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Jurnal Media Jawadwipa
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Jurnal Media Jawadwipa is a peer-review journal focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Technology Information. Jurnal Media Jawadwipa invites academics and researchers who do original research in Artificial Intelligence and Technology Information. Jurnal Media Jawadwipa are published by CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media in October, February and June every year. Jurnal Media Jawadwipa accept articles in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Articles 10 Documents
Ensiklopedia Masakan Jawa Sebagai Pelestarian Budaya Menggunakan CMS Wordpress Krisfi Marantika; Ajeng Savitri Puspaningrum; Ade Surahman
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Number 1 October 2023
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i1.16


There are various kinds of cultural diversity in Indonesia, one of which is traditional cuisine. Traditional specialties are food and drinks that are commonly consumed by certain communities, with a distinctive taste that is accepted by these communities. Traditional specialties are various types of processed foods typical of Indonesian regions which are a form of local community creativity in processing food ingredients, combining spices and adding cultural value to them which must be preserved. In cooking, both methods and raw materials are passed down from generation to generation continuously. Javanese cuisine is an attraction for tourists and travelers visiting Indonesia. In order for the traditional Javanese cuisine not to become extinct in the masses, of course it needs to be maintained and maintained as much as possible. Javanese traditional society has a habit of conveying advice indirectly. They use symbols or figures of speech. One such symbol is food. Unfortunately, many traditional Indonesian foods are currently not well known by the next generation, including traditional Javanese food. The creation of this system also generates and presents the information needed by respondents as shown in one of the aspects of testing the Delone and McLean models, namely Information Quality, where this aspect tests the quality of information from the content created by the author, with a score of 114 out of 5. respondents who filled out the questionnaire. That way the creation of this system can make it easier for people to find information, both recipes and video tutorials for making traditional Javanese dishes.
Website Pendaftaran Online Dengan Fitur Pengaduan (Studi Kasus: SMP N 01 Rawa Pitu) Muhammad Rasyid; Donaya Pasha; Temi Ardiansah
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Number 1 October 2023
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i1.17


Penerapan sistem penerimaan peserta didik baru berbais website perlu diterapkan pada sekolah seperti SMP N 01 Rawa Pitu yang beralamat di jalan makmur 4, Sumber Agung, Kec. Rawa Pitu, Kab. Tulang Bawang, Lampung 34595 dan telah didrikan pada tahun 1990. Berdasarkan proses penerimaan peserta didik baru yang dilakukan dilakukan dengan mendatangi sekolah dan mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan syarat yang diberikan oleh petugas Secara keseluruhan proses pendaftaran maupun rekap data penerimaan peserta didik baru yang dilakukan masih menggunakan media formulir dan rekap pada aplikasi spreadsheet. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu prototype yang merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan kebutuhan pengguna lebih sepesifik dalam segi teknis. Sistem yang dihasilkan data diterapakan kepada bagian admin untuk mengelola data siswa, pendaftaran hinnga laporan pendaftaran. Bagian kepala sekolah dapat melihat data pengaduan dan pendaftaran serta laporan. Bagian guru bk dapat mengelola data jenis pengaduan, mengkonfirmasi pengaduan dan mencetak laporan. Bagian calon peserta didik dapat melakukan pendaftaran dan pengaduan yang dapat diakses menggunakan web
Pembangunan Sistem Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan Berbasis Web di Mau Mau Bakery Lampung Ridho Almasar; Temi Ardiansah; Ade Dwi Putra
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Number 1 October 2023
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i1.18


Mau Mau Bakery Lampung sebagai salah satu usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) yang bergerak di bidang bakery juga menghadapi tantangan dalam mengelola kinerja karyawan secara efektif. Selama ini, Mau Mau Bakery mungkin telah mengelola penilaian kinerja karyawan secara manual, yang dapat memakan waktu, rentan terhadap kesalahan, dan tidak efisien. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem extreme programming dengan pengujian sistem ISO 25010. Hasil sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan berbasis web di Mau Mau Bakery Lampung. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi Mau Mau Bakery dalam meningkatkan efisiensi proses penilaian kinerja, meningkatkan transparansi, dan memberikan dasar yang lebih kuat dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait kinerja karyawan. Hasil pengujian ISO 25010 yang telah dilakukan dengan melibatkan 4 Responden bahwa kesimpulan kualitas kelayakan perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan memiliki persentase keberhasilan dengan total rata-rata 93.93%.
Metode SWARA dan Multi Attribute Utility Theory Untuk Penentuan Pemasok Pakan Ikan Terbaik Agung Deni Wahyudi; A. Ferico Octaviansyah Pasaribu
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Number 1 October 2023
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i1.20


Problems in the selection of fish feed suppliers there is no model of a decision support system in assessing supplier performance based on purchase transactions made. This study aims to apply the SWARA method in weighting the criteria used in selecting the best fish feed suppliers and then using the MAUT method to determine the best fish feed suppliers. Multi Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) is a sophisticated and systematic decision-making framework, designed to deal with complexity and uncertainty in the context of multi-criteria evaluation. Weighting in the Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method plays a key role in assigning relative values to the criteria used for multi-criteria decision making. The results of the fish feed supplier selection ranking show that the first rank with a total final utility value of 0.5795 was obtained by Supplier 3, the second rank with a total final utility value of 0.5275 was obtained by Supplier 8, and the third rank with a total final utility value of 0.3865 was obtained by Supplier 6.
Penerapan Laravel Pada Sistem Jual Beli Seafood Bagas Aditama; Adhie Thyo Priandika; Andi Nurkholis
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Volume 1 Number 1 October 2023
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i1.22


Sistem Jual beli Seafood dengan Studi Kasus CV Mini Plant Mandiri, dibangun dengan menggunakan Framework Laravel dan metode yang digunakan yaitu Waterfall. Sistem dibuat dengan menggunakan tools yaitu Visual Studio Code, dan MySQL sebagai penyimpan Database nya. Pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan ISO 25010. Hasil perhitungan pengujian yang telah dilakukan menggunakan ISO 25010 yaitu dengan pengujian Functionality menghasilkan nilai sebesar 100% dan untuk pengujian Usability menghasilkan nilai 95,18%. Dari hasil penilaian ini sudah ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sistem yang dibuat sudah memenuhi syarat untuk digunakan. Hasil dari dibuatkannya sistem ini adalah agar mempermudah Admin, Supplier dan Mitra pada saat melakukan transaksi jual beli Seafood yang terjadi pada CV Mini Plant Mandiri.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Reseller Terbaik Menggunakan TOPSIS Agung Deni Wahyudi
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 1 Number 2 February 2024
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i2.45


The selection of the best reseller is a crucial aspect in a company's distribution strategy. This process involves a careful assessment of a number of criteria, including previous sales performance, reputation, financial capability, geographic location, and quality of customer service. The problem in choosing the best reseller is that there is no system used in determining the best reseller, even though there are criteria used in determining the best reseller. This study aims to select the best resellers by applying a decision support system model using the TOPSIS method, so that it can help companies determine the best resellers who will help the sustainability of the company's sales performance. The ranking results of the best resellers based on the TOPSIS method show rank 1 with a final value of 0.5845 obtained by Reseller E, rank 2 with a final value of 0.5838 obtained by Reseller G, and rank 3 with a final value of 0.5612 obtained by Reseller J. The ranking of the best resellers not only provides an in-depth view of the performance of business partners, but also becomes a foundation for companies to optimize distribution strategies and increase market share.
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Optimalisasi Pemilihan Agen Penjualan Menggunakan Metode Entropy dan Multi Attribute Utility Theory Setiawansyah Setiawansyah
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 1 Number 2 February 2024
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i2.46


Optimizing the selection of sales agents is a strategic approach that aims to improve efficiency and performance in the company's supply chain. The problem that occurs in this study is that the assessment of sales agents based on networks and personal connections can often lead to non-objectivity and reduce transparency in the selection process, and there is no model that can make judgments in selecting the best sales agents. The purpose of this study is to optimize the selection of sales agents by applying the Entropy method for weighting criteria and the MAUT method to produce the selection of the best sales agent based on predetermined criteria, so that it will be a recommendation in determining the best sales agent. The purpose of this study is to optimize the selection of sales agents by applying the Entropy method for weighting criteria and the MAUT method to produce the selection of the best sales agent based on predetermined criteria, so that it will be a recommendation in determining the best sales agent. The results of the alternative ranking of the selection of the best sales agent showed that rank 1 with a final value of 0.8491 was obtained by Various Agents, rank 2 with a final value of 0.6737 was obtained by Mekar, rank 3 with a final value of 0.6401 was obtained by Andalas Agents.
Kombinasi Metode Pembobotan Rank Reciprocal dan TOPSIS dalam Seleksi Penerimaan Staff IT Muhammad Najib Dwi Satria; Ade Surahman
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 1 Number 2 February 2024
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i2.47


The selection of IT staff recruitment is a critical stage in forming a competent team and in accordance with the needs of the organization in the era of information technology that continues to grow. This process involves an in-depth evaluation of the prospective employee's technical skills, work experience, and interpersonal abilities. One of the problems that occurs is a lack of technical skills that match the specific needs of the company or project. In addition, intense competition in the IT industry often leads to difficulties in finding candidates who meet the criteria with high qualifications. With this study, it will provide recommendations in the IT staff recruitment selection process by applying the reciprocal rank weighting method for criteria weighting and the TOPSIS method for the IT staff recruitment selection process which will produce rankings in the IT staff recruitment selection. The ranking results showed that the final results of candidate Fransiska with a total value of 0.791 got rank 1, candidate Fandi with a total value of 0.5366 got rank 2, candidate Arini with a total value of 0.533 got rank 3.
Analisis Perbandingan Metode SMART dan MOORA Dalam Penentuan Pelanggan Terbaik Very Hendra Saputra; Nuroji
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 1 Number 2 February 2024
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i2.48


Determining the best customers is a critical process in customer management where companies seek to identify and assess customers who contribute most significantly to business success. The problem that occurs in determining the best customer is that there is no method used in determining the best customer, so far only based on the number of purchases from customers without any other aspects that are decisive. This study aims to apply and compare the determination of the best customers using the SMART and MOORA methods so as to provide better insight to decision makers about the choice of method that best suits the characteristics and complexity of the decision at hand. The ranking results show that the best customers are obtained by Sulistia with rank 1 either using the SMART method or the MOORA method. A comparison of ranking results between the SMART and MOORA methods can provide useful insight into the extent to which both methods are effective in addressing multi-criteria decision making. Based on the results of the ranking comparison between the SMART and MOORA methods, there are differences in rankings in 2 data, namely on behalf of Handoko with the SMART method getting rank 3 and with the MOORA method getting rank 2, and on behalf of Subagio with the SMART method getting rank 2 and with the MOORA method getting rank 3. The results of the comparison between the SMART and MOORA methods in determining the best customers recommend the MOORA method compared to the SMART method, because the results of the conformity level of the MOORA method get a value of 99.996% higher than the SMART method which gets a value of 99.995%.
Penerapan Metode WASPAS dalam Seleksi Calon Kandidat Ketua Palang Merah Remaja Lathifah
Jurnal Media Jawadwipa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Volume 1 Number 2 February 2024
Publisher : CV. Keranjang Teknologi Media

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58602/mediajawadwipa.v1i2.50


The selection of candidates for the Chairman of the Youth Red Cross (PMR) is an important step in ensuring that individuals holding such positions have abilities and commitments that are in accordance with the human values and mission of the organization. One of the main issues in the election of the Chairman of the Youth Red Cross (PMR) is often related to transparency, fairness, and active participation of the PMR members themselves. Sometimes, the electoral process can be subjective or influenced by personal preferences, which can reduce the trustworthiness and credibility of the election. The application of the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) Method in the selection of candidates for the Chairman of the Youth Red Cross (PMR) is a careful and effective step in selecting leaders who best suit the needs of the organization. This research was conducted to determine candidates for the head of the Youth Red Cross by applying the WASPAS method so that it will help in making a decision. The results of the selection of prospective candidates using the WASPAS method recommended Ahmad's name with a final score of 2.918120014 to get 1st place, Jayanto name with a final score of 2.905182843 to get 2nd place, and Yudha name with a final value of 2.890055868 to get 3rd place.

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