately optimal and deep For building a society capable of making Tete Batu become a tourist world. The type of research carried out is study qualitative with a approach descriptive where is the data obtained? through observation, interviews, and documentation. As for the informants in the study, this is one of the heads and secretary service East Lombok tourism, field marketing prawisata, head of Tete Batu Village, chairman pokdarwis, and perpetrators of business Tete Batu Village tour. Research results show that service strategy tourism increases amount tourists. Pre-tourism department do strategy marketing where marketing strategy Has various method including online media promotions, events, exhibitions, banners, and brochures. Enhancement motivation by giving training to society. The Tourism Department empowers the society around Tete Batu village by giving direction and socialization in making souvenirs.
Management of Campus Internal Organizational Strategy in Improving Ability Communication and Academic Achievement of Students' at STIT Palapa Nusantara Kamaruddin; Khairil Anwar; Mulya Agustin
Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2023): DESEMBER
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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The organization is a system that influences insiders and working groups in the same to reach the objective. Position a leader organization owns a very important role because own task as taker decisions for the continuity of the organization he leads. Study this aim to know the implementation of internal and external environment campus Palapa Nusantara Tarbiyah College of Science, the campus's internal organizational strategy to increase the ability of communication students, and internal campus strategies to increase the performance of academic students. Study This is a study, Analysis of collected data with observation, interviews, and documentation. Research results show that the implementation of internal and external environments in internal campus organizations has strengths in the form of doing SME activities (activity unit students), and writing work scientific, Weaknesses or weaknesses in the form of the difficulty of proposals for applying for funds in activity organization, opportunities in the form of support from party campus, threat or threats in the form of less parental support in organize. Improving strategy ability communication by conducting discussion programs and providing a chance for opinions, and strategies to improve performance academic by running a language UKM program in English and language Arabic, designing graphics, and writing work.
Strategi Guru Kelas Dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa di MA Palapa Nusantara Ahmad Jalaluddin
Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JULI
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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School is an institution that operates in the field of education which is one of the critical components for producing and creating citizens who have good attitudes, are responsible, disciplined, and useful for their nation and country, by what is expected from national education. This research aims to determine student discipline, the internal conditions of the school that influence it, and teacher strategies and solutions at MA Palapa Nusantara. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research, data is obtained by observing, interviewing, and documenting. The validity of the researcher's data uses triangulation techniques. Data analysis was carried out in four stages: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of the research show that the learning discipline students at MA Palapa Nusantara face several problems as follows: (1) students arrive late, (2) not complete assignments on time, (3) not pay attention to lessons, some students don't bring school equipment, and outside of class there are still students who don't make good use of their free time or breaks. Internal conditions that influence student learning discipline at MA Palapa Nusantara include (1) consistent school policies, (2) supportive school culture, (3) parental involvement, and (4) relationships between teachers and students. The teacher's strategy for improving students' learning discipline is by giving rewards, giving praise, giving punishment, advice, and teachers giving good examples to students.
Manajemen Pelayanan Perpustakaan dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Mahasiswa STIT Palapa Nusantara Nasrullah
Indonesia Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JULI
Publisher : Jurnal Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Gafari

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The library is a means of learning that can be a force to educate the nation. Libraries have an important role as a bridge to the mastery of knowledge and a fun and refreshing place for recreation. Libraries make an important contribution to the disclosure of science information. Meanwhile, the library is the heart of academic activity, because with a library, data or information can be obtained which can be used as a basis for the development of knowledge. This research was carried out to 1) To find out how library services increase the interest and reading of STIT Palapa Nusantara students, 2) To find out the extent to which STIT Palapa Nusantara library services have increased interest in reading. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation methods. The subjects of this research are the Head of the Library, and students of STIT Palapa Nusantara. The results of this research show that. From the entire series of data collection processes, the author draws several things that are facts about library services in increasing students' interest in reading at the Tarbiyah Palapa Nusantara College of Science, including the lack of attention from the school to improving library services, starting from the lack of book collections, inadequate facilities. adequate, library staff who are able to serve every visitor's needs, and poor library management processes by the head of the library have the effect of increasing students' reading interest in all forms of school library services. It is certain that this condition greatly influences students' interest in making the school library a one of the places to go when you need reading material or doing assignments.

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