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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities is a scientific journal in the form of research and can be accessed openly. This journal is published once bimonthly by Beritrust Publisher. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined. The journal publishes original research articles in Social and Humanities. Social Sciences: covers a broad range of disciplines including Cultural Studies, Engineering, Health, Agriculture, Political Science, Communication, Economics, Law, and Education that are included in the social context. Humanities: covers a broad range of topics in ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, history, archaeology, anthropology, human geography, law, religion, and art. The articles published are derived from critical and comprehensive research, studies, or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.
Articles 280 Documents
The influence of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environmental Sustainability) and Attributes of Tourism Products on Tourist Satisfaction and Intention to Visit Again in Semilir Hamlet, Semarang Regency, Central Java Ronald Mahendra Jati
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.215


The Influence of CHSE Implementation and Tourism Product Attributes in Dusun Semilir in the Post-COVID Era, to Determine Tourists' Perceptions of the Impact of CHSE Implementation and Tourism Product Attributes on Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit Tourists, in order to align the development of tourism in Semilir Hamlet with tourists' needs. The aim of this research is to understand the influence of CHSE and tourism attributes on tourists' intention to revisit through tourist satisfaction. The method used is quantitative with a descriptive approach. The number of respondents used is 100 respondents. The data analysis used is SEM-PLS. The results show that tourism attributes do not have a significant influence on tourists' intention to revisit, but CHSE significantly influences tourists' intention to revisit. With tourist satisfaction, tourism attributes have their influence on the intention to revisit, and CHSE through tourist satisfaction has its influence on tourists' intention to revisit Dusun Semilir. These results indicate that satisfaction plays a significant role in the influence of CHSE and tourism attributes on tourists' intention to revisit
Analysis of the Influence of Governance and Social Responsibility (CSR) on Performance and Savings and Loans Welfare Cooperative Sri Rejeki; Bahtiar Usman
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.216


This research aims to determine the welfare of cooperative members through governance and social responsibility (CSR) variables. The research objects are the Bererod Gratia Savings and Loans Cooperative and the Madani Savings and Loans Cooperative. Samples were taken from cooperative members who had been members of the cooperative for 3 years or more. The research uses a qualitative approach to analyze the results of the questionnaire. Analysis was carried out using content analysis. Primary data was obtained from the results of interviews and questionnaires announced to respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data was taken from the 2020-2022 Annual Member Meeting Report. The questionnaire concluded that the welfare of cooperatives depends on good, professional and sustainable governance and social responsibility (CSR). Good Corporate Governance is manifested in transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, equality and fairness in every financial transaction, level of management commitment, quality of cooperative performance, and decision making that involves all members. Research also shows the responsibility of social cooperatives for the welfare of members and the surrounding community which has a positive influence in the form of social, economic, environmental, law-abiding, and education-health. Finally, research shows that professional quality performance by having work motivation, good financial freedom, a conducive work environment, opportunities for self-development, a strong collaborative team, and sustainable financial stability can help the welfare of cooperative members and the desire for cooperatives. The research results show that both cooperatives have succeeded in promoting the welfare of their members. Suggestions for further research include research on other cooperatives. not limited to just two cooperatives and with a wider working area coverage.
Students' Responses in Learning Vocabulary through Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) at SMA Negeri 21 Makassar Tria Ali; Nasmilah; Abidin Pammu
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.217


The audio-lingual method (ALM) is a prominent pedagogical strategy for English language instruction, with a particular emphasis on fostering oral proficiency and enhancing lexical acquisition. The purpose of this study is to determine how the audio lingual method affects vocabulary development. The researcher employed a quantitative methodology to assess students' proficiency with the audio-Lingual Method (AML) in vocabulary learning. In addition, the researcher employed quantitative methods and calculations using by SPSS 16.0 version. The analysis shows that the implementation of audio linguistic method in vocabulary improvement influenced significantly the students' interest in learning English. The students expressed a desire for both innovative teaching materials and an efficient teaching approach in order to increase the level of engagement in their English lessons
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of CSR Programs on Community Behavior Change in Forest Conservation Wiwin Suhartanto; Erny Tajib
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.218


Global warming can cause climate change and have a broad impact on people's lives. The increase in global temperature is caused by increased carbon emissions due to deforestation in various countries. Forests play a very important role in solving the carbon emissions problem. One source of carbon dioxide emissions throughout the world is the existence of Tropical Forests. One of the countries that has the largest tropical forest in the world is Indonesia. Kalimantan Island is one of the largest islands and has the largest forest area in Indonesia. This research was conducted at PT. Asmin Bara Bronang who runs the company's CSR program. The variables are the implementation of CSR programs, the targets of the CSR programs implemented and their impact on changes in community behavior in forest conservation. This research also discusses the relationship between implementing CSR programs with ISO 26000 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data collection was carried out through interviews with 43 sources consisting of PT Asmin Bara Bronang employees and community recipients of the CSR program. The collected data was then analyzed using the content analysis method. Research shows PT. Asmin Bara Bronang carries out a CSR program contributes to changes in the behavior of the Dayak Ngaju community in efforts to preserve Kalimantan's forests. It is hoped that this research can complement the literature regarding the implementation of CSR programs in supporting forest conservation programs
Factors Affecting Internet Financial Reporting Disclosure to Provincial Governments In Indonesia Andi Sayyidatun Ufairah Anto; Hanafi Kartini; Nirwana Nirwana
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.219


Internet financial reporting is important because people are now geographically spread across different regions and countries. Disclosure with traditional paper-based methods has the disadvantage of limited time for filing. In the current era of globalization, Indonesian people can live in any region or country, so using internet financial reporting methods for information disclosure is available on the official government website and can be done at any time. This study aims to test or measure the impact of specific changes to existing assumptions or hypotheses, in this study are factors that affect the disclosure of internet financial reporting, where the variables used are the size of local government, regional expenditure, local original income and audit opinions on internet financial reporting in Indonesia. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. Based on the results of research and discussion in this study, the conclusion that can be obtained based on the research variables used is that the size of local government does not affect Internet Financial Reporting which means that the size or size of local government has not been able to encourage local governments to publish financial information on local governments.
Analysis of the Impact of Community Institutional Strengthening on the Sustainability of the "Spirit of Independence" Farmer Group and the "Industrial Circle" Livestock Group in Uso Village, Banggai Regency Zulkipli N Salingkat; Budi Santosa
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.220


The purpose of this research was to analyse the impact of strengthening community institutions on the sustainability of farmer and livestock groups. This included the process of establishing and strengthening community institutions, how the company's strategy in developing governance systems, decision-making mechanisms, system evaluation including community institutional benefits, contributions to SDGs 16 and their relation to ISO 26000. The method of this research used quantitative methods sourced from primary data and secondary data to determine the impact of strengthening community institutions on the sustainability of the Semangat Mandiri farmer group and the Lingkar Industri livestock group located in Uso village, Batui sub-district, Banggai regency, Central Sulawesi province. Data analysis was carried out using triangulation to validate data linkages from field research. Furthermore, an in-depth study of the relationship between the subject and object under study was carried out to explain the formulation of the problem and the purpose of the study and draw conclusions from the research results. The results showed that PT. PAU has a complete commitment in implementing CSR programs. This commitment could be seen from the implementation of community institutional strengthening, aspects of governance systems, decision-making mechanisms, and evaluation of governance systems in achieving ISO 26000 and SDGs 16 in farmer and livestock groups in Uso village, Banggai Regency which have a good impact on the community and the company.
Integration of Islamic Values In The Supervision of School Principal Education In Improving Teacher Performance In Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah Datarang Kabupaten Gowa Ferdinan Ferdinan; Hj. Sumiati; Mumtahanah Mumtahanah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.221


Efforts to improve teacher performance can be done through educational supervision carried out by school principals using an Islamic values approach in order to provide assistance and guidance to teachers through supervision activities. Guiding and providing assistance to teachers is an Islamic teaching that has existed for a long time and was exemplified by the Prophet SAW to the companions. The approach used in implementing educational supervision to improve teacher performance is based on Islamic values. The provision of supervision must be adjusted to the prototype of the teacher. Supervision must be done wisely, as written in QS. Al-Nahl/16:125. This research is a combination research (mixed methods) using sequential exploratory design method. In this model, the initial stage involves collecting quantitative data which is then complemented by qualitative data analysis. This combination of data serves to link the results of the first stage of research (quantitative data) with the next stage (qualitative data). This study aims to describe the integration of Islamic values in the implementation of educational supervision by the principal at the Muhammadiyah School in Gowa Regency. The integrated values include ihsan, sincerity, exemplary, and tajdid. This study provides an overview of the implementation of the integration of Islamic values and Kemuhammadiyahan in the implementation of educational supervision by school principals at MA Muhammadiyah Datarang, Gowa Regency. This research focuses on four aspects: ihsan, sincerity, exemplary, and tajdid. The results showed that the implementation of supervision at MA Muhammadiyah Datarang reached a high category, indicating that aspects of Islamic values in Supervision had run very well.
Criminal Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence Committing Deepfake Crimes in Indonesia Asri Gresmelian Eurike Hailtik; Wiwik Afifah
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.222


The development of technology that continues to evolve has given birth to an innovation called artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence which is usually called "AI". The development of AI has sparked an algorithm called deepfake technology. Deepfakes use machine learning and neural network technology, which are methods in AI that teach computers to process data in a way inspired by the human brain. This study aims to determine the regulation of AI as perpetrators of deepfake crimes and to determine the criminal responsibility of AI who commit criminal acts in Indonesia. The research method used is normative legal research using a statutory approach (statue approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach), and comparative approach (comparative approach). AI is classified as an electronic system and electronic agent which when viewed to the characteristics of AI that has a match with the definition of electronic systems and electronic agents. If AI commits deepfake crimes, it can violate several articles in Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. In California, legislation has been passed to address deepfakes related to pornography, fraud, and defamation: Calif AB-602 and Calif AB-730. There are three AI criminal liability models that commit criminal acts, namely Perpetration-via another model (PVM), Natural-Probable-Consequence Liability Model (NPCLM), and Direct Liability Model (DLM). In Indonesia, AI has not been recognized as a legal subject so that if you commit a criminal act, the person who must be responsible is the creator of AI or AI users
The Effect of Academic Stress, Burnout, and Class Engagement, on Cyberloafing Behavior in UNTAR Students Yoshua Zakharia; Sawidji Widoatmodjo
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.223


Nowadays, human life cannot be separated from technology, especially the internet. The internet helps human activities, so the internet is needed, but with the presence of the internet, humans abuse the internet provided. This phenomenon is known as cyberloafing. Cyberloafing is a form of internet abuse behavior during working hours. Cyberloafing behavior itself is influenced by several variables. The variables examined in this research that influence cyberloafing are academic stress, class engagement, and burnout. This research was conducted with the aim of finding out whether the variables of academic stress, class engagement, and burnout influence a person's cyberloafing behavior. In the process of collecting research data using the Simple Random Sampling (SRS) technique by submitting questionnaires online via WhatsApp, Line and Discord with Google Form. The sample chosen was students studying at Tarumanagara University, with 371 participants studying at Tarumanagara University. The results of this research show that the class engagement and academic stress variables have a positive and significant effect, but the burnout variable has a positive and insignificant effect on cyberloafing behavior. So from this research it can be concluded that academic stress and class engagement variables influence students to carry out cyberloafing
Psychosocial Experiences of Indonesian Performing Musicians In Building a Sustainable Career Aurelia S. Djuanto; P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i4.224


This study explores the challenges and strategies of Indonesian musicians in establishing sustainable careers from psychosocial experiences. The study utilizes Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) on six professional musicians with over ten years of experience. The findings reveal the importance of adaptation, personal growth, maintaining passion, and creativity. The study concludes that happiness, health, and productivity are crucial for career sustainability, emphasizing the interrelation of personal identity, social support, and career dynamics in the music industry. The research highlights the need for musicians to navigate psychosocial challenges effectively to build long-term, fulfilling careers.