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International Journal of Islamic Economics (IJIE)
ISSN : 26862131     EISSN : 26862166     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
International Journal of Islamic Economics accepts manuscripts whose topics are in range of economic fields and employs standard economics analysis tools focusing on issues pertaining to Philosophy of Islamic Economics, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Economics and Contemporary Issues and Islamic philanthropy (zakat, waqf, sadaqah, and infaq). The topics might be an observation of current economic phenomena that highlights the problem of conventional economic system.
Articles 62 Documents
The effect of mergers, BOPO, NPF, growth, and the BI rate on murabahah margin income in Islamic mortgage products at Bank Syariah Indonesia Deni Lubis; Olga Aulia Pranayutantri; Marhamah Muthohharoh
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 5 No 01 (2023): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v5i01.6750


This study aims to analyze the effect of mergers, economic growth, the volume of murabaha financing, Bank Indonesia interest rates, and other variables on murabaha income on sharia pawn products at Bank Syariah Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that murabaha margin income is used as the dependent variable in this study. Dummy variables, five independent variables that have a large influence on the results, two independent variables that do not have a significant impact on the results, and one dummy variable are one of the seven independent variables used in this study. The model used is multiple linear regression with the OLS method. The findings of this study indicate that neither inflation nor fluctuations in the volume of murabaha financing have a significant effect on income from murabahah margins. Income from murabaha margins, however, is very negatively affected by non-performing financing (NPF) variables. Operating expenses as a percentage of operating income (BOPO), BI rate, growth, and aggregation dummy all have a large beneficial impact on earnings on murabahah margins.
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 2 No 01 (2020): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v2i01.2031


The moderating effect of Shariah Committee Quality (SCQ) on the relationship between Audit Committee (AC) characteristics and Malaysian Takaful performance remains a challenge that is yet to be resolved. Malaysia plays a leader role in Muslim countries in Islamic Finance especially in Takaful industry and Shariah committee roles and duties. AC characteristics have a significant effect on corporate financial performance. The fundamental AC role is to supervise the corporate’s financial reporting practice, review of financial reports, auditing practice, internal accounting controls, and risk management practices. AC characteristics plays a crucial role in the overall Malaysian Takaful companies which is supposed to enhance financial performance. Hence, SCQ as part of the internal governance structure and control body of the institution, thereby, ensure Shariah compliance in all transactions and activities, and enhancing the credibility of institutions in the eyes of its shareholders and customers. SCQ can potentially moderate the relationship between AC and Malaysian Takaful performance. As an important mechanism of Corporate Governance (CG), In addition, agency theory and stewardship theory were used to develop the hypotheses. Several results of the previous literature were found fraternized, and inconsistent regarding the SCQ effect on firm performance or its effect on AC characteristics in general context, while the literature on Malaysia context remain scarce. It is expected that this SCQ moderation may considerably improve corporate performance by determining the strength or weakness of the relationship between AC characteristics and firm performance. Therefore, this paper conceptualized that ‘SCQ’ moderates the relationship between AC Chairman Specialization, Shariah Background, AC Independence and Meeting frequency, and Malaysian Takaful performance.
Optimizing the Economic Independence of Sharia-Based Islamic Boarding Schools Mustofa Anwar; Toni Wijaya; Agnes Jevi Rialita; Luluatuz Zahro
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 6 No 01 (2024): International Journal of Islamic Economics (IJIE)
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v6i01.8944


Introduction: The independence of Islamic Boarding Schools is a necessity because pesantren can be seen through the process of establishing pesantren which usually uses Kiyai's funds and assistance from the surrounding community. The irony is that there are still many pesantren that still depend on the injection of outside funds. Objectives: This study aims to find out how business strategies are applied to the Islamic Boarding School of Darul A'mal Lampung to accelerate the economic independence of sustainable Islamic Boarding School. Method: By using qualitative research methods and case study approaches (field research). Data were obtained through direct observation, and in-depth interviews with related parties (Foundation administrators, heads of cottage business units, teachers, and students). Results: The findings in this study are steps to optimize the pesantren business that can be done to realize the independence of pesantren optimally by strengthening pesantren management, optimizing existing business potential, expanding cooperation, and opening public spaces in terms of business, improving the ability of human resources in sharia-based business management. Implications: This study reaffirms the steps that can be taken to optimize the independence of pesantren through strengthening pesantren management, equalizing the perceptions of all pesantren stakeholders about the vision and mission of pesantren, together continuing to learn by providing training, as well as implementing policies well and followed by in-depth evaluation on an ongoing basis. So that the results of this research can be used as a reference for optimizing the pesantren business in realizing sustainable pesantren independence.
A Study On The Policies And Procedures On Discretionary Trading Of Islamic Securities Muhammad Affan Ahmad Nadzri; Aishath Muneeza
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 3 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v3i1.3337


Discretionary trading is an investment that a stockbroker executes using clients’ account which is done without getting specific approval from the client on decision whether to buy or sell the stock holding in the portfolio. The investment is conducted based on the experience and strategies made by the person in charge of the investment. The objective of this research is to study the existing policies and procedures of discretionary trading in the market, determine the shariah compliance of current practice of market discretionary trading, and formulate suitable shariah parameters for discretionary trading of Islamic securities. This research employs qualitative methodology. The finding related for this topic is limited as the researcher is the main findings. From the researcher findings, it is found that the respondents shared almost similar experience, but it is expressed in different ways. Besides, the priority of shariah compliant discretionary trading is highly important to the Muslim investors as it can be alternatives for them to grow their capital and the practice of discretionary trading in each stockbroker is different from the others due to the flexibility of the current guideline. It is anticipated that the findings of research will assist future researcher to develop and formulate better variables for Islamic discretionary trading.
Comparative Study of Hisbah Institutions and Consumer Protection Institutions In Indonesia In A Review of Islamic Business Ethics Ananto Triwibowo; Dimas Pratomo; Nur Sya'adi; Muhammad Afani Adam
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 4 No 02 (2022): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v4i02.5554


Islam does not teach people to be concerned with the world or the events of the afterlife, but both must be in harmony. Islam not only gives its followers the freedom to do business, but it also provides some basic principles for doing business: unity, balance, free will, responsibility, and truth, including virtue and honesty. The Hisba is a government-controlled religious organization that oversees the proper fulfillment of its obligations by the community when society begins to neglect its obligations, and when people become accustomed to this error, society does wrong. Its general purpose is to protect the communal environment from harm, preserve its existing destiny, and ensure the well-being of the community, both in terms of religion and daily conduct, according to divine law
Accelerating Islamic Economy and Finance through Financial Technology: Challenges and Potential in the Digital Age Iman Supriadi; Rahma Ulva Maghfiroh; Rukhul Abadi
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 5 No 02 (2023): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v5i02.7740


The Islamic financial industry is increasingly experiencing rapid change and growth with technological advances, especially in the form of Financial Technology (FinTech). This research aims to analyze the regulatory challenges in the application of Financial Technology in the Islamic financial industry in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study to collect and analyze data from various sources related to the application of FinTech in the Islamic financial industry and the associated regulatory challenges. The research findings show that several regulatory challenges need to be addressed in implementing FinTech in the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia. These challenges include Islamic perspectives on FinTech, efforts from government regulations and policies to encourage Islamic FinTech and the importance of collaboration between financial institutions and regulatory authorities. This research provides insight into the regulatory challenges faced in the implementation of FinTech in the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia. This research can guide the government, Islamic financial institutions, Islamic FinTech companies, and regulatory authorities in developing a regulatory framework conducive to the growth of Islamic FinTech.
Decentralizing Finance via Cryptocurrencies and Tokenization of Assets and Peer-to-Peer Platforms Hazik Mohamed
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 3 No 01 (2021): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v3i1.3128


The rationale behind this research is to demonstrate the tokenization effects of the blockchain on all types of assets, and how blockchain technology might improve the way we view digital exchange and use digital money. The finance industry is progressing towards innovative solutions, capable of dealing with traditional problems and of increasing efficiency, sustainability and accountability. This progression may also address market failures within the economy. In our conceptual chapter, we provide a short discussion of the decentralization of finance and where we are today. We begin with the fundamentals of money and the evolution of cryptocurrency issuance from ICOs to STOs then to stablecoins like CBDCs. We then examine the concept of tokenizing various types of assets and deliberate on a conceptualization of a tokenized capital markets trading platform. To clarify tokenization and its benefits, we provide an example on the tokenization concept for agriculture and livestock in raising capital for small farms. Finally, we conclude discussions on concerns for privacy and security which emphasizes on self-governance, self-regulation and cybersecurity measures.
Analysis The Effect Of Credit Interest Rates, Gross Domestic Product, And Inflation On Domestic Investment In Indonesia In 2000 – 2021 Karel Milliano Hendika; Eni Setyowati
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 4 No 01 (2022): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v4i01.5193


Indonesia as a developing country certainly depends on investment because it is the first step to do development. Investment in the form of investment is considered to solve several economic problems, such as economic crises, and other economic challenges. One of the investments in Indonesia is capital investment, which is the realization of domestic investment. There are several factors that affect domestic investment, such as credit interest rates, gross domestic product and inflation. This study aims to analyze these factors on domestic investment in Indonesia from 2000 to 2021. This study used regression analysis method Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The results showed that partially variable variable lending rates and gross domestic product have a negative influence on domestic investment, while the inflation variable has a positive influence.
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 1 No 02 (2019): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v1i02.1803


Although there has been extensive research being done in the field of Islamic finance, literature on sukuk are inadequate. This paper intends to present a thematic review of this subject matter. Through a thematic and chronological review, this paper is divided into the following themes; the first two sections are general i.e. we begin with an overview on the structure and nature of a sukuk contract, and the theories that have been adopted in sukuk research. While the remaining sections are separated according to the type of research i.e. a comparison between sukuk and bonds and investors’ perception of sukuk, and the impact of sukuk on economic growth. Besides providing a summary of the main points covered in current literature, this paper also highlight trends and issues on sukuk research and provide insight on limitation of current research as well as suggest future research directions.
Mudharabah as a Conduit for Social Cohesion among Vulnerable Women Fareiny Morni; Azima Khan
Jurnal Internasional Ekonomi Islam Vol 2 No 02 (2020): International Journal of Islamic Economics
Publisher : The Postgraduate of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/ijie.v2i2.2270


The focus of this research is specified to the interlinkages between three concepts i.e. social cohesion, women’s economic empowerment and mudharabah investments. Instead of microfinancing, this paper explores the possibility of utilizing mudharabah as a tool in uplifting vulnerable societies, especially women and promote social cohesion in the surrounding community. We explore the importance and value that empowering women economically can bring to improving the cohesiveness of a society and whether mudharabah can be used to achieve this. A case study method was used to highlight existing models used by NGOs to provide assistance to vulnerable women. However, existing models are found to be limited to the funds available in the organization and in turn, this restricts the aid that the NGO are able to give out. A mudharabah model would help NGOs to outsource funding to individuals and institutions who can contribute capital to women and uplift them from their current economic condition. With that this paper proposes a two-tier mudharabah structure as an alternative financing model which can be used as a conduit for circulation and distribution of wealth in a society. This structure is found to be financially viable and limits the capital providers’ losses to the amount of their contribution.