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Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan
Published by CV ITTC Indonesia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30262003     DOI : 10.47233/jkis
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan (E-ISSN : 3026-2003) yang diterbitkan oleh CV.ITTC Indonesia fokus menerbitkan artikel penelitian bidang kajian Agama Islam. Ruang lingkupnya meliputi (1) teologi Islam; (2) hukum Islam; (3) pendidikan Islam; (4) Mistisisme dan Filsafat Islam; (5) ekonomi Islam; (6) Kajian tafsir dan hadis; dan (7) seni dan sejarah Islam.
Articles 88 Documents
Pengaruh Pembiayaan Jual Beli Dan Pembiayaan Bagi Hasil Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah Alfajri Khairul Ihsan
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan

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Competition between banks in Indonesia is getting tougher, which will directly or indirectly affect the achievement of bank profitability, including Islamic banks, which have recently been in demand by many customers because there are no interest rates but apply profit sharing, Islamic banks prove to be institutions that can survive in the midst of worsening economic crisis. The object of research is Islamic banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period 2017 to 2020. Statistical calculation techniques can be performed using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption tests and hypothesis testing. Analysis of the data obtained is then processed with the help of computer technology, namely Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) software. simultaneously on Financial Performance. Suggestions The next researcher is advised to use Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia so that there are more comparisons and can better assess how influential financing is on financial performance. Further researchers are advised to add the independent variables from this study with other variables that are allegedly able to affect the Financial Performance of Islamic Banks. Thus the expected results are more accurate
Analisis Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Lingkungan Sosial dan Pendidikan Mahasiswa Tentang Bank Syari’ah terhadap Minat Menabung Pada Bank Syari’ah Mutia Zalila
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan

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Over time and the development of technology and knowledge in the field of Islamic banking among students which makes this development still not well understood by some of them. This study aims to determine the effect of knowledge, social environment, and education on the intention to save in Islamic banks in case studies of FEB students at Dharma Andalas University. In this study, 88 respondents were used who were randomly obtained through the solvin formula, where these respondents were FEB students at Dharma Andalas University. This type of research is quantitative research using multiple linear regression methods. The results of the study show that social environment variables have a significant effect on students' interest in saving in Islamic banks. Whereas knowledge and education variables have no significant effect on students' interest in saving at Islamic banks.
Analisis Penerapan PSAK 109 pada Laporan Keuangan di BAZNAS Kota Padang Nanda Amalia Rizki
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan

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Zakat is one of the third pillars of Islam, which requires every Muslim who is able and meets the requirements to fulfill it. According to the statement of financial accounting standards PSAK No. 109, zakat is property that must be issued by muzakki in accordance with sharia provisions to be given to those who are entitled to receive it (mustahiq), while infaq / alms are assets that are voluntarily given by their owners, whether the designation is limited (specified) or not limited. This study aims to determine whether Baznas Padang City has implemented PSAK 109 in its financial reporting. This research was conducted at BAZNAS Padang City which is located at Jalan Bypass KM 12, Sungai Sapih Village, Kuranji District, Padang City. This research was carried out using a qualitative method where the data was obtained through financial reports and interviews with parties involved in the financial reports of Baznas Padang City. The results of this study indicate that the financial statements of Baznas Kota Padang are in accordance with PSAK 109. This can be seen in the financial statements which consist of reports on financial position, reports on cash flows, reports on changes in funds, and reports on changes in assets under management.
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Mahasiswa Tentang Karakteristik Bank Syariah, Produk Bank Syariah Dan Prinsip Bank Syariah Terhadap Persepsi Mahasiswa Tentang Perbankan Syariah Naufal Afif Rayhan
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan

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This research was conducted to determine the influence of student knowledge about the characteristics of sharia banks, sharia bank products and sharia banking principles on students' perceptions of sharia banking. This research uses a quantitative method approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to students of the economics and business faculty at Dharma Andalas University. In this research, the sample used was 116 students. Testing the research instrument uses validity and reliability tests with SPSS 21. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the research results, it is known that: 1) the student knowledge variable about the characteristics of sharia banks has a positive effect on students' perceptions of sharia banking. 2) the student knowledge variable about sharia banking products has a positive effect on students' perceptions of sharia banking. 3) the student knowledge variable about sharia banking principles has no effect on students' perceptions of sharia banking.
Pengaruh Nilai, Rating, Umur Penerbitan Obligasi Syariah (Sukuk) Perusahaan Terhadap Return Saham Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Yang Menerbitkan Obligasi Syariah Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2019-2022 Silvia Firmayeska
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan

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This study aims to determine the influence of value, rating, age of issuance of Islamic bonds (Sukuk) of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2019-2022 period. The sample selection technique uses a purposive sampling method so that a sample of 14 companies is obtained with 28 observational data. The test was carried out with the help of SPSS 24 (Statistical Product and Service Solution) and data analysis was used in this study using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the sukuk value variable had a positive and significant effect on stock returns, while the sukuk rating variable had no effect on stock returns, and the sukuk age variable had no effect on stock returns.
Konsep Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an Dan Ilmu Hadis Jailani Syahputra Siregar; Nadya Putri Dalimunthe; Ariansyah Putra Nasution; Tazhar Muhammad Azrizki
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober - Desember

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Artikel ini membahas mengenai konsep manajemen pendidikan islam sejalan dengan pedoman hidup umat Islam yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadis yang dijadikan referensi kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam mengelola sistem pendidikan islam memerlukan manajemen atau pengaturan yang baik. Manajemen pendidikan merupakan pengelolaan yang diterapkan dalam pengembangan pendidikan islam. Dengan penerapan ilmu manajemen dalam lembaga pendidikan, maka akan mencapai tujuan-tujuannya secara efektif dan efisien, serta dapat menghasilkan produktivitas yang tinggi. Adapun tujuan dari manajemen pendidikan islam adalah supaya segenap sumber, peralatan ataupun sarana yang ada dalam suatu organisasi atau lembaga dapat digerakkan sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat menghindarkan seminimal mungkin segenap pemborosan baik waktu, tenaga, materil, maupun uang hingga mencapai tujuan organisasi yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu.
Metode Dan Pendekatan Dalam Kajian Islam Fauzi Ahmad Syawaluddin; Afifah Siregar; Erlina Wati Dongoran; Nur Aisya Nasution; Pintar Rokaya Siaahan
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober - Desember

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Islamic studies is one of the studies that has received attention from various scientists. If examined carefully, it appears that Islamic studies have begun to be widely discussed by those who are interested in religious studies and other studies. In this way, Islamic studies deserves to be one of the favorite branches of science. It can be interpreted that the study of Islamic studies already has a position in the world of science. The approach is one of the viewpoints and paradigms used by researchers in analyzing an Islamic religious object using existing religious knowledge and theories. Existing knowledge or theories are basically used as analytical tools or tools based on problems related to religion so that the object and environment of study are clearly visible
Media Pembelajaran Dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam Maisaroh Ritonga; Saripuddin Hasibuan; Saripah Aini Samosir; M Ali Ritonga; Abdul Latif Siregar
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober - Desember

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To achieve the goals of Islamic education, in the learning process teachers should use learning media. By using learning media, teachers will more easily teach subject matter and students will more easily understand the lesson. The characteristics of Islamic learning media can be grouped into graphic media, audio media and silent projection media. Based on how it is obtained, media is differentiated based on the design and use of the media for the same purpose. When choosing media, you need to pay attention to the media selection criteria. By using media in the learning process, it is hoped that the quality of Islamic religious education will be even better
ULUMUL QUR’AN Tasya Amanda; Suci Julianti; Qonita Syukro
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober - Desember

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The Al-Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam through the angel Gabriel. The Qur'an contains the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala which are a guide to life for mankind. While Ulmul Qur'an is: Science which includes discussions related to the Qur'an from the aspects of asbab al-nuzul, codification and orderly writing of the Qur'an, verses revealed in Mecca and verses revealed in Medina and other aspects related to the Koran. The concept of education according to the Koran is very clear. There are various verses that explain education. In reviewing this paper, we used library research methods by critically and in-depth studying library materials that are relevant to the paper material, such as books and journals that are suitable as references. As stated by Miqzaqon T and Purwoko, library research is a study used to collect information and data with the help of various kinds of materials in libraries such as documents, books, magazines, historical stories and so on. The aim of studying the Ulumul Qur'an is to protect Muslims from possible attempts to obscure the Qur'an by people who do not believe in or even deny the Qur'an. The Koran functions as a guide to life for Muslims. Moreover, it is also a primary source of law. which covers everything. The science of the Qur'an has developed and been carried out since the collection of the Qur'an during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions until research on the science of the Qur'an today. There are many scholars who developed the knowledge of the Koran and many other books written by famous travelers.
Nilai-Nilai dalam Pendidikan Islam yang Terdapat pada Ayat Al-Qur’an yang Pertama dan Terakhir Kali Diturunkan Ananda fitria; Nasywa zakiyah; Wita siti maryam
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Oktober - Desember

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The Islamic teachings included in the first and second Qur'anic verses need to be understood because this is one of the most important things for both teachers and students. This study's goal is to understand the principles of Islamic education found in the first and last verses of the Qur'an. This study employs a qualitative research methodology using library research techniques (studi kepustakaan). The literature review in this work consists of published writings; they include books and articles that have been published in journals. iterature studies like this one go through many steps before reaching their goals, such as verifying that the sources are consistent with the research question, after which the previous literature review is adjusted to the research question, and finally, the literature review is based on sources that are consistent with the research question in order to produce new ideas. The study's findings indicate that there are a few ulama's observations regarding the first and second times that a particular verse is read aloud, as well as the educational principles that are included in each of those verses.