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Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences
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Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, published by Lentera Ilmu Nusantara. Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences accommodates the publication of Multidisciplinary Research results in the field of Social Sciences conducted by Lecturers as a manifestation of the Tri Darma of Higher Education. Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences is an electronic journal that is professionally managed using the Open Journal System, published 12 times a year, namely every month.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 17 Documents
The Effect of Product Variants, Service Levels and Price Bundling on Customer Loyalty Fifi Hanafia; Hanif Nanda Permadi
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i01.192


The development of the business world is currently experiencing a very rapid increase, one of which is the food and beverage business. It is proven by the increasing number of new businessmen who have entered the market with various strategies used to attract as many consumers as possible. Companies are not only trying to attract new and many consumers, therefore companies are trying hard to retain the customers they have got. The business of beverage and food companies is currently booming offering various kinds of food/beverage products that are offered with a variety of new innovations that are able to win the hearts of consumers and are no doubt able to compete in the market, because the Indonesian people themselves are basically the majority of food enthusiasts. and drinks. This study aims to determine whether product variants, service levels and price bundling affect customer loyalty at PT Satria Buana Sakti. The type of research used is quantitative. With a population of 150 and sampling with non-probability sampling technique with a sample of 55 respondents. Data collection includes observation and distributing questionnaires. The analytical methods used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. From the results of the research, the multiple linear regression equation is Y = 1.603 + 0.042 X1 + 0.178 X2 + 0.529 X3. From the analysis of the coefficient of determination, it can be explained that the product variance, service level and price bundling are 67.6%, while the remaining 32.4% is influenced by other variables.
The Effect of Digital Leadership and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance Oshi Paulina
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i01.193


Human resources are the most meaningful aspect because they are the main foundation for the success of a company, the Company needs a qualified, competitive and superior workforce to achieve its goals. Performance is very important for management to evaluate performance in achieving company goals and planning for the future. This study aims to determine how much influence digital leadership and transformational leadership have on employee performance. The type of research used is quantitative research and uses random sampling. The population in this study was 140 employees with a sample of 100 employees. The data analysis method in this study uses the Smartpls software application with various tests carried out, including the R Square test and Path Coefficient. Based on the results of the r suare test and path coefficient, it can be said that the digital leadership variable has a positive influence on the performance of PT Denso Manufacturing Indonesia employees, the transformational leadership variable has a positive influence on the performance of PT Denso Manufacturing Indonesia employees.
Factors That Influence The Entrepreneurial Intention Of UMKM Fashion In The East Jakarta Small Industry Center Puspita Rahayu; Ryani Dhyan Parashakti
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i01.194


The main objective of this study is to determine the factors that influence entrepreneurial intention. The research design uses a causal quantitative descriptive approach. The objects in this study were fashion traders as many as 100 respondents at the Small Industry Center. The data collection method uses questionnaires distributed to fashion traders. Data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption test, r square test and hypothesis test, using the SPSS 26 data processing tool. The first stage in this research is to determine the indicators for each variable and compose statements that will be used as a questionnaire, then after the data is collected, it is tested for the validity of the questions for each variable along with its reliability. The second stage examines the relationship between entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurship education, family factors, and entrepreneurial intentions. The next stage will measure the research results of each variable relationship.
The Influence of Job Description and Job Satisfaction on Employee Productivity in the Blower Motor Assy Production Department Wulandari Wulandari
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i01.195


This research aims to explore and analyze the influence of job descriptions and job satisfaction on employee productivity in the blower motor assembly production department of PT. Denso Manufacturing Indonesia. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to the total population and sample of 42 respondents, using a quantitative descriptive approach. The data analysis used is the R square Algorithm Test analysis, and Path Coefficient Boostrapping. The results of this research show that the job description variable has a significant positive effect on employee productivity, while job satisfaction has a positive but not significant effect on employee productivity. Therefore, the test results from this research state that there is the same positive influence but has a different significant level between the job description and job satisfaction on work productivity in the blower motor assembly production department of PT. Denso Manufacturing Indonesia.
The Influence of Employer Branding and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention Rosa Noviyanti
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i01.196


This study aims to explore the influence of Employer Branding and organizational commitment on turnover intention in the manufacturing sector. By involving 93 respondents in this study. Through a quantitative approach, the data collection method uses a questionnaire with simple random sampling. Questionnaire data was analyzed using Smart PLS software. The results of the analysis show that Employer Branding has a significant positive impact on reducing the intention to move among manufacturing employees. Similarly, high levels of organizational commitment are associated with low turnover intentions, providing evidence that employees who feel emotionally and normatively attached to the company tend to stay in it. This study contributes to the understanding of the factors that influence the decision of employees in the manufacturing sector to consider moving. The implication of these findings is the importance of building a positive corporate image and strengthening the emotional and normative bonds between employees and the organization. This research confirms that an effective Employer Branding strategy and increased organizational commitment can play an important role in reducing turnover intention.
The Influence Of Self-Actualization And Personality Type On Organizational Behavior And Employee Performance Ivan Andeska Marpaung; Donna Arhitania Tiffani; Mohammad Edwar Sopan; Tito Peter Leonando
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i02.240


This research was conducted to determine the influence of self-actualization and personality type on organizational behavior and employee performance at PT. Online Rangkai Sukses. In this research there are four variables, namely Self-Actualization, Personality Type, Organizational Behavior and Employee Performance . Research building on this one should look into how social media marketing and influencers affect customers' opinions of brands and their purchasing decisions. More than that, other researchers can choose to look into other research objects or expand the variety of places they conduct their studies. The research results show that Organizational behavior is positively and significantly impacted by self-actualization. The impact of personality type on organizational behavior among employees is positive and statistically significant. A person's productivity is positively and significantly impacted by their level of self-actualization. Employee performance is positively and significantly impacted by personality type. When it comes to organizational behavior, employee performance is positively and significantly impacted. Employee performance is positively and marginally impacted by self-actualization as it relates to organizational behavior. Through the medium of organizational behavior, personality type has a small but positive impact on worker productivity.
The Influence of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Assets (ROA) on Share Prices in Property & Real Estate Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange for the 2013-2017 Period Puput Saputri Dewi; Muhammad Sapruwan
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i02.242


In The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of debt to equity ratio and return on assets on stock price. The samples used were 17 property & real estate sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. This study uses secondary data in the form of published annual reports. The methods used in this study are descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination test. The data was processed using SPSS Version 23. Based on the results of the study it is known that partially the debt to equity ratio has no effect on stock price and return on asset effects stock price, while simultaneously to equity ratio and return on asset effects stock price..
Institute of Dedication to the State in the Study of Organizational Communication Patterns Guyub Nuryanto; Sariyati Sariyati; Yohanes Arie Kuncoroyakti; Abdul Malik Fajar
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i02.253


Communication is the most important aspect to build organizational integrity because it can determine the effectiveness and smooth direction of communication that occurs in the organization. The title of this research is "Institutions for State Service in the Study of Organizational Communication Patterns". This study determines the pattern of organizational communication within the Dedication to the Country institution. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data used in this study comprised primary data and secondary data. Primary data is as information got from interviews with several informants. While secondary data is as data got from books and other sources. The theory used in this scientific writing research is the theory of Organizational Culture Theory. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observations, and online data searches. The results of this scientific writing research are known that the communication pattern used by dedication institutions to the country is formal communication and informal communication, both of which are used in horizontal and vertical communication. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive approach and a constructivist paradigm. Interviews were conducted with 10 resource persons comprising 1 founder, 4 daily management bodies, and 4 steering committees. Organizational culture theory became an important basis for this study. The organizational culture in Dedication to the Country uses more family systems. The media used in this organization in disseminating information often uses social media such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. The problem that often arises is the existence of members and volunteers when communicating.
The Influence of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance with Work Engagement as Mediation Yohana Yohana; Fajar Ridho; Malik Malik; Sunita Dasman; Daspar Daspar
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i02.254


Transformational leadership style is one of the leadership styles needed in companies. Leadership is also an important factor so that employees can continue to improve their performance. A leader must also be able to increase work motivation and be able to instill a sense of pride in his work in his employees, because by having motivation and being proud of what we are doing, employees will work well and produce maximum work results. The methodology in this research is quantitative research with a random sampling data collection method at the Al-Fath Collection Karawang company which operates in the garment sector. For the data analysis method it is processed using PLS with the help of the SMARTPLS 3.0 application. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance, to determine the influence of transformational leadership on work engagement, and to determine the influence of transformational leadership style on employee performance and work engagement on employee performance. The results of this research indicate that the transformational leadership style cannot directly influence employee performance, but the transformational leadership style can indirectly influence employee performance.
The Influence of Total Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Operating Performance in Semarangan Batik Entrepreneurs in Semarang City Sutrimono Sutrimono; Maulana Maghribi
Review: Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences Vol. 1 No. 02 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Lentera Ilmu Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59422/rjmss.v1i02.255


Operations management is very important for the production process, the performance it produces is very important for the sustainability of the company. Further research is needed because of the many production problems faced by batik craftsmen in Semarang City. This study aims to study how the application of Total Quality Management, entrepreneurial orientation, and Lean Manufacturing impacts on operating performance. This study used questionnaires as a data collection method. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample, and 59 people were selected. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable of the study. The results showed that total quality management improved operating performance (H1 received). The second hypothesis says Lean Manufacturing improves operations performance is accepted, and the third hypothesis says entrepreneurial orientation improves operations performance is accepted. The results of the coefficient of determination test show that the three independent variables affect operating performance by 53%. It is recommended to Semarang batik craftsmen in Semarang City to provide training to their employees, improve their production methods, and reduce their dependence on intermediaries in sales.

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