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Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29634296     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
ReALL (Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature) is a journal that is published by LPPM UNSAP & the department of English literature of Fakultas Ilmu Budaya biannually in June and December. It publishes original papers researching and documenting issues in, but not limited to, applied linguistics and literature. ReALL accepts original research which study any language. However, it is essential to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English. FOCUS AND SCOPE - The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging enquiry into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in Pragmatics, Semantics, Semiotics, Discourse analysis, Translation, Literature, Forensic linguistics, Literature in classroom
Articles 30 Documents
Metaphor Analysis in “Death By A Thousand Cuts” and “False God” Song Lyrics by Taylor Swift Olivia Apriliani Muslimah; Afni Apriliyanti Devita
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Taylor Swift is an American singer who released the album Lover in 2019. In the album, there are songs titled "Death by Thousand Cuts" and "False God" whose lyrics tell about her love story. In this study, the researcher tries to reveal the meaning of the lyrics of the two songs with metaphors. Metaphors are often used in songwriting to implicitly convey meaning. Taylor Swift, who has always been known for her incredible lyrics, is no exception. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with a metaphorical approach according to Ullman and Leech. The result obtained is that the two songs have the same number of metaphors. The song “Death by Thousand Cuts” has 6 metaphors out of 16 lines of lyrics, and the song “False God” has 6 metaphors out of 15 lines of lyrics. Then the metaphor with the highest number according to the data analysis is the type of metaphor from concrete to abstract with a total of 5. From the results of the analysis of the two songs, it proves that the role of metaphor in a song can help listeners understand meaning and feelings in depth. By using concrete to abstract metaphors, Taylor Swift tries to tell a clear story to listeners through her songs.
The Effect of Grammar Translation Method Towards Students’ Writing Ability Mita Nur Widiyanti Mita
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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English is becoming a subject that focuses on helping students grow their abilities in every aspect. Students are expected to be able to greatly improve their abilities, specifically in the area of writing. Therefore, the researcher uses the Grammar Translation Method to support students in improving their writing skills at school. This study aims to determine the effect of the Grammar Translation Method on students' writing skills, and to know students’ responses towards the Grammar Translation Method. Participants in this study were X gradestudents majoring in BR from SMKN 1 Subang that were selected in the initial population using the convenience sampling method. This is quasi-experimental research with two groups pre-test and post-test design. The instruments in this research were tests and questionnaires. The assumption test includes a normality test using SPSS version 26.0. Data analysis was performed by independent sample t-test and calculate the percentage of the questionnaire data. The results of an independent test got a sig. (2-tailed) of 0.027 < 0.05 means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. And the percentage of the questionnaire shows a good response from the students towards using the grammar translation method. It can be concluded that the grammar translation method has effect on students' writing ability. The findings of this study are expected to serve as a reference for teachers to continue using the Grammar Translation Method in writing lessons, as well as to increase students' desire to learn English further.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Language style is a variety of language caused by differences in language situations or differences in the relationship between the speaker (writer) and listener (reader) (Joos, 1976). The purposes of this research are: 1) to identify the types of language styles used in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19 and 2) to analyze the function of language styles in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19. This research was analyzed using Joos's theory as the basis of analysis. Joos (1976) said that there are five types of language styles; 1) frozen style, 2) formal style, 3) consultative style, 4) casual style, and, 5) intimate style. The object used in this research is from The Jakarta Post newspaper. The researcher uses a qualitative case study to analyze this study. The steps of analyzing data are determining the criteria of each category, matching each data which fits the types of language styles, and describing the function of language styles in The Jakarta Post headlines. Based on the result of the analysis, the researcher found 108 data on the types of language styles, there are 8 data of frozen style and 100 data of formal style. In addition, the researcher takes 20 pieces of data to describe the function of language style in The Jakarta Post headlines about COVID-19. This research concludes that The Jakarta Post headlines dominate with formal style and frozen style in conveying the topic. Because, the topic of Covid-19 is talking about serious things, therefore using the frozen and formal styles is more suitable than the other styles.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Semiotics and semantics are branches of linguistics. Semiotics is a science or method of analysis in studying signs and semantics is a science of meaning. The purposes of this study are to analyze Peirce's semiotic signs and understand the interpretation of the contextual meaning contained in the 9GAG memes containing the COVID-19 narrative. As a tool to analyze, the researcher uses Peirce's semiotic as main theory which consists of representamen, object, and interpretant, while in the semantic field, the researcher uses the supporting theory, namely the contextual meaning of Lyon to discuss each context in the words in the narrative in the meme. The objects used in this study were 30 memes containing the COVID-19 narrative originating from one of the largest online meme platforms, 9GAG. The meme object was chosen because many internet users use memes as a medium to express opinions about COVID-19. The form of the method used in this research is qualitative research. This form of research was chosen because it produces written descriptive data that explains the process of semiosis and the contextual meaning contained in 9GAG memes. For the result of this Semiotics analysis, researcher found on three semiotics signs, 30 data of qualisign, sinsign, index, and rheme. They become the most dominant element. Then, followed by 9 data of icon and 6 data of argument. Meanwhile, legisign, symbol, and dicent only found 1 data. In contextual meaning analysis, researcher found 19 data of context of person and becomes the most dominant types of contextual meaning on these memes above. Then, followed by 15 data of context of subject-matter, 7 data of context of mood, 3 data of context of time, 2 data of context of place, and 1 data of context of formality. The conclusion is each meme on this research has representamen, object, and interpretant then the narrative in it contains meaning about public opinion regarding life aspects affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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The research aims to comprehend the use of deictic expressions in Jacinda Ardern’s speech and identify the potential use of the deictic expressions in the EFL context. The present study was conducted qualitatively. The researchers identified the sources of data manually. They further identified the data sources by watching the YouTube channel containing the speech performed by Jacinda, who was once a newly elected prime minister. The findings indicated that the person’s deixis is the most frequently used in her speech. For example, ‘we’ is the most frequent pronoun to indicate the sense of togetherness between the speaker and her audience. In terms of the application of personal deixis in the pedagogical context, it can also be found that the use of personal deixis belongs to the most frequently used deictic expression by teachers. Despite its importance, the use of personal pronouns in English learning process can pose a persistent problem to non-native English learners, as English is known as the language which emphasizes the harmony between subject and verb. The researchers suggest that the teaching of pronouns be conducted in more contextually meaningful approaches. Keywords: Jacinda Ardern, Speech, Linguistic, Pedagogy
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and students' speaking performance. In terms of literal awareness, dealing with main ideas and supporting details in the first semester of twelfth grade for senior high school students in the academic year 2023/2024. The researcher employs a correlational study as a research design to explain the correlation. The population is students from the XII MIPA 2 semester. A total sampling of students from each class is conducted, so that 32 people are obtained as the sample for this research. Questionnaires and speaking test interviews are used by researchers in gathering data. The researcher utilized SPSS to examine and calculate the connection. The correlation level was discovered to be 0.805, indicating a high positive association between both. The findings of this study show a significant association between students' self-efficacy in speaking performance and literal understanding. It is recommended that teachers consider these findings when carrying out activities in class with varied student characteristics.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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The TikTok application is a social media application that contains video content about anything, including some English learning content. English learning media is a tool or method used by teachers to make it easier for students to understand English subject matter, therefore this TikTok application was chosen as a learning Media. This study aims to determine students' perceptions of the use of the TikTok application as a medium for learning English and also to find out whether the TikTok application is used by students as an interesting and interactive media for learning English. The sample in this research was 139 eleventh-grade students of SMK PGRI Subang. This research design used qualitative research methods with a case study approach by getting the data from questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were used to determine students' perceptions of the TikTok application as their learning media in learning English, Interviews were used to determine the use of the TikTok application as an interesting and interactive media in learning English. The results show that the number of users of the TikTok application among students is 65.5%, the frequency of students using the TikTok application is 55.4%, the use of English learning media in the TikTok application for students provides a positive learning experience 64%, Using TikTok is easier for students to access video content that contains English, discusses vocabulary, speaking, grammar, which is easy for students to remember 45.3%, TikTok gives students the opportunity to hone their English skills 43.2%. Overall, it shows that the use of TikTok in learning English received a positive response from the majority of students, although there were some who were still doubtful. TikTok has had a positive impact on students in various aspects. The results of interviews regarding participant responses showed positive and varied views regarding the use of the TikTok application as an English learning media. Many participants found this experience enjoyable, beneficial, and improvement the understanding and knowledge of the language. The interactive and entertaining nature of TikTok content makes the learning process interesting and effective.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Aphasia is a language disorder that is experienced by many people. Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by damage to the part of the brain that controls language. Therefore, this study aims to develop an understanding of Aphasia, a language disorder. The writer chose Sony Wakwaw, a comedian from Indonesia as the object of this research. Sony Wakwaw has had Aphasia since he was a child which is caused by the high fever he often experiences. This condition has attracted the interest of writer to explore the aphasia disorder experienced by Sony Wakwaw, with a focus on identifying the type of aphasia that occurs and its impact on his daily life. In analyzing the types of aphasia experienced by Sony Wakawaw, the writer refers to Ardila's theory, in which aphasia is classified into two main types, namely Wernicke's Aphasia and Broca's Aphasia. The data for this study were taken from the utterances uttered by Sony Wakwaw in the video entitled "Bisa Sebut Nama Saya?" which was uploaded on the Digidiva YouTube channel. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, which allowed researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of Sony Wakwaw's experiences in dealing with the aphasia disorder.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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Pronunciation is the way in which a word is pronounced, or the act of producing the sounds of speech, including articulation, stress, and intonation. There are many methods that can be used to teach pronunciation. Teacher can use, songs, drilling, visual aids, and so on. The aims of this research are to know what method that used by a teacher in teaching English pronunciation, and what are the factors that cause students difficulties in learning English pronunciation. The writer used descriptive qualitative which is the data derived from observation, questionnaire, and interview. In this research the writer found two methods used by the teacher when teaching English pronunciation which are drilling and song method, besides that there are four factors that cause students difficulties in learning English pronunciation which are difficulty in learning English pronunciation is associated with hearing; difficulty in learning how foreign sounds with speech organs; difficulty in knowing a word whose sound distribution is the correct sound to say; difficulty in remembering a word whose sound distribution is the correct sound to say.
ReALL - Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Research on Applied Linguistics and Literature (Publication in Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya and LPPM Universitas Sebelas April

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This study aims to identify and classify the politeness principles used and contained in Merry Rianna's podcast with Rudy Salim and Cinta Laura, and also to analyze the function of the politeness principles used and contained in Merry Rianna's podcast with Rudy Salim and Cinta Laura. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique used is the observation and note-taking technique. The object under study was a conversation on the podcast "Friends of Merry Riana" on the Merry Riana YouTube channel, October 17, 2022 edition and December 11, 2022. Based on the results of data analysis and the findings of this study, there were 20 politeness maxims, 11 objects of maxim agreement, 7 objects of maxim approbation, and 2 objects of maxim modesty and no violations of politeness maxims were found. The maxims that dominate the implementation of politeness maxims are the maxims of agreement maxim. The results of this study show that the use of language in the podcast show "Friends of Merry Riana" with guest stars Rudy Salim in the October 17, 2022 edition and Cinta Laura in the December 11, 2022 edition contains many utterances that are considered polite and do not go beyond their rights and deny their obligations.

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