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Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education
ISSN : 25801864     EISSN : 27221210     DOI :
tthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini (PIAUD) Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik. Jurnal ini berisi kajian hasil studi dan penelitian di bidang-bidang yang berkaitan dengan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Islam, Pemeliharaan, dan Pengasuhan Anak yang mencakup investigasi teks dan kerja lapangan dengan berbagai perspektif Pendidikan, psikologi, Agama, Pendidikan, Pengembangan Anak, dan Kurikulum Anak Usia Dini. Terbit dua kali setahun, yaitu bulan Januari dan Juni. Redaksi mengundang para akademisi, dosen, maupun peneliti untuk berkontribusi dalam jurnal ini. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam bentuk bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Jurnal ini merupakan jurnal akses terbuka yang berarti bahwa semua konten yang tersedia secara bebas tanpa biaya baik kepada pengguna atau pada lembaganya. Pengguna yang diizinkan untuk membaca, download, menyalin, mendistribusikan, cetak, mencari, atau mensitasi ke teks lengkap dari artikel, atau menggunakannya untuk tujuan yang sah lainnya, tanpa meminta izin terlebih dahulu dari penerbit atau penulis.
Articles 84 Documents
Model Pendidikan Berwawasan Kebangsaan bagi Anak Usia Dini sebagai Sarana Integrasi Bangsa Ubaidillah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v6i2.20


Paud is one of the most important things in building one's future, because success in Paud will have an impact on the progress of a nation. At this age the structure and function of the brain is developing and its influence is sedentary to the further development of children's behavior and personality. So they are very appropriate if used as an initial community formation of national character. Nationality-oriented education in Early Childhood (AUD) is expected to prepare them to become someone who has an identity both in local and global communities, and has a vision to build a world together in a global culture. One way for children to receive subject matter (for kindergarten subject matter using themes), is through games. These games include traditional games. In traditional games, we can develop a sense of togetherness, mutual cooperation, reducing selfishness, etc. Playing on children has a very important meaning because through playing children experience development in all aspects of their lives, however, the challenge now is the game tools and hero figures from other countries that affect children a lot, addressing this need for change by instilling insight nationality in play activities and educational game tools used by early childhood, and try to connect the forms of games or activities with aspects that are developed. nationalism-oriented education model in early childhood education uses a thematic approach, so through this theme various kinds of children's potential can be developed, national values ??that want to be socialized and transformed in learning activities in an integrated manner developing abilities, physical motoric, skills, cognitive, science, art, language and habituation, using learning activities that are designed with the concept of learning while playing.
Menangkal Potensi Radikalisme Sejak Dini melalui Penyelenggaran Bimbingan Konseling dalam Pendidikan Tingkat Dasar Ida Fitri Shobihah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v5i2.21


Elementary education is the first formal level of education for children. Students in primary education aged 6-12 years who are psychologically included in the age category of the child. The age of the child is a crucial stage of development because it is included in the early stages of development which are vulnerable and highly influenced by their environment. One of the things that can damage a child's development is the potential for radicalism from an early age. Therefore, the presence of a counseling guidance program in primary education becomes very important, in order to help overcome the potential of radicalism in the development of children. This research will examine further about how the form of potential radicalism in children in schools studied and the holding of counseling guidance (BK) in primary education in an effort to overcome the potential for radicalism in children. The study was conducted using a mix method. The results showed that the form of potential radicalism in children in the form of understanding and negative attitudes towards non-Muslims. the madrasas studied showed the low potential of radicalism due to the provision of counseling guidance.The Potential of Radicalism
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Lantai Permainan Elektronika untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berhitung Siswa Amifatuz Zuhriyah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v5i2.22


The teacher should better equip himself in utilizing and developing learning media so that the learning atmosphere is more enjoyable without reducing the essence of the subject matter being conveyed. Based on observations when the teacher presents the subjects in class there are several subjects who have difficulty in delivering the material, namely mathematics, the subject of multiplication and division of 2 numbers. This is supported also by the learning media. So that the mindset of students who feel bored, do not like mathematics, and assume that mathematics is a difficult and boring subject will change. Anticipating these obstacles, we need an interesting learning media that can stimulate the imagination and creativity of students, one of which is the learning media "Electronics Game Floor" in mathematics.
Strategi Peningkatan Kemampuan Anak Usia Dini dalam Mengenal Warna melalui Metode Eksperimen Nur Fikriyatul Khasanah; Nur Hani’ah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v5i2.23


Early childhood is the most appropriate time to develop all its potential. One of the potentials that needs to be developed early on in children is the insight and sense of art in children. Art is one of the basic potentials of children and also one form of plural intelligence. So, developing children's artistic potential means developing their intelligence. This study aims to improve the ability of early childhood to recognize secondary colors through experimental methods. With the experimental method of direct involvement of children so that children gain direct experience in the learning process. This type of research is a collaborative classroom action research. Collaborative classroom action research ie researchers work closely with class teachers in conducting research. The results showed that the ability to recognize secondary colors can be improved by the experimental method. The learning process of children is given the opportunity to conduct experiments on colors that are simple and attractive to children. The results of the study increased gradually, which can be seen from the observational data on pre-action, Cycle I and Cycle II. The average percentage acquisition in pre-action was 44.89%, increased in Cycle I with a percentage of 60.67% and increased to 83.53% in Cycle II.
Pengaruh Metode dan Strategi Tenaga Pendidik dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Usia Dini Ubaidillah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v5i2.24


Children are entrusted by God that we must guard and educate so that he becomes a useful human being. Every child is born together with the potential it has. Nothing escapes His Oversight and Concern. it is the duty of parents and teachers to be able to discover this potential. The condition is complete acceptance of the child's condition. In the field of education a child from birth requires appropriate services in meeting educational needs accompanied by an understanding of the characteristics of children in accordance with their growth and development will greatly assist in adjusting the learning process for children with their respective ages, needs, and conditions, both intellectually, emotionally and social. Early childhood is a golden period (golden age) for the development of children to obtain the educational process. This period is a valuable year for a child to recognize various kinds of facts in his environment as a stimulus to his personality, psychomotor, cognitive and social development. For this reason, early childhood education in the form of providing stimuli (stimulation) from the immediate environment is needed to optimize children's abilities. And the character of children must be formed from an early age. The goal of forming this character is that the child has a good personality so that when the child has reached adulthood, he will become a pious and pious child so that he will be able to provide benefits to others. Without the right process of providing care and education, it is impossible to produce children of character.
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


there is a balance between  the kauniyah verses and the evidence of kauniyah  (nature) that is spread out. Science seeks to explore the power of knowledge with its logic to the truth of the universe, while the Qur'an explains its concept of semiotics in exposing this naturalness. Between the two truths, the Qur'an is the most effective individual-social proselytizing solution in expounding its semiological communication. This study aims to uncover kauniyah  verses through semiotic studies directed as a medium for individual-social proselytizing and its God. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive-analysis methods, namely researchers try to explain their research data and then analyze it in the form of a long description in obtaining the final conclusion. The results of the analysis of this paper are (1) there are similarities between the kauniyah verses and the form of the universe according to semiotic studies, and (2) the semiotics  of the kauniyah verses   into a solutive individual-social proselytizing communication between the truth of science and religion. The final conclusion is that semiotics is able to trace the truth of science and religion through the Qur'an so that it is able to present a solutive medium of proselytizing.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Sosial-Emosional Siswa Kelompok B melalui Media Buku Cerita Kenabian: Studi Tindakan Kelas pada Raudlatul Athfal Muslimat 10 Manyar Gresik Nina Nuriyah Ma’arif; Maskanah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v7i1.39


This article discusses how to improve social-emotional abilities of early childhood through the medium of the storybooks about the prophets in Raudlatul Athfal Muslimat (RAM) 10 Manyar Gresik. This study used classroom action research (CAR). The techniques of data collection and analysis were carried out through a mixed-methods approach, namely quantitative and qualitative descriptive. In this regard, the data collection technique used observation, interviews, documents, and questionnaires. While the data analysis technique utilised descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis procedures such as categorising and interpreting the data found the ground, subsequently making conclusions. The study found that through the medium of the storybooks of the prophets' stories, the social-emotional ability of group B students have developed, namely in the first cycle, it increased to 76%, ie 7 children developed suited to expectations and 6 children very well-developed . Whereas, in the second cycle, students’ emotional social abilities increased to 86%; 3 children developed suited to expectations and 10 children very well-developed.
TRADISI KLASIK DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MODERN (Analisis Kurikulum, Metode, Bahan Ajar Dan Budaya Akademik Di Yayasan Perguruan Islam Al-Kautsar) Ahmad Ridwan; Rukmana Prasetyo; Ade Rahman Matondang; Fathul Jannah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

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T This research was conducted at Al-Kautsar. The background of this research originates from the researcher's desire to know the classical tradition in Modern Islamic Education at Al-Kautsar. Knowing the classical traditions of education (curriculum, methods, teaching materials and academic culture) is an important part of managing educational institutions to achieve educational goals. This research is categorized into qualitative research. This research intends to bring quality information, therefore in the research report it will be concluded that the findings are qualitative normative. This research was carried out using a descriptive approach, thus the findings will describe what is clear and measurable so that the analysis does not use numbers, but with interpretation of data in the form of words or sentences or other documentation. In addition, this study also emphasizes inductive analysis. mentioning the presence of researchers, research subjects and objects, how to collect research data, location and time of research conducted, and checking the validity of the data. The findings of this study are, the classical tradition in modern Islamic education, the relevance of classical curriculum, classical methods, classical teaching materials and classical academic culture in modern educational institutions.
Perkembangan dan Pola Pembinaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Nur Saffanah
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 6 No. 2 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54069/atthiflah.v6i2.41


In this millennium era the level of community needs for an education, especially early childhood education is increasing. As a result, since early 2000 several PAUD began to appear and increasingly buried in the district of Gresik. This increase in quantity should also be followed by strengthening the quality and academic value provided by these institutions, so as to provide appropriate educational services to the surrounding community. Based on this thought, this study tries to describe objectively how the improvement and development of PAUD in several regions of Gresik district, the pattern of guidance carried out by the relevant agencies in order to maintain the quality and academic quality provided, then at the end of the study conclusions of the factors that support the development of PAUD provided by related institutions, and also at the same time underlines several factors that can be a stumbling block for the development of PAUD in the Gresik district.
Atthiflah: Journal of Early Childhood Islamic Education Vol. 9 No. 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Institut Agama Islam Daruttaqwa Gresik

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The child's psyche and personality are very important for self-understanding and give understanding to others outside of us, because the impressions of childhood are very influential on the formation of our attitude and outlook on life, whether projected in the present or in the future. Even if the attitude of trying his best to forget it in adulthood and old age, but the child's world still puts a strong stamp on his personality. In modern society, the position and approach of psychology can be said to be an effective means for the success of the goals of the learning to which it aspires, both individually and as a social group. The active learning strategy is a teaching and learning strategy that aims to improve the quality of education, and to achieve student involvement effectively and efficiently in the need for integrated, balanced, and sustainable engagement learning between media, methods, teachers and students. Among these methods are directing to the optimal type of learning interaction, demanding various types of student activities, teaching and learning resources that are in accordance with the goals to be achieved, using multi methods, using multi-media that vary, directing to multi-learning resources, Active learning strategies have a positive impact including students being motivated, the level of student activity in the teaching and learning process