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Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences (IJEMS) is a scientific journal managed by the Formosa Publisher. This journal promotes disseminating research results in all economic, management, business, accounting, law, and Finance areas. The journal includes, but is not limited to the following fields: 1. Economic, 2. Human resource, 3. Management, 4. Laws, 5.Policies, 6. Finance, 7. Entrepreneurship, 8. Marketing, 9. Commerce, 10. Tourism, 11. Banking, 12. Accounting.
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Analysis of Factors Influencing Customers' Decision to Choose Wadiah Savings Products Sefia Laili Fakziah; Clarashinta Canggih
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10325


This study aims to analyze product knowledge, benefit perception, promotion, and motivation factors as factors in customers' decision to choose wadiah savings products at Sharia Banks. The background of this research is the growth of the Islamic banking industry in Indonesia, which is predicted to be higher than conventional banks, driven by product and service innovation in accordance with Islamic law. This study uses a quantitative approach with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) techniques. Research data was collected through a questionnaire with a probability sampling method using a simple random sampling technique. The results of the study show that promotional factors, product knowledge, and benefit perception are factors in customer decisions in choosing wadiah savings products. The motivation factor is not a factor in the customer's decision to choose a wadiah savings product. This research provides insight into the importance of proper promotion, in-depth product knowledge, and clear benefit perception in attracting customers to choose wadiah savings products at Sharia Banks
Firm Size on IDX BUMN 20 Stock Prices: The Role of Mediating Activity and Profitability Mochammad Ikhlas Ruri Diens Baihaqi; Wawan Ichwanudin; Enis Khaerunnisa
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10468


This study investigates if firm size increases stock prices using activity and profitability as mediating variables. It employs a quantitative causality method using secondary data from financial reports on firm websites and the IDX. The sample includes companies listed in the IDX BUMN 20 index from 2018-2021, using non-probability sampling and unbalanced panel data estimated with a random effects model. Data analysis involves descriptive statistics, mediation regression, and path analysis with Eviews 12 software. Results indicate firm size and profitability positively impact stock price, firm size positively impacts profitability, activity does not impact stock price, and activity and profitability do not mediate the firm size-stock price relationship
Analysis of the Financial Performance of the Jambi City Government Using Variance Analysis for the 2020-2022 Fiscal Year Endang Surahyani Utami; Iskandar Sam; Salman Jumaili
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10738


This research aims to evaluate the Financial Performance of the Jambi City Government through Variance Analysis for the 2020-2022 budget year. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach by utilizing secondary data originating from the Jambi City Revenue and Expenditure Budget Realization Report for the same period. The findings show that the Financial Performance of the Jambi City Government as assessed through Income Variance Analysis is classified as Poor, Income Growth is identified as positive, the Degree of Decentralization is classified as Sufficient, the Regional Financial Dependency Ratio is classified as Very High, the Regional Financial Independence Ratio is classified as Low, the PAD Effectiveness Ratio is considered to be Fairly Effective. In terms of Performance Expenditure Variance Analysis, it is rated as Good, Operational Expenditure Analysis is rated as Fairly Good, Capital Expenditure Analysis is also rated as Fairly Good, and the Regional Expenditure Efficiency Ratio is classified as Efficient
Ten Year Evaluation of JKN: Strengthening Primary Health Care for National Resilience Verry Albert Jekson Mardame Silalahi
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10761


This study evaluates the achievements of the National Health Insurance (JKN) over the past ten years, focusing on strengthening primary healthcare for national health system resilience. Launched on January 1, 2014, JKN aims for equitable healthcare access for all Indonesians, with participants reaching over 220 million by 2023. JKN has increased basic health service coverage, including immunization, maternal and child care, and treatment of diseases. Primary healthcare's role is vital in disease prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, and chronic disease management. Case studies highlight successful outreach programs. Challenges include funding deficits, uneven service quality, and lack of medical personnel in remote areas. Recommendations include increased budget allocations, incentive policies, continuous training, integration of services, effective health information systems, and community participation
The Effect of Audit Opinion, Financial Distress, and Profitability on Audit Report Lag (Empirical Study of Non-Banking State-Owned Companies Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange In 2018-2022) Adisti Wulandari; Netty Herawaty; Susfa Yetti
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10764


This study aims to ascertain and present actual data on the impact of financial crisis, profitability, and audit opinion on the delay of audit reports. Non-banking state-owned companies listed in 2018-2022 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are the subject of this study. The sample size was selected through purposive sampling which resulted in 100 observation data. By using secondary data, this research is quantitative in nature. Panel data regression using the EViews 12 application is the selected data analysis technique. The study's conclusions show that audit report latency is influenced concurrently by audit opinion, financial difficulty, and profitability. Audit report latency is significantly impacted positively by financial difficulty, while it is significantly impacted negatively by audit opinion and profitability
The Role of Informatics Teaching in Developing Critical Thinking and Computational Skills in High Schools Febri Pramudya Wardani; Sisca Widiyastuti; Hadassah Grace Ferisca; Tamariska Agape Scaferi; Lovely Olive Fesca
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10796


This study summarizes studies on the effects of informatics instruction on students' critical thinking and computational skills. The study used a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative analysis of teacher interviews, student surveys, and case studies of successful schools, as well as quantitative analysis of student learning outcomes. Findings indicate that the integration of project-based learning, problem-solving, and computational thinking into informatics curricula positively impacts students' critical thinking and computational skills. The study also identified key challenges in informatics instruction, such as resource constraints and the need for more in-depth teacher training. Recommendations are provided for the development of curricula, teaching strategies, and educational policies to support the effectiveness of informatics instruction
The Evolution of Education in the Singularity Era: Facing the Opportunities and Challenges of Future Technologies Febri Pramudya Wardani; Sisca Widiyastuti; Hadassah Grace Ferisca; Tamariska Agape Scaferi; Lovely Olive Fesca
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10803


The singularity technology revolution promises profound transformations in education. This article explores how singularity technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT), are impacting teaching and learning methods. Exploring aspects of personalized learning, greater accessibility, and enhanced collaboration, the article examines the impact of these technologies on students, teachers, and educational institutions. While offering great potential to improve the quality of education, the adoption of singularity technologies also presents challenges such as infrastructure readiness, data security, and implementation costs. Through case studies and in-depth analysis, the article provides a comprehensive insight into how education will evolve in the era of singularity technologies
Analysis of Salted Fish Processing Production in Panipahan, Pasir Limau Kapas District, Riau Islands Ranawati; Nurintan Asyiah Siregar
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10830


This research was conducted in early May 2024 in Panipahan, Pasir Limau Kapas District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to analyze the process, input, and output in the analysis of salted fish processing production. In addition, it also determines investment and profit and analyzes the prospects and constraints of salted fish processing production. This research was conducted using a survey method by taking activities/case studies and determining respondents using the census method. From the results of the study, salted fish processing production activities in the form of input have sufficient availability, the process runs regularly so that it produces output in the form of processed salted fish products ready to be marketed. The total investment is IDR 78,464,000 per month and the profit is IDR 16,760,000 per month. According to various feasibility criteria, this business is feasible to be continued and developed
Tax Service Satisfaction Analysis Using the Servqual Method - Importance and Performance Analysis at the Regional Revenue Agency of Jeneponto Regency Muhammad Nusran; Muh. Irsal Hidayat; Anis Saleh
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10904


Service quality plays a crucial role in shaping the public's positive perception. This study applies the "Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA)" method to assess five dimensions of service quality at the Regional Revenue Agency of Jeneponto Regency, namely physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and questionnaires. The results show that the average service quality score of 0.9910 is still below customer expectations and requires improvement, especially in the reliability dimension with the largest gap (-0.4688). The attributes most influencing customer satisfaction include quick response, clarity of regulations, information security, physical facilities, reliable assistance, and employees' concern for individual taxpayer situations
The Effect of Promotions and Prices on Customer Satisfaction on The Gojek Application (Go-Ride) (Study of LP3I Banten Students) Yayuk Karlina; Eman Diantoro; Ahmad Najiyullah
Indonesian Journal of Economic & Management Sciences Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): August 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/ijems.v2i4.10930


This study aimed to investigate whether promotions and pricing significantly influence customer satisfaction with the Gojek application among LP3I Banten students. A quantitative research approach was employed, collecting data from a convenience sample of 80 Gojek users. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS 22 software, including correlation and regression analysis. The findings indicate that while promotional efforts did not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, price did have a significant influence. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that both promotions and prices collectively had a significant impact on customer satisfaction, both in partial and simultaneous analyses

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