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Jurnal Sutasoma merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Universitas Tabanan (UNTAB) Bali. Jurnal Sutasoma merupakan wadah publikasi hasil kegiatan Penelitian yang dilaksanakan oleh peneliti di Indonesia. Jurnal Sutasoma diterbitkan pertama kali pada Desember tahun 2022. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian di bidang science teknologi dan sosial humanioria khususnya dalam bidang pembangunan nasional. Jurnal Sutasoma terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Desember dan Juni. Tujuan dari publikasi Jurnal ini adalah untuk memberikan ruang mempublikasikan pemikiran kritis hasil penelitian orisinal, maupun gagasan konseptual dari para akademisi, peneliti, maupun praktisi yang belum pernah dipublikasikan pada media lainnya. Artikel yang kami terima selanjutnya akan melewati proses review oleh reviewer kami hingga dinyatakan layak untuk dipublikasikan. Jurnal Sutasoma merupakan Jurnal Elektronik yang dikelola secara profesional dengan menggunakan Open Jurnal System dengan e-ISSN : 2964-8114 Kami mengundang para ahli, praktisi, akademisi dan peneliti yang tertarik untuk mempublikasikan artikelnya di Jurnal Sutasoma.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 32 Documents
Peran Subak Dalam Optimalisasi Pengembangan Agrowisata Subak Kualon di Desa Sidan Kecamatan Gianyar Kabupaten Gianyar Pande Putu Ivan Witdi Kardana; Putu Fajar Kartika Lestari; Luh Putu Kirana Pratiwi
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.194


Agriculture has the potential to become a new source of growth considering the market is quite large, especially since each district or in Bali has the potential for agricultural commodities. Subak is one of the world's cultural heritages which is a place for farming communities to carry out agricultural activities. Subak can also help farmers in improving the welfare of their families. Agrotourism as part of a tourist attraction with the aim of expanding knowledge, experience, recreation and business relations in agriculture. The purpose of this study is as follows: to determine the role of subak in optimizing the development of agro-tourism in Subak Kualon, Sidan Village, Gianyar. To find out the potential of Subak Kualon in the development of Agro-tourism in Sidan Gianyar Village. This type of research is qualitative and quantitative. The location in this study was Subak Kualon, Sidan Village, Gianyar District, Gianyar Regency. The time of implementation was 3 months, from November 2022 - January 2023. The results showed that the role of subak had an average percentage of 73.70% and was categorized as good. This is because the highest percentage is in the agricultural technical aspects of 79.72% and is categorized as good, the second highest percentage is the socio-cultural aspect of 74.20 which is categorized as good, the third is the environmental aspect with a percentage of 72.34 which is categorized as good and the fourth is the aspect economy of 71.77% and in the good category. Subak potential has an average percentage of 73.37% and is categorized as good. This is because the highest percentage is in the concept of accessibility with a percentage of 83.04% and is categorized as very good, the second highest percentage is attraction with a percentage of 72.00% and is categorized as good, the third is amenity with a percentage of 71.94 and is categorized as good and the the fourth is anciliary with a percentage of 68.51% and is categorized as good.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Operasional Lembaga Perkreditan Desa di Kecamatan Kediri Kabupaten Tabanan I Dewa Gede Rastana; I Nyoman Ariana Guna; I Wayan Mula Sarjana
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.217


The Village Credit Institution (LPD) has a major role in managing village finances. So this institution must continue to be developed. There are many factors that affect the income of Village Credit Institutions in Kediri District, including the amount of credit, the amount of capital and the number of credit customers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the amount of credit, the amount of capital and the number of credit customers on the operational income of the Village Credit Institution in Kediri District, either partially or simultaneously. This study uses three independent variables, namely the amount of credit (X1), the amount of capital (X2), and the number of credit customers (X3) and the dependent variable is operating income (Y) using quantitative analysis methods using linear regression analysis techniques. multiple. The results of this study are (1) the amount of credit has a real and partial significant effect on operational income at the Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Kediri District because t count is greater than t table or 3.643 > 1.739 and the significance is smaller than 0.05, namely 0.002 < 0.05. (2) The amount of capital has a significant and significant effect partially on operating income at the Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Kediri District because t count is greater than t table or 6.615 > 1.739 and the significance is smaller than 0.05, i.e. 0.000 < 0.05 . (3) The number of credit customers has a significant and significant effect partially on the operational income of the Village Credit Institution (LPD) in Kediri District because t count is greater than t table or 4.449 > 1.739 and the significance is smaller than 0.05 or 0.000 < 0.05 . (4) The amount of credit, the amount of capital and the number of credit customers simultaneously have a real and significant effect on the operational income of the Village Credit Institution in Kediri District because the F ratio is greater than F table or 355,046 > 3.20 and the significance is less than 0.05 ie 0.000 < 0.05. Based on the conclusions from the results of the study, it can be recommended to increase the amount of credit, the amount of capital, and the number of credit customers so that it continues to be increased while still paying attention and considering the principle of prudence, especially in providing loans and looking at the business processes of borrowing customers, so that non-performing loans can be minimized as much as possible. traffic jams), as well as more appropriate policies from the government to provide a more conducive climate for the development of Village Credit Institutions (LPD) in the future.
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Investor Dalam Membeli Saham di Perusahaan Sektor Perkebunan Selama Pandemi Covid 19 Husaini Muhammad HRP
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.218


“while the Covid-19 pandemic hit, stock fees plummeted, making traders cautious whilst making stock funding decisions. The reason of this examine is to take a look at whether a business enterprise's profitability, its liquidity and its market fee have an effect on the stock costs of groups within the forest plantation zone. traded and presented for sale on the Indonesian inventory market. to the public. stock trade (IDX) for the length 2020-2021. in this take a look at, it has a dating with the signaling theory, the signaling concept that if a organization has properly monetary performance, there may be an effect at the inventory fee, at which the enterprise offers a signal. or records for investors to invest thru financial performance facts. This studies method makes use of a quantitative studies technique that has been examined by classical hypothesis checking out and a couple of linear regression assessments, displaying that profitability has an impact on stock prices, not among liquidity and marketplace cost. now not in the stock charges of plantation companies.”
Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Untuk Menjadi Wirausaha Mahasiswa Program Studi Akuntansi Universiats Triatma Mulya Tiara Kusuma Dewi
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.219


Being an entrepreneur is a decision about a profession that can be shaped. One of the places where someone can be educated or trained to become an entrepreneur is at a university, such as Triatma Mulya University. But unfortunately, because of fear of failure and lack of motivation, students often discourage their interest in becoming entrepreneurs and prefer to look for work rather than starting a business. Therefore, it is important to know the extent to which entrepreneurial motivation can attract students to entrepreneurship, especially in the Triatma Mulya University Management Study Program. The purpose of this study was to find out how the influence of motivation on the interest in entrepreneurship of students of the Triatma Mulya University accounting study program. Indicators of entrepreneurial motivation are ambition for freedom, self-realization, and pushing factors. This research is quantitative. Sampling was carried out by distributing questionnaires, using the sampling method to 64 respondents who were all students. The analysis technique used is multivariate analysis with SPSS version 20 and an alpha of 5%. The results of this study indicate that entrepreneurial motivation with an ambition for freedom indicator is the factor that has the greatest influence on students' entrepreneurial interest at Triatma Mulya University.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pasar Tradisional Dari Keberadaan Pasar Modern di Kabupaten Jembrana Cokorde Istri Dian Laksmi Dewi; Ida Bagus Wirya Dharma
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.220


Jembrana Regency has 26 modern shopping centers spread across five districts. The rapid development of the trading business in the form of modern shops has created new problems for small traders and traders in traditional markets. This study examines how the existence of traditional markets amid the rise of modern markets in Jembrana district, and how legal protection efforts are provided by the Jembrana district government for traditional markets. The legal research method used in this paper is empirical legal research, which focuses on phenomena in people's lives. The results of the study found that there were more modern markets than traditional markets, based on this the Jembrana Regency Government issued Regional Regulation of Jembrana Regency Number 8 of 2010 concerning Arrangement and Empowerment of Traditional Markets, Shopping Centers and Modern Shops. This Regency Regional Regulation aims that economic development between traditional markets and modern markets can jointly develop the Jembrana Regency economy in a balanced manner.
Prospek HKI Sebagai Agunan Perbankan Indonesia I Putu Agus Suarsana Ariesta
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v1i2.221


Increased trading activity is a result of globalization which makes the world a single market where standardization is needed in the economic sector, while the need for capital is often met by the banking sector where credit is one of the favorite facilities. Some of the conditions that must be met in the process of applying for credit, one of which is a guarantee. Legal objects used as collateral in Civil Law are known as goods or objects. IPR are material assets that have commercial value and are included in the category of intangible objects. This research has two formulations of the problem, namely what is the legal basis for IPR can be used as collateral in banking, and whether banks in Indonesia have accepted IPR as collateral. The State of Indonesia has ratified the Trade Related Aspect Intellectual Property Right through Law Number 7 of 1994. Legally IPR can be used as collateral, but until now the banking sector in Indonesia has not accepted IPR as collateral and it is hoped that in the future IPR can be used as collateral in loans issued by banks.
Penggunaan Metode Saw Dalam Mendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Penentuan Pemberian Pinjaman (Studi Kasus : Koperasi Hening Rahayu) Ni Made Ayu Sonya Indrayanti; I Putu Dody Suarnatha; I Gede Jana Adi Putra
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v2i1.244


This research aims to implement the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method in supporting decision making for granting money loans to Savings and Loans Cooperatives. Hening Rahayu Savings and Loans Cooperative in Tabanan, Bali is the subject of this research. In this context, cooperatives face challenges in selecting customers who are worthy of loan services. The SAW method was chosen because of its ease of implementation and its ability to consider various relevant criteria. This method has advantages in terms of usability, error, interpretability, and computational efficiency. This research will involve collecting data on the profile of potential borrowers, loan eligibility, credit risk, and repayment capacity. This data will be analyzed using the SAW method to produce a final score for each prospective borrower. This score will be used as a basis for making decisions about granting loans. By using the SAW method, it is hoped that the Hening Rahayu Cooperative can speed up and simplify the decision-making process regarding granting loans. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the development of technology in the savings and loan cooperative sector. Further research could involve developing other methods to support decision making or making the SAW method a system that can support decision making in different savings and loan cooperative contexts.
Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Iqro’ Berbasis Mobile Eka Yuliani; Komang Hari Santhi; I Gusti Ayu Sri Melati; I Putu Gede Abdi Sudiatmika
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v2i1.245


The iqro method is a method of reading the Koran that emphasizes direct reading practice. In each volume there are instructions for learning with the intention of making it easier for everyone who learns and teaches the Koran. At present there are still many Muslims who have not been able to read the Qur'an properly, both from children to adults based on the results of an interview with one of the clerics in the Baitul Mustaqim Jimbaran Mosque said children in 5 -10 years, there are only 5 children who study the mosque. Many factors influence the reduction of children's learning interest in learning iqro. From the above problems an application was made that aims to design and build a mobile-based iqro application for children. The use of technology as a medium for learning as a way out to reduce the number of Muslims who have not been able to read the Qur'an. In making the application, the concept of planning and design through the data collection stage, UML (Unified Modeling Language) and then implementing it. the method used is the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method. The results of this study are iqro learning media applications for mobile-based children as a means of learning the Koran. blackbox testing function of the learning media application iqro runs according to what is displayed in the menus in each application.
Sistem Informasi Reporting Sales And Marketing Berbasis Web (Studi Kasus Amaroossa Hotels Indonesia) Ni Putu Yulia Fridayanti; I Putu Gede Abdi Sudiatmika; Ida Ayu Gde Suwiprabayanti Putra
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v2i1.246


Marketing Sales Department is one of the most important departments in Amaroossa Hotel Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to build a data processing information system of reports from sales and marketing where the source of data from sales and marketing reports be it daily, weekly, monthly reports, and so forth. The application development method uses the waterfall method which starts from the requirements analysis, system and software design, system implementation, and system testing. Whereas for system design using Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) and system development methods are built using Visual Studio Code for coding purposes using the PHP programming language by applying laravel framework. The results of this study produce a website-based system of management of report data from sales and marketing, where the system has several features such as file upload, file view, and file download. Testing system testing uses blackbox testing where testing that has been done on the system produces the conclusion that the system is running well.
Strategi Dinas Sosial Kota Makassar Dalam Upaya Penanganan Anak Jalanan Ahmad Rosandi Sakir; Yusriah Amaliah; Juwita Pratiwi Lukman; Marlina Rajab
Jurnal SUTASOMA (Science Teknologi Sosial Humaniora) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Tabanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58878/sutasoma.v2i1.247


The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of the strategies employed by the Department of Social Affairs in addressing street children in the city of Makassar, including the supporting and inhibiting factors influencing the implementation of these strategies. The research conducted is qualitative and descriptive in nature, utilizing sociological and communication approaches, with observation and interview techniques. Primary data sources include information obtained through direct observation at the research location and interviews, while secondary data is derived from documentation, mass media, and journals.The research findings indicate that the strategies of the Makassar City Social Affairs Department align with Regional Regulation No. 2 of 2008 related to the guidance of street children, homeless individuals, street musicians, and beggars. The department addresses these social issues through data collection activities and providing guidance. However, there are several obstacles in dealing with street children, such as the absence of facilities or rehabilitation centers in Makassar that can accommodate street children for personal development, aiming to reduce the number of street children in the area.

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