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Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan
Published by CV ITTC Indonesia
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30262003     DOI : 10.47233/jkis
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan (E-ISSN : 3026-2003) yang diterbitkan oleh CV.ITTC Indonesia fokus menerbitkan artikel penelitian bidang kajian Agama Islam. Ruang lingkupnya meliputi (1) teologi Islam; (2) hukum Islam; (3) pendidikan Islam; (4) Mistisisme dan Filsafat Islam; (5) ekonomi Islam; (6) Kajian tafsir dan hadis; dan (7) seni dan sejarah Islam.
Articles 88 Documents
Tafsir, Ta’wil Hingga Tarjamah Sebagai Instrumen Penting dalam Menginterpretasikan Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur’an Hakmi Hidayat; Fadel Muhammad Muhtadillah; Mochammad Wildan Qolbi Habibi; M. Yasin Yusuf
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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The Al-Qur'an is a word or revelation from Allah using Arabic to be dedicated specifically to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in fluent Arabic, which contains the main points of Islamic law. The purpose of this writing is to provide understanding and breadth in interpreting the revelation of Allah in the form of holy verses from the Koran according to the portions and forms desired. Where the Al-Qur'an is also proof of prophethood and a guide for mankind. To understand every point and aspect of the meanings of the Al-Qur'an requires knowledge that is clearly able to interpret the intent and meaning of the verses of the Al-Qur'an. So that humans can carry out actions according to Allah’s instructions. The verses in the Qur'an are kalamullah which contain extensive lessons for those who read and hear them. Arabic, which is so complex and has a wide meaning, needs to be studied in order to understand the Qur'an. So, after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the science that explains the application and meaning of the verses of the Qur'an began to be made into a concrete study of knowledge and was divided into three, namely Tafsir, Ta'wil and Tarjamah.
Analisis Praktis Dan Klasifikasi Hadits Dari Segi Kualitasnya: Shahih, Hasan, Dan Dlaif Fadel Muhammad Muhtadillah; Amar Ma’ruf; Moh. Idris; Diva Kurnia Dwi Salsabilla; Nurul Hidayah Nuha; Shofil Fikri
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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Hadith is one of the sources of law in Islamic law, the study of which continues to be conducted and focused on producing legal updates in line with the needs of the times. This research aims to provide a concise understanding of the classification of hadith in hadith science, especially regarding authentic, hasan and dhoif hadith. Hadith is the main source of Islamic teachings after the Al-Qur’an, and its quality is very important to determine the validity and applicability of the teachings contained therein. The research method used is a literature study with a qualitative approach, where various hadith books and the works of ulama are studied to obtain definitions and assessment criteria for each type of hadith. An authentic hadith is a hadith that has a connected sanad (chain of transmitters), a fair and dhabit (strong memory) transmitter, and no illat (flaws) or syaz (irregularities). Hasan hadith has almost the same criteria as authentic hadith, but the degree of fairness or strength of memory of the transmitter is slightly below that of authentic hadith. Meanwhile, dhoif hadith is a hadith that does not meet the criteria for authentic or hasan hadith, either because there are weaknesses in the sanad, the narrator, or there are defects that affect the credibility of the hadith. The research results show that a correct understanding of hadith classification is very important in the study of hadith and its application in everyday life. This knowledge helps Muslims in sorting out the hadith that they can rely on and those that they should be wary of. By understanding the criteria and classification of hadith, Muslims can be more critical and selective in applying teachings originating from hadith, so that they can avoid erroneous or unfounded understandings
Jam’al-Qur’an Pada Masa Nabi, Khulafa’ Al-Rasyidin, Dan Sesudahnya Hakmi Hidayat; Sinta Dilla Azizatul Wahidah; Amelia Dea Divanda; Aulia Ghani
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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Hadith recording is not always a complex recording of the Qur'an. The Qur'an is the revelation of Allah because it is a book or a sheet of paper that is drawn and written.In order to prevent the Qur'an from drowning into the era, information about the collection of Qur'ân at the time of Khulafaurrasyidin should be disseminated frequently. This is especially true in the digital age, where interpretation is becoming important. Data is collected, read, recorded, and processed. Library data used in this research. This research is descriptive and analytical by analyzing the books of history and the interpretation of the Qur'an. Jam'ul Qur'an comes from the word "Jama'a yajma'u", which means gathering the opinions of scholars. The Qur'an is written letter by letter, as Allah has revealed to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) and has spoken it in his heart. The attempts to improve the Utsmany mushaf, such as giving reading marks for points and syakls, forcing the Muslims to write the mushaf with writing (khat) as beautifully as possible, making signs to distinguish verses from one another, and more boldly listing surah names, number of verses, indication that the surah is Makkiyah or Madaniyah, and code that indicates the beginning of the verses.The process of printing the Qur'an continued to grow to a joyful event, besides the great meaning, that is, when a small, beautiful, fine version of the Quran appeared in Cairo.
Al-Muhkamat wa al-Mutasyabihat serta Fawatih al-Suwar Nur Fajriyatush Shobahah; Hakmi Hidayat; Choirina Khilmy Maulidia
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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Allah has revealed the Qur'an as an extraordinary miracle to his servants through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel which was given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, as a signal to carry out worship on earth. The Al-Qur'an is also a source of inspiration for every human being, because the contents of the Al-Qur'an contain concrete instructions and guidelines if there are verses that are muhkamat and mutashabihat. The Qur'an also acts as a miracle for those who believe in it because it contains verses whose meanings are zhanni or implied which have not been widely studied. Therefore, the purpose of this article was written to find out (1) the meaning of the mutasyabihat and muhkamat verses (2) the meaning of fawatih suwar (3) the attitude of the ulama regarding the mutasyabihat verse (4) the wisdom of the existence of the mutasyabihat verse. By using qualitative research methods as supporting material in writing this article.
Asbab al-Nuzul : Pengertian, Macam-macam, Ungkapan, Urgensi dan Kegunaan Hakmi Hidayat; Arilia Anesia Putri; Risna Eka Safitri; Tharin Nadhira Aditya
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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There are many scholars who have different opinions in defining asbab an-Nuzul, including Az-Zarqani, Ash-Shabuni, Shubhi Shaleh and Manna' Khalil Al-Qattan. However, even though the editorial definition above is slightly different, all of them conclude that asbab an-nuzul is the incident or events that provide the background for the revelation of the verses of the Koran, in order to answer, explain and resolve problems that arise from these events. Asbab an-nuzul is historical material that can be used to provide information on the revelation of verses from the Koran and provide context in understanding its commands. Of course, these materials only cover events at the time when the Koran was still revealed (ashr at-tanzil). In terms of the number of reasons and verses revealed, we can divide the asbab an-nuzul into; Ta'addud Al-Asbab Wa Al-Nazil Wahid and Ta'adud an-nazil wa al-asbab wahid. The expressions or editorials used by the companions to show the revelation of the Koran are not always the same. The editorials are broadly grouped into two categories, namely Sarih (clear) and Muhtamilah (still possible or uncertain). Asbab an-nuzul has an important meaning in interpreting the Koran. A person will not achieve good understanding if he does not understand the history of a verse's asbab an-nuzul. Understanding asbab an-nuzul will be very helpful in understanding the context of the revelation of the verse. It is very important to apply the verses to different cases and occasions. The opportunity for mistakes to occur will be greater if you ignore the history of asbab an-nuzul.
Rasm Al-Qur’an dan Hal-Hal yang Berkaitan Dengannya Hakmi Hidayat; Nawwaf Zaky Althaf; Icha Rahma Pangesti; Ananda Amalia Efendi
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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Rasm Al-Quran is the science of writing the text of the Al-Quran specifically. Focusing on the spelling of the words used and the shape of the letters, The writing of the Koran during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood with the aim of uniting Muslims into a kind of mushaf whose reading is the same and so that the verses are arranged in an orderly manner. Therefore, for Muslims troughtout the world, there is no difference in meaning between one mushaf and another, The aim of this discussion is for students to become familiar with and familiar with the Rasm Al-Quran and matters related to it. Apart from that, it is also intended to fulfil the assignments for the Ulumul Qur’am course for the student of the Sharia Economic Law study program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
Al-Makky Wa Al-Madany Hakmi Hidayat; Risma Nur Firdausi H.P; Almay Datus Sania Afifah; Moch. Fahruzzaman
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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The Qur'an is the word of Allah revealed to the ProphetxMuhammad SAW. The Qur'an is an eternal miracle, different from the miracles of the previous Prophets. As we already know,xthe Koran was accepted by Rasulullah SAW within a period of 23 years, that is, something was revealed when the Prophetxwas there in Mecca and some were revealed when the Prophet was in Medina. Therefore in a way It is generally acceptedxthat Islamic scholars divide the Qur'an into two parts: makkiyah and madaniyah. Makkiyah is a revelation revealed to thexProphet Muhammad shallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam before migrating to Medina. Madaniyah is a revelation that wasxrevealed to the Prophet Muhammad shallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam after emigrating to Medina.x
Ragam Metode Tafsir yang dilakukan oleh para Ulama Hakmi Hidayat; Muhammad Fathan Mubina; Febiana Sintia Maharani
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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Qur'anic exegesis is an important topic of study because Islamic scholars have created a variety of techniques for reading the Qur'an to provide readers with a comprehensive and contextual knowledge. These scholars employ a variety of exegetical methods, such as tafsir isyari, tafsir bilmatsur, tafsir birrayi, and scientific exegesis. The foundation of Tafsir bil-ma'tsur is early Islamic tradition, derived from reliable sources like the hadiths of the Prophet and the opinions of his companions. Tafsir bil-ra'yi, on the other hand, is mostly dependent on the interpreter's own experience and logic and frequently integrates linguistic and philosophical analysis. Tafsir isyari, also known as symbolic exegesis, explores the hidden or esoteric meanings of Qur'anic passages and is frequently associated with Sufism. Scientific exegesis links Qur'anic verses to scientific discoveries in an effort to bring the holy text into line with modern understanding. This variety of methods shows academics' attempts to bring fresh insights into Islamic thought while catering to the requirements of various historical eras and cultural circumstances. Through a thorough and critical analysis, this study seeks to shed light on the creation and use of these strategies as well as their effects on Muslim religious beliefs and practices.
Al Munasabah dalam Al Quran Hakmi Hidayat; Himayatul Maghfiroh; Muhammad Fatih Farhat
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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This article reviews the concept of Al-Munasabah in the Quran as an important foundation in the study of Ulumul Quran. Al-Munasabah is the study of the relationships and interrelationships between verses and letters in the Quran. Through understanding this concept, readers will be invited to explore its various important aspects, including how Al-Munasabah affects the interpretation and understanding of Quranic verses. The article also discusses the role of Al-Munasabah in strengthening belief in the revelation and miracles of the Quran, and how this knowledge can help in interpreting verses in a more precise and detailed manner. As such, this article provides a deep insight into the importance of understanding the concept of Al-Munasabah in the context of Ulumul Quran studies.
Memahami Kisah-Kisah Dalam Al-Qur’an Hakmi Hidayat; Alvin Nurafrizal; Sri Ramadani; Diva Alawiyah Batubara
Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Sosial Keagamaan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2024): April - Juni

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The stories in the Al-Quran are great literary works that have certain goals and themes, and function to provide wisdom and inspiration for their readers. These stories are not told sequentially and at length, but are often repeated with certain characteristics. The purpose of the stories in the Koran is to convey the truth, direct religious aspects, and provide inspiration so that people can improve their lives. The Koran is a guide to life for Muslims and contains stories and history that are worth emulating. The stories in the Qur’an are divided into three types, namely stories of the prophets, stories of previous people, and stories of the Prophet’s time. The stories in the Qur'an have different characteristics from the stories created by humans. The article discusses various points of view of Al-Quran stories and their relevance in moral education, including methods of understanding Al-Quran stories, the importance of stories in Al-Quran education, and the values ​​contained in Al-Quran stories. Sayyid Qutb’s work on fine art in the Koran is also one of the references in this article. The data analysis method used is inductive and comparative. From this analysis, the article concludes that the stories in the Koran have high moral and pedagogical value and can be a guide for Muslims in everyday life. or interpretations. The abstract should be an objective representation of the article and it must not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main text and should not exaggerate the main conclusions.