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I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya
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PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh (Editor: I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya) Jl. Pura Sada Gang II No. 1 Kapal, Mengwi, Badung, Bali, Indonesia, 80351
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Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Comprehensive
ISSN : 28306317     EISSN : 29625491     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Kinesiology and Physiotherapy Comprehensive is an open journal system that publishes scientific content in three editions per year April Agustus and December to promote clinical practice and research in physiotherapy KPC shares studies in physiotherapy which focuses its articles on health and injury prevention in Indonesia KPC goal is to contribute to developing Indonesian health quality by improving the quality of research in health and injury prevention
Articles 21 Documents
Hubungan Kekuatan Otot Tungkai Bawah dan Kinesiophobia dengan Stabilitas Fungsional dan Fungsi Lutut pada Pasien Rekonstruksi Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Tinjauan Literatur Gede Wahyu Pratama Wijaya; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Anak Agung Gede Angga Puspa Negara
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.11


Background: One of the most prevalent knee injuries among athletes is a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). ACL injuries may lead to various unpleasant symptoms, including joint instability, muscular atrophy, and soreness. ACL reconstruction is usually recommended to restore peace and function to the knee joint. After ACL reconstruction, knee muscle strength can remain compromised, leading to deficits in stability and functional limitations. ACL reconstruction also has psychological consequences, such as fear of moving due to injury or kinesiophobia. Purpose: To determine the relationship between lower leg muscle strength and kinesiophobia with functional stability and knee function in patients with ACL reconstruction. Method: The research method used is a literature review using data from scientific articles in scientific journal databases related to muscle strength, kinesiophobia, functional stability, and knee function after ACL reconstruction. The literature search used the keywords "ACL," "Strength," "Function," and "Kinesiophobia" by combining the Boolean Operators" OR "and "AND." Results: Based on the results of the journal review, it was found that after ACL reconstruction, muscle strength and kinesiophobia will affect the functional stability and function of the knee. Decreased muscle strength will lead to lower knee stability and function. Kinesiophobia level is associated with poorer clinical outcomes after ACL reconstruction. Conclusion: Based on the review results, it can be concluded that there may be problems arising from ACL reconstruction. Decreased muscle strength and psychological consequences such as fear of moving due to injury or kinesiophobia can affect the knee's functional stability and function.
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.12


Background: ACL reconstruction (ACLR) is a surgical procedure to graft the ACL using tendon tissue to restore joint fixation and stabilization functions. Rehabilitation management is performed by physiotherapy in ACLR phase III patients to increase strength, balance, and functional motion control of patients with rehabilitation and exercise adaptation interventions. Case Description: On June 09, 2022, the patient was playing basketball, when the patient heard his leg "pop" due to sudden stopping and turning movements while playing basketball. The patient took the initiative to go to the hospital because his leg was painful and was advised to do an MRI, the results of the MRI examination stated that the patient had an ACL and Meniscus rupture. The patient has undergone ACL reconstruction surgery and partial lateral meniscectomy on July 20, 2022, the patient has been doing physiotherapy since the first postoperative day until now entering the 10th week, the patient still feels something is stuck in the knee, and feels that left leg is stiff and weak when moved. Conclusion: There is an increase in ROM measurement results, muscle strength, segment circumference, hamstring and trunk flexibility, functional knee, and decreased pain scale. It is hoped that this case can be used as a reference for providing exercise interventions in patients with ACL postoperative conditions, especially phase III with other comorbidities.
The relationship between knee function and psychology on sports readiness, overuse conditions, and physical activity post anterior aruciate ligament reconstructions: a literature review Vinzenza Bondeng; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Sayu Aryantari Putri Thanaya
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.13


Background : Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are injuries that result from a tear in the ligament that connects the femur and tibia. This injury can be treated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR), which is an operation in the form of replacing the ACL ligament with other tissue grafts. ACLR can affect knee function so that it has an impact on readiness to return to sports, physical activity levels and the emergence of overuse conditions. Objective : To determine the relationship between knee function and psychology on readiness to return to sports, overuse conditions, and physical activity after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructions. Method : The method used is a literature review study using secondary data from published literature. The literature search was conducted online through PubMed, Pedro, Garuda and Google Scholar, using the “key words” Anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions (ACLR), ACL injury, psychological factors, physical activity of ACL athletes, and overuse injuries and selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results : From the literature used, it is stated that poor knee function can cause severe pain and fear of re-injury so that it has an impact on readiness to return to sports and decreased levels of physical activity after ACLR. Poor knee function due to surgical factors such as the ipsilateral ACL autograft surgical technique can result in an overuse condition characterized by the emergence of patellofemoral pain syndrome. Conclusion : There is a relationship between knee function on psychological readiness to return to sports, level of physical activity and overuse conditions in athletes after ACL reconstruction. Keywords : ACL Reconstruction, Psychological Readiness and Physical Activity of ACLR Athletes.
Relationship between lower limb muscle strength and knee function with quality of life after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction patients: a literature review Ni Putu Aprilia Chintya Dewi; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Anak Agung Gede Angga Puspa Negara
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.14


Background: Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR) is an orthopedic surgical procedure used to restore a functional knee. Surgical treatment in the form of ACL reconstruction can be performed to optimize quality of life after ACL injury. Decreased knee function after ACLR is closely related to a person's quality of life in the long term considering that the knee and other lower limbs have a crucial role in mobilizing and controlling the human body. Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between lower limb strength after ACL reconstruction and knee function also quality of life. Methods: The research method used is a literature review method using secondary data sources through a database of various scientific treatises accessible from internet sites. Scientific papers were searched using keywords such as ACL reconstruction, lower limb strength, knee function, and quality of life to facilitate proper literature retrieval. Result: Based on the results of the journal study, it was found that there was a decrease in lower extremity muscle strength and a decrease in knee function compared to participants who did not experience ACL injury-ACLR which caused a decrease in the quality of life of a person so that the preference of physical activity carried out in daily activities also changed with a low level of satisfaction from the expectations and expectations of individuals with ACLR. Conclusion: Based on some literature that has been discussed, there may be a correlation between the strength of the lower extremities and knee function with the quality of life of a person after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the main predictor of decreased performance in daily physical activity which is closely related to the main function of the lower extremities, especially the knee.
Physiotherapy rehabilitation management on phase III of post-operative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with partial lateral meniscectomy: a case report Amaze Grace Davidz Morato; I Made Egie Arianto Paramartha; Ni Wayan Sri Wahyuni
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.15


BACKGROUND/LATAR BELAKANG: Angka kejadian cedera pada lower esxtremity saat aktivitas olahraga menacapai 40-60% diseluruh dunia dan 16%nya menyebabkan cedera pada ligament ACL, dimana ligament ACL mengalami peregangan hingga rupture, cedera ACL dapat terjadi karena adanya mekanisme trauma, dimana posisi lutut rotasi, dan hiperekstensi atau disebabkan adanya kontraksi tiba-tiba dari otot quadricep femoris1. Cedera pada ACL dan juga disertai dengan meniscus tear dapat menimbulkan gangguan fungsi gerak tubuh sehingga dapat menganggu aktivitas sehari-hari 2. Rekonstruksi ACL adalah prosedur bedah untuk mencangkok ACL dengan menggunakan jaringan tendon untuk mengembalikan fungsi fiksasi dan stabilisasi sendi. Tendon yang diambil untuk cangkok ACL berasal dari tendon hamstring, quadriceps, pattelar, maupun tendon otot ekstremitas bawah lainnya yang dinilai kuat dan panjang, Pada kondisi meniskus yang mengalami kerobekan dapat dilakukan Tindakan menisektomi. Menisektomi parsial melibatkan mengeluarkan bagian yang robek dari meniscus dan biasanya dilakukan untuk robekan yang memiliki kemungkinan penyembuhan sangat rendah setelah perbaikan. Prosedur ini akan mengangkat sepotong meniskus yang robek sehingga lutut dapat berfungsi secara normal kembali 3. Penatalaksanaan rehabilitasi yang dilakukan oleh fisioterapi pada pasien ACL-R fase III untuk meningkatkan strength, balance dan kontrol gerak fungsional pasien dengan intervensi adaptasi rehabilitasi dan latihan dengan tujuan untuk mencegah cedera, mengembalikan fungsi optimal serta berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan performa olahraga atlet atau pemain dari segala usia dan kemampuan dengan menjamin standar profesionalitas yang tinggi. CASE DESCRIPTION/DESKRIPSI KASUS : Pada tanggal 09 Juni 2022 pasien bermain basket, lalu pasien mendengar kakinya berbunyi “pop” akibat gerakan berhenti dan berputar secara mendadak pada saat bermain basket. Pasien berinisiatif pergi kerumah sakit karena kakinya terasa nyeri dan disarankan untuk melakukan MRI, hasil pemeriksaan MRI menyatakan pasien mengalami rupture ACL dan Meniscus. Pasien telah menjalani operasi rekonstruksi ACL dan partial lateral menisectomy pada 20 Juli 2022, pasien telah melakukan fisioterapi sejak hari pertama pasca operasi hingaa saat ini memasuki minggu ke 10, pasien masih merasa ada yang mengganjal di bagian lutut, dan merasa kaki kirinya kaku dan lemah pada saat digerakkan. CONCLUSION/KESIMPULAN : Pemberian asuhan fisioterapi pada kasus ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi nyeri pada knee sinistra, rasa menganjal pada lutut, meningkatkan ROM khususnya pada flexi knee, meningkatkan kekuatan, endurance dan massa otot quadriceps & hamstring agar kemampuan fungsional knee sinistra pasien bisa kembali ke kondisi optinal sehingga pasien bisa menjalani kehidupan sehari-harinya tanpa gangguan kemudian return to sport.
Physiotherapy rehabilitation management on phase IV of post-operative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with medial meniscus repair : a case report Ni Putu Sukma Nathania; Putu Rara Kumbhara Vigneswari; Rizki Cristine Hasibuan; Iwan Kurnia Susanto
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Volume 2 No. 1 April 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i1.16


Background: Sports injuries are injuries that arise as a result of sporting activities or activities. 60% of sports-related injuries occur in the lower limbs, including the knee's anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This study aims to evaluate the physiotherapy interventions to improve ROM, balance, and knee function following ACLR with medial meniscus repair phase IV.   Case Description: The patient complained of pain and stiffness in the popliteal area. The pain was felt when driving a car and squatting. The injury occurred when playing futsal, and the patient made a zigzag while trying to win the ball. The patient took the wrong footing. Namely, the body turned while the left leg was left behind, and the knee joint suddenly rotated or twisted. Before surgery, the patient had carried out physiotherapy for six meetings. The operation was carried out on 11 May 2022 at the Royal Progress Hospital with three-day hospitalisation. The patient has been doing physiotherapy since the first day after surgery. Currently, the patient has entered week 19 (Phase IV).   Conclusion: The physiotherapy rehabilitation process, in this case, focuses on maintaining and increasing the strength of the core muscles and lower extremities, preparing the patient to jog, and training the patient's brain coordination through agility training. Returning to futsal is the ultimate goal of physiotherapy rehabilitation in this case.  
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERUBAHAN FUNGSI EKSTREMITAS BAWAH DAN PSIKOLOGIS SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH OPERASI ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION: Abstrak, Pendahuluan, Metode Penelitian, Hasil, Pembahasan, Simpulan, Daftar Pustaka Ni Nyoman Rinda Pravidayanti; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Anak Agung Gede Eka Septian Utama
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Volume 2 No. 2, August 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i2.17


Background: The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is a type of ligament situated within the human knee joint, connecting the femur to the tibia. It plays a crucial role in maintaining joint stability and controlling the anterior movement of the tibia relative to the femur. ACL reconstruction is a surgical procedure to connect the ACL ligament to restore stability to knee function.   In performing reconstruction, factors will affect the reconstruction results, one of which is the provision of rehabilitation, which will affect the patient's knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS). Another factor, kinesiophobia, can affect psychologically, so patients tend to feel afraid to move. Objective: To determine whether factors affect lower extremity function and psychology before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery. Methods: The study used a literature review design where the  secondary data from published literature was reviewed and reported as the study topic. Literature searches were conducted online from PubMed and Google Scholar, using the keywords "ACL," "lower extremity function," "psychological," and "kinesiophobia" by combining the Boolean Operators "OR" and "AND." Results: Based on the results of the journal review, it was found that there are factors that affect lower extremity function and psychology before and after reconstruction. Providing rehabilitation before and after ACLR and a low level of kinesiophobia can affect better reconstruction results. Conclusion: Based on the review results, it might be concluded that several factors influence changes in lower extremity function and psychology. Factors such as the provision of pre and postoperative rehabilitation can affect the patient's lower extremity function. At the same time, factors such as kinesiophobia can affect the patient's psychology so that it has an impact on the ability to carry out daily activities.
HUBUNGAN FUNGSI LUTUT TERHADAP KESIAPAN PSIKOLOGIS PADA PASIEN ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT DENGAN PENANGANAN NON-OPERATIF DAN POST-OPERATIF: Pendahuluan, Metode Penelitian, Hasil, Pembahasan, Simpulan, dan Daftar Pustaka Ni Putu Ayu Selviani; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Gede Parta Kinandana
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Volume 2 No. 2, August 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i2.19


Background: There are two options for effective anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury treatment: conservative treatment and reconstructive surgery. Both options aim to restore optimal knee function without the risk of reinjury or degenerative changes to the knee. The success of both approaches depends on the recovery program and the commitment to performing recovery exercises. Positive psychological evaluation, subjective assessment, and objective evaluation of physical function are often used to assess a person's readiness to return to the same biological activity as before the injury. Purpose: This study aimed to identify the correlation between knee function and physiological readiness in patients who sustained an ACL injury and underwent reconstructive surgery or conservative management. Methods: This study used a literature review method or literature review. Journal search used databases via Google Scholar and PubMed. The keyword search used "injury,” “anterior cruciate ligament,” “knee functional,” and “psychological readiness.” Journals published in the last five years are included in this study. Based on the search results, five articles fit the inclusion criteria. Results: The results of the review of 5 journals stated that no significant differences were found in the subjective scores of the International Knee Documentation Committee 2000 (IKDC 2000) and anterior cruciate ligament return to sport after (ACL-RSI) between patients with conservative treatment and reconstructive surgery. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the IKDC 2000 Score and ACL-RSI results in patients who received conservative treatment and reconstructive surgery.
HUBUNGAN FREKUENSI LATIHAN FISIK DAN JENIS REHABILITASI TERHADAP FUNGSI LUTUT DAN KESIAPAN KEMBALI BEROLAHRAGAPASCA ACL RECONSTRUCTION: Pendahuluan, Metode Penelitian, Hasil, Pembahasan, Simpulan, dan Daftar Pustaka Ni Kadek Ari Kusuma Dewi; I Putu Gde Surya Adhitya; Indah Pramita
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Volume 2 No. 2, August 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i2.20


Background: ACL injury is a common injury in the young adult population. The annual incidence of ACL injuries in the general population reaches 68.6 per 100,000 people. ACL injuries can be caused by physical contact or non-contact. Management of patients with ACL injuries can include non-operative and surgical approaches. ACL tears cause anatomical and physiological disorders and require a long healing process. Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between the frequency of physical exercise and the type of rehabilitation on knee function and readiness to return to sports in patients after ACL reconstruction. Methods: This study was a narrative review, which used secondary data in the form of research journals obtained from various scientific journal database sources on the internet. A search for literature articles was carried out online via PubMed and Google Scholar sites using the keywords "ACL Reconstruction," "Physical Exercise," "Rehabilitation," "Knee Function," and "Physical Readiness". Results: The five reviewed literature showed a possible relationship between the frequency of physical exercise on knee function and readiness to return to sports after an ACL injury caused by increased physical activity carried out for seven days. There was a significant difference between home-based rehabilitation and supervised rehabilitation on knee function after one year of rehabilitation. Supervised rehabilitation showed a significant improvement in knee function compared to homebased rehabilitation. Conclusion: There was a possible relationship between the form of rehabilitation on knee function and readiness to return to sports after ACL reconstruction, and a possible relationship between the frequency of physical exercise or the patient's physical activity and knee function, and can minimize the presence of kinesiophobia.
HUBUNGAN WAKTU RETURN TO SPORT DAN KEKUATAN OTOT DENGAN FUNGSI LUTUT DAN DAYA TAHAN OTOT PASCA ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTION: Pendahuluan, Metode Penelitian, Hasil, Pembahasan, Simpulan, dan Daftar Pustaka I Dewa Ayu Agung Friska Putri Indraswari; Ida Kurniawati; I Putu Yudi Pramana Putra
Kinetic and Physiotherapy Comprehensive Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Volume 2 No. 2, August 2023
Publisher : PT. Kesehatan Gerak Fungsi Tubuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62004/kpc.v2i2.21


Background: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is a surgical procedure performed to replace the ligament by grafting tissue that aims to restore stability to the knee joint. Knee function is impaired because the ligament that maintains knee stability is torn. Good knee function is also a reason to return to sports. Decreased muscle strength and endurance can occur in ACL patients, especially those who have undergone ACLR surgery. In order to be able to return to sport is still determined based on time after surgery and improved knee function. This study aimed to determine the relationship of return to sport time and muscle strength with knee function and muscular endurance after ACLR. Methods: The research method used a literature review compiled using secondary data from relevant journals. The search for journal literature was carried out online through PubMed and Google Scholar using the keywords "ACL", "return to sport", "function", "strength", and "endurance". Results: Based on the results of the journal review, it was found that muscle strength and endurance will decrease, which will affect knee function. Knee function, in general, is still one of the factors determining return to sport time. Conclusion: This study concluded that there were possible problems that arise due to ACLR, such as decreased muscle strength and muscle endurance, which could affect knee function and return to sports time.

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