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Diah Anggraini Austin
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Palito: Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social
Published by Universitas Andalas
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30310075     DOI :
PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social) is a journal published by Andalas Institute of International Studies (ASSIST) as a platform dedicated to a better understanding of international issues that aims to develop international studies.
Articles 18 Documents
Sekuritisasi Isu Separatisme Oleh India Sebagai Justifikasi Pencabutan Otonomi Kashmir Harry Prananda Syahputra Daulay; Apriwan; Virtuous Setyaka
Palito Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.01.56-66.2023


This study examines the securitisation of Kashmir's separatism by the Indian government. This study argues that the government of India's securitisation effort seems like an initial step to revoke Kashmir's special autonomy. This study employed a securitisation framework, emphasising how two main stages of securitisation shape and influence the securitising process, including raising the issue and convincing the audience. I used a qualitative method by using descriptive analysis and secondary data sources. The Finding highlights that in the staging of raising the issue, the Indian government used media and political parties as speech act arena. In convincing the audience, Indian political elites and Indian society become other domains in addressing Kashmir's separatism. Consequently, this thesis argues that revoking Kashmir's autonomy becomes a rational action and has acceptability in public discourse. Keywords: India, Narendra Modi, Securitization, Separatism.
Upaya Meti (The Japanese Ministry Of Economy, Trade And Industry) dalam Mempertahankan Dominasi Perusahaan Otomotif Jepang di Indonesia Achyar Arief Firdaus; Zulkifli Harza
Palito Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.01.42-55.2023


The development of the world political economy cannot be separated from the role of the industrial sectors. Japan is ones countries that the relies on the industrak sectors to support the national economy is namely the automotive industry. Indonesian has been a market for the Japan automotive industyry since the 1960 decade and the situation continued unitil the decade 2000 years. On 2015-2020 years period is representation of development of the Indonesian automotive market is was mor complex when competitor appeared from China dan South Korean which caused concern from Japan because it could reduces that had been foprmed to so far. In Dealing with attack by automotive industry South Korean and China on Indonesian on national market, the Japanese Government, throught METI (The Japanese Monistry of Economy and Trade and Industry) then the provided mediation and the un-financial support to deal with competition in he automotive industry market with impresife strategy of automotive industry from China dan South Korean.
Kebijakan Penarikan Pasukan Amerika Serikat Dari Afghanistan Fifi Safira; Zulkifli Harza; Maryam Jamilah
Palito Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.2.54-71.2023


Amerika Serikat di bawah pemerintahan Joe Biden melakukan penarikan penuh atas pasukannya di Afghanistan pada tahun 2021 setelah berada selama kurang lebih 20 tahun di negara tersebut. Penarikan penuh pasukan yang dilakukan secara tiba-tiba oleh pemerintahan Joe Biden tersebut mendapatkan banyak kritikan dan pertentangan dari berbagai pihak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis mengenai faktor yang menjadi pendorong perubahan kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat terhadap Afghanistan untuk menarik penuh seluruh pasukannya disaat keputusan tersebut memiliki risiko yang besar dan mendapatkan banyak pertentangan. Peneliti menggunakan kerangka pemikiran Foreign Policy Change yang dikemukakan oleh Charles F. Hermann. Metode peneliti yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Berdasarkan kerangka berpikir yang digunakan, peneliti menemukan bahwa terjadinya perubahan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat terjadi karea didorong oleh beberapa faktor diantara adalah pandangan Joe Biden sebagai presiden Amerika Serikat, dorongan dari lembaga pemerintahan Amerika Serikat, kelompok akademis Amerika Serikat, dan ancaman luar negeri Amerika Serikat. Kata Kunci: 9/11, Afghanistan, AS, Kebijakan, Penarikan pasukan.
Palito Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.1.02.16-27.2022


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab perubahan kebijakan Amerika Serikat terkait Perjanjian Paris tahun 2021. Kebijakan Amerika Serikat kembali ke Perjanjian Paris pada tahun 2021 mempengaruhi berbagai aspek, karena berarti memperkuat upaya global untuk menekan suhu bumi menjadi 1,5°C, namun di sisi lain merugikan perekonomian Amerika Serikat karena menyebabkan pembatasan produksi di berbagai sektor industri Amerika. Kebijakan ini seringkali dititikberatkan kepada peristiwa pergantian kepemimpinan, karena rencana tersebut telah dibawa Biden sejak masa kampanye. Melalui penelitian ini penulis menganalisis alasan lain dari sisi domestik yang menyebabkan perubahan kebijakan tersebut dengan menggunakan parameter perubahan kebijakan luar negeri hasil pemikiran Spyros Blavoukos dan Dimitris Bourantonis. Metode penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan pemikiran Blavoukos dan Bourantonis, terdapat dua hal hal dari sisi dometik yang mempengaruhi negara dalam merubah kebijakan luar negerinya, yaitu terkait dengan lembaga politik suatu negara sebagai pembuat kebijakan dan kelompok advokasi yang memberikan pengaruh kepada pembuat kebijakan untuk merubah kebijakan luar negerinya.
Perubahan Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat dalam Mengatasi Imigran Ilegal di Perbatasan Dengan Meksiko Putri Rahmadhani; Apriwan Apriwan; Virtuous Setyaka
Palito Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.2.39-53.2023


The United States, particularly illegal immigrants from the Mexico border, is the primary destination country for these immigrants. In addressing the threat posed by illegal immigrants, the US implements foreign policy measures. Research aims to explain the factors contributing to these changes and examine the extent of changes in the US foreign policy concerning illegal immigration. The factors and levels of changes are analyzed using the foreign policy change theory developed by Jakob Gustavsson. The factors of change consist of international and domestic factors, encompassing political and economic elements. The levels of change categorized as adjustment changes, program changes, problem/goal changes, and international orientation changes. The research methodology employed is qualitative, utilizing a descriptive analytical approach and relying on secondary data. The international factors within the political realm include increasing criminal activities, while the economic aspect pertains to issues regarding low wages for workers. Domestic factors within the political sphere involve changes in foreign policy resulting from the fulfillment of campaign promises influenced by political parties, and the economic aspect relates to the declining income of the American population, affecting the average income of U.S. citizens. The observed levels of change predominantly fall under program changes and international orientation changes.
Penerimaan Pengungsi Afghanistan oleh Korea Selatan pada Tahun 2021 Melalui Operation Miracle Layli Ramadani; Anita Afriani Sinulingga; Silvi Cory
Palito Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.2.24-38.2023


South Korea is one of the countries that ratified the 1951 Refugee Convention in 1992 and implemented it into domestic regulations in 2013. Even though it has been ratified and implemented, the rate of acceptance of refugees in South Korea is very low. In 2020 the refugee acceptance rate is less than two percent of the number of incoming asylum applications. South Korea appears to have implemented a policy that is closed to refugees as seen from one of the policies for returning refugees directly which is not in line with the provisions of the 1951 Refugee Convention. But in 2021, the government adopt a more hospitable policy towards refugees originating from Afghanistan. This study aims to explain the factors that influence the acceptance of Afghan refugees by South Korea in 2021. This research is analyzed using the concept of foreign policy change by Spyros Blavoukos and Dimitris Bourantonis. This study used a qualitative research methodology and a descriptive-analytical type of research. Based on the concept used, the first factor affecting the acceptance of Afghan refugees by South Korea in 2021 is the domestic structural parameter influenced by the power of progressive parties in the legislature and executive and the existence of a network of advocacy groups. Second, international structural parameters influenced by the United States' encouragement of South Korea, and the role of the UNHCR in encouraging the acceptance of Afghan refugees.
Aksi PEGIDA Terhadap Pengungsi Muslim di Jerman Ghina Nur Rofiidah; Muhammad Yusra; Rifki Dermawan
Palito Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.2.1-23.2023


This research examines the actions of Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) towards Muslim refugees in Germany through the framework of Islamophobia as formulated by the Runnymede Trust. The study utilizes a qualitative methodology with a descriptive-analytical research design to comprehend the nature and implications of PEGIDA's anti-Muslim sentiments and actions within the broader context of the refugee crisis in Germany. The research begins by discussing the refugee crisis and the development of Islamophobia in Germany, which serves as the rationale for the rise of PEGIDA. The study identifies the main objectives of the group and the prevailing public sentiments towards Muslim refugees. Based on the Islamophobia framework, this research analyzes the ideological foundations and strategies employed by PEGIDA. The conceptual framework examines aspects of prejudice, stereotypes, and discriminatory practices faced by the Muslim community due to PEGIDA's actions, which contribute to the academic discourse on Islamophobia, right-wing movements, and refugee integration in Europe. The results of this research reveal that PEGIDA's actions, based on aspects of Islamophobia, have created divisions between the society and refugees that can lead to crimes. The government has also made several efforts to address this issue, including reapplying the Dublin Regulation and collaborating with Turkey.
China's Motivation to Improve Bilateral Relations with South Korea After the Polemic of THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) Afdhal Yusra; Muhammad Yusra; Diah Anggraini Austin
Palito Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): PALITO (Politics, Humanities, Laws, International Relations and Social)
Publisher : Palito

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/palito.2.2.72-86.2023


North Korea's aggressiveness in launching ballistic missiles has threatened the security stability of East Asia. As a state under threat, South Korea formed a joint security partnership with the United States through the deployment of THAAD in 2016. However, China has opposed it by arguing that THAAD would threaten domestic and regional security stability. As a result, China's rejection led to the presence of the phenomenon of economic retaliation which resulted in a decrease in the value of South Korea-China bilateral trade and distrust. Nevertheless, after negotiations, the two countries decided to improve bilateral relations in 2017. This paper aims to determine China's motivation in improving bilateral relations with South Korea as a foreign policy decision after rejecting the deployment of THAAD under the guise of threatening to trigger bilateral polemics. This research will be analyzed through qualitative methods with the conceptual framework of foreign policy determinants by Shannon L. Blanton and Charles Kegley. In this conceptual framework, there are five determinants that influence foreign policy decision making namely military capabilities, economic conditions, type of government, global distributions of power, and geopolitical factors. Furthermore, Blanton & Kegley's conceptual framework identifies that each of these determinants influenced China's motivation to improving bilateral relations with South Korea after the THAAD polemic.

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