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ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik
ISSN : 20881959     EISSN : 29875862     DOI :
ECCE merupakan Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik yang diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon. Jurnal ini pertama kali terbit secara online pada Juni 2023. Frekuensi penerbitan adalah dua kali setahun atau 6 bulan sekali yakni pada bulan Juni dan Desember. ECCE sebagai media publikasi yang mengkaji bidang Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik dengan ruang lingkup: Kajian Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik dalam era digital dan teknologi informasi; Strategi dan Metodologi dalam bidang Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik dalam menghadapi tantangan sosial dan global; Kontribusi Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik dalam mempromosikan nilai-nilai perdamaian, dialog antar agama, serta toleransi di tengah masyarakat multikultural; Pembangunan dan pengembangan karakter dan etika dalam disiplin kajian Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik; Evaluasi dan Penilaian kinerja dalam Pendidikan Pastoral Katektik untuk mengembangkan kualitas dan efektifitas pengaran; serta kajian-kajian aktual dan relevan berkenaan dengan Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik
Articles 18 Documents
Pengaruh Gaji terhadap Kinerja Guru Honorer di Persekolahan Yayasan Pendidikan Katolik Keuskupan Manado Perwakilan Tomohon Fecky Evendy Singal; Jearne Felix Imbang; Daniel Dominggus Kandunmas
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.12


In improving teacher performance to be better and optimal, to create quality and useful human resources for the future of the nation. One of the factors supporting the improvement of teacher performance is salary. Salary is a reward for services or work. But at this time the salary received by honorary teachers is still very less. This study aims to determine the effect of salary on the performance of honorary teachers. This research was conducted in May 2023 at the Tomohon YPK-KM school. The respondents in this study were honorary teachers who were at the YPK-KM school representing Tomohon. The research method used is quantitative. The sampling technique uses the Slovin technique. The sample studied amounted to 126 teachers. The research instrument used was a questionnaire (questionnaire) with alternative answers Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), and Disagree (1). This quantitative research uses simple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that there is an effect of salary on the performance of honorary teachers. This is evidenced by the results of the calculated F value of 14.197 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.005, and a correlation or relationship of 0.321 and a coefficient of determination of 10.3%. Thus there is a very low and significant effect of salary on the performance of honorary teachers. Salary can be said to influence and contribute to improving the performance of honorary teachers at YPK-KM schools representing Tomohon.
Pengaruh Pendampingan Belajar Orang Tua Terhadap Hasil Belajar PAK-BP Pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Katolik Gonzaga Tomohon Hadi Ignatius Untu; Asri Rumagit
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.13


Parents as educators first and foremost, in fact, do not carry out their responsibilities in accompanying children to learn at home. Lack of learning assistance has a negative influence on children so that their learning outcomes are less satisfactory. Such problems were also found in grade VII students of Gonzaga Tomohon Catholic Junior High School which prompted researchers to raise a study entitled "The Effect of Parental Learning Assistance on PAK-BP Learning Outcomes in Grade VII Students of Gonzaga Catholic Junior High School". This study aims to determine parental learning assistance, how student PAK-BP learning outcomes and how much influence parental learning assistance has on PAK-BP learning outcomes in grade VII students of Gonzaga Tomohon Catholic Junior High School. The quantitative approach method is a research method that researchers use. This study used independent variable X (parental learning assistance) and dependent variable Y (student PAK-BP learning outcomes). The sample amounted to 93 respondents randomly drawn from a population of 121 students. Problem formulations 1, 2 are answered using descriptive analysis while problem 3 formulations are answered using simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that parental learning assistance was in the very good category with a value of 0.856. PAK-BP learning outcomes are in the very high category with a value of 0.851. There is also a low and significant influence of parental learning assistance on PAK-BP learning outcomes in grade VII students at Gonzaga Tomohon Catholic Junior High School with a coefficient of determination of 0.371 equivalent to 37% and 63% are other influencing factors.
Implementasi Persiapan Perkawinan di Paroki Bunda Hati Kudus Woloan Johanes Danny Surentu; Shefry Yanny Fransisco Topit
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.18


The preparation of marriage should be carried out in a gradual and continuous process, which must be given by the Shepherd of souls in the form of sermons and catechesis adapted from childhood, youth, and adulthood. However, according to initial observations made, researchers saw that in the Parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Woloan, marriage preparations are only given to people who have reported holding a wedding celebration. This encourages researchers to know and describe people's understanding of marriage preparation, describe the implementation of marriage preparation in the Parish of Mother of the Sacred Heart of Woloan, and describe efforts to improve the effectiveness of marriage preparation in the Parish of Mother of the Sacred Heart of Woloan. This research uses a type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach.  The research techniques used for this study were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data sources are the marriage preparation team, prospective married couples, and married couples in the Parish of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Woloan. From the results of the research obtained, theresearchers concluded that marriage preparation is an initial process that must be taken by prospective married couples to get to know each other's duties and responsibilities as husband and wife, and understand what agreement they will build. In addition, in its application of the 3 forms of marriage preparation listed in the Apostolic Advice Familiaris Consortio number 66, namely far preparation, and close preparation, only 1 is applied in Woloan Parish, namely direct marriage preparation (preparatio directa). Therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness of marriage preparation, things such as improving the quality of the marriage preparation team, socialization about distant preparation, trying to procure close preparation courses, and always holding evaluation meetings for the marriage preparation team need to be done.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget bagi Keluarga di Paroki Santo Antonius Padua Taratara Paulus Joseph Mentang; Fransiska Karamoy
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.19


Technological progress (Gadgets) aims to make all human activities easier, but this must also be accompanied by a wise attitude of humans as users of this technology. Gadgets function to facilitate virtual interaction and communication, but if used unwisely they have the potential to be bad for communication and interaction between users. This article carries the title "The Effect of Using Gadgets on Families in St. Mary's Parish. Anthony Padua Taratara”. The background to this article stems from several problems, namely how gadgets are used in families at St. Antonius Padua Taratara, how is family life in St. Patrick's Parish? Antonius Padua Taratara, and knowing the influence of gadget use on families in St. Anthony Padua Taratara. The research method used is a quantitative approach. The research sample consisted of 619 families taken randomly from 823 families in St. Mary's Parish. Anthony Padua Taratara. The research instrument used was a questionnaire with alternative answers: Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), and Disagree (1). The research results obtained show that there is an influence of gadget use on the family. This is proven by the results obtained by Fcount of 65,054 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.005, and a correlation value of 0.308 and a coefficient of determination of 9.5%. So it can be concluded that there is a very low and significant influence on the use of gadgets on the family.
Pengaruh Media Komunikasi Whatsapp terhadap Media Kebutuhan Afiliasi Mahasiswa STP Don Bosco Tomohon Jearne Felix Imbang; Paulus Joseph Mentang
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.20


The problem in this study is about the low intensity of student in the WhatsApp group. This affects the need for student affiliation. Many students who rarely open messages in the WhatsApp group. The purpose of this study was to determine the intensity of WhatsApp usage among students at STP Don Bosco Tomohon and to determine the effect of the group. This study used a quantitative method, with 100 students as a population and sample of 80 students. In the calculation, the researcher uses the slovin formula. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Respondents only put a checkmark on the answer they considered correct. Then the researcher will manage the collected data using the IBM SPSS 25 for windows application. Hypothesis Testing 1, the use of the WhatsApp communication medium at STP Don Bosco Tomohon is very good. Hypothesis 2, the need for student affiliation at STP Don Bosco Tomohon is high. The use of the WhatsApp communication medium has quite a 35% influence on the affiliation needs of STP Don Bosco Tomohon students, although the effect is less strong (low) and 65% is influenced by other factors. The intensity of the use of communication media Whatsapp at STP Don Bosco Tomohon is very good, with an R Count coefficient of 0.82, and an R Count coefficient on Student Affiliation Needs in the good category, with a value of 0.73. From the results of this study, based on the results of the correlation analysis that the WhatsApp communication media has a less strong and significant effect on the affiliate needs of STP Don Bosco Tomohon students.
Implementasi Bimbingan Konseling dalam Mengatasi Kecanduan Gadget Peserta Didik di SMA Santa Rosa De Lima Tondano Maritje Maria Makalew; Adrianus Dalia
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.23


This study uses a qualitative approach research method to obtain in-depth and descriptive data regarding the implementation of counseling guidance in overcoming addictiongadget at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School. In this study, the sources of data for researchers were school principals, teachers, and class X and XI students. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, document collection and documentation. The focus of this research is on the three formulations of the problem, namely (1) How is the implementation of counseling guidance to students at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School? (2) What factors support and hinder the implementation of guidance and counseling? (3) What are the school's efforts in counseling guidance for students who experience addictiongadget?. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of counseling guidance must involve all elements of the school and a support system is needed to achieve successful implementation of counseling guidance. Factors supporting the synergy of school elements, the role of the teacher in providing advice and teaching to students and the relatively small number of students support the effectiveness of the implementation of counseling guidance. The inhibiting factor is the absence of teachers with counseling guidance in schools and students who have not been able to be open about the problems they are experiencing. Researchers found that there had been significant efforts on the part of the school in implementing counseling guidance at Santa Rosa de Lima Tondano Catholic High School, teachers and teaching staff had been able to identify students who experienced addiction.gadget and able to work together with all elements of education in schools in overcoming addiction gadget on students.
Pemahaman dan Penghayatan Toleransi Beragama Tokoh Tokoh Agama di Kelurahan Tumatangtang Kecamatan Tomohon Selatan Kota Tomohon Marthinus Marcel Lintong; Agustinus Brayen Waluyan
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.24


Acts of intolerance that often occur trigger a lack of respect between religious communities. This encourages researchers to find out how the understanding and appreciation of religious tolerance from religious leaders in the Tumatangtang Village, South Tomohon District, Tomohon City, as well as the efforts that can be made to help increase the understanding and appreciation of this religious tolerance. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation studies. The data sources in this study were religious figures in the Tumatangtang Village. The results of the study show that religious tolerance as an attitude of accepting differences in the midst of diversity of religions and beliefs and is an act of respect and respect between adherents of religions, has been well understood. The appreciation of religious tolerance is seen as an obligation and becomes a lifestyle that is realized through concrete actions such as helping each other, accepting, appreciating, spreading love and care for others in order to form inter-religious harmony. Efforts that can be implemented to help increase the understanding and appreciation of religious leaders regarding religious tolerance are building inter-religious dialogue, building open cooperation with other religions, being actively involved in joint activities between religious communities and efforts to form interfaith organizations to know each other and be open with the teachings of faith from other religions or beliefs.
Peran Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Kehidupan Menggereja OMK di Stasi Santo Blasius Kalasey Paroki Santo Fransiskus Xaverius Mokupa Bernadina Waha Labuan; Adrianus Dalia
ECCE: Jurnal Pendidikan Pastoral Kateketik Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Don Bosco Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59975/ecce.v1i2.25


The purpose of this study was to find out the role of parents in improving the life of the OMK church at St. Blasius Kalasey Station, the supporting factors and inhibiting factors for the role of parents in improving church life, as well as the efforts of parents to improve the OMK church life. This research uses a descriptive research technique or type with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. The main instrument in this research is the writer himself. The conclusion of this study consists of three parts, namely First: parents realize the importance of the role of parents in improving church life but the role of parentsstill not implemented optimally because there are things that become obstacles, both from parents and from OMK. Second: the factors that support or hinder the role of parents, for example the time factor which can be a supporting or inhibiting factor, because the lack or sufficient time for parents and children can influence whether or not the role of parents is optimal in improving their child's church life. Third: the efforts of parents who continue to guide their children in a way that they think is effective in terms of improving church life.

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