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Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
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Shad : Jurnal Ilmu AlQuran dan Tafsir, is a peer reviewed journal that aims to encourage and promote of the Quranic studies and exegete. This journal is published twice a year, specifically in June and December. The editors receive researchers and practitioners of Quranic studies and exegete through out the world to submit articles for publication in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts reviewers before being accepted for publication.
Articles 12 Documents
Bullying: Bullying dan solusinya dalam Al Qur'an Samsul Hadi Mungawan; Siti Rofiqoh
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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Bullying dapat kita jumpai di semua lapisan masyarakat. Dalam aspek Islam, bullying disebabkan oleh lunturnya nilai-nilai agama. Islam sangat melarang umatnya untuk saling menyakiti. Tulisan ini fokus mengkaji tentang jenis-jenisbullying, faktor-faktor penyebab bulling serta pesan Al Quran tentang bullying. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan (library reasearch). Data dikumpulkan melalui data primer berupa Kitab Tafsir Ibnu Katsir dan Kitab Tafsir Jalalain yang berhubungan dengan tema dan data sekunder berupa jurnal yang relevan. Larangan bullying dijelaskan dalam Al Quran, berdasarkan Surat Al Hujarat ayat 11 ditegaskan bahwa kita dilarang untuk mengolok-ngolok orang lain dengan cara mencela dan merendahkan harga diri orang lain. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir dan Tafsir Jalalain sama-sama menjelaskan larangan untuk mengolok-olok sesama manusia. Pada umumnya tindakan bullying melibatkan dua pihak. Kedua pihak tersebut mempunyai masing-masing solusi yaitu solusi untuk pelaku dan solusi untuk korban bullying. Adapun beberapa cara untuk mencegah bullying adalah dengan meningkatkan taqwa kita kepada Allah, selalu belajar berkata baik, dan memanggil seseorang dengan sebutan yang baik.
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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Tidur merupakan aktifitas harian manusia yang membawa dampak signifikan pada kesehatan fisik dan psikis. Seiring dengan pentingnya fungsi tidur bagi tubuh manusia, al-Qur’an melalui beberapa ayatnya memberikan perhatian serius dalam mengajarkan manusia tentang memahami dan mengalola tidur sebaik mungkin. Pembahasan term tidur pada penelitian ini, menggunakan metode Maudhui dengan berbasis pada penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab dalam kitab Tafsir al-Mishbah. Adapun term tidur yang dijadikan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah lafad “naum” sekaligus derivasinya. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk mengungkap konsep tidur yang dimaksud dalam Tafsir al-Mishbah, dengan hasil temuan ; Pertama, tidur merupakan momentum untuk mengistirahatkan tubuh yang membawa pada kondisi di mana daya indrawi dan gerak manusia hilang dari badan sehingga indra lahiriyah tidak melakukan aktivitas, sekaligus sebagai pertanda kekuasaan Allah Ta’ala dalam menjaga ruh serta kesadaran manusia ketika tidur untuk dikembalikan lagi ketika bangun. Kedua, ketika dalam kondisi tidur keadaan manusia layaknya mengalami sebuah kematian kecil karena hilangnya kesadaran, adapun perbedaan antara tidur dan mati adalah, ketika tidur kesadaran manusia akan dikembalikan ketika bangun, sedangkan ketika mati kesadaran manusia telah diambil untuk selamanya.
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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Abstract. Libas can mean clothing, mixing and covering. Libas originally meant cover. Whatever is covered, the function of clothing as a covering is very clear. However, it should be noted that this does not necessarily mean "covering the private parts" because rings that cover part of the finger are also called libas. It is not uncommon to find many families, especially married couples, who do not understand the meaning of clothing for married couples. So in this article the author will discuss the meaning of libas contained in the Al-Qur'an. From several functions and meanings of libas, the author will discuss the concept of libas for married couples contained in the Qur'an. The results of the analysis can be stated that regarding the meaning of clothing (libas) for husband and wife, namely, if clothing (libas) is able to protect against stings. hot and cold, then husbands towards their wives and wives towards their husbands must also be able to protect their partners from the crises and difficulties they face. Meanwhile, his istinbath method regarding clothing (libas) for couples is tafsir tahlili. He explained the verses of the Qur'an in terms of editorial accuracy, then compiled the contents with beautiful editorials that emphasized the guidance of the Qur'an for human life and connected the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an with the natural laws that occur. in society. Where in this case the function of clothing as a cover for the private parts is the most important function for humans to maintain cover by covering body parts and human physical deficiencies. So, husband and wife must complement each other and take care of each other's shortcomings.   Keywords. Covering Aurat, Al-Qur'an, Libas Verses
WASATHIYYAH PERSPEKTIF MISBAH MUSTOFA: (Studi Tafsir Al-Iklīl Fī Ma‘anī Al-Tanzīl) Fahma Maulida; Amalia Anindita
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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Wasathiyyah is an Islamic teaching that directs its followers to be fair, balanced and proportional, or known as moderation in all aspects of life. The principles of Wasathiyyah in Islam are an important discourse to study, so that they become a true foundation in understanding the concept of Wasathiyyah. This study aims to further explore the Wasathiyyah principles from the perspective of Misbah Mustofa in the interpretation of Al-Iklīl Fī Ma'ānī Al-Tanzīl. This research is a type of library research and uses a descriptive-analytical method in analyzing the findings of the data. The conclusion obtained from the results of this study is that there are three principles of wasathiyyah in Islam. First, al-Wasat in QS. al-Baqarah [2]: 143; Second, al-Wazn in QS. al-Hadid [57]: 25. Third, al-'Adl in QS. al-A'raf [7]: 181. According to Misbah Mustofa these three principles have the same meaning, namely to behave and act fairly to all human beings without discriminating against race, class and religion. Keywords: Wasathiyyah, Misbah Mustofa, Al-Iklīl Fī Ma‘ānī Al-Tanzīl
AL-QUR’AN DAN TAFSIR MEDIA : (Makna Hijrah Di Dalam Al-Qur'an Menurut Perspektif KH. Husain Muhammad Di Youtube) Miftakul Arifin; Ainur Rosyidah; Sufiyana Nur Mawaddah
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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The Qur'an as a corpus is open to Muslims, so for the commentators of the Qur'an it continues to be studied and researched to find out its interpretation. The interpretation of the Qur'an itself continues to grow, initially the Qur'an was interpreted textually and contextually along with the development of the media, many commentators wrote interpretations by utilizing social media such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube to enrich the scientific treasures of the interpretation of the Qur'an, as the interpretation of hijrah. Hijrah which is familiar in our society is very close to the story of the Prophet Muhammad, namely the migration from Mecca to Medina. However, along with the development of the hijrah era, which used to mean moving places now has a different interpretation and the meaning is getting wider. So it is necessary to do research and reinterpretation to antithesis of the old research that distorts the meaning of the Qur'an. This study aims to determine 1. The meaning of Hijrah in the perspective of the Qur'an. 2. Interpretation of verses about the Hijrah of the Qur'an Surah al Nahl, 16: 41 and Q.S. al Anfal 8:74 according to Kyai Husein Muhammad on Youtube. 3. The meaning of Hijrah according to Kyai Husein Muhammad on Youtube. The method used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive method of virtual studies, while the approach used is an interpretive approach. The findings show that the meaning of hijrah according to KH. Husein Muhammad on Youtube has 2 meanings, namely physically the meaning of hijrah is indeed defined by moving to another safer place, where Muslims can easily carry out their obligations to worship Allah and follow the Prophet's orders calmly, without interference from other people polytheists. While the literal meaning is a transfer that is not only in the body but in the heart, the mind that initially denied the authority of God Almighty and acted tyrannically moved towards the truth by acknowledging God's validity, leaving behind bad actions such as humiliating, intimidating others, lying, slandering, committing wrongdoing. fair to others in the sense of moving from actions that violate human norms to norms that are humanity and justice.
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Desember 2023

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Abstract. In general, every Muslim throughout the world knows the term “takwa”. However, not everyone understands this word comprehensively, especially those found in the Qur’an. Therefore, the author examines the characteristics of takwa people in the QS. al-Baqarah (2): 3-5. Meanwhile, the main source for this article is the book Tafsir Al-Misbah, by Muhammad Quraish Shihab. The type of research is library research, while the method is the tahlili interpretation method. There are four characteristics of a “takwa” person in this verse; First, people who believe in various supernatural things, both absolute supernatural and relative supernatural. Second, people who perform prayers correctly and continuously. Third, people who spend some of God's gifts given to them sincerely at all times and on an ongoing basis. Fourth, people who have always believed in what the Messenger of Allah sent down, namely the Qur’an and what was revealed to the prophets before him, namely the Taurat, the Injill and the Zabur and they are very confident in the inevitability of hereafter such as the existence of reckoning, heaven and hell. The author hopes that this article will become one of the thematic interpretation treasures of Indonesian tafsir scholars. Apart from that, the author also hopes that this article will be able to increase Muslims' insight into the concept of takwa. Keywords: Characteristics, Takwa, Quraish Shihab, Al-Baqarah (2) : 3-5 Abstrak. Secara umum, setiap umat Islam di seluruh penjuru dunia mengenal istilah takwa. Namun, tidak semua memahami kata ini secara komprehensif, khususnya yang terdapat dalam al-Qur’an. Karena itu, penulis mengkaji karakteristik orang yang bertakwa dalam QS. al-Baqarah (2) : 3-5. Sedangkan sumber utama tulisan ini adalah kitab Tafsir Al-Misbah, karya Muhammad Quraish Shihab. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka (library research), sedangkan metodenya adalah metode tafsir tahlili. Terdapat empat karakteristik orang yang bertakwa dalam ayat ini ; pertama, orang – orang yang mempercayai berbagai hal ghaib, baik ghaib mutlak maupun ghaib relatif. Kedua, orang-orang yang melaksanakan shalat secara benar dan berkesinambungan. Ketiga, orang yang menafkahkan sebagian anugerah Allah yang diberikan kepada mereka dengan tulus setiap saat dan secara berkesinambungan. Keempat, orang – orang yang sepanjang saat percaya tentang apa yang diturunkan Rasul Saw, yakni al-Qur’an dan apa yang diturunkan kepada para nabi sebelum beliau saw. yaitu Taurat, Injil dan Zabur serta mereka sangat yakin dengan keniscayaan kehidupan hari akhirat seperti adanya perhitungan, surga dan neraka. Penulis berharap tulisan ini menjadi salah satu khazanah tafsir tematik ulama tafsir nusantara. Selain itu, penulis juga berharap agar tulisan ini mampu menambah wawasan umat Islam tentang konsep takwa. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik, Takwa, Quraish Shihab, Al-Baqarah (2) : 3-5
Interpretasi Kontekstual Abdullah Saeed: (Langkah Metodis dan Implikasi Hierarki Nilai Pada Ayat Larangan Menistakan Agama) Tri Faizah Anggraini
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Juni 2024

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Saeed's efforts in offering ideas in interpretive work make a significant contribution. Basically, Saeed's thinking was inspired by Fazlur Rahman, but he provided additional inspiration in the form of a hierarchy of values ​​which is able to provide a classification of particular and universal meanings. Saeed's idea stems from his anxiety in seeing the reality of reading the text of the Koran which is carried out by sacralizing a textualist approach. This approach is considered the 'most' optimal in reading the text, thereby denying the presence of context outside the text. Due to the dominance of this textualist group, Saeed emerged to break through textual sacralization by offering a contextual approach that provides the possibility of comprehensive meaning. Based on Saeed's offer, this research also tries to apply Saaed's value hierarchy theory to the part of the verses of the Koran which discuss the prohibition of insulting religion. To explore the studies in this research, this research uses qualitative research with library research to explore the sources that are needed in the research. The primary source was obtained from Saeed's contextual interpretation book. Meanwhile, secondary sources are found in writings that have explored Saeed's thoughts and which are related to the object of research. Based on the research that has been carried out, this research found results in the form of Abdullah Saeed's thought construct which was absorbed by Fazlur Rahman's thought and the implementation of the value hierarchy in the verse prohibiting blasphemy against religion which is classified as protectional and implementational values. Keywords: Contextual, Interpretation, Abdullah Saeed.
Pandangan Islam Terhadap Keadilan Gender: Analisis Tafsir Maudhu'i Puspita Amanah; Rija Fhaziyah Sa'idah; Riki Yakub
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Juni 2024

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Regarding the issue of gender that is currently circulating, there are still many patriarchal people who consider women to be weak and not worthy of having a higher education. The aim of the research is to explain the concept and emphasize gender justice in relation to several outstanding issues. This research method uses descriptive research by collecting pre-existing data taken from previous research on gender. The results of this research show that gender justice has been explained in due course. Al-Hujurat: 13 which can be concluded that men and women have their own rights, there is no explanation about men being stronger than women or women being stronger than men, while Allah's judgment on humans is not physical, mental, or position but from a person's faith. Keywords:Gender, Issues, Interpretation, Maudhu'i
Tradisi Pembacaan Surah Yasin Malam Nisfu Sya’ban di Pontianak Timur, Kalimantan Barat: Analisis Sosiologi Pengetahuan Ihsan Nurmansyah; Fina Hilmina Putri Rizqy
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Juni 2024

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This article discusses the tradition of reading Surah Yasin on the night of Nisfu Sya'ban at Surau al-Ikhlas, East Pontianak, West Kalimantan. In its implementation, Surah Yasin is recited three times, then continued with the recitation of the Apostle's prayer and a serving of yellow pulut on top of which is placed grilled chicken. Therefore, to find out the meaning of this tradition is to use Karl Mannheim's theory of the sociology of knowledge. The data sources were obtained from interviews with the management or chief executive and the Imam who led the reading as well as direct observations in the field. The results of this research are: 1) the objective meaning from the perspective of the Surau al-Ikhlas congregation, namely preserving the traditions of previous elders as a form of obedience to the cleric named KH. Yunus Mohan found his handwritten notes which were used as a reference. 2) the expressive meaning in the view of the Surau al-Ikhlas congregation, namely as a cure for all diseases, asking for determination of faith, asking for long life and lots of halal sustenance. 3) the documentary meaning of the tradition of reading Surah Yasin on the night of Nisfu Sya'ban is the formation of a habit as a forum for unity and brotherhood of the Surau al-Ikhlas congregation. Keywords: Living Qur’an, Surah Yasin, Nisfu Sya'ban, Sociology of Knowledge
Urgensi Literasi Al-Qur’an Sebagai Tindakan Preventif Atas Penafsiran Yang Radikal Moh. Akib
Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Shād : Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, Juni 2024

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This article explores the urgency of Al-Qur'an literacy as a preventive means of dealing with radical interpretations. By analyzing the role of Al-Qur'an literacy in a contextual and holistic understanding of the sacred text, this article highlights how important it is to have a deep understanding of religious teachings to prevent distorted interpretations. In the context of the digital era which is full of information that is easily spread, Al-Qur'an literacy is the key to distinguishing between correct understanding and the potential for dangerous interpretive radicalism. There is a need to study Al-Qur'an literacy in a broad and straightforward manner, not just following instant basics or a narrow understanding that can give rise to radicalism. The verses of the Qur'an must not only be understood literally, but also their context, meaning, and the most important teachings and lessons that can be learned from their interpretation. The Qur'an is a guide and guidance for human life that is not only read, but can be understood and applied in everyday life. By emphasizing the importance of inclusive and critical religious education, this article proposes concrete steps to strengthen Al-Qur'an literacy as an effort to prevent exegetical radicalism. It is hoped that Al-Qur'an literacy will have an influence not only on academic circles and ulama, but also on the general public with various public policies. Keywords: Literacy, Al-Qur'an, Preventive, Radical

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