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Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education
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Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education (JOEASE) publishes original, double-blind peer-reviewed articles from throughout the world in the fields of science education and environmental education. The main aim is to give experts in these fields the opportunity to publishing and disseminating their original scholarly works and ideas for the benefit of academics, researchers, institutions, educators, and learners. It is hoped that the journal will establish a strong basis for disseminating high-quality research that will lead to more effective practices. Primarily literature reviews (systematic, meta-analysis), empirical and theoretical studies are welcomed. JOEASE also accepts essays, critical commentary, case studies, and reviews of various publications which can advance scholarly understandings of environmental and science education. The scope of JOEASE covers the primary subject areas of Science and Environmental Education. JOEASE more specifically, accept papers mostly on the subjects listed below Environmental Education Biology Education Chemistry Education Physics Education Earth Science Education Outdoor Education Sustainability Education Low Carbon Education Disaster Education Science Teacher Education Science Education Science education policy Science learning in everyday life Issues in science and environmental education learning Learning of science New trends in science and environmental learning
Articles 15 Documents
Characteristics analysis of integrated science question items with the rasch model Sri Yamtinah; Ashadi Ashadi; Bakti Mulyani; Budi Utami; Marantika Lia Kristyasari
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the Integrated Science question item. This is quantitative descriptive research. The research subjects were 90 students of class VIII Junior High School in the high, medium, and low categories in Surakarta City. The characteristics of the items were analyzed using the Winstep program with the Rasch Model. Based on data analysis, the results obtained are: 1) the validity of conformity level of the items is valid; 2) the reliability value of the students was 0,79 which was sufficient, the reliability of the items was 0,93 which was very good, and the reliability between the students and the items (Alpha Cronbach) was 0,81 which was very good; 3) the value of separation item > value separation of students; 4) the distribution of the difficulty level of the questions is generally in the medium category; and 5) the difference power of the questions in the very good category is 35%, 25% in the good, 30% in the moderate, and 10% in the unable to distinguish category. Thus, it can be concluded that the analysis of the characteristics of the Integrated Science question items using the Rasch Model is considered good.
Environmental literacy portrait of pre-service science teacher in Indonesia Berry Kurnia Vilmala; Andi Suhandi; Anna Permanasari; Ida Kaniawati; Hadi Purwanto
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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This article aims to picture the environmental literacy of the pre-service science teachers at Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (UMRI). The highlighted environmental literacy consists of aspects of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of students related to environmental issues which are also part of the two themes of Educational for Sustainable Development (ESD), namely the theme of water and the theme of energy. Data were obtained through validated test items and questionnaire instruments. The results of this study obtained that students' environmental literacy was in the sufficient category, with an overall average percentage of environmental literacy for prospective science teacher students of 59.19. In addition, it was also obtained that the average percentage of environmental literacy of female students for the three aspects was higher than that of male students, although statistically it was concluded that there was no difference in environmental literacy of male students compared to female students. These results indicate that it is necessary to innovate lectures so that students' environmental literacy increases. One of the potential courses is Environmental Education which can be implemented on a project basis in accordance with the issues or themes in ESD.
Implementation of STEM-oriented learning strategy toward science literacy skills in elementary school students Asmi Listiyana; Muhammad Zidan Arya Bima; Nashikhatul Khusna; Pambayun Wardani Candra Dewi; Shianindra Rahmani Putri; Yeni Yuniarti; Roseleena Anantanukulwong; Raisalam D. Angoy; Rendi Restiana Sukardi
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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The study aims to examine the effect of STEM-oriented learning on science literacy skills in elementary school students. This study employed quasi-experimental research. The study population was all Sekolah Dasar Negeri Mungkid 2 students. The sample of this research was the entire students of Class IV SDN Mungkid 2 which totaled 16 students. The samples were obtained through a purposive sampling technique. The results of data on students' scientific literacy abilities were obtained through pretest and posttest activities. The data were then analyzed using SPSS Statistics 20. Data processing was started with a normality test, paired sample t test, hypothesis test, and N-gain test. The results of this study showed that implementation of STEM-oriented learning has proven to influence of elementary school students’ science literacy skills.
Prospective elementary school teachers perceptions on the use of technology in natural science learning Nurul Annisa; Askha Egyta Rikayana; Septian Dwi Cahyo; Sulistyo Pambudi; Mia Wijayanti; Yeni Yuniarti; Nur Hidayah Binti Zayadi; Hendely A. Adlawan; Rendi Restiana Sukardi
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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Technology nowadays has undergone continuous innovation, and its use has grown considerably in society. One form of integration of technology into learning is through natural science learning. Studies on perception of prospective elementary school teachers on the use of technology in natural science learning is still under-research. Thus, this research aims to unravel perceptions and preparations of prospective elementary school teachers for the use of technology in natural science learning and how such perceptions and preparations can influence how natural science learning will be implemented in the future. This research used a descriptive method, and data collection was carried out via a questionnaire. The subjects of research were students of the 5th semester and higher during the odd semester of the academic year 2022/2023 of PGSD Study Program at Universitas Negeri as prospective elementary school teachers. It can be concluded that the prospective elementary school teachers have a good perception of the use of technology in natural science learning. The perceptions discussed include knowledge about technology, knowledge about learning science, experience using technology in learning, the factor of the necessity of using technology in learning science, the benefits of technology in learning science, and types of technology that are appropriate for learning science.
Big Book: Scientific literacy of students Atikah Risna; Nidya Ayu Indiyani; Desvita Eka Maharani; Anggita Manon Katri; Indriani Indriani; Rendi Restiana Sukardi; Fabian bin Fredrick P Sikijip; Yeni Yuniarti
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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The scientific literacy of students must be enhanced, for it can serve as a foundation for high-quality individual in science. This research's objective is to develop and examine the effect of Big Book on students' scientific literacy. This research is anticipated to provide knowledge and insights regarding the development of Big Book as the media in learning and to enhance the scientific literacy of students. In this research, the Design and Development Research (D&D) method with the ADDIE model was utilized. The results demonstrated that Big Book can be utilized effectively by students. Additionally, students were enthusiastic about learning using Big Book. This shows that the development of Big Book can enhance the scientific literacy of students.
Alternative approaches to practical work in a biology classroom – meeting the needs of our students Elisabeth Endah Kusuma Astuti; Syakti Perdana Sriyansyah; Jeffrey DC Barrera
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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Most science teachers regard practical work as an essential requirement for science teaching. There is, however, research-based evidence suggesting that how practical work might best be assessed and carried out in high school science was still ineffective and controversial. Here, the conceptual and procedural knowledge of 110 secondary students as they carried out the practical work in science courses are explored. Regardless of the amount and details of prior instruction that the students get, the descriptive analysis method was used to investigate the extent to which students at the secondary level can both explain biological concepts and perform practical procedures after participating in practical work. A total of 30 open-ended questions were given to students after completing four practical works on the topics of cells, food testing, photosynthesis, and urine testing. Students performed slightly better in procedural knowledge (65) compared to conceptual knowledge (64), with both scores out of 100. The results thus far are consistent with findings from previous studies, which indicate that practical work lacks emphasis on the minds-on aspects. It also shows that procedural knowledge, which is not currently, summatively assessed in Indonesian school science, has not been fully mastered by students even after carrying out practical work. To address this issue, the alternative to a practical test as an indirect assessment of practical skills (IAPS) from England has been adapted to the assessment of practical work in an Indonesian classroom setting. The considerations and limitations are discussed.
The importance of green education in primary, secondary and higher education: A review I Made Dwi Mertha Adnyana; Kadek Adi Mahendra; Syed Meesam Raza
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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This review aimed to provide an understanding of the importance of implementing green education in primary, secondary, and higher education. Green education is important in primary, secondary, and higher education because it promotes environmental conservation and sustainability. It integrates various disciplines and fosters ecological awareness, responsible citizenship, and sustainable practices. Green education in primary education introduces basic environmental concepts, whereas secondary education delves deeper into environmental issues and emphasizes critical thinking. Higher education provides specialized programs and courses in environmental studies, sustainability science, and green technology, equipping students with the expertise necessary to address global environmental challenges. Green education facilitates evidence-based learning, enabling individuals to make informed decisions and take action toward a more sustainable world.
Character-based physics learning module through generative learning model: Student conceptual understanding Bening Wahyuni; Zainuddin Zainuddin; Misbah Misbah; Mazlena Binti Murshed
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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One of the causes of students' low conceptual understanding is the lack of instructional materials with a composition that aids students in understanding concepts independently or during classroom learning. The aim of this research is to produce a character-based learning module, particularly emphasizing the virtues of honesty, valuing others' opinions, and caring, through a valid, practical, and effective generative learning model to enhance students' conceptual understanding. This study follows a research and development approach. The development design employs the ADDIE model, tested with 29 eleventh-grade science students at SMAN 6 Banjarmasin. Data collection involved validation sheets for the learning module, observations of lesson plan implementation, student response questionnaires, and learning outcome tests. The data were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results show: (1) the developed character-based learning module with an average score of 2.9 is declared valid, (2) the module, assessed through lesson plan implementation and student response questionnaires, is considered practical, and (3) the developed character-based learning module is effective in improving students' conceptual understanding, yielding an N-gain of 0.65 categorized as moderate, with a noticeable difference in students' character achievement before and after the learning process. In conclusion, this study affirms that the character-based learning module with a generative learning model is deemed suitable for enhancing students' conceptual understanding.
Developing teaching materials on elasticity and hooke's law oriented towards learner autonomy to train science process skills Gusti Risda; Muhammad Arifuddin; Misbah Misbah; Muhammad Saukani
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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Low science process skills contribute to a lack of learner autonomy among students. This research aims to develop teaching materials on elasticity and Hooke's law oriented towards learner autonomy to enhance science process skills suitable for the learning process. The study follows the ADDIE development model (analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). The research subjects were 32 students from class XI MPA 1 at SMA Negeri 6 Banjarmasin. Data were collected through validation sheets, observation sheets on the implementation of lesson plans, observation sheets on science process skills, and learning outcome tests. Quantitative data analysis methods were employed. The results indicate that: 1) the teaching materials are highly valid according to validator assessments, 2) the materials are highly practical based on lesson plan implementation, 3) the effectiveness of the teaching materials is moderate, and 4) students' science process skills are categorized as good based on student activity sheets. In conclusion, learner-autonomy-oriented teaching materials are suitable for training science process skills in the topics of elasticity and Hooke's law.
The development of e-module optical physics instruments based on Creative Problem Solving (CPS) for improving high school students' digital literacy Ayuni Nuraeni; Dadan Rosana
Journal of Environment and Sustainability Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Education and Development Research

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The accelerating development of digital technology has shaped a rapidly evolving information landscape, significantly impacting the realm of education. The integration of digital technology in education necessitates a positive outlook and a strong digital literacy. The research adopts a Research and Development (R&D) approach and employs the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model for development. Data collection tools in this study include observation sheets, expert validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and digital literacy tests. The data analysis combines qualitative and quantitative techniques, including a t-test. The findings of this research indicate that the utilization of e-modules based on CPS only succeeded in enhancing the indicators of communication skills through digital media and the responsible and positive use of digital media, among all the digital literacy indicators.

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