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Asfahani Asfahani
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International Assulta of Research and Engagement
Published by Edujavare Publishing
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International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Edujavare Publishing, Indonesia. This journal publishes research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports and book reviews on all scopes of education (See Focus and Scope). This journal article is published two times a year; 2 issues per year (June and December). Focus and Scope IARE: International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) is an open access, refereed journal that responds to an emerging global movement of collaborative, critical and change-oriented community-university research initiatives. IARE provides an inclusive forum for faculty, staff, students, professional practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on methodological practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. Articles include empirical case studies; analyses of partnership models, practices and processes; and theoretical reflections that contribute to the scholarship of engagement. A central aspect of community-based research and practice is that it seeks to drive change - social, intellectual, institutional. As such, IARE encourages innovative, mutually beneficial and culturally competent research approaches to conceptualising, designing, undertaking and communicating engaged research. Articles will not only bridge disciplinary boundaries but will seek to challenge traditional binaries of academic and non-academic knowledge systems by rigorously combining different ways of knowing and being. IARE welcomes articles that articulate and interrogate the complex tensions that exist between theory and practice, and between the various participants in the research enterprise, as well as advance the value of research that is driven by need as much as curiosity. Further, IARE is avowedly international in scope, actively seeking to make the journal a space for diverse voices and perspectives, in multiple forms and modes and from across different geographies. As an open access journal, IARE’ mission is to increase the timely, accessible and inclusive sharing of new knowledge and valuable insights from current practice to scholars, community leaders, practitioners and activists around the world. In this way, IARE strives to contribute to, and help build this active, evolving and critical global dialogue for change. Note on the Journal Sections: In establishing the format for IARE, the Editorial Committee sought to fulfil two goals: one, to create space for more chairs at the research table; and two, to expand the research table itself. That is, not just more, but different. For this reason, three article sections have been established: research; practice-based; and snapshots. In every instance, the focus is on including only high-quality articles on community-university engagement that meet the journal’s focus and scope. The Research articles (Refereed) section provides peer and institutional recognition of community-based research and scholarship. An important aspect of these peer-reviewed articles is that they critically consider the contribution made by the research to the literature – does it challenge, expand, renew? The Practice-based articles (Non-refereed) section of the journal focuses on excellence in the reporting and reflection on engagement in practice. By championing the intellectual rigor and craft of experiential-focused contributions, practice-based articles fundamentally complement the research articles. Finally, the Snapshots section (Non-refereed) is designed to showcase the rich variety of knowledge, experience and impressions by all stakeholders in community-university collaborations. This section is particularly geared to those new to research and/or sharing their knowledge and practice in an English-language journal setting. In addition, creative use of visuals, video and audio are welcome, in all sections. All sections are published together as one volume of the journal.
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Articles 5 Documents
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Economic Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship Training to Advance Youth in Quetta, Pakistan Khurshed Iqbal; Tamrin Fathoni; Lisma Meilia Wijayanti; Medina Nur Asyifah Purnama
International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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The purpose of writing this work is to understand the concept of assisting economic empowerment through entrepreneurship training to advance youth in Quetta, Pakistan. Economic empowerment through entrepreneurship training in Quetta, Pakistan, adopts a robust and holistic mentoring method known as the ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development). The result of this work is that ten key components have been identified in efforts to empower youth in Quetta, Pakistan. Mentorship and business consultation offer invaluable guidance and support for business development. Access to capital facilitates efficient business initiation and growth, while advanced training enhances specialized skills. Networking and business connections are essential for youth advancement, and psychological guidance helps them cope with stress. Effective online and offline marketing and promotion ensure successful product and service promotion. Access to resources, including co-working spaces and software, reduces barriers to entry and improves efficiency. Finally, financial education equips youth with wise financial management skills. With these components, Quetta's youth have a greater opportunity to achieve economic success and contribute to their community's economic development. The research findings highlight that a comprehensive economic empowerment program in Quetta, Pakistan, incorporating mentorship, business consulting, access to capital, advanced training, networking, psychological support, effective marketing, resource access, and financial education, significantly enhances the potential for youth economic success and contributes to community development. Collectively, these key components create a supportive ecosystem for young entrepreneurs in Quetta to thrive in their businesses.
Empowering Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to Improve Global Economic Welfare Bambang Irawan; Chusnul Rofiah; Asfahani Asfahani; Sufyati HS; Wahyudin Hasan
International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift in understanding the role of MSMEs in the global economy. MSMEs are no longer considered local business entities but agents of change that can stimulate sustainable economic growth. This service research aims to make a real contribution to designing MSME empowerment strategies that have a broad impact, open up new opportunities, and positively affect global economic welfare. The method applied in this community service activity is community-based Research (CBR) using the forum group discussion (FGD) approach in the training and mentoring process. So, it is concluded that the empowerment of MSMEs proves its effectiveness in identifying, overcoming, and providing concrete solutions to their challenges. Involving business actors in decision-making and empowerment processes provides a solid foundation for sustainable growth. Training, mentoring, and support from the government and local communities form a supportive ecosystem in improving global economic welfare through developing MSMEs. Second, findings related to product innovation from natural resources, such as coconut and fish, show great potential in diversifying MSME businesses and opening up new opportunities in the global market.
Land Optimization to Improve the Economy through Attractive Tourist Destinations in Smart City Indonesia Asfahani Asfahani; Tono Mahmudin; Zohaib Hassan Sain
International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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Increasing urbanization and technological developments have triggered significant transformations in urban land management, especially in Indonesia's Smart City. This study aims to formulate and implement land optimization strategies by developing attractive tourist destinations in Smart City, Indonesia. This community service research method uses the ABCD (Asset Based Community Development) method, which prioritizes valuable aspects owned by a community, better known as an asset-based approach, with five stages: Discovery, Dream, Planning, Define, and Destiny. The results provide a comprehensive view to support the development of tourist destinations responsive to smart cities in Indonesia, marking an important contribution to sustainable and innovative city development. So, it is concluded that developing smart and sustainable tourist destinations is crucial in maximizing land use in Indonesia's Smart Cities. The integration of smart technology, community participation, and environmental sustainability are key elements in creating tourist destinations that are not only attractive but also contribute to local economic growth and environmental preservation.
Therapeutic Communication As A Solution To Overcome Adolescent Problems Listia Dwi Febriati; Zahrah Zakiyah; Tutik Astuti; Ester ratnaningsih
International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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This community service aimed to enhance parents' knowledge and therapeutic communication skills regarding adolescent issues in Padukuhan Duku, Jambidan Village. Conducted on August 1, 2023, the activity involved 17 parents, focusing on adolescent problems and solutions through counseling. Findings revealed a positive shift in knowledge levels, with a significant increase in the "Good" category from 70.59% to 82.35%. The paired sample T-test indicated a significant difference (p=0.024) between pre-test and post-test knowledge levels. The majority of participants were over 36 years old, had secondary education, and were not working. This community service contributes to the understanding of the critical role parents play in shaping adolescents' development, emphasizing the importance of effective communication. The success of the intervention suggests its potential applicability to similar community initiatives. In conclusion, the activity effectively increased parents' knowledge and therapeutic communication skills, highlighting the significance of continuous parent-adolescent communication for reproductive health knowledge and overall well-being.
Socialization of Cayenne Pepper Plant Planting in the House Yard in Klambir Lima Village, Deli Serdang Regency Desi Sri Pasca Sari Sembiring; Maimunah Siregar
International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): International Assulta of Research and Engagement (IARE)
Publisher : Edujavare Publishing

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The yard of the house is one of the identities of a house. Yard land can be used for various purposes. In addition to beautifying the house, the yard can be used as a living pharmacy and nutrition garden. This service activity aims to educate and motivate the community to manage their yards effectively and efficiently, create a productive environment, and improve food security and the local economy. This method of service uses a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. This activity collaborates between the community and the service team of lecturers/students, where they must respect the leading role of the community. Lecturers/students and the community must work hand in hand in a participatory manner to make social change. The results of this service research show that the socialization of planting cayenne pepper plants in the yard can effectively improve community welfare and food security at the village level.

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